• 제목/요약/키워드: Survey Analysis

검색결과 23,797건 처리시간 0.053초

건설업 임금 변동 분석을 위한 건설업 임금실태 조사와 사업체노동력조사 비교 (Comparative study of the wage survey in Construction sector and the Labour force survey for analysis of wage variation in construction industry)

  • 이주현;백승호
    • 한국건축시공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국건축시공학회 2021년도 봄 학술논문 발표대회
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    • pp.281-282
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    • 2021
  • The construction industry is known for a large number of workers and its high employment inducing effect. Therefore, the survey on the wages of the construction industry is an important basic data for grasping fluctuations according to the survey cycle and establishing future policies, and it is a statistical data having a large impact on related industries. In this study, we intend to conduct a comparative analysis of 'the wage survey in Construction sector,' which is the representative nationally approved statistics that surveys the current construction industry wages, and 'the labor force survey of business establishment'.

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Simulation model-based evaluation of a survey program with reference to risk analysis

  • Chang, Ki-Yoon;Pak, Son-Il
    • 대한수의학회지
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    • 제46권2호
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    • pp.159-164
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    • 2006
  • A stochastic simulation model incorporated with Reed-Frost approach was derived for evaluating diagnostic performance of a test used for a screening program of an infectious disease. The Reed-Frost model was used to characterize the within-herd spread of the disease using a hypothetical example. Specifically, simulation model was aimed to estimate the number infected animals in an infected herd, in which imperfect serologic tests are performed on samples taken from herds and to illustrate better interpreting survey results at herd-level when uncertainty inevitably exists. From a risk analysis point of view, model output could be appropriate in developing economic impact assessment models requiring probabilistic estimates of herd-level performance in susceptible populations. The authors emphasize the importance of knowing the herd-level diagnostic performance, especially in performing emergency surveys in which immediate control measures should be taken following the survey. In this context this model could be used in evaluating efficacy of a survey program and monitoring infection status in the area concerned.

설문만족도 분석방법 비교를 통한 AHP적용 만족도 분석방법에 관한 연구 (A Study about the new analysis method of satisfaction survey with AHP through the compare to the questionnaires satisfaction survey)

  • 권영진;정희택;김세한;정병한;강경식
    • 대한안전경영과학회지
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    • 제15권2호
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    • pp.223-232
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    • 2013
  • Other comments on matters satisfaction survey through questionnaires typically measure by frequency analysis method is performed, the short answer for how to apply. These satisfaction surveys, however, because of the environment and atmosphere of its target at the time of the survey, personal psychological state, depending on the scale of change in business or policy of customer satisfaction feedback, there is a problem. This survey results, tangible results in terms of the feasibility of the business and policy indirectly as a result, which has been used as a material fact is. New survey method is show how the business and policy objectives than can be reflected positively in the present study, and comparing these surveys in a variety of ways for the analytical method proposed by KANO, Timko results suggested. Should be an ongoing investigation, and different survey methods for the study on the same sample the actual observed by comparing the results for the superiority of the new results presented.

이용자 설문을 통한 유발수요 규모 분석 - 광명역 고속철도 이용자를 중심으로 - (A Study on Scale Analysis of the Induced Traffic by Survey)

  • 조창희;유보근
    • 한국철도학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국철도학회 2010년도 춘계학술대회 논문집
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    • pp.769-774
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    • 2010
  • KTX Introduced in korea have occurred enhanced services and reduced regional travel time. "Induced traffic" is defined in the traffic demand generated in new project. 'Induced traffic' compared to the Diversion Demand Survey and research on ways to quantify the situation, insufficient analysis of constant and long-term observations are needed to estimate the changes in demand. In this study, Induced traffic effects due to the opening of KTX for analysis survey to passengers by Railway and the scale factor induced traffic review.

