• Title/Summary/Keyword: Static Classification

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The Potential Acid Sulfate Soils Criteria by the Relation between Total-Sulfur and Net Acid Generation (전황함량과 순산발생능력의 상관관계를 통한 잠재특이산성토양 기준 설정)

  • Moon, Yonghee;Zhang, Yong-Seon;Hyun, Byung-Keun;Sonn, Yeon-Kyu;Park, Chan-Won;Song, Kwan-Cheol
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.45 no.6
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    • pp.904-909
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    • 2012
  • Acid sulfate soil (ASS) and potential acid sulfate soil (PASS) are distribution in worldwide and originate from sedimentary process, volcanic activity, or metamorphism and are problematic in agriculture and environmental due to their present and potential acidity developed by the oxidation. The PASS was defined as soil materials that had sulfidic layer more than 20 cm thick within 4 m of the soil profile and contained more than 0.15% of total-sulfur (T-S). A tentative interpretative soil classification system was proposed weak potential acid sulfate (T-S, 0.15-0.5%), moderate potential acid sulfate (T-S, 0.5-0.75%) and strong potential acid sulfate (T-S, more than 0.75%). PASS due to excess of pyrite over soil neutralizing capacity are formed. It provides no information on the kinetic rates of acid generation or neutralization; therefore, the test procedures used in acid base account (ABA) are referred to as static procedures. The net acid generation (NAG) test is a direct method to measure the ability of the sample to produce acid through sulfide oxidation and also provides and indication. The NAG test can evaluated easily whether the soils is PASS. The samples are mixed sandy loam and the PAS from the hydrothermal altered andesite (1:3, 1:8, 1:16, 1:20, 1:40, 1:80 and 1:200 ratios) in this study. We could find out that the NAG pH of the soil containing 0.75% of T-S was 2.5, and that of the soil has 0.15% of T-S was 3.8. NAG pH test can be proposed as soil classification criteria for the potential acid sulfate soils. The strong type has NAG pH of 2.5, the moderate one has NAG pH of 3.0, and the weak one has NAG pH of 3.5.

A Study on the Demand for Cultural Ecosystem Services in Urban Forests Using Topic Modeling (토픽모델링을 활용한 도시림의 문화서비스 수요 특성 분석)

  • Kim, Jee-Young;Son, Yong-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.50 no.4
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    • pp.37-52
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the demand for cultural ecosystem services in urban forests based on user perception and experience value by using Naver blog posts and LDA topic modeling. Bukhansan National Park was used to analyze and review the feasibility of spatial assessments. Based on the results of topic modeling from blog posts, a review process was conducted considering the relevance of Bukhansan National Park's cultural services and its suitability as a spatial assessment case, and finally, an index for the spatial assessment of urban forest's cultural service was derived. Specifically, 21 topics derived through topic analysis were interpreted, and 13 topics related to cultural ecosystem services were derived based on the MA(Millennium Ecosystem Assessment)'s classification system for ecosystem services. 72.7% of all documents reviewed had data deemed useful for this study. The contents of the topic fell into one of the seven types of cultural services related to "mountainous recreation activities" (23.7%), "indirect use value linked to tourism and convenience facilities" (12.4%), "inspirational activities" (11.2%), "seasonal recreation activities" (6.2%), "natural appreciation and static recreation activities" (3.7%). Next, for the 13 cultural service topics derived from data gathered about Bukhansan National Park, the possibility of spatial assessment of the characteristics of cultural ecosystem services provided by urban forests was reviewed, and a total of 8 cultural service indicators were derived. The MA's cultural service classification system for ecosystem services, which was widely used in previous studies, has limitations in that it does not reflect the actual user demand of urban forests, but it is meaningful in that it categorizes cultural service indicators suitable for domestic circumstances. In addition, the study is significant as it presented a methodology to interpret and derive the demand for cultural services using a large amount of user awareness and experience data.

