• Title/Summary/Keyword: String alignment

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A Revocable Fingerprint Template for Security and Privacy Preserving

  • Jin, Zhe;Teoh, Andrew Beng Jin;Ong, Thian Song;Tee, Connie
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.4 no.6
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    • pp.1327-1342
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    • 2010
  • With the wide deployment of biometric authentication systems, several issues pertaining security and privacy of the biometric template have gained great attention from the research community. To resolve these issues, a number of biometric template protection methods have been proposed. However, the design of a template protection method to satisfy four criteria, namely diversity, revocability and non-invertibility is still a challenging task, especially performance degradation when template protection method is employed. In this paper, we propose a novel method to generate a revocable minutiae-based fingerprint template. The proposed method consists of feature extraction from fingerprint minutiae pairs, quantization, histogram binning, binarization and eventually binary bit-string generation. The contributions of our method are two fold: alignment-free and good performance. Various experiments on FVC2004 DB1 demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed methods.

Exclusion of Non-similar Candidates using Positional Accuracy based on Levenstein Distance from N-best Recognition Results of Isolated Word Recognition (레벤스타인 거리에 기초한 위치 정확도를 이용한 고립 단어 인식 결과의 비유사 후보 단어 제외)

  • Yun, Young-Sun;Kang, Jeom-Ja
    • Phonetics and Speech Sciences
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    • v.1 no.3
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    • pp.109-115
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    • 2009
  • Many isolated word recognition systems may generate non-similar words for recognition candidates because they use only acoustic information. In this paper, we investigate several techniques which can exclude non-similar words from N-best candidate words by applying Levenstein distance measure. At first, word distance method based on phone and syllable distances are considered. These methods use just Levenstein distance on phones or double Levenstein distance algorithm on syllables of candidates. Next, word similarity approaches are presented that they use characters' position information of word candidates. Each character's position is labeled to inserted, deleted, and correct position after alignment between source and target string. The word similarities are obtained from characters' positional probabilities which mean the frequency ratio of the same characters' observations on the position. From experimental results, we can find that the proposed methods are effective for removing non-similar words without loss of system performance from the N-best recognition candidates of the systems.

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Parallel Algorithms for Finding Consensus of Circular Strings (환형문자열에 대한 대표문자열을 찾는 병렬 알고리즘)

  • Kim, Dong Hee;Sim, Jeong Seop
    • Journal of KIISE
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    • v.42 no.3
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    • pp.289-294
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    • 2015
  • The consensus problem is finding a representative string, called a consensus, of a given set S of k strings. Circular strings are different from linear strings in that the last symbol precedes the first symbol. Given a set S of circular strings of length n over an alphabet ${\Sigma}$, we first present an $O({\mid}{\Sigma}{\mid}nlogn)$ time parallel algorithm for finding a consensus of S minimizing both radius and distance sum when k=3 using O(n) threads. Then we present an $O({\mid}{\Sigma}{\mid}n^2logn)$ time parallel algorithm for finding a consensus of S minimizing distance sum when k=4 using O(n) threads. Finally, we compare execution times of our algorithms implemented using CUDA with corresponding sequential algorithms.

Optimal Sequence Alignment Algorithm Using Space Division Technique (공간 분할 방법을 이용한 최적 서열정렬 알고리즘)

  • Ahn, Heui-Kook;Roh, Hi-Young
    • Journal of KIISE:Software and Applications
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    • v.34 no.5
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    • pp.397-406
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    • 2007
  • The problem of finding an optimal alignment between sequence A and B can be solved by dynamic programming algorithm(DPA) efficiently. But, if the length of string was longer, the problem might not be solvable because it requires O(m*n) time and space complexity.(where, $m={\mid}A{\mid},\;n={\mid}B{\mid}$) For space, Hirschberg developed a linear space and quadratic time algorithm, so computer memory was no longer a limiting factor for long sequences. As computers's processor and memory become faster and larger, a method is needed to speed processing up, although which uses more space. For this purpose, we present an algorithm which will solve the problem in quadratic time and linear space. By using division method, It computes optimal alignment faster than LSA, although requires more memory. We generalized the algorithm about division problem for not being divided into integer and pruned additional space by entry/exit node concept. Through the proofness and experiment, we identified that our algorithm uses d*(m+n) space and a little more (m*n) time faster than LSA.

Molecular Characterization of Legionellosis Drug Target Candidate Enzyme Phosphoglucosamine Mutase from Legionella pneumophila (strain Paris): An In Silico Approach

  • Hasan, Md. Anayet;Mazumder, Md. Habibul Hasan;Khan, Md. Arif;Hossain, Mohammad Uzzal;Chowdhury, A.S.M. Homaun Kabir
    • Genomics & Informatics
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.268-275
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    • 2014
  • The harshness of legionellosis differs from mild Pontiac fever to potentially fatal Legionnaire's disease. The increasing development of drug resistance against legionellosis has led to explore new novel drug targets. It has been found that phosphoglucosamine mutase, phosphomannomutase, and phosphoglyceromutase enzymes can be used as the most probable therapeutic drug targets through extensive data mining. Phosphoglucosamine mutase is involved in amino sugar and nucleotide sugar metabolism. The purpose of this study was to predict the potential target of that specific drug. For this, the 3D structure of phosphoglucosamine mutase of Legionella pneumophila (strain Paris) was determined by means of homology modeling through Phyre2 and refined by ModRefiner. Then, the designed model was evaluated with a structure validation program, for instance, PROCHECK, ERRAT, Verify3D, and QMEAN, for further structural analysis. Secondary structural features were determined through self-optimized prediction method with alignment (SOPMA) and interacting networks by STRING. Consequently, we performed molecular docking studies. The analytical result of PROCHECK showed that 95.0% of the residues are in the most favored region, 4.50% are in the additional allowed region and 0.50% are in the generously allowed region of the Ramachandran plot. Verify3D graph value indicates a score of 0.71 and 89.791, 1.11 for ERRAT and QMEAN respectively. Arg419, Thr414, Ser412, and Thr9 were found to dock the substrate for the most favorable binding of S-mercaptocysteine. However, these findings from this current study will pave the way for further extensive investigation of this enzyme in wet lab experiments and in that way assist drug design against legionellosis.