• Title/Summary/Keyword: Startability

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Experimental study on the improvement of cold startability of methanol (M85) fueled engine (메탄올(M85) 엔진의 냉시동성 개선을 위한 실험적 연구)

  • 이시훈;신영기;황상순
    • Journal of the korean Society of Automotive Engineers
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.71-79
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    • 1992
  • Recently, air pollution and energy security problems have necessitated the development of alternative fuel vehicles. As an alternative fuel vehicle FFV(Flexible Fuel Vehicle) which can be operated by and mixture between gasoline and M85(methanol 85% and gasoline 15% by vol. percent) has been drawing great attention. But poor cold startability of high methanol- content fuel which is characteristic of lower fuel volatility and higher latent heat of vaporization than gasoline is one of the major problems to be solved for the development of FFV. In this paper, important factors influencing cold startability of general S.I. engines are described. And, so-me cost-effective and practical methods were investigated in view of the optimization of fuel-ing parameters and ignition system for M85 fuel. The test results showed good startability up to (-22)-(-23).deg.C.

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A Study on Alternative Fuel as Fuel Substitutes in a DI Diesel Engine(II) (Startability and Durability) (디젤기관의 대체연료 이용에 관한 연구(II) (시동성 및 내구성 문제))

  • 오영택;정규조;촌산정
    • Journal of the korean Society of Automotive Engineers
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    • v.10 no.6
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    • pp.48-53
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    • 1988
  • In a previous report, the properties of vegetable oils as diesel fuel substitutes were investigated and the basic load performance of a diesel engine was examined using vegetable oil. The results show that despite of the long term chain hydrocarbon structure and large droplet size due to high viscosity, vegetable oils have good basic performance and exhaust emissions, however they cause serious problems as carbon deposit buildup, they have poor durability, and also poor thermal efficiency. In this paper, the startability and engine durability with long term operation was tested by physical methods for reducing viscosity when vegetable oil was used as compared against diesel fuel. The results obtained in this investigation may be stated as follows; (1) There is no problem in startability when vegetable oil was used as diesel fuel substitutes as far as fuel temperature is higher than 30.deg. C (2) The carbon deposits were most extensive at lower loads and lower engine speeds, and deposit buildup more heavily on the cooler parts of the combustion chamber wall. (3) Blends with 25% diesel fuel and 20v-% ethanol are effective in reducing the carbon deposit buildups. (4) Significant improvement in carbon deposit and piston ring stick can be obtained by heating fuel(200.deg.).

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The Experimental Study of Early Fuel Evaporation Characteristics Gasoline Engine Using Glow-Plug (Glow-Plug를 이용한 가솔린 연료의 조기증발 특성 실험 연구)

  • 문영호;김진구;오영택
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Automotive Engineers
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2001
  • In order to reduce hydrocarbon emissions of spark ignition engine, it is important not only to improve catalyst conversion efficiency but also to reduce direct engine out hydrocarbon emissions, during cold starting and warm up process. Tjerefore many researchers have been attracted to develop an early fuel evaporator (EFE) by introducing a ceramic heater for a solution of engine out hydrocarbon emissions in SI engine. But, the performance of the EFE in MPI engine to reduce the exhaust emissions and to improve the cold startability has nat been clarified yet. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the feasibility of a glow plug for EFE.

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An Experimental Study on the Reduction of Exhaust Emissions by using Glow Plug during Cold-start and Warm-up in Gasoline Engine (가솔린기관의 냉시동시 Glow Plug를 이용한 배기가스저감에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • 문영호;김종호;오영택
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Automotive Engineers
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.7-14
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    • 2002
  • In order to reduce exhaust omissions of spark ignition engine, it is important not only to improve catalyst conversion efficiency but also to directly reduce engine out exhaust emissions, during cold starting and warm up process. Therefore many researchers have been attracted to develop an early fuel evaporator(EFE) by Introducing a ceramic heater fur a solution of engine out exhaust emissions in SI engine. But, the performance of the EFE in MPI engine to reduce the exhaust emissions and to improve the cold startability has not been clarified yet. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the feasibility of a glow plug far EFE. Impinging spray using heated and unheated glow plug helps the vaporization of the fuel and heat up the three way catalyst sufficiently. The amount of CO, and UHC is reduced overall. The amount of NOx is higher at the initial stage, but become lower as time goes on than without glow plug.

Effect of semi-return fuel supply system on the startability and HC/NOx emissions during cold transient starting phase in an LPi engine (LPG성상에 따른 세미리턴방식 LPi엔진의 시동성 및 싸이클 별 HC/NOx 배출 특성)

  • Kim, Ju-Won;Choi, Kwan-Hee;Myung, Cha-Lee;Park, Sim-Soo
    • Proceedings of the KSME Conference
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    • 2008.11b
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    • pp.2910-2915
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    • 2008
  • This paper was investigated the behaviors of the engine and combustion phenomena for various LPG compositions in the semi-return type system, which is not recircurated to LPG tank through furl rail, applied LPi engine during a cold idle condition and including a cold start of the engine. Cyclic HC and NOx emissions were measured at exhaust port to examine their formation mechanical and reduction mechanical with fast response gas analyzers. Various ignition timing is experimented to study the characteristics of combustion phenomena, HC/NOx emissions during fast idle. Also, this study was investigated start delay time, cylinder pressure, HC/NOx emissions, Mass Fraction Burned, starting time to evaluate performance of transient cold startability. Compared to the return type system, the semi-return type system have advantages in point of production cost and equivalent performance of engine starting time and pressure settling time.

