• Title/Summary/Keyword: Surface topography

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Study on ZnO Thin Film Irradiated by Ion Beam as an Alignment Layer (배향막 응용을 위한 이온 빔 조사된 ZnO 박막에 관한 연구)

  • Kang, Dong-Hoon;Kim, Byoung-Yong;Kim, Jong-Yeon;Kim, Young-Hwan;Kim, Jong-Hwan;Han, Jeong-Min;Ok, Chul-Ho;Lee, Sang-Keuk;Seo, Dae-Shik
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers Conference
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    • 2007.06a
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    • pp.430-430
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    • 2007
  • In this study, the nematic liquid crystal (NLC) alignment effects treated on the ZnO thin film layers using ion beam irradiation were successfully studied for the first time. The ZnO thin films were deposited on indium-tin-oxide (ITO) coated glass substrates by rf-sputter and The ZnO thin films were deposited at the three kinds of rf power. The used DuoPIGatron type ion beam system, which can be advantageous in a large area with high density plasma generation. The ion beam parameters were as follows: energy of 1800 eV, exposure time of 1 min and ion beam current of $4\;mA/cm^2$ at exposure angles of $15^{\circ}$, $30^{\circ}$, $45^{\circ}$, and $60^{\circ}$. The homogeneous and homeotropic LC aligning capabilities treated on the ZnO thin film surface with ion beam exposure of $45^{\circ}$ for 1 min can be achieved. The low pretilt angle for a NLC treated on the ZnO thin film surface with ion beam irradiation for all incident angles was measured. The good LC alignment treated on the ZnO thin film with ion beam exposure at rf power of 150 W can be measure. For identifying surfaces topography of the ZnO thin films, atomic force microscopy (AFM) was introduced. After ion beam irradiation, test samples were fabricated in an anti-parallel configuration with a cell gap of $60{\mu}m$.

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Effect of Thermal Aging Temperature on Weight Loss and Glass Transition Temperature of Epoxy Adhesives (열화 온도가 에폭시 접착제의 질량변화 및 유리전이온도에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Soo-Jin;Kim, Jong-Hak;Joo, Hyeok-Jong;Kim, Joon-Hyung;Jin, Fan-Long
    • Elastomers and Composites
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    • v.41 no.1
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    • pp.19-26
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    • 2006
  • In this study, the effect of thermal aging temperature on the weight loss, glass transition temperature, and morphology of epoxy adhesives cured with amine (D-230), amide (G-5022), and anhydride (HN-2200) was investigated. As a result, the weight loss of three specimens was increased with increasing the thermal aging temperature. The result was attributed to the thermal aging which was occurred at the surface of adhesive specimens at high aging temperature, resulting in increasing the weight loss of the specimens. According to the DSC result, the glass transition temperature of DGEBA/D-230 and DGEBA/G-5022 samples war increased as the aging temperature increased, whereas the glass transition temperature of DGEBA/HN-2200 samples was constant above aging temperature of $150^{\circ}C$ and aging tine of 7 days. The SEM result indicated that the surface of DGEBA/G-5022 specimen showed more rough topography than that of DGEBA/D-230 or DGEBA/HN-2200 specimen after thermal aging. This could be correlated with the result of weight loss.

Predictability of Sea Surface Temperature in the Northwestern Pacific simulated by an Ocean Mid-range Prediction System (OMIDAS): Seasonal Difference (북서태평양 중기해양예측모형(OMIDAS) 해면수온 예측성능: 계절적인 차이)

