• Title/Summary/Keyword: Stiffness Coefficient

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Pushover Analysis of an Unbraced 5-Story Steel Framed Structure for Arrangement of Semi-Rigid Connection (반강접 접합부 배치에 따른 비가새 5층 철골골조구조물의 비탄성 정적해석)

  • Kang, Suk-Bong;Kim, Sin-Ae
    • Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.325-334
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    • 2010
  • In this study, an unbraced five-story steel-framed structure was designed in accordance with KBC2005 to understand the features of structural behavior for the arrangement of semi-rigid connections. A pushover analysis of the structural models was performed, wherein all the connections were idealized as fully rigid and semi-rigid. Additionally, horizontal and vertical arrangements of the semi-rigid connection were adopted for the models. A fiber model was utilized for the moment-curvature relationship of the steel beam and the column, and a three-parameter power model was adopted for the moment-rotation angle of the semi-rigid connection. The top displacement, base-shear force, required ductility for the connection, sequence of the plastic hinge, and design factors such as the overstrength factor, ductility factor, and response modification coefficient were investigated using the pushover analysis of a 2D structure subjected to the equivalent static lateral force of KBC2005. The partial arrangement of the semi-rigid connection was found to have secured higher strength and lateral stiffness than that of the A-Semi frame, and greater ductility than the A-Rigid frame. The TSD connection was found suitable for use for economy and safety in the sample structure.

A Proposition of Site Coefficients and Site Classification System for Design Ground Motions at Inland of the Korean Peninsula (국내 내륙의 설계 지반 운동 결정을 위한 지반 증폭 계수 및 지반 분류 체계 제안)

  • Sun Chang-Guk;Chung Choong-Ki;Kim Dong-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.101-115
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    • 2005
  • For the site characterization at two inland areas, Gyeongju and Hongsung, which represent geomorphic and geologic characteristics of inland region in Korea, in-situ seismic tests containing borehole drilling investigations and resonant column tests were peformed and site-specific seismic response analyses were conducted using equivalent linear as well as nonlinear scheme. The soil deposits in Korea were shallower and stiffer than those in western US, from which the site coefficients and site classification system in Korea were derived. Most sites were categorized as site classes C and D based on the mean shear wave velocity $(V_s)$ of the upper 30 m $(V_s30)$, ranging between 250 and 650 m/s. According to the acceleration response spectra determined from the site response analyses, the site coefficients specified in the current Korean seismic design guide underestimate the ground motion in the short-period band and overestimate the ground motion in mid-period band. These differences can be explained by the differences in the bedrock depth and the soil stiffness profile between Korea and western US. The site coefficients, $F_a$ for short-period and $F_v$ for mid-period, were re-evaluated and the site classification system, in which sites C and D were subdivided according to $V_s20,\;V_s15,\;and\;V_s10$ together with the existing $V_s30$ was introduced accounting for the local geologic conditions at inland region of the Korean peninsula. The proposed site classification system in this paper is still rudimentary and requires modification.

Effects of flange and web slenderness ratios on elastic flange local buckling of doubly symmetric I-girders (이축 대칭 I형 거더의 플랜지 탄성좌굴에 대한 플랜지와 복부판 세장비의 영향)

  • Lee, Jeong-Hwa;Lee, Kee-Sei;Byun, Nam-Joo;Kang, Young-Jong
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.8
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    • pp.456-464
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    • 2016
  • Increasing the strength of structural materials allows their self-weight to be reduced and this, in turn, enables the structures to satisfy esthetic requirements. The yield strength of high-performance steel is almost 480 MPa, which is approximately 50% higher than that of general structural steel. The use of high strength materials, however, makes the sections more slender, which can potentially result in significant local stability problems. The strength of slender element sections might be governed by their elastic buckling behavior, and the elastic buckling strength is very sensitive to the boundary conditions. Because the web provides the boundary conditions of the compressive thin-flange, the stiffness of the web can affect the elastic buckling strength of the flange. In this study, therefore, the effects of the flange and web slenderness ratios on the elastic flange local buckling of I-girders subjected to a pure bending moment were evaluated by finite element analysis (FEA). The analysis results show that the elastic local buckling strength and buckling modes were affected not only by the web support conditions, but also by the flange and web slenderness ratios.

