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A Study on the Stylistic Expression of Late 20th Century Interior Design (현대(現代) 후기(後期) 실내디자인의 표현성(表現性))

  • Lee Choon-Sub
    • Journal of Science of Art and Design
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    • v.1
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    • pp.189-226
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    • 1999
  • The purpose of this paper is to examine the common characteristics of late 20th century interior design style and the post-modern thinking system. A period has its own predominant spirit which determine the tendency of art, and the ubiquitous power in the spirit decides the period's pattern of art. Therefore the interior design style belongs to general art sphere that has its own individual character derived from the dominant power of the controlling system. Paying special attention to this understanding, the auther has processed this paper by combining the post-modem thinking with special characteristics of each of the 20th century interior design style. Until now, researches have been focused on the individual style of post-modern design; however, a general research comprising the whole characteristics of expression has not been made. Accordingly, the rationale of emphasizing the general point of view is establshed. Also, this study suggests a model applicable to studies concerning other art area. This type of methodology is receving more attention as an approach investigating new art ideology for researching post-modern thinking and late 20th century art styles. The conclusions are as follows: First, the distinctive expressions of postmodernism appear to be characteristic of illusion, metaphor, pluralism, decoration, and symmetry, Those of late modernism appear to be the characteristic of complicated simplicity and symplified complexity, passiveness of symbolism and harmony, indeterminacy of form and space, and unintentional decorativeness. And the characteristics of deconstructionism are spatial difference and temporal defferal, and un-reductive and non formal abstractiveness of the space, unfinishness, chance, and secretiveness of individual style. Second, the disinctive expression seems to share common characteristics with postmodern thinking. The best examples are pluralism, non-formalism, populism, and historicism, originating from the deconstruction of 'meta-narrative'. Third, based on the second conclusion, general distinctive expression could be simplified as chacteristics of plurality, hybridity, and indeterminacy. These expressive chacteristics appear to be automatically connected with general postmodern thinking. Last, in consideration of the above conclusion, the extreme generality could be distinctively clarified as 'textural co-exsistence'. Accordingly, the author might confirm that 'textural co-existence' originated from the text that comes from postmodern thinking. In conclusion, design expression of late 20th century interior design accepts the ?universal theme of ubiquitous postmodern thinking. And universal expressions and supreme generality can be common analysis tools for understanding and studying complicated late 20th century interior design.

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A Study on the Health Promoting Behavior of University Students (대학생의 건강증진행위에 대한 연구)

  • Yeoum, Soon-Gyo;Her, Eunn-Hee;Chung, Yeoun-Kang;Kown, Hye-Jin;Kim, Kyung-Hee;No, Eune-Sun;Han, Kyung-Soon;Han, Seung-Eui
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.396-409
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    • 1998
  • The purpose of this study is to inquire into the degree of health promotion activity of university students, and to confirm the general factors of health promotion behavior in order to offer basic data for a nursing strategy to improve health promotion behavior. For this research, data was collected from university men and women through questionnaires from February 18 to March 20 in 1998. The author develop a measuring instrument on the basis of related reviews of health promoting behavior in the prevention of chronic disease, as well as accounting for demographic factors, biological factors, and circumstanctial factors. The content validity of the instrument was authenticated by two professors of the science of nursing,. and the reliability was confirmed by a 'cronbach' ${\alpha}'$ after moditying the content through a pre-test on 30 students. 475 persons were analyzed in terms of an average, percentage, t-test, ANOVA by 'SPSS-PC'. The analyzed data was the following. 1. The acting degree of health promoting behavior was 3.26 point out of 6. Among the sub-levels of health promoting behavior, the order of importance was the following. self-actualization (4.62), interpersonal(4.60), stress management (4.0l), nutrition(3.68), responsibility(3.1l), liquid and cigaretles ues(2.85), and exercise (2.33). 2. The differences in health promoting behavior according to subject's general character were the following. Age(F=6.012, p=.003), major (F=7.243, P=.000), sex(t=7.60, P=.000), religion(F=2.454, p=.045), living status(F= 2.849, p=.024), health concern of parents(F= 7.596, P=.000), taking health programs(F= 2.710, p =.007), case history of the family( t = -1.980, p=.048). Health promoting behavior is affected by a higher age, majoring in the social sciences, having religion, male, living in the relatives' home, having to take health programs and a higher health concern of the parents. Suggestions: 1. The degree of health promoting behavior appears low in this study. It is crucial, therefore, to develop a health program to improve health promoting behavior and to study how to center the daily health life of students.