  • Jung, Heeseok;Kim, Yong Sun;Shin, Ho-Jeong;Jang, Chan Joo
    • Ocean and Polar Research
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    • v.43 no.2
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    • pp.53-63
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    • 2021
  • Changes in a marine environment have a broad socioeconomic implication on fisheries and their relevant industries so that there has been a growing demand for the medium-range (months to years) prediction of the marine environment Using a medium-range ocean prediction model (Ocean Mid-range prediction System, OMIDAS) for the northwest Pacific, this study attempted to assess seasonal difference in the mid-range predictability of the sea surface temperature (SST), focusing on the Korea seas characterized as a complex marine system. A three-month re-forecast experiment was conducted for each of the four seasons in 2016 starting from January, forced with Climate Forecast System version 2 (CFSv2) forecast data. The assessment using relative root-mean-square-error was taken for the last month SST of each experiment. Compared to the CFSv2, the OMIDAS revealed a better prediction skill for the Korea seas SST, particularly in the Yellow sea mainly due to a more realistic representation of the topography and current systems. Seasonally, the OMIDAS showed better predictability in the warm seasons (spring and summer) than in the cold seasons (fall and winter), suggesting seasonal dependency in predictability of the Korea seas. In addition, the mid-range predictability for the Korea seas significantly varies depending on regions: the predictability was higher in the East Sea than in the Yellow Sea. The improvement in the seasonal predictability for the Korea seas by OMIDAS highlights the importance of a regional ocean modeling system for a medium-range marine prediction.

Study of Humidity Sensing Properties Related to Metal Content of Aerosol Deposited Ceramic/Metal Composite Films (에어로졸 증착한 세라믹/금속 복합막의 금속 함량에 따른 습도 감지 특성 연구)

  • Kim, Ik-Soo;Koo, Sang-Mo;Park, Chulhwan;Shin, Weon Ho;Lee, Dong-Won;Oh, Jong-Min
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers
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    • v.34 no.5
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    • pp.314-320
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    • 2021
  • Controlling ambient humid condition through high performance humidity sensors has become important for various fields, including industrial process, food storage, and the preservation of historic remains. Although aerosol deposited humidity sensors using ceramic BaTiO3 (BT) material have been widely studied because of their longtime stability, there remain critical disadvantages, such as low sensitivity, low linearity, and slow response/recovery time in case of the sensors fabricated at room temperature. To achieve superior humidity sensing properties even at room temperature condition, BT-Cu composite films utilizing aerosol deposition (AD) process have been proposed based on the percolation theory. The BT-Cu composite films showed gradually improved sensing properties until the Cu concentration reached 15 wt% in the composite film. However, the excessive Cu (above 30 wt%) containing BT-Cu composite films showed a rapid decrease of the sensing properties. The results of observed surface morphology of the AD fabricated composite films, to figure out the metal filler effect, showed correlation between surface topography as well as size and the amount of open pores according to the metal filler content. Overall, it is very important not only dielectric constant of the humidity sensing films but also microstructures, because they affect either the variation range of capacitance by ambient humidity or adsorption/desorption of ambient humidity onto/from the humidity sensing films.

Modeling Soil Temperature of Sloped Surfaces by Using a GIS Technology

  • Yun, Jin I.;Taylor, S. Elwynn
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    • v.43 no.2
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    • pp.113-119
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    • 1998
  • Spatial patterns of soil temperature on sloping lands are related to the amount of solar irradiance at the surface. Since soil temperature is a critical determinant of many biological processes occurring in the soil, an accurate prediction of soil temperature distribution could be beneficial to agricultural and environmental management. However, at least two problems are identified in soil temperature prediction over natural sloped surfaces. One is the complexity of converting solar irradiances to corresponding soil temperatures, and the other, if the first problem could be solved, is the difficulty in handling large volumes of geo-spatial data. Recent developments in geographic information systems (GIS) provide the opportunity and tools to spatially organize and effectively manage data for modeling. In this paper, a simple model for conversion of solar irradiance to soil temperature is developed within a GIS environment. The irradiance-temperature conversion model is based on a geophysical variable consisting of daily short- and long-wave radiation components calculated for any slope. The short-wave component is scaled to accommodate a simplified surface energy balance expression. Linear regression equations are derived for 10 and 50 cm soil temperatures by using this variable as a single determinant and based on a long term observation data set from a horizontal location. Extendability of these equations to sloped surfaces is tested by comparing the calculated data with the monthly mean soil temperature data observed in Iowa and at 12 locations near the Tennessee - Kentucky border with various slope and aspect factors. Calculated soil temperature variations agreed well with the observed data. Finally, this method is applied to a simulation study of daily mean soil temperatures over sloped corn fields on a 30 m by 30 m resolution. The outputs reveal potential effects of topography including shading by neighboring terrain as well as the slope and aspect of the land itself on the soil temperature.