A Study on Suspension Optimization of the Korean Personal Rapid Transit Vehicle (한국형 PRT차량의 현가장치 최적화 연구)

  • Kim, Hyun Tae;Kim, Jun Woo;Cho, Jeong Gil;Koo, Jeong Seo;Kang, Seokwon;Jeong, Raggyo
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.40 no.3
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    • pp.317-326
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    • 2016
  • In this study, running stability and ride quality analyses, applying the 'ISO 3888 (double lane change)' and 'ISO 2631-1' (mechanical vibration and shock) tests, were performed for the suspension optimization of the Korean personal rapid transit (PRT) vehicle. The suspension optimization results for running stability and ride quality were derived by applying the multiresponse surface method. From the comparisons of the optimization results for different ratios of the objective functions of running stability and ride quality, we derived the best objective function ratio of 3.9-to-6.1 to improve both the running stability and the ride quality. With the optimized results, the suspension stiffness became 30.68 N/mm, between the value of the $S_2$ and $S_3$ models, and the damping coefficient equaled that of the $D_1$ model. When compared with the suspension of the current PRT vehicle, the roll angle, yaw rate, sideslip angle, and ride comfort were improved by 0.37, 0.37, 2.8, and 5, respectively.

A Study on Enzymatic Degummings of Raw Silk and Silk Fabric (견의 효소 정련에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Yong-U;Song, Gi-Won;Jeong, In-Mo
    • Journal of Sericultural and Entomological Science
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.66-71
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    • 1986
  • The studies were carried out to screen the optimum conditions for enzymatic degumming of raw silk yarn and silk fabric by use of Alkalase, a protease produced by Bacteria, comparing with Papain and Trypsin representing natural proteolytic enzymes. 1. The optimum temperature and acidity of degumming solution were 70$^{\circ}C$, pH 5-6 for Papain degumming, 40$^{\circ}C$, pH 8 for Trypsin and 50-60$^{\circ}C$ pH 8-9 for Alkalase. 2. By increasing the Alkalase concentration in the range of 0.6 to 1.0 gram per liter, the time for enzymatic degumming of silk yarn could be reduced by 40 minutes. 3. In degumming of silk yarn by Alkalase, the pretreatment of 95$^{\circ}C$, 10 minutes at 0.1% sodium bicarbonate solution or posttreatent of 80$^{\circ}C$, 20 minutes at 2% (o.w.f.) sodium silicate solution improved the efficiency of enzymatic degumming, as compared to that of nontreatment. 4. The breaking strength, elongation and Lousiness results of enzymatically degummed silk yarn were apt to be improved more than those of soap-degummed one. 5. When the pretreatment of alkaline solution was done with over 20% of degumming ratio, the enzymatic degumming efficiency of both Havutae and Crepe de chine could be reached to the same level with those of soap-soda degummed. 6. As the pretreated silk fabric with 20% of degumming ratio was under action of three proteases, respectively, the deumming efficiency of Havutae and Crepe de chine were completed by Alkalase more than by Papain or Trpysin. 7. The stiffness of enzymatically degummed Crepe de chine was not only reduced by 17% more than that of soap-soda degummed one but also the Drape coefficient was decreased in enzymatically degummed fabrics, which was closely related with the soft touch of degummed fabrics.

