• Title/Summary/Keyword: Sub spatial

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Optical Signal Sampling Based on Compressive Sensing with Adjustable Compression Ratio

  • Zhou, Hongbo;Li, Runcheng;Chi, Hao
    • Current Optics and Photonics
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.288-296
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    • 2022
  • We propose and experimentally demonstrate a novel photonic compressive sensing (CS) scheme for acquiring sparse radio frequency signals with adjustable compression ratio in this paper. The sparse signal to be measured and a pseudo-random binary sequence are modulated on consecutively connected chirped pulses. The modulated pulses are compressed into short pulses after propagating through a dispersive element. A programmable optical filter based on spatial light modulator is used to realize spectral segmentation and demultiplexing. After spectral segmentation, the compressed pulses are transformed into several sub-pulses and each of them corresponds to a measurement in CS. The major advantage of the proposed scheme lies in its adjustable compression ratio, which enables the system adaptive to the sparse signals with variable sparsity levels and bandwidths. Experimental demonstration and further simulation results are presented to verify the feasibility and potential of the approach.

Narrow-band Ca Photometry for Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxies: Recent Results and Future Work

  • Kim, Hak-Sub;Han, Sang-Il;Yoon, Suk-Jin
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.44 no.2
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    • pp.75.2-75.2
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    • 2019
  • This poster introduces the ongoing "Narrow-band Ca Photometry for Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxies" project and presents the latest results. The project aims to explain the formation and evolution of dwarf spheroidal galaxies by examining the structural properties of stellar populations as a function of metallicity. To overcome the lack of stars with known spectroscopic metallicities for dwarf spheroidal galaxies, we apply the hk index as a photometric metallicity indicator to three galaxies-Draco, Sextans, and Canes Venatici I. For all three galaxies, we found that metal-poor and metal-rich groups of red-giant-branch stars have distinct spatial distributions, in which metal-rich stars are centrally concentrated while metal-poor stars are relatively dispersed. In Sextans, we found an off-centered peak of metal-poor stars which is presumed to be a disrupting star cluster in this galaxy. We will discuss the implications of our results for the dwarf galaxy formation and possible directions on future work of this project.

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Understanding the Structure-Property Relationship in Functional Materials Using 3D Atom Probe Tomography (3차원 원자단층현미경을 활용한 기능성 재료의 구조-특성 관계 해석)

  • Chanwon Jung
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers
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    • v.37 no.5
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    • pp.476-485
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    • 2024
  • Understanding the structure-property relationship in functional materials is crucial as microstructural features such as nano-precipitates, phase boundary, grain boundary segregation, and grain boundary phases play a key role in their functional properties. Atom probe tomography (APT) is an advanced analytical technique that allows for the three-dimensional (3D) mapping of atomic distributions and the precise determination of local chemical compositions in materials. Moreover, it offers sub-nanometer spatial resolution and chemical sensitivity at the tens of parts per million (ppm) level. Owing to its unique capabilities, this technique has been employed to uncover the 3D elemental distributions in a wide range of materials, including alloys, semiconductors, nanomaterials, and even biomaterials. In this paper, various kinds of examples are introduced for elucidating structure-property relationships on functional materials by utilizing the atom probe tomography.

Moving Image Compression with Splitting Sub-blocks for Frame Difference Based on 3D-DCT (3D-DCT 기반 프레임 차분의 부블록 분할 동영상 압축)

  • Choi, Jae-Yoon;Park, Dong-Chun;Kim, Tae-Hyo
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea CI
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.55-63
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    • 2000
  • This paper investigated the sub-region compression effect of the three dimensional DCT(3D-DCT) using the difference component(DC) of inter-frame in images. The proposed algorithm are the method that obtain compression effect to divide the information into subband after 3D-DCT, the data appear the type of cubic block(8${\times}$8${\times}$8) in eight difference components per unit. In the frequence domain that transform the eight differential component frames into eight DCT frames with components of both spatial and temporal frequencies of inter-frame, the image data are divided into frame component(8${\times}$8 block) of time-axis direction into 4${\times}$4 sub block in order to effectively obtain compression data because image components are concentrate in corner region with low-frequency of cubic block. Here, using the weight of sub block, we progressed compression ratio as consider to adaptive sub-region of low frequency part. In simulation, we estimated compression ratio, reconstructed image resolution(PSNR) with the simpler image and the complex image contained the higher frequency component. In the result, we could obtain the high compression effect of 30.36dB(average value in the complex-image) and 34.75dB(average value in the simple-image) in compression range of 0.04~0.05bpp.

