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Modeling of triple concave friction pendulum bearings for seismic isolation of buildings

  • Yurdakul, Muhammet;Ates, Sevket
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.40 no.3
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    • pp.315-334
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    • 2011
  • Seismic isolated building structures are examined in this study. The triple concave friction pendulum (TCFP) is used as a seismic isolation system which is easy to be manufactured and enduring more than traditional seismic isolation systems. In the TCFP, take advantage of weight which pendulum carrying and it's geometry in order to obtain desirable result of seismic isolation systems. These systems offer advantage to buildings which subject to severe earthquake. This is result of damping force of earthquake by means of their internal constructions, which consists of multiple surfaces. As the combinations of surfaces upon which sliding is occurring change, the stiffness and effective friction change accordingly. Additionally, the mentioned the TCFP is modeled as of a series arrangement of the three single concave friction pendulum (SCFP) bearings. A two dimensional- and eight- story of a building with and without isolation system are used in the time history analysis in order to investigate of the effectiveness of the seismic isolation systems on the buildings. Results are compared with each other to emphasize efficiency of the TCFP as a seismic isolation device against the other friction type isolation system like single and double concave surfaces. The values of the acceleration, floor displacement and isolator displacement obtained from the results by using different types of the isolation bearings are compared each other. As a result, the findings show that the TCFP bearings are more effective devices for isolation of the buildings against severe earthquakes.

Wind Induced Vibration Design for High-rise buildings through Control of Natural Period (주기 조절을 이용한 고층 건물의 풍응답 조절 설계)

  • 김지은;차성희;서지현;박효선
    • Proceedings of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute Conference
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    • 2004.10a
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    • pp.43-51
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    • 2004
  • As the slenderness ratio of a high-rise building increases, the lateral load resisting system for the building is more often determined by serviceability design criteria. In serviceability design, the maximum drift and the level of vibration are controlled not to exceed the design criteria. Even though many drift method have been developed in various forms, no practical design method for wind induced vibration has been developed so far. Structural engineers rely upon heuristic or experience in designing wind induced vibration. Development of practical design method for wind induced vibration is required. Generally, wind induced acceleration responses are depending on several variables such as the weight density of a building, damping ratio, the natural period, and etc.. All parameters except the natural period or frequency are usually out of reach for structural engineers, then the wind acceleration response may be proportioned to the natural period. Therefore, in this paper, a wind induced vibration design method based on frequency control technique for high-rise is proposed. The method is applied to vibration design of a 25-story office building for performance evaluation.

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Seismic analysis of steel structure with brace configuration using topology optimization

  • Qiao, Shengfang;Han, Xiaolei;Zhou, Kemin;Ji, Jing
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.501-515
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    • 2016
  • Seismic analysis for steel frame structure with brace configuration using topology optimization based on truss-like material model is studied. The initial design domain for topology optimization is determined according to original steel frame structure and filled with truss-like members. Hence the initial truss-like continuum is established. The densities and orientation of truss-like members at any point are taken as design variables in finite element analysis. The topology optimization problem of least-weight truss-like continuum with stress constraints is solved. The orientations and densities of members in truss-like continuum are optimized and updated by fully-stressed criterion in every iteration. The optimized truss-like continuum is founded after finite element analysis is finished. The optimal bracing system is established based on optimized truss-like continuum without numerical instability. Seismic performance for steel frame structures is derived using dynamic time-history analysis. A numerical example shows the advantage for frame structures with brace configuration using topology optimization in seismic performance.

Optimization of direct design system of semi-rigid steel frames using advanced analysis and genetic algorithm (고등해석과 유전자 알고리즘을 이용한 반강접 강뼈대 구조물의 직접설계시스템의 최적화)

  • Choi, Se Hyu
    • Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.707-716
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    • 2006
  • The optimization of the direct design system of semi-rigid steel frames using advanced analysis and genetic algorithm was presented. Advanced analysis can predict the combined nonlinear effects of connection, geometry, and material on the behavior and strength of semi-rigid frames. Geometric nonlinearity was determined using stability functions. On the other hand, material nonlinearity was determined using the Column Research Council (CRC) tangent modulus and parabolic function. The Kishi-Chen power model was used to describe the nonlinear behavior of semi-rigid connections. The genetic algorithm was used as the optimization technique. The objective function was assumed as the weight of the steel frame, with the constraint functions accounting for load-carrying capacities, deflections, inter-story drifts and ductility requirement. Member sizes determined by the proposed method were compared with those derived using the conventional method.

A Study on the Design Model of Modular Building System for Disaster Restorations in Fishing and Agrarian Villages (농어촌 재해복구용 모듈러 건축물의 설계안 연구)

  • Lim, Jae-Han
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Rural Architecture
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.33-45
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    • 2007
  • Recently, large scale disasters have been occurred in rural areas. Most people suffering from the disaster live in the temporary containers. These could not provide the fundamental occupancy performances such as thermal insulation, ventilation and heating system. It is very important to rebuild the residence for sufferers quickly and safely. Because modular building system has some advantages such as short construction time, mobility, light-weight structure, modularity, flexibility and economical efficiency, it is expected that it could be easily applied to the disaster restoration. So, this research aims at developing the design model of modular building system for disaster restorations in fishing and agrarian villages. For this purpose, current counterplan for restoration was firstly investigated. Also the basic guideline was established through the investigation of current status of residence in fishing and agrarian villages. Finally, 2 types of design model such as single story residence and temporary accommodation facility were proposed. We could see that we could make the flexible building plan when applying the modular building system to the temporary housing for the sufferers.

