• 제목/요약/키워드: Suitable site assessment

검색결과 79건 처리시간 0.022초

초등학교 영양사를 대상으로 취학 어린이용 영양정보 사이트 개발을 위한 요구도 분석 (Needs Assessment for Developing a Nutrition Information Site for Elementary School Children Among Elementary School Dietitians)

  • 안윤;김형미;서정숙;윤은영;배현주;김경원
    • 대한지역사회영양학회지
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    • 제12권4호
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    • pp.405-416
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    • 2007
  • This study was to examine the needs among elementary school dietitians (n = 115) for developing a nutrition information internet site for children. A survey questionnaire included general characteristics, internet use regarding health and nutrition information, and needs for developing a nutrition information site. The mean age of the subjects was 36.2 years. The higher working experience group (> 10 years of working as dieticians) had higher mean age (p < 0.001), had a larger number of enrolled students at school (p < 0.01) and the number of those receiving school lunch (p < 0.01) than the counterparts (${\le}10$ years group). Sources of health and nutrition information were mainly PC/internet (60.4%) and seminar (14.4%). About 95% used health or nutrition information using the internet, however, the majority of users (71.6%) used internet information only when they needed it. Major reasons for using internet information was 'to get nutrition education materials' (63.8%) and 'to obtain general nutrition information' (21%). One third of the subjects were satisfied with nutrition information internet sites; major problems with internet sites were 'lack of content' (38.9%) and 'lack of practical information' (33%). These characteristics regarding internet use were not different between work experience groups. Major problems with nutrition education were 'lack of nutrition educational materials' (41.1 %) and 'lack of nutrition education skills' (32.1%). These were significantly different between the work experience groups (p < 0.01). Subjects preferred CD/internet to leaflet/booklet as nutrition educational materials. In developing nutrition sites for children, subjects wanted topics such as obesity assessment, dietary assessment, and obesity. Subjects responded that contents of nutrition information should be 'suitable to the children's knowledge levels' (31.1%), 'interesting enough by including quizzes, games and songs' (27.8%), 'inserting many illustrations/icons' (16.3%). In terms of designing internet sites for children, they wanted that internet sites should 'be easy enough to find the sites' (29.2%), 'use illustrations and characters' (24.8%), 'use communication channels such as Q&A' (18.7%). Needs for developing internet sites for children were not different by the work experience group. This study suggests that web sites for children should be carefully developed considering the contents and design, have less information with more illustrations, designed to induce the interest of children, as well as including sections such as eating habit assessment and games.

Pentachlorophenol Sodium Salt, Potassium Dichromate, Sodium Azide에 대한 새뱅이(Neocaridina denticulata) 급성독성 (Acute Toxicity of Pentachlorophenol Sodium Salt, Potassium Dichromate, Sodium Azide to Neocaridina denticulata)

  • 이재우;문예련;윤준헌;최경희;한진석;류지성
    • Environmental Analysis Health and Toxicology
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    • 제25권3호
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    • pp.223-228
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    • 2010
  • Neocaridina denticulata is a small freshwater shrimp indigenous to Korea. As an indigenous species has long-adapted to particular water environments, the species can be a suitable indicator to assess environmental risks caused by hazard chemicals in the particular site. Thus Neocaridina denticulata, a small freshwater shrimp indigenous to Korea, is worth considering for a test species for such purpose. N. denticulata were exposed to pentachlorophenol sodium salt, sodium azide and potassium dichromate using automatic flow-through system for 96 hours. The 96 hr lethal concentrations ($LC_{50}$) of these chemicals were calculated as $0.53{\pm}0.09\;mg/L$, $2.40{\pm}0.61\;mg/L$ and $1.21{\pm}0.09\;mg/L$ respectively and showed relatively small deviation from repetitive test results. When compared with the toxicity values of other species for each chemical, N. denticulata had moderate or high sensitivity to the toxicity of these chemicals. It can be concluded that N. denticulata is a good test species to evaluate acute toxicity of various hazardous chemicals.

