• Title/Summary/Keyword: State-of-health

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Development of Functional Food Materials from Acanthopanax senticosus-Fermented Mushroom Mycelia (가시오가피 버섯균사체 발효물의 기능성 식품 소재 개발)

  • Cho, Ju-Hyun;Choi, Goo-Hee;Park, In-Jae;Baik, Soon-Ok;Kim, Hyung-Ha;Kim, Choong-Sik
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.43 no.3
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    • pp.411-418
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    • 2014
  • Three mushroom mycelia, Ganoderma lucidum, Hericium erinaceum, and Phellinus linteus, were separately diluted with the natural culture media Acanthopanax senticosus. Solid-state fermentation was used to produce three different A. senticosus-fermented mushroom mycelium groups: G. lucidum mycelia, H. erinaceum mycelia, and P. linteus mycelia. The resulting mycelia were analyzed to assess their efficacies as health functional foods. Optimized fermentation conditions were determined by considering the density and growth speed of mycelia in each A. senticosus-fermented mushroom mycelium group. The cultured mushroom mycelia under the optimized conditions were extracted using water and 70% ethanol. Extraction was followed by filtration, concentration and freeze-drying to produce extract powder of A. senticosus-fermented mushroom mycelia: Water extracts (FM-5111, FM-5121, and FM-5131) and 70% ethanol extracts (FM-5112, FM-5122, and FM-5132). Analysis of extract powder of A. senticosus-fermented mushroom mycelia was performed using the maker compounds eleutheroside B and eleutheroside E. Analysis of ${\beta}$-glucan contents was performed by enzymatic procedures.

A Study on Red Cell Protoporphyrin Concentration and Iron Metabolism (적혈구(赤血球) Protoporphyrin과 철분대사(鐵分代謝)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Cho, Kyung-Hwan;Tchai, Bum-Suk
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 1974
  • The relative state of human iron storage may be ascertained more reliably through determination of the serum iron, iron binding capacity, transferrin saturation and absorption of radioactive iron in conjunction with studies of red cell morphology than from the study of red cell morphology alone. Recent investigations have shown that there is an increase in red cell protoporphyrin concentration in iron deficiency anemia. The significance of the red cell protoporphyrin has been discussed greatly during the years since its discovery. Two of the main factors which appear to influence the amaunt of protoporphyrin are increased erythropoiesis and factors interfering with the utilization of iron in the synthesis of hemoglobin, and iron deficiency. Recently Heller et al. have described a simplified method for blood protoporphyrin assay and this technique could be used assess nutritional iron status, wherein even minor insufficiencies are detectable as increased protoporphyrin concentrations. Based on the evaluation of the relationship between nutritional iron status and red cell protoporphyrin as an index suitable for the detection of the iron deficiency is described in this paper. RESULTS 1. Hemoglobin Concentrations and Anthropometric Measurements. The mean and standard deviations of the various anthropometric measurements of different age and sex groups are shown in table 1. There measurements have been compared with the Korean Standard. In the absence of local standards for arm circumference and skin-fold thickness over triceps, they have been compared with the standard from Jelliffe. Table 2,3, and 4 give anthropometric measurements and frequency (%) of anemia in children surveyed. The mean height of the children studid was 10 to 20 percent; below the Korean Standard. The distribution of height below 80 percent of the Standard was 21.2 percent, however, among anemic group this percentage was 27.7 percent. In general, the mean weight of the children was 10 to 15 percent below the Korean Standard. The percentage of children with weight less than 80 percent of the Standard was about 35 percent. But in the anemic group of the children, this percentage was 44 percent. The mean arm circumference was about 15 percent lower than the Jelliffe's standard. 61.2 percent of the children had values of arm circumference below 80 percent of the standard. Children with low hemoglobin levels, this percentage was 80 percent. The mean skinfold thickness over the triceps of the children studied was about 25 Percent lower than the Jelliffe's standard and 61.2 percent of the children had the value less than 80 percent of the standard. Among anemic children, this percentage was 70.8%. As may be seen from table 5, the mean hemoglobin concentration of the total group was 11.3g/100ml. Hemoglobin concentration was less than 11.0g/100ml. in 65(36.5%) of the 178 children. The degree of anemia in most of these children was mild with a hemoglobin level of less than 8.0g/100ml. found in only one child. In general, the prevalence of anemia was high in female children than male and decreased its frequency with increasing age. Relatively close relationship was observed between hemoglobin level and anthrophometric measurements especially high between arm circumference and skinfold thickness and hemoglobin but very low in height and low in weight and hemoglobin level, estimated by chi-square value. II. Serum iron, Transferrin saturation (1) Serum iron, and transferrin saturation Serum iron, transferrin saturation and red cell protoporphyrin concentrations were estimated in sub-sample of 84 children from 1 to 6 years and 24 older children between 7 and 13 years of age. The findings are presented in table 6. The mean serum iron concentration of the total group was 59ug/100ml. However, the level incrased with age from 36.6ug/100ml. (1-3years) to 80.8ug/100ml. (7-13 years). 60 percent of these children had a serum iron level less than 50ug/10ml. in the 1-3 years age group and 31.4 percent for 4-6 years group. These contrast with the finding of 12.5 percent anemic children in the 7-13 years age group. The mean transferrin saturation for the total group was 18.1 percent and frequency of anemia by transferrin saturation was observed same pattern as serum iron concentration. (2) Red cell protoporphyrin concentrations. (a) Red cell protoporphrin levels of children: Red cell protoporphyrin and other biochemical data are shown in table 4. The mean concentration in red cell of all children was fround 46.3ug/100ml. RBC. and differences with age groups were observed; in the age group 1-3 years, the mean concentration was $59.5{\pm}32.14$ ug/100ml. RBC; 4-6 years $44.1{\pm}22.57$ ug/100ml. RBC. and 7-13 years, $39.0{\pm}13.56$ ug/100ml. RBC. (b) Normal protoporphyrin values in adults: It was observed that in 10 normal adult males studied here the level of protoporphyrin in red cell ranged from 18 to 54 ug/100ml. RBC. and the mean concentration was $47.5{\sim}14.47$ ug/100ml. RBC. Other biochemical determination made on the same subjects are presented in table 8. (c) Red tell protoporphyrin concentration of occupational blood donors: The results of analyses for red cell protoporphyrin as well as serum iron, transferrin saturation and hemoglobin in the 76 blood donors are presented in table 7 and 8. In this experiment, donors were selected at random, however, most of them bled repeatedly because of poor economic situation, I doubt. Table 9 shows the distribution of red cell protoporphyrin concentration and hemoglobin concentration of occupational donors. The mean hemoglobin value for the total was 11.9 g/100 ml. When iron deficiency anemia is defined as a transferrin saturation below 15%, prevalence of anemia was 47.4 percent and the mean serum iron was 27.1ug/100ml. and red cell protoporphyrin, 168.3ug/100ml. RBC. However, mean serum iron and protoporphyrin concentration of above 15% transferrin saturation were 11.6 ug/100 ml. and 58.8 ug/100 ml. RBC. respectively. The mean Protoporphyrin concentration of non-anemic (above 15% transferrin saturation) donors was slightly higher than the results of normal adult males.