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Factors Influencing the Death Anxiety of the Elderly Living Alone (독거노인의 죽음불안 영향요인)

  • Kwon, Young-Eun;Kim, Seon-Young
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.262-269
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    • 2016
  • The aim of this study was to identity the death anxiety of elderly people living alone, and the factors that affect their death anxiety. The subjects did not have an impaired cognitive function, and were from one Chungcheongnamdo 2 district in the elderly University. The subjects were 187 elderly people over the age of 65 living alone in the district. The character, communication, and data was collected from February, 2014 to 2 May, 2015 and analyzed using the SPSS 18 program. The death anxiety whole point of elderly people living alone was 2.94 (${\pm}0.32$); it was 3.06 (${\pm}0.32$) points according to the sub-region 'death process anxiety', 2.88 (${\pm}0.51$) points according to 'after-death anxiety', and 2.75 (${\pm}0.43$) points according to 'presence loss anxiety'. The factors affecting the death anxiety were economic status, depression, and spiritual wellbeing. Economic status (${\beta}=-.36$, p= .000) had the largest effect with an overall explanatory power of 20.3%. Therefore, for the death anxiety of elderly people living alone, life needs to be strengthened through social security systems with intervention programs to improve the quality of depression and spiritual wellbeing.

Regeneration of symmetric protoplast fusion between cabbage (Brassica oleracea L.) and radish (Raphanus sativus L.) (양배추와 무의 동형 원형질체 융합을 이용한 식물체의 재분화)

  • In, Dong-Su;Song, Min-Jung;Jang, In-Chang;Min, Byung-Whan;Nahm, Seok-Hyeon;Shin, Jong-Sub;Lee, See-Woo;Harn, Chee-Hark
    • Journal of Plant Biotechnology
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.121-126
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    • 2008
  • Protoplasts from cabbage and radish were isolated and fused symmetrically by PEG treatment. The PEG treated mixture of high concentrated protoplasts produced lots of micro-calli after $2{\sim}3$ weeks. The microcalli developed to normal calli and shoots were regenerated from the calli. A total of 218 shoots were regenerated, but none of them contained the NWB-CMS specific DNA marker, indicating that the transfer of the radish NWB-CMS character into cabbage did not occur. However, ISSR analysis revealed that the cell fusion between protoplasts from radish and cabbage was occurred (3 out of 208 plantlet). The fused regenerants possessed the characteristics of source plants used for protoplast fusion. After vernalization, three regenerants were flowered with white petal color as seen in radish. Only three seeds were able to obtain from one regenerant by backcrossing with the cabbage pollen.

Case of the Anti-Type 2 Diabetes Effects on the Prescription of Red Onion (한약과 자색양파 제재로 호전된 제2형 당뇨병 42례 보고)

  • Lee, Jeong Won;Kim, Yi Soon;Kim, Chang Tae;Kwak, Yi Sub;Lee, Hai Woong;Han, Cho Ryang;Oh, Mi Jung;Kim, Gyeong Cheol
    • Journal of Physiology & Pathology in Korean Medicine
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.465-470
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study is to observe clinically the effects of red onion prescription on type 2 diabetes. The subject of this study were middle-aged people. We measured clinically physiological index, body composition, radial arterial pulse wave before taking medicine and after taking medicine for 4 month (the prescription of red onion). The study results were as follows. In physiological Index, diastolic blood pressure(mmHg)(p<0.001), Fasting blood glucose(mg/dL)(p=0.001), and HbA1c(%)(p<0.001) were decreased significantly after taking medicine. In body Composition, waist-hip ratio(p=0.031), body fat percentage(p=0.006), fat mass(kg)(p=0.005), and muscle mass(kg)(p=0.001) were decreased significantly after taking medicine. Blood Circulation Index, ECO(L/min)(p=0.038) and ECI($L/min/m^2$)(p=0.007) were increased significantly after taking medicine, ECR($dyne^*sec^*cm^{-5}$)(p=0.002), and ECRI($dyne^*sec/cm$)(p=0.001) were decreased significantly after taking medicine for 4 month. The prescription of red onion was showed significant change in physiological index, character of body composition, blood circulation index. Based on this result, it is considered that red onion prescription has the positive effects on type 2 diabetes and blood circulation clinically. In the future, diversified studies on the effects of red onion prescription are needed.