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병원 게시물 개선을 통한 병원 만족도 향상 방안 연구 - 실태 분석 및 환자 만족도 조사를 통하여 (How to Improve Hospital Satisfaction through Improvement of Hospital Bulletins - Through case study and patient satisfaction survey)

  • 이승지;권영미;전수연
    • 의료ㆍ복지 건축 : 한국의료복지건축학회 논문집
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    • 제27권2호
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    • pp.49-56
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    • 2021
  • Purpose: This study aims to provide a way to improve hospital satisfaction through improvement of hospital bulletins based on the analysis of the actual condition of hospital bulletins and satisfaction analysis for patients. Methods: First, a case study is conducted. After setting the analysis items based on previous studies and case study, a satisfaction survey is conducted on patients and statistical analysis is performed. Results: As a result of factor analysis, factors were classified into four categories: legibility, visibility, effectiveness, and frequency. As a result of the importance analysis through multiple regression analysis of four factors affecting hospital satisfaction, the importance of the "legibility" factor was the highest, followed by the "frequency", "effectiveness", and "visibility". As a result of the satisfaction analysis of the bulletins in the study site, the "visibility" factor was the highest, followed by "legibility", "effectiveness", and "frequency". Implications: In order to improve hospital satisfaction, the improvement of factors of high importance should be considered first. In other words, in hospital bulletins, legibility and frequency should be considered first. In addition, hospital satisfaction can be maximized by improving the level of factors and variables that are low in the satisfaction survey by factor.

텍스트 감정분석을 이용한 IT 서비스 품질요소 분석 (Analysis of IT Service Quality Elements Using Text Sentiment Analysis)

  • 김홍삼;김종수
    • 산업경영시스템학회지
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    • 제43권4호
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    • pp.33-40
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    • 2020
  • In order to satisfy customers, it is important to identify the quality elements that affect customers' satisfaction. The Kano model has been widely used in identifying multi-dimensional quality attributes in this purpose. However, the model suffers from various shortcomings and limitations, especially those related to survey practices such as the data amount, reply attitude and cost. In this research, a model based on the text sentiment analysis is proposed, which aims to substitute the survey-based data gathering process of Kano models with sentiment analysis. In this model, from the set of opinion text, quality elements for the research are extracted using the morpheme analysis. The opinions' polarity attributes are evaluated using text sentiment analysis, and those polarity text items are transformed into equivalent Kano survey questions. Replies for the transformed survey questions are generated based on the total score of the original data. Then, the question-reply set is analyzed using both the original Kano evaluation method and the satisfaction index method. The proposed research model has been tested using a large amount of data of public IT service project evaluations. The result shows that it can replace the existing practice and it promises advantages in terms of quality and cost of data gathering. The authors hope that the proposed model of this research may serve as a new quality analysis model for a wide range of areas.

환자안전문화 측정을 위한 설문조사 수행 및 결과 활용 기법 (A Strategy for Administration and Application of a Patient Safety Culture Survey)

  • 이경실;박미진;나해란;정헌재
    • 한국의료질향상학회지
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    • 제21권1호
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    • pp.80-95
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    • 2015
  • Objectives : A safety culture is the bedrock for all patient safety improvement initiatives; thus, many resources have been invested in measuring hospital culture. However, many of these endeavors have failed to yield meaningful results. This article proposes a practical checklist to ensure successful administration of a safety culture survey and describes current methodologies for analyzing survey results to develop safety improvement programs. Methods : We reviewed currently used safety culture surveys and summarized their strengths and weaknesses. We also reviewed studies using safety culture surveys and found several pitfalls leading to failure in survey administration. With this information, we developed a checklist that covers critical items in the survey process. We also reviewed newly developed methodologies for survey results analysis and application and described them using the Korean version of the Safety Attitudes Questionnaire as an example. Results : The checklist consists of three steps: survey preparation, administration, and analysis and application. Each step contains clear action items. The content even describes how to get buy-in from hospital executives and manage communication channels with them. Also, common misunderstandings regarding survey scores are described and possible solutions are suggested. In the analysis section, we demonstrate new methods for obtaining more accurate survey results and how to utilize these methods to develop and implement hospital-wide safety improvement programs. Conclusion : A successful safety culture survey is the foundation of all future safety improvement projects. This review is intended to guide hospitals in enhancing safety.