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Quality of Life and Its Related Factors of Radiation Therapy Cancer Patients (방사선 치료를 받은 암환자의 삶의 질과 관련요인)

  • Shin, Ryung-Mi;Jung, Won-Seok;Oh, Byeong-Cheon;Jo, Jun-Young;Kim, Gi-Chul;Choi, Tae-Gyu;Lee, Sok-Goo
    • The Journal of Korean Society for Radiation Therapy
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.21-29
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    • 2011
  • Purpose: The purpose of this master's thesis is to utilize basic data in order to improve the quality of life of cancer patients who received radiation therapy after analysing related factors that influence patient's quality of life and obtaining information about physical, mental problems of patients. Materials and Methods: By using a structured questionnaire about various characteristics and forms of support, I carried out a survey targeting 107 patients that experienced radiation therapy at a university hospital in the Daejeon metropolitan area from July 15 to August 15, 2010 and analysed the factors influencing quality of life. Results: In case of pain due to disease, 65.15 and painless 81.87 showed a high grade quality of life. As body weight decreases, the quality of life become lower. When the grade of quality of life according to economic characteristics was compared, all items except treatment period showed a difference (P=0.000). When the score of social support, family support, medical support and self-esteem was low, the mark of quality of life showed respectively 61.71, 68.77, 71.31, and 69.39 on the basis of 128 points. When the score of support form was high, the mark of quality of life showed 90.47, 83.29, 90.40, and 90.36 (P<0.05). When analyzing the correlation between social support, family support, medical support and self-esteem and the degree of quality of life, social support was 0.768, family support 0.596, medical support 0.434, self-esteem 0.516. They indicated the correlation of meaningful quantity statistically (P<0.01). The factors that improved the quality of life were married state, having a job and painless status. As monthly income increases, the quality of life was also much improved (P<0.05). Among the factors related to quality of life, social support and medical support and higher self-esteem scores of the quality of life score increased 0.979 point, 0.508 points and 1.667 point, respectively. Conclusion: In conclusion, the quality of life of cancer patients that received radiation treatment is related to social support, medical support and self esteem. Self-esteem is an important factor that influenced quality of life, so if government offers works that doesn't affect patient's health, they are a useful method that maximize self-esteem and lessen their financial burden at the same time. Along with these policies, the developments of the attention of medical and the program for cancer patient's family are needed for the purpose of improving quality of life of cancer patients. Lastly, medical team, patients and family have to cooperate in harmony to overcome difficulties of cancer patients.