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Using Topology Optimization, Light Weight Design of Vehicle Mounted Voltage Converter for Impact Loading (위상 최적화 기법을 이용한 충격하중에 대한 차량 탑재형 전력변환장치의 마운트 경량화 설계)

  • Ko, Dong-Shin;Lee, Hyun-Kyung;Hur, Deog-Jae
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.31 no.6
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    • pp.353-358
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    • 2018
  • In this study, it is describe to an optimization analysis process for the weight reduction of the voltage converter in the electric vehicle charging systems. The optimization design is a technique that finds the optimal material distribution under a given material quantity constraint by combining the design sensitivity with the material properties and the mathematical optimization. Among the topology optimization, a lightweight design is performed by a solid isotropic material with penalization with simple formula and well-convergence. The lightweight design consists of three steps. As a first step, a finite element model for the basic design of the on-board voltage converter was constructed and static analysis was performed on the load. In the second step, the optimum shape is obtained for the lightweight by performing the topology optimization using the solid isotropic material with penalization applying the stiffness coefficient of the isotropic material to the static analysis result. As a final step, impact analysis was performed by applying a half-sinusoidal pulse shape impact load which satisfies the impact test standard of the vehicle-mounted part with respect to the optimum shape. In the topology optimization, the design domain was defined as the mounting bracket area, and the design technology was finally achieved by optimizing the mounting bracket to achieve a weight reduction of 20% over the basic design.

Performance of Railway Roadbed Reinforced by Acrylate in Laboratory Experiment (실내실험을 통한 아크릴레이트의 철도노반 보강 성능)

  • Yoon, Hwan-Hee;Son, Min;Kim, Jin-Hwan;Kim, Dong-Hyun;Kim, Byung-Hyun;Jung, Hyuk-Sang
    • Journal of the Korean Geosynthetics Society
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.9-19
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    • 2021
  • This paper deals with the reinforcement performance of acrylate for reinforcing the settled railway roadbed. Concrete tracks have the advantage of reducing track maintenance costs and high resistance to track destruction. However, roadbed settlement is occurring in some construction sections, and the safety of railways is a serious concern because of difficulties in maintenance. Currently, maintenance through the track restoration method is being carried out in Korea as a way of roadbed settlement in concrete tracks, but continuous re-settlement can occur because the roadbed itself cannot be reinforced, and there are very few cases of reinforcement of railway roadbeds and field application. So the development of reinforcement materials and construction methods to reinforce railway roadbeds is required. Therefore, in this paper, acrylate was selected as reinforcement material for railway roadbed, and the reinforcement performance of acrylate was analyzed through experiment. As a result, it was analyzed that the acrylate can penetrate into a permeability coefficient of 1×10-4 cm/sec, and secure uniaxial compression strength of 0.5 MPa/30min or more and stiffness of 80 MPa or more.

Dynamic Behavior Characteristics of Group Piles with Relative Density in Sandy Soil (건조 모래지반의 상대밀도에 따른 무리말뚝의 동적거동특성)

  • Heungtae Kim;Hongsig Kang;Kusik Jeong;Kwangkuk Ahn
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.24 no.9
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    • pp.33-40
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    • 2023
  • The lateral load which is applied to the pile foundation supporting the superstructure during an earthquake is divided into the inertia force of the upper structure and the kinematic force of the ground. The inertia force and the kinematic force could cause failure to the pile foundation through different complex mechanisms. So it is necessary to predict and evaluate interaction of the ground-pile-structure properly for the seismic design of the foundation. The interaction is affected by the lateral behavior of the structure, the length of the pile, the boundary conditions of the head, and the relative density of the ground. Confining pressure and ground stiffness change accordingly when the relative density changes, and it results that the coefficient of subgrade reaction varies depending on each system. Horizontal bearing behavior and capacity of the pile foundation vary depending on lateral load condition and relative density of the sandy soil. Therefore, the 1g shaking table tests were conducted to confirm the effect of the relative density of the dried sandy soil to dynamic behavior of the group pile supporting the superstructure. The result shows that, as the relative density increases, maximum acceleration of the superstructure and the pile cap increases and decreases respectively, and the slope of the p-y curve of the pile decreases.

