• 제목/요약/키워드: Suitable site assessment

검색결과 79건 처리시간 0.029초

해양에너지 개발사업의 친환경적 개발을 위한 정책 및 제도개선 방안 (Improving Policies and Regulations for Environmental-friendly Ocean Renewable Energy Development in Korea)

  • 박정일;김태윤
    • 환경영향평가
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    • 제23권4호
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    • pp.237-250
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    • 2014
  • 전 세계적으로 다양한 해양에너지 개발사업이 활발하게 추진되고 있으며 세계 각국은 해양에너지 개발에 대한 투자와 정책지원을 확대하고 있다. 삼면이 바다로 둘러싸인 우리나라는 풍부한 해양에너지 자원을 가지고 있으며 그 중에서도 해상풍력, 조류발전, 파력발전, 해수온도차 발전 등에 관심과 투자가 더욱 집중되고 있다. 하지만 친환경적이라 여겨지는 해양에너지 개발사업이 오히려 환경을 훼손하고 지역주민과의 갈등을 유발하는 대상으로 지적되기도 한다. 이러한 문제는 경제적 효율성만을 강조하여 입지를 선정하거나 발전시설의 건설과 운영이 미치는 해양생태계와 해양환경에 대한 영향조사가 소홀히 되거나 현실적으로 이에 대한 정보수집이 어렵다는데서 출발한다. 이에 본 연구는 국내외 사례분석을 통해 우리나라 해양에너지 개발사업이 보다 친환경적으로 추진될 수 있는 정책적, 제도적 방안은 무엇인지 모색하는데 목적을 두었다. 본 연구에서는 해양에너지 개발사업 계획 수립 시 전략환경영향평가를 실시하여 환경성을 고려한 선제적 입지선정을 진행할 것과 해양에너지 개발사업의 건설과 운영과정에서 지속적인 해양환경 모니터링을 실시하여 환경영향자료가 확대되는 방안이 강구 될 것 등을 제안하였다.

Classification of Alkali Activated GGBS Mortar According to the Most Suitable Usage at the Construction Site

  • Thamara, Tofeti Lima;Ann, Ki Yong
    • 한국건설순환자원학회논문집
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    • 제8권1호
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    • pp.56-63
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    • 2020
  • The usage of OPC-free alkali activated ground granulated blast furnace slag(GGBS) mortar has been widely studied on the previous years, due to its advantages on sustainability, durability and workability. This paper brings a new view, aiming to classify the best application in situ for each mortar, according to the type and activator content. By this practical implication, more efficiency is achieved on the construction site and consequently less waste of materials. In order to compare the different activators, the following experiments were performed: analysis of compressive strength at 28 days, setting time measured by needles penetration resistance, analysis of total pore volume performed by MIP and permeability assessment by RCPT test. In general, activated GGBS had acceptable performance in all cases compared to OPC, and remarkable improved durability. Following the experimental results, it was confirmed that each activator and different concentrations impose distinct outcome performance to the mortar which allows the classification. It was observed that the activator Ca(OH)2 is the most versatile among the others, even though it has limited compressive strength, being suitable for laying mortar, coating/plaster, adhesive and grouting mortar. Samples activated with NaOH, in turn, presented in general the most similar results compared to OPC.

GIS 기반의 미더덕 SFG(Scope for Growth)를 이용한 양식장의 적지선정 (GIS-Based Suitable Site Selection for Aquaculture Using Scope for Growth of Styela Clava)

  • 박정현;서용철
    • 한국지리정보학회지
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    • 제16권3호
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    • pp.81-90
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    • 2013
  • 본 연구는 GIS를 기반으로 한 미더덕 SFG를 이용하여 미더덕 양식장의 적지를 선정하는데 있다. 미더덕 양식은 2001년 15,084M/T의 생산량을 기록하였으나 2005년 1,412M/T로 생산량이 급격히 감소하였다. 이후 연간생산량은 조금씩 증가하여 2012년 2,484M/T를 나타냈으나 여전히 초기 생산물량에 미치지 못하고 있는 실정이다. SFG는 환경과 생물간의 상호연관성을 나타내고 양식생물의 성장도를 나타낸다. SFG 개념을 이용하여 GIS 기반의 적지선정이 가능하며, 양식장의 지속적인 생산성확보를 위한 어장관리시스템 구축에 활용할 수가 있다. 진동만 미더덕 양식장에 대한 GIS 기반의 미더덕 SFG를 이용한 적지 선정을 하여본 결과 해역 전체의 SFG는 0.054~0.57J/day의 범위를 보였으며, 대상해역과 중첩시킨 미더덕 양식장의 SFG 역시 0.054~0.57J/day로 분포하고 있다. 또한 미더덕 양식장의 SFG와 실제 생산량의 상관성 r=0.786, p<0.05 로 높은 상관성을 보이고 있다. GIS 기반 양식장의 서식지적합도 산정을 통한 어장관리시스템 구축은 양식장의 적지선정과 양식장의 지속가능한 생산량을 확보할 수 있으며, 환경의 변동과 양식생물성장의 인과관계를 객관화 할 수 있는 체계를 도입함으로서, 지속적인 어장관리를 위한 의사결정방안을 도출 할 수 있다.

