• Title/Summary/Keyword: Stress Rupture

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Evaluation of Creep-Fatigue Damage of KALIMER Reactor Internals Using the Elastic Analysis Method in RCC-MR

  • Koo, Gyeong-Hoi;Bong Yoo
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.33 no.6
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    • pp.566-584
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    • 2001
  • In this paper, the progressive deformation and the creep-fatigue damage for the conceptually designed reactor internals of KALIMER(Korea Advanced Liquid MEtal Reactor) are carried out by using the elastic analysis method in the RCC-MR code for normal operating conditions including the thermal load, seismic load (OBE) and dead weight. The maximum operating temperature of this reactor is 53$0^{\circ}C$ and the total service lifetime is 30 years. Thus, the time- dependent creep and stress-rupture effects become quite important in the structural design. The effects of the thermal induced membrane stress on the creep-fatigue damage are investigated with the risk of the elastic follow-up. To calculate the thermal stress, detailed thermal analyses considering conduction, convection and radiation heat transfer mechanisms are carried out with the ANSYS program. Using the results of the elastic analysis, the progressive deformation and creep-fatigue damages are calculated step by step using the RCC-MR in detail. This paper ill be a very useful guide for an actual application of the high temperature structural design of the nuclear power plant accounting for the time-dependent creep and stress-rupture effects.

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Development of Mechanical Properties of Ni-based Superalloy for Land-based Gas Turbine (산업용 가스터빈 블레이드용 초내열합금의 기계적 특성 향상에 관한 연구)

  • Chun, C.H.;Kim, G.M.;KIM, D.S;Jang, J.C;Kim, J.C.
    • Journal of Power System Engineering
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.18-22
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    • 2003
  • A Study has been made to investigate the effects of hot isostatic press(HIP) and post-HIP heat treatment on microstructures and mechanical properties of Ni-based single crystal superalloy CMSX-4. HIP process was found to heal and close micropores significantly, but did not affect the morphologies of. The elimination of as-cast micropores obtained by HIP process resulted in improved stress-rupture lives of Ni-base single crystal superalloy by 185%.

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Investigation into the Causes of Rupturing Ammonia-filled Cylinders (액상 암모니아 충전 용기의 파열 원인 분석)

    • Journal of Hydrogen and New Energy
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.451-459
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    • 2024
  • This paper quantitatively analyzes the causes of ammonia-filled- cylinder rupture based on Tait equation and the safety guidelines, focusing on liquid expansion, internal temperature, and overfilling. When there exists a safety volume, i.e., gas-occupied volume within the ammonia cylinder, the internal pressure due to temperature rise corresponds to the vapor pressure at that temperature, with an approximate circumferential stress increase of 1.43 MPa/℃. In the absence of the safety volume, the internal pressure due to temperature rise matches the pressure of the compressed liquid ammonia at that temperature, and the resulting circumferential stress gradient in the cylinder shell is approximately 55.94 MPa/℃.

Stress Radiographs under Anesthesia for Painful Chronic Lateral Ankle Instability (동통을 동반한 족관절의 만성 외측 불안정성에 있어서 마취하 스트레스 방사선 검사)

  • Choi, Jun Young;Ahn, Hee Chan;Shin, Myung Jin;Suh, Jin Soo
    • Journal of Korean Foot and Ankle Society
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.12-16
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    • 2017
  • Purpose: Anterior drawer and varus stress radiographs are commonly to diagnose chronic lateral ankle instability. We compared the preoperative stress radiographs with the intraoperative radiographs under anesthesia to determine the accuracy and efficacy of stress radiographs in an outpatient clinical environment. Materials and Methods: Data was collected from patients who underwent a modified $Brostr{\ddot{o}}m$ operation for painful chronic unilateral lateral ankle instability between January 2014 and June 2016. Subjects were divided into three groups-complete tear, partial tear, and instability without rupture-according to the status of preoperative MRI findings of the anterior talofibular ligament. The anterior drawer and varus stress radiographs were taken preoperatively and intraoperatively under anesthesia. Results: Ninety-six patients, with a mean age of 29.63 years, were enrolled. There were 39, 46, and 11 patients in the complete tear, partial tear, and instability without rupture groups, respectively. On the anterior drawer and varus stress radiographs of the affected limb, talar anterior translation and varus tilting were significantly increased by 2.56 mm and $2.0^{\circ}$. The gaps between the unaffected limbs were also increased by 2.47 mm and $1.32^{\circ}$ after anesthesia. Although the stress radiographs were taken under anesthesia, the results were often smaller than the diagnostic value. Conclusion: Stress radiographs for painful chronic lateral ankle instability taken at the outpatient clinic might be inaccurate for diagnosis.

