• Title/Summary/Keyword: Stake-holder Analysis

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Economic Analysis of Introduction of Third Party Logistics System in a Tertiary Hospital (상급종합병원 3자 물류외주시스템 도입의 경제성 분석)

  • Byeoung Heon Yoo;Jin-Won Noh;Sei-Jong Baek;Eun Woo Nam
    • Korea Journal of Hospital Management
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2023
  • Purpose: This study purposed to analyze the economic feasibility of introducing a third party logistics system as a strategic alternative to hospital management. Methods: Economic analysis was performed by measuring changes in costs and benefits before and after implement the third party logistics system and estimating the size of net benefits for the next five years for the target hospital. A questionnaire survey and in-depth interview with stake-holders were conducted to find out the satisfaction and effectiveness of the system. Findings: According to results, the cost-benefit ratio for the implementation of the system was 1.18. For the next five years, the cost-benefit ratio was 1.48, the net present value was about 1.7 billion won, and the internal rate of return was 64%. The satisfaction of internal stake-holders was relatively high, in terms of improving the concentration of unique tasks and increasing the efficiency of inventory management. Practical Implications: It was found that the increase in benefits had a greater effect on the change in the cost-benefit ratio than the increase in costs resulting from the expansion of logistics, and the increase in the present value of net benefits gradually decreased as the cost increased. In addition, overall job satisfaction and satisfaction with outsourcing companies were relatively low, which means that stabilization of the new system is important. Further study is needed for more accurate economic analysis.

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The Mud-based Cosmetic Business by the City of Boryeong in Korea as the Commodification of a Locality's Endowment or Assets for Local Development (지역발전을 위한 향토자원 상품화의 사례로서 보령시 머드화장품 사업에 대한 고찰)

  • Byun, Pill-Sung
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.7-22
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    • 2006
  • This study examines the mud-based cosmetic business by the City of Boryeong, as a case of commodifying a locality's endowment or assets for local development. Concretely, the study discusses current status, history, and challenges of the business, which is an integral component of the key industry Boryeong seeks to promote by using mud materials. The discussion also encompasses the factors behind the development of the business. From the discussion, my work presents the business‘s implications for the commodification of local endowment/assets and promotion of relevant key industries that not a few localities across Korea pursue for their development. I deal with such implications, primarily in terms of the local institutional capacity that induces the consistent participation and cooperation from a wide variety of stake-holder as well as the shared vision among such stake-holders in order to enable a locality to effectively use its endowments/assets for local development. And this work reiterates that the institutional capacity which is significant for local development has to be analyzed in depth and such an analysis should produce codified knowledge which can function as guidances or manuals for many localities.

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Conceptual Design of Intelligent Building Automation System Using Computer-Aided Systems Engineering Approach (시스템공학 접근법을 이용한 지능형 건물 자동화 시스템의 개념설계)

  • 유일상;박영원
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Military Science and Technology
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.166-178
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    • 2000
  • As the 21st century signifies an information-oriented society, the computer integration takes place in all walks of human presence. Needs for computer and network-integrated automation present new challenges in military as well as commercial facility systems engineering. Since the first intelligent building appeared in USA in 1984, it gradually became an essential capability for the building industry requirement these days. Intelligent Building System(IBS) is evolving to be very complex because there are many subsystems such as telecommunication(TC), office automation(OA), building automation(BA), security, construction environments, etc. During the planing phase of IBS development, therefore, a disciplined systems engineering must be performed to analyze stake- holder's requirements to build an optimized system while minimizing trial-and-error expenses and risks. This paper presents a conceptual design of BAS applying systems engineering methods. The contribution of this study includes the development of IBS subsystem specification for building automation subsystem, which is a part of IBS, using the methodology of requirement analysis, functional analysis, synthesis, and verification. A computer-aided systems engineering s/w, RDD-100, was used to improve the system design efficiency and to promote the product design knowledge management for reuse in later design programs.

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