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Damage assessment and performance-based seismic design of timber-steel hybrid shear wall systems

  • Li, Zheng;He, Minjuan;Li, Minghao;Lam, Frank
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.101-117
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    • 2014
  • This paper presents a reliability-based analysis on seismic performance of timber-steel hybrid shear wall systems. Such system is composed of steel moment resisting frame and infill wood frame shear wall. The performance criteria of the hybrid system with respect to different seismic hazard levels were determined through a damage assessment process, and the effectiveness of the infill wood shear walls on improving the seismic performance of the hybrid systems was evaluated. Performance curves were obtained by considering different target non-exceedance probabilities, and design charts were further established as a function of seismic weight. Wall drift responses and shear forces in wood-steel bolted connections were used as performance criteria in establishing the performance curves to illustrate the proposed design procedure. It was found that the presence of the infill wood shear walls significantly reduced the non-performance probabilities of the hybrid wall systems. This study provides performance-based seismic evaluations on the timber-steel hybrid shear walls in support of future applications of such hybrid systems in multi-story buildings.

Seismic performance evaluation of steel moment resisting frames with mid-span rigid rocking cores

  • Ali Akbari;Ali Massumi;Mark Grigorian
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.46 no.5
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    • pp.621-635
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    • 2023
  • The combination of replaceable and repairable properties in structures has introduced new approach called "Low Damage Design Structures". These structural systems are designed in such a way that through self-centering, primary members and specific connections neither suffer damage nor experience permanent deformations after being exposed to severe earthquakes. The purpose of this study is the seismic assessment of steel moment resisting frames with the aid of rigid rocking cores. To this end, three steel moment resisting frames of 4-, 8-, and 12-story buildings with and without rocking cores were developed. The nonlinear static analysis and incremental dynamic analysis were performed by considering the effects of the vertical and horizontal components of 16 strong ground motions, including far-fault and near-fault arrays. The results reveal that rocking systems benefit from better seismic performance and energy dissipation compared to moment resisting frames and thus structures experience a lower level of damage under higher intensity measures. The analyses show that the interstory drift in structures equipped with stiff rocking cores is more uniform in static and dynamic analyses. A uniform interstory drift distribution leads to a uniform distribution of the bending moment and a reduction in the structure's total weight and future maintenance costs.

Optimization of Direct Design System of Steel Framesusing Advanced Analysis and Genetic Algorithm (고등해석과 유전자 알고리즘을 이용한 강뼈대 구조물의 직접설계시스템의 최적화)

  • Choe, Se-Hyu;Roh, Woo-Hyuk;Kim, Jong-In;Park, Kyung-Sik
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.203-211
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    • 2006
  • In this paper, the optimization of direct design system of steel frames by genetic algorithm involving advanced analysis are performed. For the analysis of steel frames advanced analysis accounting for geometric nonlinearity and material nonlinearity are executed. The genetic algorithm was used as optimization technique. The weight of structures is treated as the objective function. The constraint functions are defined by load-carrying capacities, deflections, inter-story drifts, and ductility requirement. The effectiveness of the proposed method are verified by comparing the results of the proposed method with those of other method.

Optimum Design of Plane Steel Frames Using Second-Order Inelastic Analysis and Section Increment Method (2차 비탄성해석과 단면점증법을 이용한 평면 강골조 구조물의 최적설계)

  • Choi, Se-Hyu
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.12 no.5
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    • pp.143-151
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    • 2008
  • In this paper, the optimum design of plane steel frames using second-order inelastic analysis and section increment method is presented. Since the second-order inelastic analysis accounts for geometric and material nonlinearities of the whole system as well as its component members, the design method based on second-order inelastic analysis does not require separate member capacity checks after analysis. A section increment method proposed by this paper is used as optimization technique. The weight of structures is treated as the objective function. The constraint functions are defined by load-carrying capacities, deflections, inter-story drifts, and ductility requirement. The effectiveness of the proposed method are verified by comparing the results of the proposed method with those of other method.

The Response Characteristics of Push-over and Nonlinear Time History Analysis with Variations in the Upper Stories of the Mixed Building Structure (복합구조물의 상부층수 변화에 따른 탄소성 정적 및 동적 응답특성)

  • 강병두;전대한;김재웅
    • Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
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    • v.5 no.5
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    • pp.73-83
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    • 2001
  • The mass and stiffness of upper wall-lower frame system(mixed building structures) change sharply at transfer floor due to different structural system in upper and lower part. These mixed building structures generally show the stiffness, weight or geometric vertical irregularities. The purpose of this study is to investigate the response characteristics of these structures by push-over analysis and nonlinear time history analysis. For four types of analysed models, only the variation of upper wall stories was considered. The conclusions of this study are following; (1) In the push-over analysis, yielding hinges in beams and columns of lower frame occurred at the base shear of similar magnitude in all models. But as the number of stories of upper wall increases, yielding hinges at ends of coupling beams were observed in the small magnitude of base shear. (2) In the nonlinear time history analysis, yielding of lower frame occurred at beams with as small ground acceleration as 55gal, and in upper walls yielding was concentrated on coupling beams and shear walls near the transfer floor. (3) As the number of stories of upper walls decreases, the story stiffness of the lower frames decreased relatively and the occurrence of soft stories in the lower frame was observed.

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