오염토양의 효과적 현장조사에 대한 주요 방법론의 검토 (Key Methodologies to Effective Site-specific Accessment in Contaminated Soils : A Review)

  • 정덕영
    • 한국토양비료학회지
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    • 제32권4호
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    • pp.383-397
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    • 1999
  • 오염토양을 효과적으로 진단하고 경제적인 복원을 위해서는 오염토양의 오염원인, 오염정도, 주변 환경이나 인축에 대한 피해발생 유무, 오염물의 이동경로 등을 올바르게 평가하는 것이 대단히 중요하다. 이를 위해서는 오염토양과 토양내 가스, 주변 지하수 및 지표수, 침전물 등의 효율적 시료채취와 정확한 분석이 필수적이라 할 수 있다. 오염지역 토양의 오염도평가를 표준화하고 처리효율성을 높이기 위해서는 전문처리요원이 토양의 오염도와 위험성을 정확하게 판단 할 수 있도록 단순하면서도 경제적인 연속시험법을 필요로 한다. 이것은 오염토양의 조사와 복원시간 및 전치적일 기술의 진보를 가져오는데 상당한 시간절약을 꾀할 수 있다. 특히 효과적인 현장평가를 위해서는 오염특성을 포함한 많은 관련 요인들에 대한 표준화된 기준하에서 오염의 형태와 정도를 결정하는 것이 중요하다. 현장평가를 위한 일반적인 절차는 작업계획과 토양조사수준에 따라 Phase I, II, III의 단계적 방법으로 구성되어 있다. Phase I은 토양의 과거용도 및 오염물의 유입경로를 기초로 하여 현장의 환경여건을 파악하는 단계이다. Phase I에서 잠재적 오염물질에 의해 오염된 것이 확인되면 Phase II에서는 오염물의 존재여부와 존재정도를 파악하는 단계로 시료의 채취 및 분석과정이 여기에 포함된다. Phase III는 Phase I과 II의 결과를 바탕으로 오염토양을 복원하는 단계이다. 여기서 평가기준이 지역 특이적인 것인지 적당한 것인지를 결정하는 중요한 요인은 (1) 시료채취의 공간분포도와 지역의 크기, (2) 취해진 시료의 수, (3) 시료채취 방법, 그리고 (4) 자료를 분석요령 등이다. 선택된 분석방법이 추천할만한 것일지라도 정량방법의 선택여부는 현장조사방법에 대한 훈련이나 조사경험을 가진 사용자에 의해 결정되는 것이 바람직할 것이다.

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서식적합도와 생태지표를 이용한 거제한산만 굴양식장의 입식밀도 산정 (Estimation of Stocking Density using Habitat Suitability Index and Ecological Indicator for Oyster Farms in Geoje-Hansan Bay)

  • 조윤식;이원찬;홍석진;김형철;김정배;박정현
    • 해양환경안전학회지
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    • 제18권3호
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    • pp.185-191
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    • 2012
  • 대부분의 국내 어장들은 반폐쇄성 내만에 집중되어 있으며, 장기 양식과 높은 입식밀도에 의한 연안오염에 매우 취약한 위치를 점하고 있기 때문에, 지속적인 양식을 위하여 어장관리가 매우 중요한 실정이다. 이를 위한 방안으로 적지선정과 생태학적 환경수용력을 함께 고려한 최적 입식밀도 산정이 될 수 있다. 거제한산만 굴양식장의 입식밀도 산정을 위하여 0.0이 비적지, 1.0이 적지임을 나타내는 서식적합도(Habitat suitability index)와 생태지표인 여과압 지표(Filtration pressure indicator)가 이용되었다. 거제만의 서식적합도는 0.75로서 한산만 0.53보다 높았으며, 이는 거제만이 굴양식에 좀 더 적합함을 의미한다. 생태지표는 연안특성에 따라 다른 입식밀도를 나타내었으며, 결과적으로 거제만의 굴양식장에 대하여 현 입식밀도와 비교하여 평균 40%, 한산만은 평균 60% 저감 입식하여야 생태학적 환경수용력을 만족하는 것으로 나타났다. 입식밀도의 산정은 현재 국내 양식업이 직면한 연안오염, 환경악화, 생산성 감소에 대한 해결책을 제공할 수 있으며, 이 연구는 어장관리 정책 설립에 대한 과학적 근거로 활용될 수 있을 것이다.

Derivation of Ecological Protective Concentration using the Probabilistic Ecological Risk Assessment applicable for Korean Water Environment: (I) Cadmium