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Assessing the repeatability of reflection seismic data in the presence of complex near-surface conditions CO2CRC Otway Project, Victoria, Australia (복잡한 천부구조하에서 반사법 탄성파자료의 반복성에 대한 평가, 호주, 빅토리아, CO2CRC Otway 프로젝트)

  • Al-Jabri, Yousuf;Urosevic, Milovan
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.24-30
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    • 2010
  • This study utilises repeated numerical tests to understand the effects of variable near-surface conditions on time-lapse seismic surveys. The numerical tests were aimed at reproducing the significant scattering observed in field experiments conducted at the Naylor site in the Otway Basin for the purpose of $CO_2$ sequestration. In particular, the variation of elastic properties of both the top soil and the deeper rugose clay/limestone interface as a function of varying water saturation were investigated. Such tests simulate the measurements conducted in dry and wet seasons and to evaluate the contribution of these seasonal variations to seismic measurements in terms of non-repeatability. Full elastic pre-stack modelling experiments were carried out to quantify these effects and evaluate their individual contributions. The results show that the relatively simple scattering effects of the corrugated near-surface clay/limestone interface can have a profound effect on time-lapse surveys. The experiments also show that the changes in top soil saturation could potentially affect seismic signature even more than the corrugated deeper surface. Overall agreement between numerically predicted and in situ measured normalised root-mean-square (NRMS) differences between repeated (time-lapse) 2D seismic surveys warrant further investigation. Future field studies will include in situ measurements of the elastic properties of the weathered zone through the use of 'micro Vertical Seismic Profiling (VSP)' arrays and very dense refraction surveys. The results of this work may impact on other areas not associated with $CO_2$ sequestration, such as imaging oil production over areas where producing fields suffer from a karstic topography, such as in the Middle East and Australia.

Designing a Decentralized Stormwater Management Corridor for a Flood-Prone Watershed using Surface Runoff Analysis (지표유출수 분석을 통한 상습침수유역의 분산식 우수관리통로 설계)

  • Lee, Seul;Lee, Yumi
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.43 no.3
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    • pp.13-26
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    • 2015
  • Many urban areas in Korea suffer from repeated flood damage during intensive rainfall due to an increase in impervious areas caused by rapid urbanization and deteriorating sewage systems. A centralized stormwater management system has caused severe flood damage in an area that has proven unable to accommodate recent climate change and a rise in precipitation. Most flooding prevention projects that have been recently implemented focus on increasing drainage system capacity by expanding the size of sewer pipes and adding pumping stations in downstream areas. However, such measures fail to provide sustainable solutions since they cannot solve fundamental problems to reduce surface runoff caused by urbanization across the watershed. A decentralized stormwater management system is needed that can minimize surface runoff and maximize localized retention capacity, while maintaining the existing drainage systems. This study proposes a stormwater management corridor for the flood-prone watershed in the city of Dongducheon. The corridor would connect the upstream, midstream, and downstream zones using various methods for reducing stormwater runoff. The research analyzed surface runoff patterns generated across the watershed using the Modified Rational Method considering the natural topography, land cover, and soil characteristics of each sub-watershed, as well as the urban fabric and land use. The expected effects of the design were verified by the retainable volume of stormwater runoff as based on the design application. The results suggest that an open space network serve as an urban green infrastructure, potentially expanding the functional and scenic values of the landscape. This method is more sustainable and effective than an engineering-based one, and can be applied to sustainable planning and management in flood-prone urban areas.