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A Preliminary Study of Ecological Aspects of Food on a Kind of Gom-Tang(Beef Soup made with Internal Organs and Bone) Intake (식생태학적(食生態學的) 관점(觀點)에서 본 곰탕류(類) 섭취(攝取)에 관한 예비적연구(豫備的硏究))

  • Kwon, Sun-Ja;Adachi, Miyuki;Mo, Su-Mi;Choi, Kyung-Suk;Kim, Ju-Hye;Koh, Hee-Jung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.421-432
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    • 1991
  • This study was conducted to investigate the intake of a kind of Gom-Tang (Beef soup made with internal organs and bone), which is the Korean traditional food, and factors affecting the eating behavior of customers. Two hundred male customers of a H Korean Restaurant specialized in Gom-Tang, which is a well-known restaurant in Seoul, were surveyed from June 26 to 29, 1990. The results were shown as follows. (1) ${\ulcorner}$Frequency of intake${\lrcorner}$ and ${\ulcorner}$preference${\lrcorner}$ were very high. Those who took a kind of Gom-Tang ${\ulcorner}$more than once a week${\lrcorner}$ were 66.5% of the subjects. Those who evaluated ${\ulcorner}$good${\lrcorner}$ for the taste and flavor were 86.5% and 59.0% of the subjects, respectively. (2) The reasons why they chose a kind of Gom-Tang from among many Korean traditional foods were ${\ulcorner}$preference${\lrcorner}$ and ${\ulcorner}$phygiological condition${\lrcorner}$ in ${\ulcorner}$high frequency of intake${\lrcorner}$ group. ${\ulcorner}$Phygiological condition${\lrcorner}$ was more critical factor than ${\ulcorner}$preference${\lrcorner}$ in ${\ulcorner}$low frequency of intake${\lrcorner}$ group. (3) The effect of the intake of a kind of Gom-Tang on health was evaluated as ${\ulcorner}$healthy${\lrcorner}$ (80.5%). ${\ulcorner}$No effect${\lrcorner}$ and ${\ulcorner}$harmful${\lrcorner}$ were 30.5% and 6.5%, respectively. (4) ${\ulcorner}$High frequency of intake${\lrcorner}$ group, mainly more than 50 years of age, had a high ${\ulcorner}$preference${\lrcorner}$ and ${\ulcorner}$food knowledge${\lrcorner}$ as well as positive ${\ulcorner}$eating behavior${\lrcorner}$ and ${\ulcorner}$healthy state${\lrcorner}$, ${\ulcorner}$Middle frequency of intake${\lrcorner}$ group, mainly the forties, had a high ${\ulcorner}$preference${\lrcorner}$, but had less positive ${\ulcorner}$eating behavior${\lrcorner}$ than ${\ulcorner}$high frequency of intake${\lrcorner}$ group. ${\ulcorner}$Low frequency of intake${\lrcorner}$ group, mainly the twenties and thirties, had a medial ${\ulcorner}$preference${\lrcorner}$. They took a kind of Gom-Tang for reasons of ${\ulcorner}$on the recommendation of friends${\lrcorner}$ better than ${\ulcorner}$preference${\lrcorner}$. Foregoing results showed that ${\ulcorner}$a kind of Gom-Tang${\lrcorner}$ was a typical food recognized as ${\ulcorner}$healthy${\lrcorner}$ as well as ${\ulcorner}$delicious${\lrcorner}$. This may suggest that ${\ulcorner}$a kind of Gom-Tang${\lrcorner}$ is a candidate for the effective food on nutritional education.

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Evaluation of the Neural Fiber Tractography Associated with Aging in the Normal Corpus Callosum Using the Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) (확산텐서영상(Diffusion Tensor Imaging)을 이용한 정상 뇌량에서의 연령대별 신경섬유로의 변화)