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A Study on the Cold Startability and Emission Characteristics of LPG Vehicle According to Test Temperature (시험온도에 따른 LPG 차량의 저온 시동성 및 배출가스 배출특성 연구)

  • Lee, Min-Ho;Kim, Sung-Woo;Kim, Ki-Ho;Ha, Jong-Han
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Gas
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.7-13
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    • 2014
  • As the interest on the air pollution is gradually rising up at home and abroad, automotive and fuel researchers have been working on the exhaust emission reduction from vehicles through a lot of approaches, which consist of new engine design, innovative after-treatment systems, using clean (eco-friendly alternative) fuels and fuel quality improvement. This research has brought forward various main issues : whether PM emissions should be regulated for diesel and gasoline vehicles and whether gasoline and LPG powered vehicles can be further neglected from PM emission inventories. Finally, the greenhouse gas ($CO_2$, $CH_4$, $N_2O$) regulation has been discussed including automotive emission regulation. The greenhouse gas and emissions (PM) particle of automotive had many problem that cause of ambient pollution, health effects. This paper discussed the influence of LPG fuel on automotive cold startability and exhaust emissions gas. Also, this paper assessed emission characteristics due to the test temperature. These test temperature were performed by dividing the temperature of the test mode and the lowest local temperature in winter. Through this study, the correlation of cold startability, exhaust emission and greenhouse gas emission was analyzed.

The Study on Effect of Emissions and Performance of a Conventional Vehicle using the High Concentration Alcohol Blended Petroleum Product (고농도 알코올 혼합 석유제품이 자동차 성능 및 배출가스에 미치는 영향 연구)

    • Journal of Hydrogen and New Energy
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    • v.26 no.6
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    • pp.629-637
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    • 2015
  • As concern about energy security and global warming many countries have been making effort to reduce fossil fuel. In the case of US, as one of the efforts, the standards of the alcohol vehicle fuels(including blended with gasoline) have been established. Alcohol is known that make some trouble concerning startability, durability and corrosion when using as fuel of a conventional vehicle. For these reason, alcohol usage needs not only the fuel standard, but also a modified car. In the case of Korea, although there are no the standard and the modified vehicle yet, high concentration alcohol blended fuel has being sold at illegal market. In this study, exhaust gas and performance of the conventional vehicle that alcohol(methanol and isopropyl alcohol) blends were fueled were measured to notify danger of using them without preparation of institutional arrangements. Also, to analyze correlation characteristics of the fuels and them, property test of the fuels was conducted. The test result show that bad-startability caused by low RVP and high T10 affected increase in NMOG and CO. NOx was increased under the highest short term fuel trim caused by high Oxygen content and low NHV of alcohol. According to increasing as alcohol content, fuel economy and acceleration ability were decreased but $CO_2$ was not significantly decreased.

A Study of Downsizing Effect on Turbocharged LPG Direct Injection(T-LPDI) Engine with Startability Improvement by Optimization of Fuel Control System (LPG 직분사 엔진의 다운사이징 효과 및 시동성 개선을 위한 연료 제어시스템 최적화에 관한 연구)

  • Lim, Jongsuk;Kim, Dowan;Park, Hanyong;Song, Jinoh;Han, Junghwan;Yook, Chulsoo;Park, Seongmin;Shin, Yongnam
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Automotive Engineers
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.619-626
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    • 2016
  • The new 1.4 L turbocharged LPG direct injection (T-LPDI) engine is presented in this paper to improve the fuel efficiency of the vehicles installed with the 2.0 L LPG port fuel injection (LPI) engine, while maintaining the performance as a downsizing concept for the new engine platform development. Firstly, the return type high pressure LPG fuel supply system is designed and mounted in the new 1.4 L T-LPDI engine. As a result, this new engine shows a much better WOT performance and approximately 8 % of improved fuel economy level, as compared to the 2.0 L LPI vehicle. Secondly, the LPDI engine specific optimized design for high pressure fuel components and fuel injection control strategies are proposed and evaluated in order to overcome the restartability problem in a heat-soaked condition called the vapor lock phenomenon. Consequently, these experimental results illustrate a great potential for the developed 1.4 L T-LPDI engine as a possible substitute for the 2.0 L LPI engine.

Improvements of Model Scramjet Engine Performance and Ground Test (모델 스크램제트 엔진의 성능개선 및 지상시험)

  • Kang, Sang-Hun;Lee, Yang-Ji;Yang, Soo-Seok
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.10-18
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    • 2010
  • Scramjet engine is one of the core parts of hypersonic vehicle of next generation and being investigated by many countries. Korea Aerospace Research Institute performed a ground test of the model scramjet engine S1 in 2007. And, S2 model which is improved from S1 model in engine startability and thrust was tested with HIEST (High Enthalpy Shock Tunnel) at Kakuda Space Center of JAXA. Design condition of S2 model was Mach 6.7, however, it was tested at Mach 7.7 as an off-design condition test. As a test result, flow separation was found at the inside of the intake, but the engine showed stable combustion pressure distribution. Furthermore, compared to other test models, S2 model showed a good performance value in thrust and specific impulse.

Mechatronic V8 Engine Start Capabilities of an Automotive Starter/Generator System at the Super Cold Weather

  • Jang, Bong-Choon
    • Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology
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    • v.16 no.7
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    • pp.942-949
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    • 2002
  • The use of a combined starter/generator integrated into the drive train of an automobile offers several possibilities for improvement of fuel economy The use of such a starter/generator system is made feasible by a switch from a 14 volts electrical system to a 42 volts system, however, the sizing of the components is not a trivial problem. This study combines a dynamic electromechanical model of the starter, battery and power electronics with the nonlinear mechanics of the piston/crankshaft system and a thermofluid model of the compression and expansion processes to investigate the cold start problem. The example involves the start of an eight cylinder engine at -25 degrees Celsius. This paper shows how the mechatronic V8 engine of an automotive starter/generator system for the startability works well.