• Title/Summary/Keyword: Stand development

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Performance Analysis of Wide-Area Differential Positioning Based on Regional Navigation Satellite System

  • Kim, Donguk;So, Hyoungmin;Park, Junpyo
    • Journal of Positioning, Navigation, and Timing
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.35-42
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    • 2021
  • The position accuracy of the stand-alone Regional Navigation Satellite System (RNSS) users is more than tens of meters because of various error sources in satellite navigation signals. This paper focuses on wide-area differential (WAD) positioning technique, which is already applied in Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), in order to improve the position accuracy of RNSS users. According to the simulation results in the very narrow ground network in regional area, the horizontal position error of stand-alone RNSS is about RMS 11.6 m, and that of RNSS with WAD technique, named the WAD-RNSS, is about RMS 2.5 m. The accuracy performance has improved by about 78%.

Design of a Wind Tunnel for Plug Seedlings Production under Artificial Light and Aerodynamic Characteristics above Plug Stand (인공광하의 공정육묘용 풍동 설계 및 공정묘 개체군상의 공기역학적 특성)

  • 김용현;고재풍수
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.429-435
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    • 1996
  • A wind tunnel consisting of two air flow conditioners with polycarbonate pipes, a plant growth room, a suction fan and fan controller, and fluorescent lamps, was designed to investigate the interactions between the growth of plug seedlings under artificial light and their Physical environments. Light transmissivities in the plant growth room based on the photosynthetic photon flux density and photosynthetically active radiation was appeared to be 96.3% and 96.8%, respectively. Measurement showed a uniformity in the vertical profiles of air current speed at the middle and rear regions of plug trays in wind tunnel. This result indicated that the development of a wind tunnel based on the design criteria of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers was adequate. Air current speed inside the plug stand was significantly decreased due to the resistance by the leaves of plug seedlings and boundary layer developed over and below the plug stand. Driving force to facilitate the diffusion of gas inside the plug stand might be regarded as extremely low. Aerodynamic characteristics above the plug stand under artificial light were investigated. As the air current speed increased, zero plane displacement decreased but roughness length and frictional velocity increased. Zero plane displacement linearly increased with the average height of plug seedlings. The wind tunnel developed in this study would be useful to investigate the effects of air current speed on the microclimate over and inside the plug stand and to collect basic data for a large-scale plug production under artificial light in a semi-closed ecosystem.

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Analysis of Forest Stand Structure Using Spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radar(SAR) Data (인공위성 레이다 영상자료를 이용한 임분구조의 물리적 특성파악)

  • 이규성
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.79-91
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    • 1992
  • With recent development in spaceborne imaging radar system, there are growing interests using satellite synthetic aperture radar(SAR) data in various applications. This study attempted to identify the relationships between several forest stand characteristics and radar backscatter, measured from space altitude altitude at three incidence angles. Shuttle Imaging Radar-B(SIR-B) data were collected over a forested area in northern Florida in October, 1984. By using various sources of reference data (forest type maps, inventory records, aerial photographs, and Landsat Thematic Mapper data), about 400 forest stands of known characteristics were carefully located in the radar data. Relative radar backscatter for the three incidence angles of SIR-B data were compared with known forest stand parameters such as mean tree height, diameter at breast height(DBH), stand density, biomass, and relative amount of understory vegetation. The results show that these stand parameters have statistically significant correlations with the radar backscatter. In addition, the SIR-B radar backscatter from a certain stand parameter turned out differently at the three different incidence angles. Finally, the types and characteristics of currently available satellite SAR data are discussed.

Development of a 10kw stand-alone power processing unit for SOFC (고체산화물형 연료전지를 위한 10㎾급 독립전력변환장치의 개발)

  • 이진희;조진상;장민수;최세완;한수빈
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Power Electronics
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    • v.8 no.6
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    • pp.551-560
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    • 2003
  • This paper summarizes development of a 10KW stand-alone power processing unit for 5KW SOFC-low voltage battery hybrid fuel cell power generation system. The power processing unit Includes three parts a high frequency DC-DC converter boosts low fuel cell voltage, a DC-AC inverter converts a dc voltage into a regulated ac voltage and a bidirectional DC-DC converter charges or discharges the battery. The converter topology, design, control method, and experimental result arc presented to meet the specifications such as efficiency of 90% and cost of $40/KW laid down for the "2003 Future Energy Challenge Competition" organized by the U.S. Department of Energy and IEEE. and IEEE.

Development of walking assist system for the people with lower limb-disability

  • Kim, Seok-Hwan;Izumi, Keisuke;Koujina, Yasuhiro;Ishimatsu, Takakazu
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2003.10a
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    • pp.1495-1499
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    • 2003
  • There is some equipment that helps user to exercise and to walk. But almost all equipments require some physical strength of their muscles. So we developed a system that could assist walking action of the people with lower-limb disability. The system called as walking stand adopted the balancing mechanism which assures the stable walking, and the 4 link-based mechanism that had 2 degrees of freedom on each leg. The walking stand uses four motors and has two sets of the special link-structure to simulate the human walking mechanism. With our system, even serious disabled with lower-limb disability may enjoy walking rehabilitation. And by adjusting the power, it can be used as the walking assistant mechanism instead of conventional wheelchairs. Experiments showed that our walking stand is applicable to the rehabilitation and also to the mobile device in our daily life for those people who do not have enough physical ability to walk by themselves.

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