• Title/Summary/Keyword: Successful Operation

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A Study on the Forecast For the Critical Success Factor's Maturity Degree of Hotel Information System (호텔정보시스템의 주요성공요인의 성숙도 예측에 관한 연구)

  • Chun, Je-Ran
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.10 no.6
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    • pp.1376-1379
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    • 2009
  • Recently many Hotels have implemented and operated the Hotel Information System(HIS). These HIS-implementation evoke the significant changes in hotel management. So many interest and researches in HIS has received the spotlight from the hotel managements. Many researcher about HIS focused on the Critical Success Factors (CSF) from the viewpoint of HIS implementation. At this moment we need also the research about significance change of CSF with the laps of time. This kind of research are very critical for the successful operation of HIS. To achieve the objectives of this paper, the Innovation-Theory of E. M. Roger was implemented. As the result of this research we can get the various maturity point of each CSF with the laps of time. For the data gathering many major hotel in Korea were interviewed, and 84 valid questionaires were used for data analysis. The Cronbach's ${\alpha}$ was 0.7239, which means all data were significant.

Vehicle Area Segmentation from Road Scenes Using Grid-Based Feature Values (격자 단위 특징값을 이용한 도로 영상의 차량 영역 분할)

  • Kim Ku-Jin;Baek Nakhoon
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.8 no.10
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    • pp.1369-1382
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    • 2005
  • Vehicle segmentation, which extracts vehicle areas from road scenes, is one of the fundamental opera tions in lots of application areas including Intelligent Transportation Systems, and so on. We present a vehicle segmentation approach for still images captured from outdoor CCD cameras mounted on the supporting poles. We first divided the input image into a set of two-dimensional grids and then calculate the feature values of the edges for each grid. Through analyzing the feature values statistically, we can find the optimal rectangular grid area of the vehicle. Our preprocessing process calculates the statistics values for the feature values from background images captured under various circumstances. For a car image, we compare its feature values to the statistics values of the background images to finally decide whether the grid belongs to the vehicle area or not. We use dynamic programming technique to find the optimal rectangular gird area from these candidate grids. Based on the statistics analysis and global search techniques, our method is more systematic compared to the previous methods which usually rely on a kind of heuristics. Additionally, the statistics analysis achieves high reliability against noises and errors due to brightness changes, camera tremors, etc. Our prototype implementation performs the vehicle segmentation in average 0.150 second for each of $1280\times960$ car images. It shows $97.03\%$ of strictly successful cases from 270 images with various kinds of noises.

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On the Tuna Schools Associated with the Drift Objects or Animals in the Western Equatorial Pacific Waters (태평양 서부 적도해역에서 부류물체나 동물과 함께 발견된 다랑어 어군에 관하여)

  • PARK Sing-Won
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.47-54
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    • 1984
  • From the four tuna purse seiners operating in the western equatorial Pacific waters 370 tuna schools were sampled on attribute of the school, fishing operation of purse seine sit and catch. The data were tabulated and subjected to the statistical tests of independency on the associated object and availability of the school, and catch per set of purse seine fishery as well. The resultant inferences are as follows. 1. Most frequent attributes of the tuna schools found on the surface are associated with sea birds, bait fishes and the flotsams. 2. In fishing operations of purse seine sets on the flotsam-associated schools, the settings were more frequently performed at dawn than in day-time. In fishing operations on the sea-birds-associated schools, the siftings were more frequent in day-time than at dawn. 3. From the flotsam-associated schools the successful sets were significantly more frequent. 4. In the fishing operations of purse seine sets, some of the flotsam-associated schools were subjected to the supplementary sets in success to the initial sets until the schools were consummated. 5. The fish-attracting effect of the flotsam is correlated with structure of the flotsam, but not with length of the flotsam. The flotsams, which tend to attract large tuna schools are the complicated-structure flotsams, i, e. driftwoods with roots or branches or with both of them, otherwise a bunch of uprooted bamboo shrubs, while a log without roots and branches tend to be an attractant inferior to the flotsam of complicated structure.

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Software Development for Optimal Productivity and Service Level Management in Ports (항만에서 최적 생산성 및 서비스 수준 관리를 위한 소프트웨어 개발)

  • Park, Sang-Kook
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.41 no.3
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    • pp.137-148
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    • 2017
  • Port service level is a metric of competitiveness among ports for the operating/managing bodies such as the terminal operation company (TOC), Port Authority, or the government, and is used as an important indicator for shipping companies and freight haulers when selecting a port. Considering the importance of metrics, we developed software to objectively define and manage six important service indicators exclusive to container and bulk terminals including: berth occupancy rate, ship's waiting ratio, berth throughput, number of berths, average number of vessels waiting, and average waiting time. We computed the six service indicators utilizing berth 1 through berth 5 in the container terminals and berth 1 through berth 4 in the bulk terminals. The software model allows easy computation of expected ship's waiting ratio over berth occupancy rate, berth throughput, counts of berth, average number of vessels waiting and average waiting time. Further, the software allows prediction of yearly throughput by utilizing a ship's waiting ratio and other productivity indicators and making calculations based on arrival patterns of ship traffic. As a result, a TOC is able to make strategic decisions on the trade-offs in the optimal operating level of the facility with better predictors of the service factors (ship's waiting ratio) and productivity factors (yearly throughput). Successful implementation of the software would attract more shipping companies and shippers and maximize TOC profits.

