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An Experience of Living Lab as Energy Transition Experiment: The Case of Urban Living Lab for Mini-PV System in Seong-Dae-Gol, Seoul, KOREA (에너지전환 실험의 장으로서 한국 리빙랩의 경험: 성대골의 도시지역 미니태양광 사례를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Jun han;Han, Jae kak
    • Journal of Science and Technology Studies
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.219-265
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    • 2018
  • Recently, interest in energy tranisition is rising. Energy transition requires active participation and cooperation of diverse stakeholders, including users / citizens, in that it requires not only changes in technological factors but also changes and coordination of various social factors. Living labs are attracting attention as one of the ways to do this. This article is a detailed analysis of the activities of the mini-PV living lab in the urban area from 2016 to 2017 at the Seoul, Sung Dae Goal. Through the Living Lab, mini PV DIY products, backup centers, local financial services, and the development of a variety of education and training strategies have been achieved. These activities and achievements were analyzed through questions raised on strategic, tactical, and operational levels, as well as through multi-level perspective and interaction between initiative, regime, and niche. In conclusion, this living lab activity confirmed the possibility of a 'transition lap' to solve social problems such as sustainability of energy production and utilization. In particular, it gained remarkable results in terms of the operational leves of transition management governance, that is, transition experiment, and it was also remarkable in that it was the initiative of citizens. However, it did not proceed without difficulty. In particular, structural problems such as the conflict between the flexibility inherent in living lab and the bureaucratic rigidity of the financial support organization have appeared. There was also a limitation that there was no 'transition field' on the strategic level necessary to replicate and expand strategic niches while spreading the knowledge gained from the transition experiment, forming the vision of transition.

A Novel Globally Asynchronous, Locally Dynamic System Bus Architecture Based on Multitasking Bus (다중처리가 가능한 새로운 Globally Asynchronous, Locally Dynamic System 버스 구조)

  • Choi, Chang-Won;Shin, Hyeon-Chul;Wee, Jae-Kyung
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SD
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    • v.45 no.5
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    • pp.71-81
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    • 2008
  • In this paper, we propose a novel Globally Asynchronous, Locally Dynamic System(GALDS) bus and demonstrate its performance. The proposed GALDS bus is the bidirectional multitasking bus with the segmented bus architecture supporting the concurrent operation of multi-masters and multi-slaves. By analyzing system tasks, the bus architecture chooses the optimal frequency for each If among multiples of bus frequency and thus we can reduce the overall power consumption. For efficient data communications between IPs operating in different frequencies, we designed an asynchronous and bidirectional FIFO based on an asynchronous wrapper with hand-shaking interface. In addition, since systems can be easily expandable by inserting bus segments, the proposed architecture has advantages in IP reusability and structural flexibility As a test example, a four-segment bus haying four masters and four slaves were designed by using Verilog HDL. We demonstrate multitasking operations with read/write data transfers by simulation when the ratios of operation frequency are 1:1, 1:2, 1:4 and 1:8. The data transfer mode is a 16 burst increment mode compatible with Advanced Microcontroller Bus Architecture(AMBA). The maximum operation latency of the proposed GALDS bus is 22 clock cycles for the bus write operation, and 44 clock cycles for read.

Stability Analysis of Multiple Thermal Energy Storage Caverns Using a Coupled Thermal-Mechanical Model (열-역학적 연계해석 모델을 이용한 다중 열저장공동 안정성 분석)

  • Kim, Hyunwoo;Park, Dohyun;Park, Eui-Seob;Sunwoo, Choon
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.297-307
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    • 2014
  • Cavern Thermal Energy Storage system stores thermal energy in caverns to recover industrial waste heat or avoid the sporadic characteristics of renewable-energy resources, and its advantages include high injection-and-extraction powers and the flexibility in selecting a storage medium. In the present study, the structural stability of rock mass pillar between these silo-type storage caverns was assessed using a coupled thermal-mechanical model in FLAC3D. The results of numerical simulations showed that thermal stresses due to long-term storage depended on pillar width and had significant effect on the pillar stability. A sensitivity analysis of main factors indicated that the influence on the pillar stability increased in the order cavern depth < pillar width < in situ condition. It was suggested that two identical caverns should be separated by at least one diameter of the cavern and small-diameter shaft neighboring the cavern should be separated by more than half of the cavern diameter. Meanwhile, when the line of centers of two caverns was parallel to the direction of maximum horizontal principal stress, the shielding effect of the caverns could minimize an adverse effect caused by a large horizontal stress.