Synthetic Application of Seismic Piezo-cone Penetration Test for Evaluating Shear Wave Velocity in Korean Soil Deposits (국내 퇴적 지반의 전단파 속도 평가를 위한 탄성파 피에조콘 관입 시험의 종합적 활용)

  • Sun, Chang-Guk;Kim, Hong-Jong;Jung, Jong-Hong;Jung, Gyung-Ja
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.207-224
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    • 2006
  • It has been widely known that the seismic piezo-cone penetration test (SCPTu) is one of the most useful techniques for investigating the geotechnical characteristics such as static and dynamic soil properties. As practical applications in Korea, SCPTu was carried out at two sites in Busan and four sites in Incheon, which are mainly composed of alluvial or marine soil deposits. From the SCPTu waveform data obtained from the testing sites, the first arrival times of shear waves and the corresponding time differences with depth were determined using the cross-over method, and the shear wave velocity $(V_S)$ profiles with depth were derived based on the refracted ray path method based on Snell's law. Comparing the determined $V_S$ profile with the cone tip resistance $(q_t)$ profile, both trends of profiles with depth were similar. For the application of the conventional CPTu to earthquake engineering practices, the correlations between $V_S$ and CPTu data were deduced based on the SCPTu results. For the empirical evaluation of $V_S$ for all soils together with clays and sands which are classified unambiguously in this study by the soil behavior type classification index $(I_C)$, the authors suggested the $V_S-CPTu$ data correlations expressed as a function of four parameters, $q_t,\;f_s,\;\sigma'_{v0}$ and $B_q$, determined by multiple statistical regression modeling. Despite the incompatible strain levels of the downhole seismic test during SCPTu and the conventional CPTu, it is shown that the $V_S-CPTu$ data correlations for all soils, clays and sands suggested in this study is applicable to the preliminary estimation of $V_S$ for the soil deposits at a part in Korea and is more reliable than the previous correlations proposed by other researchers.

A Study of Accelerator Investment Determinants Based on Business Model Innovation Framework (비즈니스 모델 혁신 프레임워크 기반의 액셀러레이터 투자결정요인 연구)

  • Jung, Mun-Su;Kim, Eun-Hee
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.65-80
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    • 2022
  • Despite the uncertainty and risky factors of startups, the special and critical role of accelerators in carrying out professional nurturing and investment for them is becoming increasingly significant in the startup social-system. However, academic research on investment determinants that have a profound impact on the survival of accelerators is lacking, and there are only a few empirical studies on the classification and importance of factors, and they do not enjoy the benefits of theoretical studies. This study proposes a business model innovation framework based on the business model innovation theory that reflects the nature and properties of startups that are investment targets of accelerators and derives 12 investment decision factors. The framework defines that the target, direction, and performable force of startup innovation are a business model, strategy, and dynamic capability. Besides, the framework analyzes the investment decision factors of the existing accelerators based on the business model innovation framework to verify the suitability and sufficiency of the composition. As a result of the analysis, first, most of the items were faithfully composed from a static point of view of business model innovation, but it was found that the factors related to the core activities to evaluate the activity and customer relationship were insufficient. Second, from the strategic point of view, the necessity of developing factors that can encompass the definition and content of core resources, which are internal strategic factors, was raised. Third, from the dynamic point of view, it was found that many of the investment determinants of accelerators were concentrated on the lower level of dynamic competencies. This can be judged as a result of reflecting the characteristics of a startup that needs to develop a solution with few resources and a small number of team members. In addition, the roles and interrelationships between each factor are not clear, thus it was found as a limiting point for startups to view and evaluate the direction and process in which startups dynamically innovate their business models. This study is considerably differentiated in that it provides a business model innovation framework and offers a theoretical basis for investment determinants by deriving the investment determinants of accelerators based on the framework and design the foundation for subsequent research. The business model innovation framework presented in this study has great implications in that it contributes to the achievement of startups, accelerators, and startup support organizations.