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The Patterns of CH4 and N2O fluxes from used Litter Stockpile from Korean Native Cattle (Hanwoo) (사용한 한우 깔짚에서 배출되는 CH4 및 N2O의 배출 특성)

  • Park, Kyu-Hyun;Choi, Dong-Yoon;Yoo, Yong-Hee
    • Journal of Animal Environmental Science
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.145-150
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    • 2012
  • This study was conducted to measure methane ($CH_4$) and nitrous oxide ($N_2O$) emissions from the 6 month old litter stockpile used for korean native cattle (Hanwoo) from August 3, 2007 to October 4, 2007. Daily mean $CH_4$ emissions was peaked to 273.013 ${\mu}g\;m^{-2}\;s^{-1}$ (SE : ${\pm}1.047{\mu}g\;m^{-2}\;s^{-1}$) on first day and then gradually decreased to 2.309 ${\mu}g\;m^{-2}\;s^{-1}$ (SE : ${\pm}0.061{\mu}g\;m^{-2}\;s^{-1}$) at the end of this experiment. Daily mean $N_2O$ emissions was as little as 0.269 ${\mu}g\;m^{-2}\;s^{-1}$ (SE : ${\pm}0.018{\mu}g\;m^{-2}\;s^{-1}$) on first day, but exponentially increased up to 3.569 ${\mu}g\;m^{-2}\;s^{-1}$ (SE : ${\pm}0.454{\mu}g\;m^{-2}\;s^{-1}$) on 43rd day and then slowly decreased to 1.888 ${\mu}g\;m^{-2}\;s^{-1}$ (SE : ${\pm}0.012{\mu}g\;m^{-2}\;s^{-1}$) at the end of this experiment. Carbon dioxide equivalent ($CO_2$-eq), calculated by global warming potentials of $CH_4$ or $N_2O$, of $CH_4$ on first day occupied approximately 99% of sum of $CO_2$-eq of $CH_4$ and $N_2O$. Methane emissions decreased and $N_2O$ emissions increased so that $CO_2$-eq ratio of $CH_4$ to $N_2O$ was 50:50 on 34th day. The effect of $N_2O$ on the ratio was increase thereafter. The ratio of daily mean $CH_4$ and $N_2O$ emissions to daily error of the mean was calculated to find daily fluctuation of $CH_4$ and $N_2O$ emissions. The ratio of $CH_4$ was less than 1.0% till 11th day but increased to 10.9% on 57th day. The ratio of $N_2O$ (0.4%~51.0%) was higher than that of $CH_4$, showing high in early stage and then gradually decrease, which was different from the pattern of $CH_4$. The ratio of daily mean emissions to daily error of the mean was little in case of active $CH_4$ or $N_2O$ generation period, which would be caused by the temporal and spatial heterogeneity of composting process. Hence more air supply on early stage to decrease $CH_4$ generation and proper turning to reduce spatial heterogeneity are needed to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions.

A Study on the Spatial Control Effect of Panjang in Donggwoldo (동궐도(東闕圖) 판장(板墻)의 공간통제 효과에 관한 연구)

  • HA Yujeong;KIM Choongsik
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.55 no.4
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    • pp.196-209
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    • 2022
  • This study compared and analyzed the spatial division function and role of partitions by comparing the entire space and the spatial changes before and after the installation of partitions in <Donggwoldo>, which was manufactured in the late Joseon Dynasty. As a research method, a set standard was prepared to decompose the space of <Donggwoldo> into a unit space, and the standard was set according to the role and height of the space by classifying it into a main space, sub space, and transition space. Two convex maps were prepared according to before and after the installation of the Panjang, and the values of connectivity, control, and integration, which are spatial syntax variables, were calculated and analyzed. The results of the study are as follows. First, the partition in <Donggwoldo(東闕圖)> did not affect the overall spatial arrangement and control or connection of Donggwol, but the movement and access of space is limited to specific areas. Second, the partition was a facility intensively distributed in Naejeon(內殿) and Donggung(東宮) to be used actively in the way of space utilization. It shows that the unit space increased rapidly due to the installation of the partition. Since the partition was installed in the spaces that were open and under high control in the case of Naejeon(內殿), it helped to secure private spaces as closed ones under low control. On the other hand, for Donggung(東宮), the spaces were compartmented and divided with the partition to guide the movement path through narrow gates of the partition and increase the depth of the space. This helped to create spaces that are free and can be hidden as it increased the number of spaces coming through. Third, In addition to the functions of "eye blocking, space division, and movement path control" revealed in prior research, the partition has created a "space that is easy to control" within a specific area. The installation of the partition reduced the scale through the separation of spaces, but it occurred the expansion of the movement path and space. Also, the partition functioned to strengthen hiding and closure or increase openness as well through space division. This study is significant in that it revealed the value of the spatial control function of panjang through the analysis of spatial control and depth by analyzing the function of the partition with a mathematical model in addition to the analysis and study of the function and role of panjang. In addition, it is valuable in that it has prepared a framework for analysis tools that can be applied to traditional residential complexes similar to palaces by applying space syntax to <Donggungdo> to create convex spaces according to unit space division and connection types of palace architecture and landscape elements.