Reference Interpolation Protocol for Reducing the Synchronization Messages in Wireless Sensor Network (무선 센서 네트워크에서 동기화 메시지 감소를 위한 참조 보간 프로토콜)

  • Park, Chong-Myung;Lim, Dong-Sun;Lee, Joa-hyoung;Jung, In-Bum
    • Journal of KIISE:Information Networking
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    • v.34 no.6
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    • pp.446-457
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    • 2007
  • In wireless sensor network, to provide the proper responses quickly for diverse events, wireless sensor nodes have to cooperate with each other. For successful cooperation, the time synchronization among sensor nodes is an important requirement for application execution. In the wireless sensor network, the message packets including time information are used for the time synchronization. However, the transmission of many message packets will exhaust the battery of wireless sensor nodes. Since wireless sensor nodes works on the limited battery capacity, the excessive transmission of message packets has an negative impact upon their lifetime. In this paper, the Reference Interpolation Protocol (RIP) is proposed to reduce the number of message packets for the time synchronization. The proposed method performs the time interpolation between the reference packet's time and the global time of the base station. The proposed method completes the synchronization operation with only 2 message packets when compared to the previous Reference Broadcast Synchronization (RBS) technique. Due to the simple synchronization procedure, our method greatly reduces the number of synchronization messages and showed the 12.7 times less power consumption than the RBS method. From the decrease in the transmission of message packets, the convergence time among wireless sensor nodes is shortened and the lifetime of wireless sensor nodes is also prolonged as much as the amount of saved battery energy.

Design and Implementation of Problem Based Learning in Training Ship (PBL(Problem Based Learning) 수업 방법을 활용한 실습선 수업 설계 및 운영)

  • Kim, Bu-Gi;Kim, Noo-Ree;Kim, Jun-Ho;Choi, Hyun-Jun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.25 no.6
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    • pp.743-748
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    • 2019
  • This study suggested a process of redesigning and implementing problem based learning to enhance students' active and collaborative learning activities and learning outcomes. The results of this study are as follows. First, the ef ect of class participation, academic self-regulated learning, and academic self-efficacy were examined. As a result, first, the average of learning activity, class extension, and participation in class was high in the difference between before and after class. Second, the post average scores of all the factors except the 'evaluation' were higher than before. Third, academic self-efficacy showed a significant difference only in 'task preference'. Finally, students' satisfaction with the class was also high. The professor was also able to grasp the characteristics of individual students by designing and operating the classes using PBL, and it was confirmed that the interaction with students increased. Based on the results of this study, we discussed the limitations and educational implications of the problem based learning class and propose successful problem based learning design and operation of the classroom.


  • Song, Min-Seok;Min, Byong-Il
    • Maxillofacial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.60-72
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    • 1995
  • Temporomandibular joint ankylosis is the movemental obstacle of mandible which depend on proliferation of bony or fibrous tissue in temporomandibular joint structure by various causes. In order to treat this, various surgical methods have been performed, but no operative methods have been produced consistently successful results. This research has been performed to the patients who had been operated due to temporomandibular joint ankylosis by studying classification, cause, onset, duration, anesthesia and treatment method, symptom, change of mouth opening, complication through medical record, X-ray, follow-up for being a help to proper selection of treatment method and evaluation of prognosis. The author obtained the following results by analyzing 44 cases among patients who had been operated due to temporomandibular joint ankylosis during 8 year hospitalization from 1986 to 1993 in Dept. of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery of Seoul National University Hospital. 1. The occurrence was in the order of below 10, 20's, 10's, 30's. The average of occurrence was 12.95. Illness period was 50.0% within 10 years and 50% beyond 10 years. The average period of illness was 13.33 years. 2. Trauma occupied 54.5% of causes and inflammation occupied 45.5%. Men had more occurrences due to trauma and there was no difference in case of inflammation. 3. In nasotracheal intubations for general anesthesia, the cases of using fiberoptic laryngoscope occupied 40.9%, direct or blind nasotracheal intubation occupied 40.9% and the cases of using tracheostomy occupied 18.2%. 4. In operative approaching methods, submandibular & preauricular approach were mainly applied, and in operative methods, high condylectomy(Group I) occupied 11.4%, arthroplasty without interpositional material following condylectomy or gap ostectomy(Group II) occupied 11.4%, with interpositional material following high condylectomy (Group III) occupied 40.9%, and using condylar reconstruction following condylectomy or gap ostectomy(Group IV) occupied 36.6%. 5. In change of mouth opening reformed after surgery, Group III showed the best result of average 23.5mm, Group IV showed 16.3mm, Group I showed 14.9mm and Group II showed 10.2mm of reformation. Summarizing the results as written above, it is considered that early treatment is important as soon as possible in Temporomandibular joint ankylosis. It is recommended in surgical method what can lead to postoperative early movement maintaining anatomaical & functional form, and then the development of various surgical methods will be requested.

