• Title/Summary/Keyword: Strength softening

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Flexural Behavior of Fiber-Reinforced Concrete by Fiber Types (보강섬유의 종류에 따른 섬유보강 콘크리트의 휨특성)

  • Kang, Young-Tai;Kim, Gyu-Yong;Lee, Bo-Kyeong;Lee, Sang-Kyu;Kim, Gyeong-Tae;Nam, Jeong-Soo
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Building Construction Conference
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    • 2017.11a
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    • pp.15-16
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    • 2017
  • In this study, the flexural behavior of fiber-reinforced concrete by fiber type were evaluated. As a result, the flexural strength of the hooked steel fiber-reinforced concrete(HSFRC) was lower than that of the amorphous metallic fiber reinforced concrete(AFRC), however it was shown strain-softening behavior by the pull-out of fiber. The flexural strength and the equivalent flexural strength of polyamide fiber-reinforced concrete(PAFRC) were lower than other specimens, but the equivalent flexural strength ratio was similar to that of AFRC. The flexural behavior of the fiber-reinforced concrete was associated with the bonding and pull-out properties of the fiber and matrix depending on the fiber type.

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Development of Strain-softening Model for Geosynthetic-involved Interface Using Disturbed State Concept (DSC를 이용한 토목섬유가 포함된 경계면의 변형율 연화 모델 개발)

  • Woo, Seo-Min;Park, Jun-Boum;Park, Inn-Joon
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.223-232
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    • 2003
  • In this study, a constitutive model called the disturbed state concept (DSC) was modified to be applied to the interface shear stress-displacement relationship between geosynthetics. The DSC model is comprised of two reference states, namely the relative intact (RI) and the fully adjusted (FA) state, and one function, namely the disturbance function. This model is a unified approach and can allow for various models as an RI state such as elastic-perfectly plastic model, hierarchical model, and so on. In addition, by using this model, the elastic and plastic displacements can be considered simultaneously. Comparisons between the measured data and predicted results through the parameters determined from four sets of large direct shear tests showed good agreements with each other, especially for the smooth geomembrane-involved interface. Although there are slight differences at peak shear strength for textured geomembrane-involved interface, this model can still be useful to predict the position of displacement at peak strength and the large displacement (or residual) shear strength.

Estimation of Compressive Strength for Cemented River Sand (고결된 하상모래의 압축강도 추정)

  • Jeong, Woo-Seob;Yoon, Gil-Lim;Kim, Byung-Tak
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.67-78
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    • 2008
  • In this study, artificial cemented sand made of a few portland cement and Nak-Dong river sand was researched closely to investigate cementing effect quantitatively through unconfined tests and triaxial tests. The peak strength and elastic modulus increased and dilation of cemented sand was restricted by the cementation, but after breakage of the cementation, dilation and negative excess pore water pressure increased. In stress-strain curve, strain-softening behavior appeared in drained condition but strain-hardening behavior was appeared in undrained condition as a result of the increase of effective stress. The test was quantitatively analyzed by multiple regression models, correlating each response variable with input variable. The equations are valid only over the range investigated. Its adjusted coefficient of determination was $0.81{\sim}0.91$, and dry density is important factor for estimating strength of cemented sand.

Nonlinear Analysis of High Strength Reinforced Concrete Members Considering the Tension Stiffening Model (인장강성 모델을 고려한 고강도 철근콘크리트 부재의 비선형 해석)

  • 홍창우;윤경구;김경진;박제선
    • Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference
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    • 1999.10a
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    • pp.479-482
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    • 1999
  • The tension stiffening effect, which means the maintaining a part of stiffness after cracking of concrete in tensile, exists at a reinforced concrete member because of the concrete softening and bonding stress between cracks. It is required to consider it for precise analysis and evaluation o structural behavior, due to the possibility of discrepancy between the actual behavior and the analysis without considering the tension stiffening effect. Making and adopting a tension stiffening model is the most simple and effective way for considering it at nonlinear analysis which indicated the estimation from models and experimental results were similar each others. The comparisons on RC beam were, also performed in order to analyzed the influence of concrete strength and steel ratio into the structural behavior. They indicated that the results from analysis estimated quite closely to the test results at low steel ratio, however, overestimated at high steel ratio. The overestimation increase linearly as concrete strength or steel ratio increased.

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A Study on fracture parameters with compressive strength of concrete (콘크리트의 압축강도에 따른 파괴특성간 연구)

  • 윤요현;전철송;최신호;김화중
    • Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference
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    • 2001.11a
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    • pp.659-664
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    • 2001
  • Concrete has a different fracture mechanism from the other materials, with the existing of FPZ at the ahead of its cracks, and represents the softening curves at the post-peak load in the load-displacement diagrams. So, it can transmit the stress at the post-peak load. This can not be understood with the traditional concept of strength, but with the theory based energy approach. For the purpose of this study is mainly used RILEM(1990 TC89-FMT) and TPM, and the concrete fracture properties have been evaluated according to the its compressive strength. The evaluated fracture properties is $G_{F}$, $a_{c}$, $K_{IC}$ , CTODc, Q etc.c.c.

