• Title/Summary/Keyword: Steel deck plate

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Effects of Pavement Stiffness on the Structural Behavior of Orthotropic Steel Plate Deck (포장체의 강성이 강상판의 거동에 미치는 영향)

  • 이환우;박순호;이동준
    • Proceedings of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute Conference
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    • 2001.10a
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    • pp.385-392
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    • 2001
  • The stiffness of pavement is scarcely considered in structural analysis of the superstructure bridge. It will be reasonable in the case of asphalt concrete pavement over concrete deck plate because stiffness of the pavement compared with concrete deck plate can be ignored. Additionally, it is considered correct to do a design with a safety. However, various pavement materials which have even value reaching to the elastic modulus of concrete are applied to the orthotropic steel deck plate which has a relatively less stiffness comparing with the concrete deck plate. In this paper, the steel plate deck of the bridge of real project was modeled considering the pavement stiffness for the FEM analysis and the linear elastic analysis was performed. It was assumed to be perfectly bonded between the steel plate deck and the pavement and the temperature effect was ignored. It was analyzed on the vertical deflection of steel deck plate influencing to the serviceability of pavement and the bending stress of steel deck plate related to the fatigue life. As a result, It was indicated that the structural behavior of the orthotropic steel deck plate could be affected by the stiffness of pavement in some cases.

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A Fundamental Study on the Effects of Pavement Stiffness to the Structural Behavior of Orthotropic Steel Plate Deck (포장체의 강성이 강상판의 거동에 미치는 영향에 관한 기초연구)

  • Lee, Hwan-Woo;Jung, Du-Hwoe
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.191-198
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    • 2003
  • The pavement stiffness is scarcely used in structural analysis to design the superstructure of bridge. It is reasonable not to consider it in the case of asphalt concrete pavement over concrete deck because the pavement stiffness compared with the concrete deck plate can be ignored. However, sometimes, the pavement materials have a similar amount of elastic modulus to concrete and are applied to the orthotropic steel deck plate which has relatively less stiffness compared with the concrete deck plate. In this paper, the steel plate deck of a real bridge project was analyzed by considering the pavement stiffness by linear elastic FEM. It was assumed that a perfect bond between the steel plate deck and the pavement exited. The results indicated that the structural behavior of the orthotropic steel deck plate can be estimated enough to affect the evaluation result of structural capacity in some cases. Therefore, the investigations by experimental tests and more advanced numerical model are indispensible in figuring the design formula for considering the effects of pavement stiffness in the structural analysis of an orthotropic bridge.

The Analytical Study on the Cause of Fatigue Damage and the Improvement of Fatigue Performance for Orthotropic Steel Deck (강바닥판 피로손상 원인규명 및 피로성능 개선에 관한 해석적 연구)

  • Kyung Kab-Soo;Shin Dong-Ho;Kim Kyo-Hoon
    • Proceedings of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute Conference
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    • 2006.04a
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    • pp.647-654
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    • 2006
  • In orthotropic steel decks, it is likely to have defects due to fatigue damages because most of structural joints(the connection of longitudinal rib and transverse rib, the connection of deck plate and longitudinal rib) are connected by welds. However. orthotropic steel decks have many advantages. such as light weight and reduction of construction time. in comparison with concrete decks. Therefore. they are mostly used in long-span bridges and urban highway bridges. This study consists of the cause identication of fatigue damage and the suggestion of rational thickness on deck plate about the connection of deck plate and longitudinal rib. The results are as follows: fatigue damage cause at the connection of deck plate and longitudinal rib is local deformation in deck plate. And, rational thickness of deck plate is 16mm thickness.

