• Title/Summary/Keyword: Successive Observation

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Reproductive Cycle of Ribbed Gunnel Dictyosoma burgeri (그물베도라치 Dictyosoma burgeri의 생식주기)

  • Jin, Young Seok;Han, Jae Il;Park, Chang Beom;Lee, Chi Hoon;Kim, Byung Ho;Baek, Hea Ja;Kim, Hyung Bae;Lee, Young-Don
    • Korean Journal of Ichthyology
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.8-15
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    • 2007
  • The morphology of gonad and reproductive cycle of ribbed gunnel (Dictyosoma burgeri) were investigated on the basis of histological observation. The specimens were monthly sampled in the coastal waters of Jeju from November 2001 to February 2003. The ovaries and testis of this species are categorized as cystovarian and lobule type, respectively. The gonadosomatic index (GSI) of female increased in November and maintained high values from December to February. The GSI of male was similar to that of female although it was decreased in February. The reproductive cycle can be grouped into the following successive stage in the ovary: growth (October to November), mature (November to February), spawning (January to February), and degenerating and recovery (March to September). And in the testis, the stage observed were: multiplication (August to November), growth (November to January), mature and spawning (November to February), and degenerating and recovery (January to September). The minimum maturation size of D. burgeri was over 15.0 cm and fecundity ranged from 2,194 to 6,581 eggs. The relationship between the fecundity and fish body was calculated in the fecundity (F) equation as: $F=0.4057TL^{3.1425}$ ($R^2=0.7621$) for total length (TL); $F=149.88BW^{0.9579}$ ($R^2=0.7982$) for body weight (BW), respectively. The fecundity was correlated positively with TL and BW. The histological observations of the gonads suggested that major spawning of this species probably occurs between January to February, when low water temperature ($13{\pm}0.3^{\circ}C$) period.

Gametogenesis and Reproductive Cycle of the Cockle, Fulvia mutica (Reeve) (새조개, Fulvia mutica (Reeve)의 생식세포형성과정 및 생식주기)

  • CHANG Young Jin;LEE Taek Yuil
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.241-250
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    • 1982
  • The structure of gonads, gametogenesis and reproductive cycle of the cockle, Fulvia mutice, were studied mainly by histological observation. The materials were monthly sampled in the southern area of Yeosu from October 1980 to September 1981. F. mutica was monoecious. The gonads were situated between the liver tissues and the outer fibronuscular layers compacted by the connective tissue fibers and muscle fibers beneath the outermost layer of simple cuboidal epithelium. The gonad was composed of a number of the ovarian sacs and the testicular tubules which form the tubular structure. Testicular tubules in the mature stage sometimes contained 'testis-ova' The undifferentiated mesenchymal tissues and the eosinophilic cells were abundantly distributed on the germinal epithelium in the early development stage. With the further development of the ovary and testis, these tissues and cells gradually disapprared. The undifferentiated mesenchymal tissues and the eosinophilic cells are related to the growing of the oocytes and spermatocytes . Early multiplicating oogonium was about $10{\mu}m$ in diameter. As the oocytes grow to $27-34\times50-58{\mu}m$ by increasing cytoplasm, the oocytes connected to the basement membrane by their egg-stalks. The ripe eggs were about $60{\mu}m$ in diameter and they were surrounded by gelatinous membrane. Most male germ cells in mature stage were transformed into the spermatozoa and they formed the sperm bundles. After spawning, undischarged ripe eggs and spermatozoa remained in the ovarian sac and the testicular tubule respectively for some time, then they finally degenerated. Especially the early spent ovarian sacs in May did not contract significantly and then they took part in the secondary maturation within two or three months during the summer season. The monthly changes of the fatness well agreed with the reproductive cycle. The reproductive cycle of F. mutica could be classified into six successive stages : multiplicative, growing, mature, spent, degenerative and recovery stage. It seems that the spawning season is closely rotated to the water temperature, and the spawning occurs from May to October at about $20^{\circ}C$ in water temperature. The peak spawning seasons appeared twice a year between June and July and in September. Acknowledgement The authors wish to express their gratitude to Dr. Kim, In Bae, Dr. Chun, Seh Kyu and Dr. Yoo, Sung Kyoo of National Fisheries University of Busan and Mr. Min, Byoung Seo of National fisheries Research and Development Agency for their critical reading of the manu script.