A Study on the Waterscape Formation Techniques of China's Suzhou Classical Garden Based on the Water Inlet and Outlet (수구(水口)를 중심으로 분석한 중국 소주고전원림(蘇州古典園林)의 수경관 연출기법)

  • RHO Jaehyun;LYU Yuan
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.57 no.3
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    • pp.116-137
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    • 2024
  • This study quantitatively explored the interrelationship between water features and surrounding waterscape elements through a literature review and observational study targeting nine waterscapes of Suzhou Classical Garden in Jiangsu Province, China, which is designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The purpose was to understand the objective characteristics of classical Chinese gardens and seek a basis for their differences from Korean gardens. The average area of water space in Suzhou gardens was 1,680.7㎡, which accounted for 21.3% of the total garden area, showing large variation by garden. Most of the Suzhou Gardens use springs and wells as their water sources. The Surging Waves Pavillion uses surface water, and Retreat & Reflection Garden uses seasonal water as its water source. The water pipes in Suzhou Garden are divided into a water outlet and a water outlet(water holes). Of these, the water outlet is a water outlet that imitates the water outlet just to induce a visual effect, and focuses on the meaning of the water system. It is judged to have been combined with the trend of Suzhou gardens. In addition, it was confirmed that, semantically, the arrangement of the water polo in Suzhou Garden is based on the traditional 'Gamyeo(堪輿) theory'. Meanwhile, there are five types of methods for bringing water to Suzhou Garden: Jiginbeop(直引法), Myeonggeobeop(明渠法), Invasionbeop(滲透法), Gwandobeop(管道法), and Chakjeongbeop(鑿井法). Suzhou Classical Garden mainly applies the infiltration method and the irrigation method as a method of securing water in the garden, which can be classified and defined as the water catchment method(集水法) and the water pulling method(引水法) in the domestic classification method. Among the watering techniques in Korean traditional gardens, watering methods such as 'suspension waterfall(懸瀑)', 'flying waterfall(飛瀑)' and water eluted(湧出), have not been found, and it is believed that they mainly 'rely on hide with dignity(姿逸)' and 'submerged current(潛流)' techniques. As for the watering technique, no watering technique was found that uses a Muneomi, which is applied in traditional Korean gardens. As this was applied, the seal method, penetration method, and Gwandobeop were also used in water extraction techniques. And at the inlet and outlet of Suzhou Garden, the main static water bodies were lakes, swamps, and dams. While the eastern water bodies are classified into streams, waterfalls, and springs, the water spaces in the three gardens reflect the centrifugal distributed arrangement, and the water spaces in the six places reflect the water landscape effect due to the centripetal concentrated arrangement. And as a water space landscape design technique, the techniques of 'Gyeok(隔)' and 'Pa(破)' were mainly applied at the inlet, and the techniques of 'Eom(隔)' and 'Pa(破)' were mainly applied at the outlet. For example, most bridges were built around the inlet, and sa(榭), heon(軒), gak(閣), pavilion(亭), and corridor(廊) were built, and the outlet was concealed with a stone wall. Therefore, it is understood to have embodied Suzhou Garden's idea of water(理水), which says, "Although it was created by humans, it is as if the sky is mine(雖由人作,宛自天開)."A trend was detected. Lastly, as a result of analyzing the degree of concealment and exposure in the visual composition of the inlet and outlet, it was confirmed that the water outlet was exposed only at the Eobijeong and Mountain Villa with Embracing Beauty view points of The Surging Waves Pavillion and the water outlet was hidden at other view points. Looking at these results, the 'Hyang-Hyang-Ba-Mi-Bob(向向發微法)' from the perspective of left-orientation theory of Feng Shui, which is applied in Korean traditional gardens in classical Chinese garden water management, "makes water visible as it comes in, but invisible as it goes out." It is judged that the technique was barely matched.