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An Experimental Structural Performance of Steel Concrete Hybrid Deck for Bridge (교량용 강ㆍ콘크리트 합성 바닥판의 실험적 구조성능)

  • 정연주;정광회;구현본;김병석
    • Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference
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    • 2003.05a
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    • pp.524-529
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    • 2003
  • This paper presents a experimental structural performance of steel-concrete hybrid bridge deck, which has studs to connect steel plate and concrete and T beam to improve structural performance, by steel plate shape, studs and load location. It proved that steel-concrete hybrid deck has a high structural performance and lightweight due to the efficient use of steel plate as a structural member, which has only used as formwork. In failure mode, few specimen failed at punching shear and many specimen at concrete crushing, therefore proved it has sufficient stability to punching shear which is the most frequent damage of bridge deck. Steel-concrete hybrid deck of plane steel plate has a high structural performance, and that of corrugated steel plate has a high reduction of weight.

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An Experimental Study on the Vibration and Fire Resistance of Steel Void Deck Plate Slab for Omega-steel plate (오메가형 강판을 중공체로 사용한 데크플레이트 슬래브의 진동 및 내화에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • Kim, Sang-Seup;Ryu, Deog-Su
    • Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.705-713
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    • 2011
  • This study was conducted to assess the vibration capacity and the fire resistance capacity of a deck plate slab using an omega steel plate as the void deck plate. First, to evaluate the vibration capacity of the deck plate slab after the insertion of the omega steel plate, three 150mm specimens and three 200mm specimens were made using the slab depth as the main variable. Each specimen consisted of an existing deck plate and two specimens, using the topping depth as the variable according to the slab depth. Second, two real-size specimens were made to evaluate the fire resistance capacity. The results of the test showed that the steel-wire-integrated deck plate slab that was inserted in the omega steel plate did not have a vibration problem due to the void deck plate, because the natural frequency was 12.66-14.09 Hz in the vibration test, and each specimen satisfied the appraisal standards for the load capacity, heat block quality, and chloride inhibition for two hours in the fire resistance test. Consequently, the steel-wire-integrated deck plate slab that was inserted in the omega steel plate can be reduced using the concrete volume and can have higher vibration and fire resistance capacities, similar to the existing deck plate.

Structural Performance Evaluation on Flexural and Shear Capacity for Weight Reducing Steel Wire-Integrated Void Deck Plate Slab (자중저감 철선일체형 중공 데크플레이트 슬래브의 휨 및 전단내력에 대한 구조성능평가)

  • Kim, Sang-Seup;Ryu, Deog-Su;Boo, Yoon-Seob
    • Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.411-422
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study is to evaluate the flexural and shear capacity of steel wire-integrated void deck plate slabs. In order to evaluate flexural and shear capacity, we make five 150mmspecimens and three 200mmspecimens by slab depth as main variable. Each series of specimen is comprised of an existing steel wire-integrated deck-plate slab and two specimens using topping depth as variable. From the series of experiments, steel wire-integrated void deck plate slabs has any decline in flexural and shear performance. Therefore, a void-deck-plate slab which inserts Omega-steel plate showed reducing a using concrete-volume and had flexural and shear capacity following existing steel wire-integrated deck-plate.

Test on the Structural Performance of the TOX Deck plate - Evaluation of Structural Safety during Construction Stage - (무용접 압접 데크플레이트의 구조성능에 관한 실험 - 시공단계에서의 구조안전성 평가 -)

  • Oh, Sang Hoon;Kim, Young Ju;Yoon, Myung Ho
    • Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.701-709
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    • 2008
  • Owing to the decreased work term and the convenience of construction work in Korea, the steel deck plate system has been widely used in the construction field. Most of all, due to its good stiffness and economic consideration, the steel-wire-integrated deck plate system (or truss deck plate system) has become very popular in recent years. But although it has many advantages, the truss deck plate system has a critical defect: it gets rusty in the welding joints between the lattice steel wire and the deck plate, resulting in the cracking of such welding joints and water leakage. To address these problems, a new type of truss deck plate system, which need not be welded and does not rust, was proposed herein: the TOX deck plate system. In this study, tests were conducted on 15 specimens to evaluate the structural safety of the proposed deck plate system during the construction stage. The test parameters were as follows: the depth of the slab the length of the span the diameters of the top, bottom, and lattice steel wire and the material properties of the zinc-coated steel sheets. The test results show that the TOX deck plate system can guarantee structural safety owing to its deflection and strength.

