• Title/Summary/Keyword: Super lattice

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On Development of an Automatic Tool for Extracting Association Rules of a user query using Formal Concept Analysis (형식개념분석기법을 이용한 사용자 질의 기반의 연관관계 추출 자동화지원도구의 개발)

  • Kim, Eung-Hee;Hwang, Suk-Hyung;Kim, Hong-Gee
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartD
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    • v.15D no.3
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    • pp.429-440
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    • 2008
  • Formal Concept Analysis (FCA) is a widely used methodology for data analysis, which extracts concepts and builds a concept hierarchy from given data. A concept consists of objects and attributes shared by those objects, and a concept hierarchy includes information on super-sub relations among the concepts. In this paper, we propose a method for extracting Implication and Association rules from a concept hierarchy given a query by a user. The method also describes a way for displaying the extracted rules. Based on this method, we implemented an automatic tool, QAG-Wizard. Because the QAG-Wizard not only elicits relation information for the given query, but also displays it in structured form intuitively, we expect that it can be used in the fields of data analysis, data mining and information retrieval for various purposes.

Crystal Chemistry and Paragenesis of Aluminum Sulphates from Mudstones of the Yeonil Group (I): basaluminite, hydrbasaluminite, and metabasaluminite (연일층군 이암에서 산출되는 알루미늄 황산염 광물의 결정화학 및 생성 (I): 배사알루미나팅, 하이드로베사알루미나이트 및 메타배사알루미나이트)

  • 노진환
    • Journal of the Mineralogical Society of Korea
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 1998
  • In Pohang area, basaluminite accompanying a little amounts of hydrobasalumnite, super-genetically occurs as whitish cryptocrystalline (2-4 $\mu\textrm{m}$) clay-like aggregates in the vicinity of altered carbonate concretions embedded within mudstones of the Tertiary Yeonil Group. A hydrobasaluminite changed readily into a basaluminite at room temperature in air, and, in turn, into a metabasaluminite when heating to 150$^{\circ}$~30$0^{\circ}C$. For the basaluminite, a monoclinic unit-cellparameters (a=14.845$\AA$, b=10.006$\AA$, c=11.082$\AA$, $\beta$=122.15$^{\circ}$) were calculated by X-ray powder diffraction data. Its basal reflections (001 and 002) are XRD analyses strongly indicate that the aluminum sulphate mineral has a layer structure and, at least, three types of water, i.e., (1) interlayer water (9.0 wt %), (2) crystal water (8.0 wt %), and (3) structural water (19.0 wt %). may present in its lattice. Based on TG-DTG data combined with EDS and IR analyses, a new chemical formula of Al5SO4(OH)134H2O was given to the basaluminite. Field occurrence and stable isotope data ($\delta$18O, $\delta$D, $\delta$34S) for the basaluminite seem to reflect that it was formed by the leached meteoric solution from surrounding mudstones during or after uplifting. An interaction of the acid solution with carbonate concretion and the resultant local neutralization of the fluid rich in Al3+ and SO42- are major controls on the basaluminite formation.

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Effect of TiAIN-based Nanoscale Multilayered Coating on the Cutting Performance of WC-Co Insert (WC-CO 인써트의 절삭 성능에 미치는 TiAIN계 나노 다층막 코팅의 영향)

  • Lim Hee-Youl;Park Jong-Keuk;Kim Kyung-Bae;Choi Doo-Jin;Baik Young-Joon
    • Journal of the Korean Vacuum Society
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.110-116
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    • 2006
  • The mechanical property and cutting performance of the cutting tools coated with nanoscale nyktukatered nitride film have been investigated. $Ti_{0.54}Al_{0.46}N-CrN$ and $Ti_{0.84}Al_{0.16}N-NlN$ systems, which showed super-lattice in nanoscale multilayered coating, were deposited on WC-Co insert by UBM sputtering, The superlattice coatings with different bilayer periods were manufactured by controlling deposition parameters. The superlattice formation and hardness of the nanoscale multilayered nitride film and the cutting performance of the insert coated with the film were examined. The hardness and cutting performance were dependent on the bilayer periods of the coatings. The flank wear of the inserts with superlattice coatings were decreased over $20\%$, compared to those of commonly used cutting tools coated with TiAIN single phase.

A Study OH Mossbauer Spectra Of the $Li_{0.5}Fe_{2.5-x}Al_xO_4$ Ferrite System (Li_{0.5}Fe_{2.5-x}Al_xO_4 페라이트계의 Mossbauer 스펙트럼 연구)

  • 백승도
    • Journal of the Korean Magnetics Society
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.58-62
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    • 2001
  • The L $i_{0.5}$F $e_{2.5-x}$A $l_{x}$ $O_4$ systems (x=0, 0.3, 0.6, 0.9, 1.2, 1.5) were investigated by X-ray diffraction and Mossbauer spectroscopy. The structure of all the samples is cubic spinel type and lattice constant decrease with increasing Al content x. The Moissbauer spectra reveal two sextet for 0$\leq$x$\leq$0.6, two sextet and a doublet for 0.9$\leq$x$\leq$1.2, and a doublet for x=1.5. The cation distribution of the samples is (L $i_{1-a}$$^{+}$F $e_{a}$ $^{3+}$)$^{A}$[L $i_{a-0.5}$$^{+}$A $l_{2.5-a-x}$$^{+}$F $e_{2.5-a-x}$$^{3+}$]$^{B}$ $O_4$$^{2-}$ and substituted $Al^{3+}$ ions decrease the covalency of F $e^{3+}$- $O^{2-}$ bond in B-sites and A-B super-exchange interactions.tions.s.tions.ons.s.

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Temperature Dependent Creep Properties of Directionally Solidified Ni-based Superlloy CM247LC (일방향 응고 니켈기 초내열 합금 CM247LC의 온도에 따른 크리프 특성)

  • Choi, Baig-Gyu;Do, Jeonghyeon;Jung, Joong Eun;Seok, Woo-Young;Lee, Yu-Hwa;Kim, In Soo
    • Journal of Korea Foundry Society
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    • v.41 no.6
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    • pp.505-515
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    • 2021
  • Creep properties of directionally solidified Ni-based superalloy CM247LC under various temperature and stress conditions have been investigated. In the heat-treated specimen, some portion of eutectic γ-γ' remained, and uniform cubic γ' was observed in the dendrites. At low temperature (750℃) and high stress condition, a large amount of deformation occurred during the primary creep, while the tertiary creep region accounted for most of the creep deformation under high temperature and low stress condition. γ' particles are sheared by dislocation dissociated into super lattice partial dislocations separated by stacking faults at 750℃. No stacking faults in γ' were found at and above 850℃ due to the temperature dependence of the stacking fault energy. Raft structure of γ' was found after creep test at high temperature of 950℃ and 1000℃. At 850℃, the deformation mechanism was shown to be dependent on the stress condition, and so rafting was observed only under low stress condition.