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  • Lee, Jong-Ho;Kim, Myung-Jin;Park, Jong-Chul;Kim, Yung-Soo;Ahn, Kang-Min;Paeng, Jun-Young;Kim, Sung-Min;Myoung, Hoon;Hwang, Soon-Jung;Seo, Byoung-Moo;Choi, Jin-Young;Choung, Pill-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.301-307
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    • 2004
  • The flap considered at first for the reconstruction of large maxillary defect, especially mid-face defect, is scapular free flap, because it provides ample composite tissue which can be designed 3-dimensionally for orbital, facial and oral reconstruction. In case of maxillary defect involving hard palate, however, this flap has some limitations. First, its bulk prevents oral function and physio-anatomic reconstruction of nasal and oral cavity. Second, mobility and thickness of cutaneous paddle covering the alveolar area reduce retention of tissue-supported denture and give rise to peri-implantitis when implant is installed. Third, lateral border of scapula that is to reconstruct maxillary arch and hold implants is straight, not U-shaped maxillary arch form. To overcome these problems, new concept of step prefabrication technique was provided to a 27-year-old male patient who had been suffering from a complete hard palate and maxillary alveolar ridge defect. In the first stage, scapular osteomuscular flap was elevated, tailored to fit the maxillary defect, particulated autologous bone was placed subperiosteally to simulate U-shaped alveolar process, and then wrapped up with split thickness skin graft(STSG, 0.3mm thickness). Two months later, thus prefabricated new flap was elevated and microtransferred to the palato-maxillary defect. After 6 months, 10 implant fixtures were installed along the reconstructed maxillary alveolus, with following final prosthetic rehabilitation. The procedure was very successful and patient is enjoying normal rigid diet and speech.

240 channel Marine Seismic Data Acquisition by Tamhae II (탐해2호의 240채널 해양탄성파 탐사자료취득)

  • Park Keun-Pil;Lee Ho-Young;Koo Nam-Hyung;Kim Kyeong-O;Kang Moo-Hee;Jang Seong-Hyung;Kim Young-Gun
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.77-85
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    • 1999
  • The 3-D seismic research vessel, Tamhae II, was built to raise up the probability of the hydrocarbon discovery in the Korean continental shelf and the first test survey was completed in the East Sea. During the survey, the 240 channel 2-D marine seismic data were acquired by the Korean flag vessel for the first time. Tamhae II has been equipped with source, receiver, recording equipment, and navigation equipment as well as an onboard processing system. The source is composed of four subarrays and each subarray has six airguns. Total airgun volume is 4578 $in^3$. The receiver consists of two sets of 3 km long 240 channel streamer. In the first survey, the successful acquisition of 2-D seismic data was accomplished. From the result of the data processing, we confirmed that the high quality seismic data were acquired. For the high quality data acquisition, technology of survey design and planning, operation of vessel and equipments and systematic quality control should be developed.

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Advanced Calendar Queue Scheduler Design Methodology (진보된 캘린더 큐 스케줄러 설계방법론)

  • Kim, Jin-Sil;Chung, Won-Young;Lee, Jung-Hee;Lee, Yong-Surk
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.34 no.12B
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    • pp.1380-1386
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    • 2009
  • In this paper, we propose a CQS(Calendar Queue Scheduler) architecture which was designed for processing multimedia and timing traffic in home network. With various characteristics of the increased traffic flowed in home such as VoIP, VOD, IPTV, and Best-efforts traffic, the needs of managing QoS(Quality of Service) are being discussed. Making a group regarding application or service is effective to guarantee successful QoS under the restricted circumstances. The proposed design is aimed for home gateway corresponding to the end points of receiver on end-to-end QoS and eligible for supporting multimedia traffic within restricted network sources and optimizing queue sizes. Then, we simulated the area for each module and each memory. The area for each module is referenced by NAND($2{\times}1$) Gate(11.09) when synthesizing with Magnachip 0.18 CMOS libraries through the Synopsys Design Compiler. We verified the portion of memory is 85.38% of the entire CQS. And each memory size is extracted through CACTI 5.3(a unit in mm2). According to the increase of the memory’sentry, the increment of memory area gradually increases, and defining the day size for 1 year definitely affects the total CQS area. In this paper, we discussed design methodology and operation for each module when designing CQS by hardware.