토지피복도를 활용한 수달의 서식지 이용에 관한 연구 (A study of Habitat Use Pattern of River Otters (Lutra lutra) with Land-cover Map)

  • 이상돈;조희선
    • 환경영향평가
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    • 제14권6호
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    • pp.377-385
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    • 2005
  • The Eurasian otter(Lutra lutra) is listed as No. 330 in natural monument. To manage and conserve habitat for otters, it is critical to understand which habitat components are important for otters. The objectives of this study were to analyze otter habitat characteristics in accordance with land-cover map. We investigated otter spraints and sprainting site in Geoje Island from January to December, 2004. with GPS coordinates. The analysis of otter habitat use pattern was used by Arcview ver. 3.2 with 1: 25,000 Topology Map and field data. Otter habitat use was strongly related to sites in riparian vegetation riparian(dam or river) structures. In this study, Gucheon was a site with high coverage of riparian vegetation and unconfined channels, thus recording higher number of spraint densities than those of Yeonchocheon. Yeonchocheon was under construction at lower stream areas so that otter habitat use was limited. This study suggests that securing suitable forests and riparian vegetation zone is essential for conservation of otters.

Remote Sensing and GIS for Waste Disposal Site Selection in the Kathmandu Valley: A Case Study of Taikabu Area

  • Tuladhar, Ganga B.
    • 대한원격탐사학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한원격탐사학회 2003년도 Proceedings of ACRS 2003 ISRS
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    • pp.933-935
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    • 2003
  • Geo-scientifically viable, environmentally suitable, and socially acceptable sanitary landfill sites are very limited in the Kathmandu Valley and is confronted with the burning problem of safe disposal of urban waste. This paper deal with the evaluation and assessment of its interface, following the major criteria defining suitable geological barrier, Cation Exchange Capacity and other necessary physical parameters with the optimum utilization of remotely sense data along with GIS techniques. The study revealed one of the most viable sites at the flat land of natural depression of Taikabu area and has potential to serve all the municipalities of the Kathmandu Valley.

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보령댐 절취사면의 암반평가 및 평사투영법에 의한 사면안정성 연구 (Rock mass classification and slope stability using the stronet analysis technique in Boryung Dam site)

  • ;한공창;정소걸;신희순
    • 터널과지하공간
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    • 제5권4호
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    • pp.308-317
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    • 1995
  • The stability study on the rock slope where have produced failures in Boryung dam site was evaluated using the streonet analysis techniques. SMR(Slope Mass Rating) approach which is suitable for preliminary assessment of slope stability in rock was also carried out for rating rock mass. The 3-4 major discontinuity sets are distributed and all type of failure(plane, wedge and toppling failure) are presented in this slope face. The dip of slope must be lowered to friction angle(26degree), otherwise the possibility of plane and toppling faiue will always exist in this slope.

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소프트웨어 교육에서 과정중심 평가를 위한 디버깅 과제 및 도구 개발 (Development of Debugging Tasks and Tool for Process-centered Assessment on Software Education)

  • 류기곤;김수환
    • 컴퓨터교육학회논문지
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    • 제23권4호
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    • pp.61-68
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    • 2020
  • 본 연구의 목적은 소프트웨어(SW) 교육에서 과정중심 평가를 지원하기 위한 디버깅 과제를 개발하고 서비스하는 사이트를 개발하는 것이다. 초등학교와 중학교 SW교육과정 중 프로그래밍 영역의 성취기준을 살펴보면 반복, 조건과 같은 제어구조를 구현하는 것과 변수, 입출력과 같은 요소로 구성되어 있다. 교육부에서 제시하는 과정중심 평가를 적용하기 위해서는 실제 수업환경에서 활용할 수 있는 과제를 제시하고, 성취수준과의 연계를 고려해야 한다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 디버깅 과제로 초등학교용 12과제, 중학교용 15과제를 개발하고 그 타당도를 검증하였다. 타당도 검증을 위해서 델파이 검증을 실시한 결과, 디버깅 과제의 수준과 내용이 적합한 것으로 나타났다. 또한, 디버깅 챌린지 사이트의 사용성을 휴리스틱 평가법으로 검증한 결과 양호한 수준으로 나타나, 실제 교육현장에서 활용하기에 적합한 것으로 나타났다.