A Critique of The Environmental Green Concept in the view of representative issues for products -Usage, Aesthetics in product design, Manufacturing, and Products' price-

  • Ryu Seung-Ho
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.19 no.3 s.65
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    • pp.105-116
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    • 2006
  • In product manufacturing industries, a recent issue is the green concept. The green concept is a complicated area. If the green concept is for products, its serious issues have to be criticized. Although the importance of the green concept has overflowed, its influences have not been disputed vigorously. So this study is to critic the serious issues of the green concept in aesthetics in product design, manufacturing, and products' prices. The green environment has four representative elements: systems, policies, minds, and technologies, but they are not in the field of design. An element of the green concept, green design is also a sub concept for design, so it should be based on aesthetics. It is green aesthetics. But since green design first appeared, it has never approached by aesthetics because it has mostly had social meanings and expectations. So for green aesthetics, to think about what makes a product, and what can be aesthetic issues among them are important. Products consist of form, structure, material, and technology. Form means different shapes in a structure, but there cannot be any specific directions for a green concept. Structure has two kinds: interior and exterior structure. While interior structure has a technological character, exterior structure is deeply related with aesthetics, but it has also no chance for green concept. Material can be divided as two also: aesthetic and technological. Aesthetics materials mean the colors, opacity, and tactile sense of materials, but they are not aesthetic issues. Technological materials are recycled materials or non-recycled materials. Even if recycled materials are used today, they are close to systems or policies rather than aesthetics. With this result, green aesthetics is a very difficult concept. Second, green products are usually 30% more expensive than general products. But every consumer has his or her own economical conditions, and nobody can coerce consumers into buying expensive green products for green environments. And green products without good quality cannot satisfy consumers. This means that green concept is not accomplished by just manufacturing green products. Third, although a lot of proposals have appeared as green design in exhibitions, most of them are close to craft because they are so hard to be manufactured. Manufacturing is the first consideration for products. These three issues are enough to explain why green concept is complicated in manufacturing products. If they are not solved, the green concept is just a fiction. So if this study proposes a turning point against blind green-oriented atmosphere, it will be meaningful enough.

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Association between D2 Dopamine Receptor Gene Polymorphisms and Reward Dependence Personality Traits (도파민 D2 수용체 다형성과 보상의존성 성격특성과의 관련성)

  • Kang, Rhee-Hun;Lee, Heon-Jeong;Kwak, Kang-Ho;Kim, Leen;Lee, Min-Soo;Suh, Kwang-Yoon
    • Korean Journal of Biological Psychiatry
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.26-32
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    • 2004
  • Background:The dopaminergic genes have been implicated with some personality traits. Many recent studies indicated that there is a correlation between D2 dopamine receptor gene(DRD2) polymorphisms and the personality traits. The purpose of this study is to investigate a possible association between DRD2 gene (TaqI A, TaqI B) polymorphism and personality traits. Methods:The subjects were consisted of 173 blood-unrelated young female Koreans with a mean age(${\pm}SD$) of 13.88(${\pm}0.29$) years. These volunteers were recruited from one of the junior high schools in Seoul and were tested by the Korean version of the Temperament and Character Inventory(TCI). Genotyping of the DRD2 polymorphisms by PCR methods were carried out. Two DRD2 gene polymorphisms were classified and individually assessed as follows:TaqI A1+ vs A1-, TaqI B1+ vs B-. The associations between the TCI scores and TaqI A, TaqI B polymorphisms were assessed by Student's t-test. Results:In the 173 subjects, the allele frequencies of the DRD2 TaqI A1, TaqI B1 alleles ranged from 0.42 to 0.43, and these results are quite different from the ranges of 0.15-0.20 in the case of a Caucasian population. The genotype frequencies of DRD2(TaqI A1, TaqI B1) variants showed no significant deviation from the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. RD4(dependence vs. independence) of Cloninger's TCI, a sub-dimension of Reward Dependence, was significantly higher in the subjects having DRD2 less frequent alleles than those without these alleles. Conclusion:This study suggests that the female subjects carrying the less frequent DRD2 alleles exhibited higher reward-dependent personality trait compared to those without these alleles.

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A Study on the Colors and Coloration of Jeogori of Chosun Dynasty and the Modern Period of Korea