  • Nam, Sun-Hwa;Lee, Woo-Mi;An, Youn-Joo
    • Toxicological Research
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    • 제28권2호
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    • pp.129-137
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    • 2012
  • Probabilistic ecological risk assessment (PERA) for deriving ecological protective concentration (EPC) was previously suggested in USA, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and Netherland. This study suggested the EPC of cadmium (Cd) based on the PERA to be suitable to Korean aquatic ecosystem. First, we collected reliable ecotoxicity data from reliable data without restriction and reliable data with restrictions. Next, we sorted the ecotoxicity data based on the site-specific locations, exposure duration, and water hardness. To correct toxicity by the water hardness, EU's hardness corrected algorithm was used with slope factor 0.89 and a benchmark of water hardness 100. EPC was calculated according to statistical extrapolation method (SEM), statistical extrapolation $method_{Acute\;to\;chronic\;ratio}$ ($SEM_{ACR}$), and assessment factor method (AFM). As a result, aquatic toxicity data of Cd were collected from 43 acute toxicity data (4 Actinopterygill, 29 Branchiopoda, 1 Polychaeta, 2 Bryozoa, 6 Chlorophyceae, 1 Chanophyceae) and 40 chronic toxicity data (2 Actinopterygill, 23 Branchiopoda, 9 Chlorophyceae, 6 Macrophytes). Because toxicity data of Cd belongs to 4 classes in taxonomical classification, acute and chronic EPC (11.07 ${\mu}g/l$ and 0.034 ${\mu}g/l$, respectively) was calculated according to SEM technique. These values were included in the range of international EPCs. This study would be useful to establish the ecological standard for the protection of aquatic ecosystem in Korea.

웹기반 굴착 영향도 예측 및 위험도 평가 시스템 개발 (Development of web-based system for ground excavation impact prediction and risk assessment)

  • 박재훈;이호;김창용;박치면;김지은
    • 한국터널지하공간학회 논문집
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    • 제23권6호
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    • pp.559-575
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    • 2021
  • 최근지반굴착 공사의 증가로 인해 지반침하사고 발생 가능성은 점점 높아지고 있지만, 지하안전관리에 관한 특별법 제정 등 제도적인 강화에도 불구하고 지반침하사고를 근본적으로 예방하는 것은 매우 어려운 실정이다. 도심지 지반굴착의 여러 사례를 살펴보면, 굴착 전에 다양한 정보를 활용해 예측했던 지반침하 거동특성은 시공 중에 확인된 결과와 무시할 수 없을 정도의 차이를 보이고 있다. 이러한 원인은 지반조건의 변화, 지반침하 예측방법의 한계, 설계와 착공 시기의 계절적인 차이, 현장여건을 고려한 공법의 변경 및 기타 다양한 사유에 의한 장기간의 공사 중지 등의 현장 여건 변경이 주요 원인으로 고려될 수 있다. 이에 대응하기 위한 방안으로, 다양한 시공정보를 통한 안전관리시스템 도입을 예를 들 수 있으나 아직까지는 굴착으로 인한 영향 및 위험도를 예측할 수 있는 시스템은 부재한 실정이다. 본 연구에서는 도심지 굴착사업의 설계·시공에 있어서 지반침하와 주변 구조물에 미치는 굴착 영향도를 사전에 예측하고 위험도 평가를 할 수 있는 시스템을 개발하였으며, 과거에 획득된 현장계측 데이터를 통해 현재 및 장래 지하수위와 침하량 등을 예측할 수 있는 시계열 분석기법과 지반공학 데이터 시각화(Geotechnical Data Visualization, GDV) 기술을 적용하였다. 본 연구에서 개발된 웹기반 평가시스템을 통해 과거에 획득된 데이터를 이용하여 현재 및 장래 지하수위 변화 및 침하량 예측 등 굴착으로 인한 위험도 예측 및 관리가 가능할 것으로 기대된다.

건축물의 리모델링 가치분석을 위한 평가방법 - 경제성 평가와 사용자 요구분석을 중심으로 - (Evaluation Method for Value Analysis in the Remodelling of Apartment Building - Focused on Economical Efficiency and User Demand -)

  • 정동환;소광호;김천학;김의식;양극영
    • 한국건축시공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국건축시공학회 2002년도 학술.기술논문발표회
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    • pp.103-109
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    • 2002
  • This research is aiming to specify the requirement of the investment such as initial cost, running cost earning rate to make effective investment considering the purpose of remodeling and economical value of store building enough to meet the initial purpose of remodeling. The review of earning rate for economical evaluation was performed by the on-site auditing on the structure and function of the building and applying the assessment simulation program, which is to find the possible business model to identify the requirement of building owner through case study. After the research, the following results are obtained. First, it is important that many aspects should be carefully analysis and the best method should be selected as characteristics of remodeling can be defer each other in their implementations. Second, though the remodeling of exist buildings to promote the functions has been applied. no suitable assessment tool has bee developed for deciding the level of remodeling in the view of economical efficiency so far. Third, the economical benefit was evaluated by analysing annual earning rate which is applied by investment items and recovery period for the investment. More specific data bate should be established to apply the suggested economic accession in business enough to forecast the future circumstances. More researches should be promoted on this area continuously as well as the integrated economic evaluation of remodeling on existing building.