Effects of Commuting Distance Reduction by Teleworking on Carbon Dioxide Emission: Focusing on the Seoul Metropolitan Area (지역기반 원격근무를 통한 출근 통행거리 저감이 CO2 배출에 미치는 영향: 수도권 지역을 대상으로)

  • Kang, Jihan;Oh, Kyushik
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.89-102
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    • 2014
  • The establishment and operation of Region-based Teleworking Centers(RTC) in Korea is in the initial stage at the moment. Although some studies have been conducted on telecommuting at home, few studies have been performed on the effects of all-out expansion and diffusion of region-based Teleworking Centers. Therefore, this study analyzed the reduction effect of commuting distance which is possible to obtain from the establishment of Teleworking Centers, based on the network in the Seoul Metropolitan Area, Subsequently, quantitative reduction of the effects of $CO_2$ were calculated from region-based Teleworking Centers. The results of the analysis indicated that region-based Teleworking Centers could reduce a total of 911 tons of $CO_2$ per day. When applying these results to 258 working days per year (according to Statistics Korea), 235,056 tons of $CO_2$ can be reduced annually by the establishment of Teleworking Centers. With quantity on environmental utility to be obtained from the establishment of Teleworking Centers, this study can be utilized as a guideline for selecting effective locations of Teleworking Centers in the future. It can also be helpful in decisions to determine the priority of extending operations of Teleworking Centers through comparisons among administrative districts.

A Study on the Training Strategy of Human Resources for the u-City Construction (유비쿼터스 도시 건설을 위한 인력양성방안 현황 및 정책방향 연구)

  • Lee, Jae-Yong;Ahn, Jong-Wook;Shin, Dong-Bin;Kim, Jung-Hoon
    • Journal of Korea Spatial Information System Society
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.67-75
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    • 2008
  • This study is for the effective training strategy of human resources for the u-City construction to support the u-City human resource development plan of the Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs (MLTM). One of the biggest problems concerning u-City is the shortage of advanced human resources for the u-City constructions. The characteristic of u-City makes u-City related human resources had knowledge of various fields including IT, GIS, construction engineering, urban planning and so on. But, there are only a few programs to train u-City related human resources. Therefore, this research established the objective of the training strategy for u-City human resource development as "the training strategy of human resources for the successful u-City constructions". To achieve this objective, four different core strategies are established like followings: (1) demander-oriented education, (2) regional balanced education, (3) integration education of u-City related subjects, (4) u-City related education infrastructure development. These 4 different core strategies can be achieved from 5 sub projects like followings: (1) demand estimation of u-City human resources, (2) u-City education from selected regional core universities, (3) u-City education from u-City human resource education centers, (4) online education and (5) construction of education infrastructures. These 5 interrelated sub projects can be preconditions of the successful human resource strategy development.

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The Exceedance Patterns of O3 Air Quality Standards from 31 Monitoring Stations in Seoul (오존의 환경기준 초과양상에 대한 연구)

  • Kim, Min-Young;Choi, Ye-Jin;Kim, Ki-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.23 no.8
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    • pp.683-696
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    • 2002
  • In this work. we investigated the ozone data sets that exceeded ambient air quality standards from 31 air quality monitoring stations dispersed across the Seoul metropolitan city during the period covering 1990 and 2000. To specifically describe spatial dependency of high level O$_3$ occurrence, we grouped our data into four different geographical ozone exceedance is much longer in SW than the other three sectors. When we compared the exceedance data in terms of occurrence frequency, the month of maximum frequency differed slightly among different sectors. Examination of long-term exceedance trend indicated that its frequency increased continuously from all sectors over the past years, although slightly opposite patterns existed in their absolute values. Most importantly, its peak occurrence frequency seemed to center in very recent years such as 1998 (NE sector) and 2000 (ail pattern sectors except NE). Consequently, we were able to describe the existence of certain patterns of ozone exceedance data sets in terms of both temporal and spatial scales.

Soccer Video Highlight Building Algorithm using Structural Characteristics of Broadcasted Sports Video (스포츠 중계 방송의 구조적 특성을 이용한 축구동영상 하이라이트 생성 알고리즘)

  • 김재홍;낭종호;하명환;정병희;김경수
    • Journal of KIISE:Software and Applications
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    • v.30 no.7_8
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    • pp.727-743
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    • 2003
  • This paper proposes an automatic highlight building algorithm for soccer video by using the structural characteristics of broadcasted sports video that an interesting (or important) event (such as goal or foul) in sports video has a continuous replay shot surrounded by gradual shot change effect like wipe. This shot editing rule is used in this paper to analyze the structure of broadcated soccer video and extracts shot involving the important events to build a highlight. It first uses the spatial-temporal image of video to detect wipe transition effects and zoom out/in shot changes. They are used to detect the replay shot. However, using spatial-temporal image alone to detect the wipe transition effect requires too much computational resources and need to change algorithm if the wipe pattern is changed. For solving these problems, a two-pass detection algorithm and a pixel sub-sampling technique are proposed in this paper. Furthermore, to detect the zoom out/in shot change and replay shots more precisely, the green-area-ratio and the motion energy are also computed in the proposed scheme. Finally, highlight shots composed of event and player shot are extracted by using these pre-detected replay shot and zoom out/in shot change point. Proposed algorithm will be useful for web services or broadcasting services requiring abstracted soccer video.