Assessment of Urban Land Suitability Analysis for Public Park Planning

  • Sungmin Cho
    • International journal of advanced smart convergence
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    • 제13권3호
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    • pp.259-266
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    • 2024
  • One of the most time consuming issues in a city development is the identification of suitable areas for urban infrastructures and proper land uses. Suitability analysis is the process and procedures to find the best available land in given area -that is, the ability of a system to select the needs of users in land use. This paper studied the usage of Geographic Information System technique and methods for the selection of the most appropriate sites for public park in the city of Gwangju. GIS was used as a standard technique to find the best available sites for development in urban areas. For this cause, digital elevation model and spatial data were used to produce different thematic layers by using software Idrisi. Criteria for finding the suitable site for park development were decided to evaluate the land and the followings 4 criteria were selected: on land with less than 3 degrees in slope, outside a 200m buffer around lakes, on land currently designated as forests, and 20ha or greater in size. To meet and measure each criterion, distance and context operators were applied to reclassify the importance of certain weight and Boolean images were generated to meet the criteria. These weights and maps has been combined using ArcGIS tools and the final map was prepared showing the most suitable sites. We may assist city planners and government officials in future development of public facilities including parks and related land use plans at urban level and act as to ensure proper land use planning and management of the urban areas.

지리정보체계를 이용한 생태환경분석 및 적지분석: 자연생태계 보전지역 설정 및 평가 모형을 중심으로 (Analysis of Land Suitability and Ecological Environment Using GIS Focused on the Evaluation Model for Designating of Natural Ecological Preservation Zone)

  • 이명우
    • 환경영향평가
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    • 제6권2호
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    • pp.61-80
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    • 1997
  • This study tried to propose the guidelines for the ecological preservation zoning in Korea. So some related laws and regulations were inspected, which were Natural Environment Preservation Act, Nature Park Act, Cultural Asset Conservation Act, Forest Act and Urban Planning Act. In these acts, I could find several concepts related to the ecosystem that are described as the protection area. But there aren't detailed and practical characteristics in those concepts. So for making the practical concept of ecosystem preservation, I considered Multiple Use Module, Wildlife habitat model, and Environmental evaluation model. Thorough this step, the process and methodology was established for evaluating and analysing. The potentiality of the GIS system was inspected. So the TM5 scene of the site was acquired and processed by ER-Mapper, Idrisi, Arc/Info and Arcview. And several digitized data were input by scanning and vecterizing. The Erdas format was mostly exchangeable to any program. The site is the Byonsan Peninsula National Park. The forest stand information and topographic data were digitized, types of which are forest year, DBH, density, slope, aspect etc. And also the watershed boundary, roads and paths, natural and cultural resources were mapped and analysed. Modelling of preservation suitability found the dispersed patterns for the best suitable zone through all the site. And the development potential areas were checked on downwatershed. This patterns are thought to result from the forest location for the wildlife habitat and the low altitude and no-steep slopes for developing. And Early warning system concept was introduced by overlapping these two patterns on the both potential area. As the conclusions, I proposed that the preservation zone be assigned according to the watershed unit as the main ecosystem zone. This main area should be linked by the eco-corridor through the point type eco-system. Finally, I thought the comprehensive information system should be established for making the rational and efficient decision making in natural area.

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건축물 리모델링 사례 분석을 통한 경제성 평가에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Economic Assessment Through Case Study of Remodeling)

  • 김천학;양극영
    • 한국건축시공학회지
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    • 제1권2호
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    • pp.154-164
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    • 2001
  • This research is aiming to specify the requirement of the investment such as intial cost, running cost earning rate to make effective investment considering the purpose of remodeling and economical value of store building enough to meet the initial purpose of remodeling. The review of earning for economical evaluation was performed by the on-site auditing on the structure and function of the building and applying the assessment simulation program, which is to find the possible business model to identify the requirement of building owner through case study. After the research, the following results are obtained. First, it is important that many aspects should be carefully analysis and the best method should be selected as characteristics of remodeling can be defer each other in their implementations. Second, though the remodeling of exist building to promote the functions has been applied, no suitable assessment tool has bee developed for deciding the level of remodeling in the view of economical efficiency so far. Third, the economical benefit was evaluated by analysing annual earning rate which is applied by investment items and recovery period for the investment. More specific date base should be established to apply the suggested economic acessments in business enough ti forecast the future circumstances. More researches should be promoted on the area continuously as well as the integrated economic evaluation of remodeling on existing building.

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