Studies on Comply-composites bonded with Particleboard and Veneer or Plywood (삭편판과 단판 또는 합판을 구성 접착한 콤플라이 복합재에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Phil-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.86-101
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    • 1990
  • The primary objective of this research was to investigate the strength properties of Comply, a composite panel. fabricated with particle board as core material and veneer or plywood as face and back. 20types of comply composites were manufactured according to the four specific gravity levels(0.5, 0.6, 0.7 or 0.8) of particleboard core and three veneer or two plywood thicknesses for face and back. They were tested and compared with matching particleboard (control) on moisture content. specific gravity, bending properties(MOE, MOR SPL). nail resistance and internal bond strength. The obtained results were summarized as follows: The increasing effect of modulus of elasticity was shown by the increase of face and back veneer or plywood thickness. The modulus of rupture and stress at proportional limit of the comply composites bonded with 3mm thick veneers or 3mm thick plywood face and back were higher than 2mm thick veneer or 2mm thick plywood as face and back. Both of modulus of rupture and stress at proportional limit on bending of Comply were higher than those of control board. Also the modulus of elasticity of Comply showed much higher than that of control board. The nail resistance of Comply, composed of plywood as face and back was higher than that of veneer. The nail resistance of control board was higher than that of Comply at Sp.Gr 0.7 and 0.8 core boards. Internal bond of Comply, composed of 1mm and 2mm thick veneer as face and back was higher than that of 3mm thick veneer. The increasing effect of modulus of elasticity was shown by the increase of shelling ratio in Comply composed of veneer and plywood as face and back. The modulus of rupture was increased by the increment of shellmg ratio in Compiy, composed of plywood as face and back. The modulus of elasticity and modulus of. rupture of comply were higher than those of particleboard(control) in effect of shelling ratio. Therefore it was concluded that the mechanical property values of Comply were clearly greater than those of particleboard(control).

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Simulation of the fracture of heterogeneous rock masses based on the enriched numerical manifold method

  • Yuan Wang;Xinyu Liu;Lingfeng Zhou;Qi Dong
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.34 no.6
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    • pp.683-696
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    • 2023
  • The destruction and fracture of rock masses are crucial components in engineering and there is an increasing demand for the study of the influence of rock mass heterogeneity on the safety of engineering projects. The numerical manifold method (NMM) has a unified solution format for continuous and discontinuous problems. In most NMM studies, material homogeneity has been assumed and despite this simplification, fracture mechanics remain complex and simulations are inefficient because of the complicated topology updating operations that are needed after crack propagation. These operations become computationally expensive especially in the cases of heterogeneous materials. In this study, a heterogeneous model algorithm based on stochastic theory was developed and introduced into the NMM. A new fracture algorithm was developed to simulate the rupture zone. The algorithm was validated for the examples of the four-point shear beam and semi-circular bend. Results show that the algorithm can efficiently simulate the rupture zone of heterogeneous rock masses. Heterogeneity has a powerful effect on the macroscopic failure characteristics and uniaxial compressive strength of rock masses. The peak strength of homogeneous material (with heterogeneity or standard deviation of 0) is 2.4 times that of heterogeneous material (with heterogeneity of 11.0). Moreover, the local distribution of parameter values can affect the configuration of rupture zones in rock masses. The local distribution also influences the peak value on the stress-strain curve and the residual strength. The post-peak stress-strain curve envelope from 60 random calculations can be used as an estimate of the strength of engineering rock masses.

Creep Behaviours of Inconel 690 Alloy (인코넬 690 합금의 크리프거동)

  • 황경충;윤종호;최재하;김성청
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Machine Tool Engineers
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.54-61
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    • 2002
  • Inconel 690 alloy has widely been used in power plant and high temperature facilities because it has high thermal resistance and toughness. But we have little design data about the creep behaviors of the alloy. Therefore, in this study, an apparatus has been designed and built for conducting creep tests under constant load conditions. A series of creep tests on Inconel 690 alloy have been performed to get the basic design data and life prediction of inconel products and we have gotten the following results. First, the stress exponents decrease as the test temperatures increase. Secondly, the creep activation energy gradually decreases as the stresses become bigger. thirdly, the constant of Larson-Miller Parameters on this alloy is estimated about 10. And last the fractographs at the creep rupture show both the ductile and the brittle fracture according to the creep conditions.

Creep Behaviours of Glasses Rim Material Alloy (안경테소재 합금(Ti-6AI-4V)의 크리프 특성)

  • 황경충;윤종호
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Machine Tool Engineers Conference
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    • 2003.10a
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    • pp.248-253
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    • 2003
  • Titanium alloy has widely been used as glasses rim material because it has high specific strength and also is light, harmless to men. But, we have little design data about the creep behaviors of the alloy. Therefore, in this study, an apparatus has been designed and built for conducting creep tests under constant load conditions. A series of creep tests on them have been performed to get the basic design data and life prediction of titanium products and we have gotten the following results. First, the stress exponents decrease as the test temperatures increase. Secondly, the creep activation energy gradually decreases as the stresses become bigger. Thirdly, the constant of Larson-Miller parameters on this alloy is estimated about 13. And last, the fractographs at the creep rupture show both the ductile and the brittle fracture according to the creep conditions.

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Improvement of long-time creep life prediction of steam turbine rotor steel (증기 터빈축 강재의 장시간 크리프 수명 예측법 개선)

  • 오세규;정순억;전태언
    • Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.47-52
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    • 1996
  • This paper deals with a study on improvement of long-time creep life prediction of steam turbine rotor steels by using initial strain method as a new approach at high temperatures of 500 to 70$0^{\circ}C$ . The main result shows that the inital strain method could be reliably utilized to predict and evaluate the long-time creep life as creep rupture strength and that the predicting equation for long-time creep life under a certain creep stress at a certain high temperature could be empirically derived out from each initial instantaneous strain measured.

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