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Sexual Maturation of the Turban Shell, Lunella coronata coreensis (Gastropoda: Turbinidae), on the West Coast of Korea (눈알고둥 (Lunella coronata coreensis)의 성 성숙)

  • LEE Ju Ha
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.33 no.6
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    • pp.533-540
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    • 2000
  • Gonadal development, gametogenesis, reproductive cycle, gonad index, flesh weight rate, and first sexual maturity of the turban shell, Lunella coronata coreensis were investigated by histological observation. The materials used were collected monthly from the rocky intertidal zone of Daehang-ri, Buan-gun, Jeollabuk-do, on the west coast of Korea, from July 1998 to June 1999. Sex of L coronata coreensis was separate. The gonad was widely located in the spirals of the visceral mass buried in the digestive gland. The ovary and testis were composed of a number of oogenic follicles and speymatogenic follicles, respectively. Monthly variations in the gonad index increased from March ($23.86{\pm}3.73$) when the water temperature increased and reached the maximun in July ($49.76{\pm}6.47$). And then, the gonad index sharply decreased in September ($15.58{\pm}2.33$). The flesh weight rate ranged from $25.2{\%}$ to $32.3{\%}$, and its variation showed a similar pattern to the gonad index. Individuals $<5.9 mm$ in shell height could not take part in reproduction in both sexes. Percentages of first sexual maturity of female and male specimens ranging from $7.0{\~}7.9 mm$ in shell heights were $84.6{\%}\;and\;91.7{\%}$, respectively, and $100{\%}$ in those over 8.0 mm in shell height in both sexes took part in reproduction. By studying the monthly changes of the morphological features and sizes of germ cells during gametogenesis in the gonad, the reproductive cycle of this species could be devided into five successive stages: early active (December to April), late active (January to July), ripe (May to August), spawning (July to September), and recovery (September to March). The spawning period of this species was once a year between July and September, and the main spawning occurred in July when the seawater temperature reached above $24.8^{\circ}C$. The fully ripe eggs were $150{\~}160\;{\mu}m$ in diameter.

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  • Park, Seung-Youn;Nam, Dong-Woo;Kim, Young-Jin;Kim, Hyun-Jung;Nam, Soon-Hyeun
    • Journal of the Korean Academy of Pediatric Dentistry
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.169-179
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this study was to discriminate clinically and radiographically among the three groups of dentigerous cysts studied. First, Group I, involved area of dentigerous cyst was successive permanent tooth area beneath deciduous tooth. Second, Group II, involved permanent molar area, and the last, Group III involved maxillary anterior supernumerary tooth area. The author observed and compared the clinico-radiographic features of 49 cases of Group I, 36 cases of Group II, and 15 cases of Group III of dentigerous cyst and this observation and comparison had been done by based on the charts and panoramic films. The obtained results were as follows: 1. The cases of Group I were 29 cases and, those of Group II were 36 and those of Group III were 15. 2. The incidence of dentigerous cyst is high in first decade. In Group I, before first decade and early first decade was 87.8%, in Group II and Group III, was discovered more lately. 3. The frequency of dentigerous cyst is 2.5 times higher in male than in female. 4. The sequence of chief complaint was swelling(50%), routine examination(32%), and pain(9%). 5. When considering the type of the cyst, lateral type is many most in Group I (71.4%) and central type is many most in Group II (94.4%) and Group III (100%). 6. The most size of dentigerous cyst was 2 crown size in Group I, 1 crown size in Group II, above of 4 crown size in Group III. 7. Almost involved teeth showed displacement and some tooth of displaced teeth showed delayed root development and dilaceration of root. 8. The most many response of alveolar bone was buccal bone expansion in Group I (67.3%), no bone expansion in Group II(66.7%) and palatal bone expansion in Group III (60.0%). 9. The percentage of involved teeth were as follows : The mandibular third molar was 31% and many most. The mandibular second premolar was 30%. Mesiodens of maxillary anterior area was 15%. The maxillary canine was 8%. The mandibular first premolar was 5%. 10. In the Group I, causes suggesting of dentigeous cyst are pulpotomized deciduous tooth(59.2%), severe dental caries of deciduous tooth, untreated traumatic history on the deciduous tooth etc. 11. The treatment method of dentigerous was marsupialization in 61.2% of cases of Group I and that was enucleation in 61.1% of cases of Group II and in 80.0% of cases of Group III.