Flexural Capacity and CO2 Reduction Evaluation for Composite Beam with Weight Reducing Steel Wire-Integrated Void Deck Plate slab (자중저감 철선일체형 중공 데크플레이트 슬래브를 사용한 합성보의 휨내력 및 CO2 감소량 평가)

  • Kim, Sang-Seop;Park, Dong-Soo;Boo, Yoon-Seob
    • Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.313-323
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study is to evaluate $CO_2$ reduction and the flexural performance of steel wire-integrated void deck plate slabs that were inserted in omega-shaped steel plates to reduce concrete and welded H-section beams. The void deck plate slab can secure the structure, not only reducing the weight of the building but it is also eco-friendly. Therefore, this study evaluated the flexural performance of the composite beam by conducting a monotonic loading test with the use of actuators. It quantitatively evaluated the $CO_2$ emission based on earlier studies. The main test parameters are the concrete thickness of upper slabs, and the interrupted width of the omega-shaped steel plate. The result of the test showed that the welded H-section beam applied steel wire-integrated void deck plate slabs that were inserted into the omega-shaped steel plate declined in flexural performance on the composite beam after reducing concrete volume. Likewise, it is effective in reducing $CO_2$.

A Study on Strength of shear Connectors in Composite Beams of Steel and Lightweight Concrete Slabs with Deck Plate (덱크플레이트를 사용한 경량콘크리트 슬래브와 철골보의 합성보에서 쉬어코넥터의 내력에 관한 연구)

  • 김종식;박성무
    • Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference
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    • 1995.04a
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    • pp.293-298
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    • 1995
  • The strength of shear connectors embedded in lightweight concrete slab with deck plate is influenced by various factors of deck plate, shear conncetor and concrete. Generally, it is reported that the strength of shear connector in lightweight concrete decreases in comparison with that in normal concrete. So this paper is to use compressive strength of lilghtweight concrete, width-height ratio of deck plate, and cross sectional area of shear conncetor as variables, to evaluate the strength of shear conncetors in composite beam of steel and lilghtweight concrete slabs with deck plate, and then to suggest the reasonable strength equation by comparing the push-out test results with establixhed strength formula. As the result of 24 specimens test, in case of lightweight concrete slab with deck plate, it has showed that in the same strength, the strength of shear connector decreased about 10~20% in comparison with that in normal concrete. In spite of lightweight concrete, the test results were closely approached the established strength formula of shear connector using Fisher's reduction coefficient.

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Recommended properties of elastic wearing surfaces on orthotrotropic steel decks

  • Fettahoglu, Abdullah
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.357-374
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    • 2015
  • Orthotropic decks composed of deck plate, ribs, cross beams and wearing surface are frequently used in industry to span long distances due to their light structures and load carrying capacities. As a result they are broadly preferred in industry and there are a lot of bridges of this type exist in the world. Nevertheless, some of them cannot sustain the anticipated service life and damages in form of cracks develop in steel components and wearing surface. Main reason to these damages is seen as the repetitive wheel loads, namely the fatigue loading. Solutions to this problem could be divided into two categories: qualitative and quantitative. Qualitative solutions may be new design methodologies or innovative materials, whereas quantitative solution should be arranging dimensions of deck structure in order to resist wheel loads till the end of service life. Wearing surface on deck plate plays a very important role to avoid or mitigate these damages, since it disperses the load coming on deck structure and increases the bending stiffness of deck plate by forming a composite structure together with it. In this study the effect of Elastic moduli, Poisson ratio and thickness of wearing surface on the stresses emerged in steel deck and wearing surface itself is investigated using a FE-model developed to analyze orthotropic steel bridges.