  • Lee, Jee-Hyun
    • International Journal of Costume and Fashion
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.49-61
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    • 2007
  • The subject of study concerns the color characteristics of clothing/accessories from �Chosun�a nd modern Korea. It particularly focuses on the colors of the �Jeogori? traditional jacket) which represents Korean traditional clothing. Color data were collected from 353 woman�s �Jegori�s from �Chosun�a nd modern Korea and divided into the predominant colors & sub colors, and analyzed with HV/C and PCCS. According to the analysis, the representative the predominant color of 'Chosun Jeogori' for woman is YR, Y and side one is R, YR. The p, dp, sf, ltg colors are frequently found and the freshness of most of them is medium or low which shows a calm-feeling. The p, and ltg tones are often found as a the predominant color and p, dp are also often found as a the side color. In the 'Chosun Jeogori' for woman, the predominant colors and the side colors spread in a similar frequency and most of them have medium or low freshness of the color that shows a calm-feeling. The side color is one of the R colors and it shows characteristics of traditional coloring such as �Jajoo Goreum? Among the �Jeogori�f or modern women, the R, YR, Y, and B colors are often used for the single-color �Jeogori? the Y, GY, N, G colors are for the colorful �Jeogori? The P, lt, and b tons of the color are often used for a single-color �Jeogori�a nd the p, lt, and W are for the colorful �Jeogori? For the colorful �Jeogori? the side color have a high freshness which shows that a strong image was used frequently as the dp, s, dk tons of the color were often used. According to an analysis of the coloring, the predominant color and the side color of �Chosun Jeogori�a re applied to create a harmony of analogy & contrast in one aspect of Moon & Spencer�s view. It is found that the predominant color and the side color are similar or contrasting in one view of the color harmony, except that the traditional the �Jeogori�i s colored by ideological and symbolic meanings. The predominant color and the side color of modern the �Jeogori�a re complementary colors which are applied to the indistinct relationship or contrasting harmony in one aspect of Moon & Spencer�s view of the color harmony. The characteristics of the color as above show that traditional the �Jeogori�r egards the side color as both the harmony of the colors in general and also of symbolic meaning, while modern the �Jeogori�f or woman has a tendency toward a cultural transition and is mixed with new colors focusing more on its the predominant color than on the general harmony and character of ideological & traditional coloring.

Taxonomy of Performance Shaping Factors for Human Error Analysis of Railway Accidents (철도사고의 인적오류 분석을 위한 수행도 영향인자 분류)

  • Baek, Dong-Hyun;Koo, Lock-Jo;Lee, Kyung-Sun;Kim, Dong-San;Shin, Min-Ju;Yoon, Wan-Chul;Jung, Myung-Chul
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.41-48
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    • 2008
  • Enhanced machine reliability has dramatically reduced the rate and number of railway accidents but for further reduction human error should be considered together that accounts for about 20% of the accidents. Therefore, the objective of this study was to suggest a new taxonomy of performance shaping factors (PSFs) that could be utilized to identify the causes of a human error associated with railway accidents. Four categories of human factor, task factor, environment factor, and organization factor and 14 sub-categories of physical state, psychological state, knowledge/experience/ability, information/communication, regulation/procedure, specific character of task, infrastructure, device/MMI, working environment, external environment, education, direction/management, system/atmosphere, and welfare/opportunity along with 131 specific factors was suggested by carefully reviewing 8 representative published taxonomy of Casualty Analysis Methodology for Maritime Operations (CASMET), Cognitive Reliability and Error Analysis Method (CREAM), Human Factors Analysis and Classification System (HFACS), Integrated Safety Investigation Methodology (ISIM), Korea-Human Performance Enhancement System (K-HPES), Rail safety and Standards Board (RSSB), $TapRoot^{(R)}$, and Technique for Retrospective and Predictive Analysis of Cognitive Errors (TRACEr). Then these were applied to the case of the railway accident occurred between Komo and Kyungsan stations in 2003 for verification. Both cause decision chart and why-because tree were developed and modified to aid the analyst to find causal factors from the suggested taxonomy. The taxonomy was well suited so that eight causes were found to explain the driver's error in the accident. The taxonomy of PSFs suggested in this study could cover from latent factors to direct causes of human errors related with railway accidents with systematic categorization.

Identification and Characterization of External Copper Responsive Genes of Deinococcus radiodurans (DNA Microarry를 이용한 Deinococcus radiodurans의 구리이온 특이 반응 유전자 탐색 및 특성 분석)

  • Joe, Min-Ho;Lim, Sang-Yong;Jung, Sun-Wook;Song, Du-Sub;Choi, Young-Ji;Kim, Dong-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Microbiology
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    • v.44 no.3
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    • pp.169-177
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    • 2008
  • Global gene expression of Deinococcus radiodurans, a highly radiation resistant bacterium, in response to excess copper was analyzed by using oligonucleotide microarray chip. Among 3,187 open reading frames of D. radiodurans, seventy genes showed a statistically significant expression ratio of at least 2-fold changes under growth conditions of excess copper; 64 genes were induced and 6 genes were reduced. Especially, two operons ($DRB0014{\sim}DRB0017$ and $DRB0125{\sim}DRB0121$) presumably involved in the iron transport and utilization were the most highly induced genes by excess copper. A quantitative real-time PCR assay revealed that DRB00l4 and DRB0125 are highly transcribed responding to excess copper and 2,2'-dipyridyl, an iron chelator. In addition, the transcription of both genes was not changed by excess iron and bathocuproine disulphonate, a copper chelator. These results suggested that the copper metabolism may be closely connected with the iron transport and utilization in D. radiodurans. However, the disruption of each gene, DRB00l4 and DRB0125, did not affect the copper and radiation resistance, the most well-known character of this organism.