Retrieval of Land Surface Temperature Using Landsat 8 Images with Deep Neural Networks (Landsat 8 영상을 이용한 심층신경망 기반의 지표면온도 산출)

  • Kim, Seoyeon;Lee, Soo-Jin;Lee, Yang-Won
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.487-501
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    • 2020
  • As a viable option for retrieval of LST (Land Surface Temperature), this paper presents a DNN (Deep Neural Network) based approach using 148 Landsat 8 images for South Korea. Because the brightness temperature and emissivity for the band 10 (approx. 11-㎛ wavelength) of Landsat 8 are derived by combining physics-based equations and empirical coefficients, they include uncertainties according to regional conditions such as meteorology, climate, topography, and vegetation. To overcome this, we used several land surface variables such as NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index), land cover types, topographic factors (elevation, slope, aspect, and ruggedness) as well as the T0 calculated from the brightness temperature and emissivity. We optimized four seasonal DNN models using the input variables and in-situ observations from ASOS (Automated Synoptic Observing System) to retrieve the LST, which is an advanced approach when compared with the existing method of the bias correction using a linear equation. The validation statistics from the 1,728 matchups during 2013-2019 showed a good performance of the CC=0.910~0.917 and RMSE=3.245~3.365℃, especially for spring and fall. Also, our DNN models produced a stable LST for all types of land cover. A future work using big data from Landsat 5/7/8 with additional land surface variables will be necessary for a more reliable retrieval of LST for high-resolution satellite images.

Sea level observations in the Korean seas by remote sensing (원격탐사를 이용한 한반도 주변해역의 해면변화 및 표층순환)

  • 윤홍주;김승철;변혜경;황화정
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2003.10a
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    • pp.339-342
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    • 2003
  • Sea level variations and sea surface circulations inthe Korean seas were observed by Topex/Poseidon altimeter data from 1993 through 1997. In sea level variations, the West and South Sea showed relatively high variations with comparison to the East Sea. Then, the northern and southern area in the West Sea showed the range of 20-30cm and 18-24cm, and the northern west of Jeju island and the southern west of Tsushima island in the South Sea showed the range of 15-20cm and 10-15cm, respectively. High variations in the West Sea was results to the inflow in sea surface of Yellow Sea Warm Current (YSWC) and bottom topography. Sea level variations in the South Sea was due to two branch currents (Jeju Warm Current and East Korea Warm Current) originated from Kuroshio Current (KC). In sea surface circulations, there existed remarkably three eddies circulations in the East Sea that are mainly connected with North Korea Cold Current (NKCC), East Korea Warm Current (EKWC) and Tushima Warm Current (TWC). Their eddies are caused basically to the influence of currents in sea surface circulations; Cyclone (0.03 cm/sec) in the Wonsan bay on shore with NKCC, and anticyclone (0.06 cm/sec) in the southwestern area of Ulleung island with EKWC, and cyclone (0.01 cm/set) in the northeastern area of Tushima island with TWC, respectively.

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Construction of 3D Geospatial Information for Development and Safety Management of Open-pit Mine (노천광산 개발 및 안전관리를 위한 3차원 지형정보 구축 및 정확도 분석)

  • Park, Joon Kyu;Jung, Kap Yong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.43-48
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    • 2020
  • Open pit mines for limestone mining require rapid development of technologies and efforts to prevent safety accidents due to rapid deterioration of the slope due to deforestation and rapid changes in the topography. Accurate three-dimensional spatial information on the terrain should be the basis for reducing environmental degradation and safe development of open pit mines. Therefore, this study constructed spatial information about open pit mine using UAV(Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) and analyzed its utility. images and 3D laser scan data were acquired using UAV, and digital surface model, digital elevation model and ortho image were generated through data processing. DSM(Digital Surface Model) and ortho image were constructed using image obtained from UAV. Trees were removed using 3D laser scan data and numerical elevation models were produced. As a result of the accuracy analysis compared with the check points, the accuracy of the digital surface model and the digital elevation model was about 11cm and 8cm, respectively. The use of three-dimensional geospatial information in the mineral resource development field will greatly contribute to effective mine management and prevention of safety accidents.