Comparative Study on The Macro Causes of Single-Mother Households Poverty And Implications on Korea - Focusing on OECD 19 Countries Including Korea(1980-2012) - (독신모가구 빈곤의 거시적 결정요인 국제비교 - 한국을 포함한 OECD 19개국을 대상으로(1981-2012) -)

  • Sim, Sang Yong
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.68 no.3
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    • pp.51-71
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study is to clarify macro causes influencing on the diversity of single-mother households poverty among OECD Countries including Korea. This study carried out pooled time series cross-section analysis applying unbalanced panel design on the period from 1981 to 2012. There is marked diversity on single-mother households poverty. GDP per capita does not contributes to reduce poverty, and female employment rate and % population 0-14 exacerbate poverty. Several factors contribute on poverty reduction including social spending, child cash spending, union density, employment protection on regular workers, proportional representation system, cumulative left cabinet, cumulative women seat. In Korea, it needs to overcome the limit of anti-poverty strategy mainly based on economic growth and labor market flexibility. And it needs to enlarge universal welfare institutions, child benefits, work-family reconciliation policy, and to design adjusted labor market institutions including union density and employment protection, to introduce consensus political model including proportional representation system to enhance left power and women's representation.

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An Implementation of the Report View Generator using Program Performance Log Information (프로그램 성능 평가 로그 정보를 이용한 레포트 뷰 생성기 구현)

  • Cho Yong-Yoon;Yoo Chae-Woo
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.10 no.3 s.35
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    • pp.35-44
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    • 2005
  • A software developer can use a performance evaluation tool to elevate development speed and improve qualify of softwares. But, evaluation results that most performance evaluation tools offer are complicated strings. Therefore, a developer cannot intuitively understand the meanings of the results and must make much times and efforts in analysing the result. In this paper, we propose a report view generator that can transform and provide the text-based performance evaluation results for softwares with various graphic-based views. Our proposed generator consists of a screen generator that creates a structural XML document about the text-based performance evaluation results and a log analyzer that makes various report view through the created XML evaluation document. Because the XML evaluation result document can express the result information structured according to performance evaluation items for resources of softwares, it can have flexibility in offering and integrating the result information for the items. Through the suggested report view generator, developers can intuitively understand and analysis performance evaluation results of embedded software. And they can easily and quickly improve software quality and improve development efficiency of softwares.

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A Knowledge-based Wrapper Learning Agent for Semi-Structured Information Sources (준구조화된 정보소스에 대한 지식기반의 Wrapper 학습 에이전트)

  • Seo, Hee-Kyoung;Yang, Jae-Young;Choi, Joong-Min
    • Journal of KIISE:Software and Applications
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    • v.29 no.1_2
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    • pp.42-52
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    • 2002
  • Information extraction(IE) is a process of recognizing and fetching particular information fragments from a document. In previous work, most IE systems generate the extraction rules called the wrappers manually, and although this manual wrapper generation may achieve more correct extraction, it reveals some problems in flexibility, extensibility, and efficiency. Some other researches that employ automatic ways of generating wrappers are also experiencing difficulties in acquiring and representing useful domain knowledge and in coping with the structural heterogeneity among different information sources, and as a result, the real-world information sources with complex document structures could not be correctly analyzed. In order to resolve these problems, this paper presents an agent-based information extraction system named XTROS that exploits the domain knowledge to learn from documents in a semi-structured information source. This system generates a wrapper for each information source automatically and performs information extraction and information integration by applying this wrapper to the corresponding source. In XTROS, both the domain knowledge and the wrapper are represented as XML-type documents. The wrapper generation algorithm first recognizes the meaning of each logical line of a sample document by using the domain knowledge, and then finds the most frequent pattern from the sequence of semantic representations of the logical lines. Eventually, the location and the structure of this pattern represented by an XML document becomes the wrapper. By testing XTROS on several real-estate information sites, we claim that it creates the correct wrappers for most Web sources and consequently facilitates effective information extraction and integration for heterogeneous and complex information sources.

Effect of Delivery Application Quality on Application Trust, Delivery Rider Trust, and Intention to Use: Focused on Trust Transfer in Online Platform Logistics (배달 애플리케이션 품질이 애플리케이션 신뢰, 라이더 신뢰 그리고 사용의도에 미치는 영향 : 온라인 플랫폼 물류에서의 신뢰 이전을 중심으로)

  • SEO, Won-Tae
    • The Korean Journal of Franchise Management
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.41-54
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    • 2021
  • Purpose: Delivery food orders are on the rise due to the COVID 19 pandemic. Many customers are ordering food through delivery apps rather than visiting restaurants to eat out. Delivery application platforms are growing due to the development of O2O. Most of the people who provide gig worker for delivery applications are rider. Rider provides labor on their own terms and have more work flexibility and autonomy than ordinary workers. Trust can be transferred from a well-known entity to an unknown entity. From the customer's point of view of using the delivery application, trust can be seen through the third-party trust of the delivery application platform-rider-customer. Therefore, this study intends to investigate the effect on delivery application trust and rider trust through the well-known characteristics of delivery applications. Research design, data, and methodology: This study was conducted on Korean consumers over 20 years of age who have ordered food through a delivery application for the past month. After educating 5 investigators about the purpose of this study, 60 copies of the survey were conducted per person. During the investigation period, from September 2 to September 26, 2021, 322 copies were collected over 25 days. Among the collected questionnaires, 37 were excluded from insincere or partially unanswered, and 285 were used for analysis. In addition, the collected data were analyzed using SPSS 25.0 and AMOS 25.0. Result: As a result of the study, convenience, price, and variety of restaurants were found to have a significant positive (+) effect on app trust, but design did not have a significant effect on app trust. Also, it was found that convenience had a significant positive (+) effect on trust in rider, but design, price, and variety of restaurants did not have a significant effect. App trust was found to have a significant positive (+) effect on rider trust and intention to use, and it was found to have a significant positive (+) effect on rider trust and intention to use. Conclusions: First, this study established a structural framework between delivery application characteristics-delivery-app trust-rider trust-intention to use. Second, in this study, it was found that customer trust in well-known delivery applications was transferred to less-known rider trust. Third, the delivery application should increase the convenience of use. Fourth, delivery application should set the delivery fee appropriately. Fifth, delivery application must continuously train the rider.