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Charateristics of Adhesive Joint between Concrete and FRP Using Numerical Method (수치 모델을 사용한 콘크리트-FRP 부착면의 거동 특성)

  • 조정래;조근희;박영환;김병석
    • Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.219-222
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    • 2003
  • Substantial experimental and theoretical work exists on the bond characteristics of FRP-concrete adhesive joints. Experimental studies show that the bond strength cannot always increase with an increase in the bond length, and that the ultimate strength is strongly influenced by the concrete strength. To solve this feature, analytic solutions based on fracture mechanics are widely used, and the local shear stress-slip curve with a softening branch is known as more rational model. The analytic solution, however, cannot describe various shapes of model curve. In this study, numerical method using interface element is introduced to express various shapes of model curve. Characteristics of adhesive joint is investigated for the shapes of the model curve and their parameters. And the numerical solutions are compared with the test results of CFRP sheet adhesive joints.

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The Physical Properties of RTFL Adhesive for Bonding SBR to Nylon (SBR과 나일론 접착을 위한 RTFL 접착제의 물성)

  • Chung, Kyung-Ho
    • Elastomers and Composites
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.274-282
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    • 1993
  • Resorcinol-tannin-formaldehyde-latex(RTFL) adhesive was prepared to bond SBR to nylon in reinforced rubber composites. A key factor of adhesive contributes to the adhesion strength between SBR and nylon was the toughness of adhesive itself. Although the stiffness and strength of adhesive film decreased slightly with increasing level of tannin substitution for resorcinol in a standard RFL adhesive, the maximum toughness of adhesive film, which showed yield behavior and high dissipative capacity, was obtain by 60% tannin substitution. However, a marked softening and reduction in toughness occurred at sufficiently high substitution. Also, the adhesive film, which was heat-treated to simulate cure, showed higher strength than the unheated film. Thus, the properties of tannin containing adhesives could be optimized by using 40/60 weight ratio of the resorcinol/tannin in RTFL adhesive composition as well as heat treatment of adhesive film.

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Proposed New Model for the Stress-Strain Relationship of Ultra High-Strength Concrete (초고강도 콘크리트의 응력-병형률 모델 제안)

  • 박훈규;이정화;윤영수;장일영
    • Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference
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    • 1997.04a
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    • pp.406-412
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    • 1997
  • This paper presents the newly developed model for the stress-strain relationship of ultra high- strength concrete on the basis of the more refined statistical to analysis the various test results available in the literature to be more rigorous in accuracy and generalized scheme. Through the comprehensive analysis of the previously existing equations for each model, multiple curves equation has turned out to be most appropriate to simulate the linearly varying ascending branch and brittle type of descending one. The principal variables to model the stress-strain relationship such as the modulus of elasticity, ultimate strain and deformation characteristics due to stress softening phenomenon were extensively studied to be simplified in the function of the concrete compressive strength.

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Ring Shear Characteristics of Waste Rock Materials in Terms of Water Leakage (누수유무에 따른 광산폐석의 링전단특성)

  • Jeong, Sueng Won
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.307-314
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    • 2016
  • Shear characteristics of soils can be investigated using various types of shear stress measuring apparatus. Ring shear tests are often applied for examining the residual shear strength under the unlimited deformation. This paper presents drainage-consolidation-shear velocity dependent undrained shear strengths measured in terms of water leakage. A series of ring shear tests were performed under the constant normal stress (50 kPa) and controled shear velocity ranging from 0.01~1 mm/sec under the undrained condition. As a result, undrained shear strengths are dependent on shear velocity. It exhibits that straining hardening behavior is observed for the shear velocity lower than 0.1 mm/sec; however, the strain softening behavior is observed for the shear velocity higher than 0.1 mm/sec. Water leakage can cause the increase in shear stress irrespective of shear velocity. Shear stress increases with increasing amount of water leakage. It is due to the fact that the small grains and water flow out through the rubble edge in the ring shear box. Repetitive saturation and consolidation processes may minimize the error.

Interactive strut-and-tie-model for shear strength prediction of RC pile caps

  • Chetchotisak, Panatchai;Yindeesuk, Sukit;Teerawong, Jaruek
    • Computers and Concrete
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.329-338
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    • 2017
  • A new simple and practical strut-and-tie model (STM) for predicting the shear strength of RC pile caps is proposed in this paper. Two approaches are adopted to take into account the concrete softening effect. In the first approach, a concrete efficiency factor based on compression field theory is employed to determine the effective strength of a concrete strut, assumed to control the shear strength of the whole member. The second adopted Kupfer and Gerstle's biaxial failure criterion of concrete to derive the simple nominal shear strength of pile caps containing the interaction between strut and tie capacity. The validation of these two methods is investigated using 110 RC pile cap test results and other STMs available in the literature. It was found that the failure criterion approach appears to provide more accurate and consistent predictions, and hence is chosen to be the proposed STM. Finally, the predictions of the proposed STM are also compared with those obtained by using seven other STMs from codes of practice and the literature, and were found to give better accuracy and consistency.