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해상풍력단지 입지전략 GIS 분석 (GIS Analysis on Siting Strategy of Offshore Wind Farm)

  • 송규봉;김현구
    • 한국신재생에너지학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국신재생에너지학회 2009년도 춘계학술대회 논문집
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    • pp.460-462
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    • 2009
  • This study has analyzed the scale, location, resource potential and feasibility of offshore wind farm scientifically and systematically based on the national wind map and GIS (Geographic Information System). For long-term wind power development, this study pursues siting strategy building, selection of target area and deciding development priority as well as the presenting a basis for assessment that are necessary for policy decision making by making theme layers under GIS environment. According to the analysis after organizing technological development by stages, even if only the most suitable sites are developed among the area of offshore wind farm candidates that can be developed under the current technological standard, it has been evaluated as being able to develop about 3 times of the wind power dissemination target until 2012. It is expected that about 5% of territorial water area can be developed in a short-term future while the southern offshore area possessing relatively favorable wind resource than the western offshore has been identified as the most feasible site. While about 23% of territorial water area has been classified as potential area for offshore wind farm development in a long-term future, even Jeju Island and offshore of Ulsan possessing excellent wind resource have been analyzed as feasible sites. The feasibility assessment of offshore wind farm development established by this study is expected to assist national strategy building for accomplishing the wind power dissemination target.

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Assessment of Teak (Tectona grandis Linn. f.) Provenance Tests in the Bago Yoma Region, Myanmar

  • Lwin, Ohn;Hyun, Jung-Oh;Yahya, Andi Fadly
    • 한국산림과학회지
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    • 제99권5호
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    • pp.686-692
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    • 2010
  • This study described the general pattern of genetic variation among ten teak (Tectona grandis Linn. f.) provenances in Myanmar and determined the most suitable seed sources for the plantation program in Bago Yoma region. Seeds of ten provenances were collected to cover the whole teak natural distribution in Myanmar and planted at four trial sites in Bago Yoma region in 1998. Seven years after planting, variation was assessed for growth, morphological characteristics and their correlation with geoclimatic factors. Statistical analysis using ANOVA revealed that there were significant differences in most of the traits measured among provenances, trial sites and provenance ${\times}$ site interaction at five percent level. A positive significant correlation (p<0.01) was found among most of the traits. The regression analyses between all traits and geoclimatic factors indicated the existence of ecoclinal variation in teak. Most of the traits were negatively correlated with the latitude while a positive significant correlation was found between longitude and C/B ratio, crown-diameter, average branch angle and leaf-remain. There was no significant correlation between the mean temperature and any other traits in this study. Furthermore, growth traits and crown diameter were positively correlated with the mean annual rainfall while negative correlation was found between the geographical distance and growth traits. Results indicate that the latitudinal pattern of teak genetic variations in growth performance was attributed to the limit of mean annual rainfall. Comparative assessment showed that local provenances were generally the best and could be use as suitable seed sources for the plantation program in the Bago Yoma region.

성남시 갈마치 지역의 동물이동통로 복원을 위한 생태특성 분석 및 복원목표종의 선정 (Analysis of Ecological Characteristics and Selection of Target Species for Restoration of Wildlife Corridor at Galmachi of Sungnam City)

  • 전승훈;이상돈;하성룡
    • 환경영향평가
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    • 제20권1호
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    • pp.13-24
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    • 2011
  • This study was carried out to analyze ecological characteristics and select target species for effective restoration plans of wildlife corridors at Galmachi of Sungnam City. The actual vegetation in study area was physiognomically mixed with deciduous broad leaved forests dominated by oaks and artificially planted species. And it is a secondary forest formatted by sprout originated stand and being on early succession stage as a young stand. So study site was regarded as not suitable for the habitats for wildlife. The number of mammal species at study site was total 22 species, but most of these species were found as not so many in individual numbers. The individual number of hare was approximately 4 to 8, while the raccoon dog and water deer with 2 to 3 and 1 to 2, respectively. As such, it was estimated as a low population density due to discontinuation of ecosystem and the man-made impacts. In this study, raccoon dog and water deer were selected as the target species because of their migration patterns and ecological value in local ecosystem. It was suggested to establish a wildlife corridors of an over-bridge type at the peak area of Galmachi, known to be the mostly-used migratory route for 2 target species.