  • Im, In-Chul;Goo, Eun-Hoe;Lee, Jae-Seung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.5 no.4
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    • pp.189-194
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    • 2011
  • This study used magnetic resonance diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) to quantitatively analyze the neural fiber tractography according to the age of normal corpus callosum and to evaluate of usefulness. The research was intended for the applicants of 60 persons that was in a good state of health with not brain or other disease. The test parameters were TR: 6650 ms, TE: 66 ms, FA: $90^{\circ}$, NEX: 2, thickness: 2 mm, no gap, FOV: 220 mm, b-value: $800s/mm^2$, sense factor: 2, acquisition matrix size: $2{\times}2{\times}2mm^3$, and the test time was 3 minutes 46 seconds. The evaluation method was constructed the color-cored FA map include to the skull vertex from the skull base in scan range. We set up the five ROI of corpus callosum of genu, anterior-mid body, posterior-mid body, isthmus, and splenium, tracking, respectively, and to quantitatively measured the length of neural fiber. As a result, the length of neural fiber, for the corpus callosum of genu was 20's: $61.8{\pm}6.8$, 30's: $63.9{\pm}3.8$, 40's: $65.5{\pm}6.4$, 50's: $57.8{\pm}6.0$, 60's: $58.9{\pm}4.5$, more than 70's: $54.1{\pm}8.1mm$, for the anterior-mid body was 20's: $54.8{\pm}8.8$, 30's: $58.5{\pm}7.9$, 40's: $54.8{\pm}7.8$, 50's: $56.1{\pm}10.2$, 60's: $48.5{\pm}6.2$, more than 70's: $48.6{\pm}8.3mm$, for the posterior-mid body was 20's: $72.7{\pm}9.1$, 30's: $61.6{\pm}9.1$, 40's: $60.9{\pm}10.5$, 50's: $61.4{\pm}11.7$, 60's: $54.9{\pm}10.0$, more than 70's: $53.1{\pm}10.5mm$, for the isthmus was 20's: $71.5{\pm}17.4$, 30's: $74.1{\pm}14.9$, 40's: $73.6{\pm}14.2$, 50's: $66.3{\pm}12.9$, 60's: $56.5{\pm}11.2$, more than 70's: $56.8{\pm}11.3mm$, and for the splenium was 20's: $82.6{\pm}6.8$, 30's: $86.9{\pm}6.4$, 40's: $83.1{\pm}7.1$, 50's: $81.5{\pm}7.4$, 60's: $78.6{\pm}6.0$, more than 70's: $80.55{\pm}8.6mm$. The length of neural fiber for normal corpus callosum were statistically significant in the genu(P=0.001), posterior-mid body(P=0.009), and istumus(P=0.012) of corpus callosum. In order of age, the length of neural fiber increased from 30s to 40s, as one grows older tended to decrease. For this reason, the nerve cells of brain could be confirmed through the neural fiber tractography to progress actively in middle age.

Analysis and Improvement Strategies for Korea's Cyber Security Systems Regulations and Policies

  • Park, Dong-Kyun;Cho, Sung-Je;Soung, Jea-Hyen
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.18
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    • pp.169-190
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    • 2009
  • Today, the rapid advance of scientific technologies has brought about fundamental changes to the types and levels of terrorism while the war against the world more than one thousand small and big terrorists and crime organizations has already begun. A method highly likely to be employed by terrorist groups that are using 21st Century state of the art technology is cyber terrorism. In many instances, things that you could only imagine in reality could be made possible in the cyber space. An easy example would be to randomly alter a letter in the blood type of a terrorism subject in the health care data system, which could inflict harm to subjects and impact the overturning of the opponent's system or regime. The CIH Virus Crisis which occurred on April 26, 1999 had significant implications in various aspects. A virus program made of just a few lines by Taiwanese college students without any specific objective ended up spreading widely throughout the Internet, causing damage to 30,000 PCs in Korea and over 2 billion won in monetary damages in repairs and data recovery. Despite of such risks of cyber terrorism, a great number of Korean sites are employing loose security measures. In fact, there are many cases where a company with millions of subscribers has very slackened security systems. A nationwide preparation for cyber terrorism is called for. In this context, this research will analyze the current status of Korea's cyber security systems and its laws from a policy perspective, and move on to propose improvement strategies. This research suggests the following solutions. First, the National Cyber Security Management Act should be passed to have its effectiveness as the national cyber security management regulation. With the Act's establishment, a more efficient and proactive response to cyber security management will be made possible within a nationwide cyber security framework, and define its relationship with other related laws. The newly passed National Cyber Security Management Act will eliminate inefficiencies that are caused by functional redundancies dispersed across individual sectors in current legislation. Second, to ensure efficient nationwide cyber security management, national cyber security standards and models should be proposed; while at the same time a national cyber security management organizational structure should be established to implement national cyber security policies at each government-agencies and social-components. The National Cyber Security Center must serve as the comprehensive collection, analysis and processing point for national cyber crisis related information, oversee each government agency, and build collaborative relations with the private sector. Also, national and comprehensive response system in which both the private and public sectors participate should be set up, for advance detection and prevention of cyber crisis risks and for a consolidated and timely response using national resources in times of crisis.

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