Assessing the Differences in Korean View on National Economic Policy with Factor and Cluster Analysis

  • Kim, Hee-Jae;Yun, Young-Jun
    • Journal of the Korean Data and Information Science Society
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    • 제19권2호
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    • pp.451-461
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    • 2008
  • In this study, factor and cluster analysis have been conducted to group the differences in Korean view on national economic policy in the sample of the 2006 Korean General Social Survey (KGSS). According to the 2006 KGSS, the 6 items with a 5-point Likert scale include the questions about whether or the extent to which each respondent supports the specific types of governmental economic policy. In our study, at first, the factor analysis has converted the original 6 items into the 3 composite variables that account for 81% in the total variability. As the second step of factor analysis, factor scores have been computed. Then, the K-means cluster analysis based on the factor scores has been conducted to group the survey respondents into the 3 clusters. In particular, the cross-tabulation analysis has shown that the distribution of the 3 clusters varies with the respondents' socio-demographic characteristics.

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어촌특화 역량강화사업의 성과 및 주민의식 변화분석 (Analysis of the Performance and Change of Resident Consciousness of the Fishing Village Specialization Capacity Enhancement Project through Surveys - Focusing on the Comparative Analysis of Consciousness of Inland Water and Coastal Residents -)

  • 양민호;김기성;고진영
    • 한국농공학회논문집
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    • 제63권2호
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    • pp.19-31
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    • 2021
  • The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries has been promoting the 'Fishing Village Specialization Capacity Enhancement Project' to pursue sustainable development of villages such as income generation by using local tangible and intangible resources led by local residents at the village level since 2013. For the fishing village-Specialization capacity enhancement project, six training sessions (mainly in the village unit) are selected by the public offering method, and the project (income generating business, village development project, etc.) is developed for the selected village residents. It has a process of establishing a village project plan (a preliminary plan for village development or a sixth preliminary industrialization plan) based on the training of experts 5 times, practice or excursion 1 time). In this study, four villages in Gangwon-do fishing villages (two coastal villages and two inland water villages) were surveyed on the perception and satisfaction of fishing village development projects before and after training. The survey analysis was conducted by dividing the analysis of resident capacity and satisfaction into personal, interpersonal, and social dimensions. The survey was conducted by distributing a survey before and after training, and a 1:1 survey was conducted according to the residents' cognitive status. Based on the survey, factor analysis, reliability analysis, and analysis using the corresponding sample t-test showed an increase of 0.02 for Yangyang Mulchi fishing village, 0.11 for Samcheok Jangho fishing village, and 0.36 for Hongcheon River fishing industry, but Yanggu Jinmok fishing industry was -0.29, unlike other regions. As a result of this analysis, it has been empirically proven that provision of training projects through resident participation is a very important factor for the success of the fishing village project. Therefore, rather than fostering local leaders, training and community activities to strengthen personal capacities of residents participating in the project, it is necessary to operate the software business with a focus.

A Study on Effect of Risk Survey Using CATIA V5 Program for Loss Prevention

  • Kim, Tae-Gu;Lee, Sang-Hyun
    • International Journal of Safety
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    • 제5권1호
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    • pp.5-9
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    • 2006
  • The present study reports on the results of a risk survey of machinery safety at a shoe factory in Qingdao, China. The aim is to decrease industrial accidents and increase worker job satisfaction by searching for a change from a trend analysis and making improvements in problem areas. The first risk survey for machinery safety was carried out in April 2005. Based on the analysis of the survey results, machinery safety devices was installed in the factory by using CATlA V5. Also, we investigated job satisfaction concerning working apparatus and work tool improvement in a questionnaire about the working environment. The second survey of machinery safety was carried out in September 2005. We are in the process of comparing the first survey results with the second survey results in order to analyze decreasing trend in industrial accidents and improvement in job satisfaction. So far the data have shown improved short-term turnover and absenteeism. It means CATIVA V5 and CFR has had positive effect regarding safety in shoe manufacture industry. The survey with CATIVA V5 and CFR will be expanded to other East-Asian countries including Vietnam. The hope is that the present approach could make a significant contribution toward improved safety.