The Influence of the Perception of Age-Friendly Environment on Perceived Social Bonding: Focusing on Mediating Effect of Perception of Age-Integration (고령친화 환경인식이 사회결속력 인식에 미치는 영향: 연령통합 인식의 매개역할을 중심으로)

  • Chung, Soondool;Park, Aely
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.999-1013
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    • 2018
  • This study examined the effect of the perception of age-friendly environment on perceived social bonding. In particular, this study focused on the mediating effects of perception of age-integration between perception of age-friendly environment and perceived social bonding. The data were analyzed using the '2017 Ages Integration Survey' conducted by the Korea Research Foundation(SSK). A total of 997 adults from 20 to 86 ears of age were participated in this study. The perception of age-friendly environment was measured using the age-friendly city guidelines set out by WHO and perception of age-integration was measured using questions that asked about age flexibility and age diversity. Also, the social capital scale was used to measure perception of social bonding. In order to increase the reliability of the analysis results, age, gender, educational achievement and residential area were controlled. Structural Equation Modeling approach was employed to answer the research questions. The results are following. First, perception of age-friendly environment was significantly associated with perceived social bonding in a positive direction, controlling for age, gender, educational achievement and residential area. Second, perception of age-integration partially mediated the relationship between perception age-friendly environment and perceived social bonding controlling for covariates. Based on these findings, this study proposes political and practical intervention strategies to promote age-friendly environment and age-integration.

A Study on the Vibration Analysis of Spindle Housing with High Strength Aluminum of 2NC Head in Five-axis Cutting Machine Training (5축 절삭가공기 교육 중 2NC 헤드의 고강도 알루미늄을 적용한 스핀들 하우징의 극한 조건의 진동해석에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Ji Woong
    • Journal of Practical Engineering Education
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.119-125
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    • 2022
  • Materials used for education are materials such as SM20C, Al6061, and acrylic. SM20C materials are carbon steel and are often used in certification tests and functional competitions, but are also widely used in industrial sites. The Al6061 material is said to be a material that has lower hardness and stronger flexibility than carbon steel, so it is a material that generates a lot of compositional selection of tools. If students are taught practical training using acrylic materials, vibration occurs due to excessive cutting in some parts and damage to the tool occurs. In this process, we examine to what extent the impact on the 2NC head, which is a five-axis equipment, can affect precision control. The weakest part of the five-axis equipment can be said to be the weakest part of the head that controls the AC axis. When the accuracy and cumulative tolerance of this part occur, the accuracy of all products decreases. Therefore, the core part of the 2NC head, the spindle housing, was carried out using an Al7075 T6 (Alcoa, USA) material. In the process of vibration and cutting applied to this material, the analysis was conducted to find out the value applied to the finite element analysis under extreme conditions. It is hoped that this analysis data will help students see and understand the structure of 5-axis machining rather than 5-axis cutting.

Development of an Algorithm for Automatic Quantity Take-off of Slab Rebar (슬래브 철근 물량 산출 자동화 알고리즘 개발)

  • Kim, Suhwan;Kim, Sunkuk;Suh, Sangwook;Kim, Sangchul
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.24 no.5
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    • pp.52-62
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    • 2023
  • The objective of this study is to propose an automated algorithm for precise cutting length of slab rebar complying with regulations such as anchorage length, standard hooks, and lapping length. This algorithm aims to improve the traditional manual quantity take-off process typically outsourced by external contractors. By providing accurate rebar quantity data at BBS(Bar Bending Schedule) level from the bidding phase, uncertainty in quantity take-off can be eliminated and reliance on out-sourcing reduced. In addition, the algorithm allows for early determination of precise quantities, enabling construction firms to preapre competitive and optimized bids, leading to increased profit margins during contract negotiations. The proposed algorithm not only streamlines redundant tasks across various processes, including estimating, budgeting, and BBS generation but also offers flexibility in handling post-contract structural drawing changes. In particular, the proposed algorithm, when combined with BIM, can solve the technical problems of using BIM in the early phases of construction, and the algorithm's formulas and shape codes that built as REVIT-based family files, can help saving time and manpower.