Reliability of mortar filling layer void length in in-service ballastless track-bridge system of HSR

  • Binbin He;Sheng Wen;Yulin Feng;Lizhong Jiang;Wangbao Zhou
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.47 no.1
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    • pp.91-102
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    • 2023
  • To study the evaluation standard and control limit of mortar filling layer void length, in this paper, the train sub-model was developed by MATLAB and the track-bridge sub-model considering the mortar filling layer void was established by ANSYS. The two sub-models were assembled into a train-track-bridge coupling dynamic model through the wheel-rail contact relationship, and the validity was corroborated by the coupling dynamic model with the literature model. Considering the randomness of fastening stiffness, mortar elastic modulus, length of mortar filling layer void, and pier settlement, the test points were designed by the Box-Behnken method based on Design-Expert software. The coupled dynamic model was calculated, and the support vector regression (SVR) nonlinear mapping model of the wheel-rail system was established. The learning, prediction, and verification were carried out. Finally, the reliable probability of the amplification coefficient distribution of the response index of the train and structure in different ranges was obtained based on the SVR nonlinear mapping model and Latin hypercube sampling method. The limit of the length of the mortar filling layer void was, thus, obtained. The results show that the SVR nonlinear mapping model developed in this paper has a high fitting accuracy of 0.993, and the computational efficiency is significantly improved by 99.86%. It can be used to calculate the dynamic response of the wheel-rail system. The length of the mortar filling layer void significantly affects the wheel-rail vertical force, wheel weight load reduction ratio, rail vertical displacement, and track plate vertical displacement. The dynamic response of the track structure has a more significant effect on the limit value of the length of the mortar filling layer void than the dynamic response of the vehicle, and the rail vertical displacement is the most obvious. At 250 km/h - 350 km/h train running speed, the limit values of grade I, II, and III of the lengths of the mortar filling layer void are 3.932 m, 4.337 m, and 4.766 m, respectively. The results can provide some reference for the long-term service performance reliability of the ballastless track-bridge system of HRS.

Static and dynamic elastic properties of the Iksan Jurassic Granite, Korea (익산 쥬라기 화강암의 정 및 동탄성학적 특성)

  • Kang, Dong-Hyo;Jung, Tae-Jong;Lee, Jung-Mo
    • Journal of the Korean Geophysical Society
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.99-112
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    • 2000
  • The Iksan Jurassic Granite shows relatively less fractures and homogeneous rock fabrics, and is one of the most popular stone materials for architectures and sculptures. Almost mutually perpendicular rift, grain, and halfway in the Iksan Jurassic Granite are well known to quarrymen based on its splitting directions, and therefore it should exhibit orthorhombic symmetry. Theoretically, there are 9 independent elastic stiffness coefficients $(C_{1111},\;C_{2222},\;C_{3333},\;C_{2323},\;C_{1313},\;C_{1212},\;C_{1122},\;C_{2233},\;and\;C_{1133})$ for orthorhombic anisotropy. In order to characterize the static and dynamic elastic properties of the Iksan Jurassic Granite, triaxial strains under uniaxial compressive stresses and ultrasonic velocities of elastic waves in three different polarizations are measured. Both experiments are carried out with six directional core samples from massive rock body. Using the results of experiments and the densities measured independently, the static and dynamic elastic coefficients are computed by simple mathematical manipulation derived from the governing equations for general anisotropic media. The static elastic coefficients increase ar uniaxial compressive stress rises. Among those, the static elastic coefficients at uniaxial compressive stress of a 24.5 MPa appear to be similar to the dynamic elastic coefficients under ambient condition. Although some deviations are observed, the preferred orientations of microcracks appear to be parallel or subparallel to the rift, the grain, and the hardway from microscopic observation of thin sections. This indicates that the preferred orientations of microcracks cause the elastic anisotropy of the Iksan Jurassic Granite. The results are to be applied to the effective use of the Iksan Jurassic Granite as stone materials, and can be used for the non-destructive safety test.

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