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Histological Study on the Reproductive Cycle of Potamocorbula amurensis (Bivalvia: Corbulidae) (계화도조개 (Potamocorbula amurensis)의 생식주기에 관한 조직학적 연구)

  • LEE Ju Ha
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.32 no.5
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    • pp.629-636
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    • 1999
  • Gonadal development, gametogenesis, reproductive cycle, egg-diameter and composition, condition factor, and the first sexual maturity of the clam, Potamocorbula amurensis were investigated by histological observation. Samples were collected monthly from the tidal flat of Moonpo, Puan-gun, Chollabuk-do, west coast of Korea from November 1996 to October 1997. P. amurensis is dioecious and oviparous. The gonads were composed of a number of gametogenic follicles. The oogonia and fully ripe oocytes were $9\~12\mu$m and $50\~60\mu$m in diameter, respectively. Each of the spermatogenic follicle formed stratified layers composed of spermatogonia, spermatocytes spermatids, and spermatozoa in groups on the follicular wall. The reproductive cycle of P. amurensis could be classified into five successive stages: early active, late active, ripe, partially spawned, and recovery. Spawning occurred twice a year from May to July and from September to October, the main spawning seasons also appeared twice a year between May and June, and in October when the water temperatures reached above $18^{\circ}C$. The monthly changes in the condition factor were closely related with the reproductive cycle. Minimum size for the sexual maturation of female and male were 8.1 mm in shell length. There were two patterns for the gametogenesis: 1. After spawning, the undischarged ripe oocytes and spermatozoa in the follicles were degenerated and absorbed, but in part, the existing follicles were not contracted significantly and then they took part in new gametogenesis within one or two months (especially, in summer). 2. After spawning, each follicle was contracted, thereafter gametogenesis again occurred in newly formed follicles.

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Purification of antigenic proteins of Paragonimus westermani and their applicability to experimental cat paragonimiasis (폐(肺)디스토마(Paragonimus westermani) 감염(感染) 고양이 혈청(血淸)에 대(對)한 ELISA 항체가(抗體價)의 의의(意義))

  • Choi, Won-Young;Yoo, Jae-Eul;Nam, Ho-Woo;Choi, Hyung-Rak
    • Parasites, Hosts and Diseases
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.177-186
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    • 1986
  • This study was designed to evaluate the partially purified antigens which were fractionated from crude extract of Paragonimus westermani and to monitor the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) in experimental cat paragonimiasis during the course of infection as well as before and after chemotherapy. Crude extract of 6-month-old adult P. westermani was fractionated to 5 antigens by successive applications of ammonium sulfate precipitation, ion exchange chromatography and gel filtration. And the cats, 10 in each group, were infected with 60, 30, 15, and 5 metacercariae, then the half of each group was treated with praziquantel 2 times in one day of 100mg per kilogram of weight on 150 days after the infection. Sera were collected every 10 days. ELISA was performed with the concentration of $2{\mu}g/ml$ antigen, 100 times diluted sera and 1,000 times diluted alkaline phosphatase conjugated anti-cat IgG. The results were as follows: 1. Absorbance by ELISA with proteins precipitated by differential concentration of ammonium sulfate was the highest at $51{\sim}65%$ precipitate (PA2), followed by $0{\sim}50%$ precipitate (PAl), $66{\sim}80%$ precipitate (PA3), and $81{\sim}90%$ precipitate (PA4). Unprecipitated protein over 90% ammonium sulfate (PA5) showed the lowest antigenicity. 2. Fractionation of PA1, PA2, and PA3 through the DEAE-cellulose column did not differentiate the antigenic proteins. 3. By passing through the Sephadex G-200 column, PA1 and PA2 were fractionated to high molecular weight proteins and those of low molecular weight which showed high absorbance by ELISA (PA1-I, II and PA2-I, II). But PA3 was shown to have a fraction of high molecular weight proteins (PA3-I) which showed high antigenicity. 4. SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of PA1-I, P A1-II, PA2-I, PA2-II, PA3-I, and crude extract was performed. Fraction PA1-I was composed of proteins which had the molecular weight of 270 kilodaltons(KD) to 196 KD; of them 220KD protein was major band. Fraction PA2-I was composed of $255{\sim}225\;KD$, and PA3-I, $255{\sim}240\;KD$, respectively. Fraction PA1-II and fraction PA2-II consisted of 30 KD proteins. 5. Absorbance by ELISA began to increase within $10{\sim}20$ days after the infection and reached the highest on $140{\sim}180$ days, then made plateau thereafter. 6. Absorbance by ELISA decreased after praziquantel treatment. In 60 metacercariae infection group, the absorbance had been decreasing, but remained within the positive range during observation period, while those of 30, 15, and 5 metacercariae infection groups turned to negative range. 7. Fraction PA1-II showed the highest antigenicity in ELISA, then fraction PA2-I, fraction PA1-I, fraction PA2-II, fraction PA3-I and crude extract followed. In early phase of infection, the absorbance of fraction PA1-II showed more rapid increase than those of the other fractions and it came to positive range at $20{\sim}30$ days after infection.

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