• Title/Summary/Keyword: Stabilized Algorithm

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Effects on Fractal Dimension by Automobile Driver's EEG during Highway Driving : Based on Chaos Theory (직선 고속 주행시 운전자의 뇌파가 프랙탈 차원에 미치는 영향: 카오스 이론을 중심으로)

  • 이돈규;김정룡
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.23 no.57
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    • pp.51-62
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    • 2000
  • In this study, the psycho-physiological response of drivers was investigated in terms of EEG(Electroencephalogram), especially with the fractal dimensions computed by Chaotic algorithm. The Chaotic algorithm Is well Known to sensitively analyze the non-linear information such as brain waves. An automobile with a fully equipped data acquisition system was used to collect the data. Ten healthy subjects participated in the experiment. EEG data were collected while subjects were driving the car between Won-ju and Shin-gal J.C. on Young-Dong highway The results were presented in terms of 3-Dimensional attractor to confirm the chaotic nature of the EEG data. The correlation dimension and fractal dimension were calculated to evaluate the complexity of the brain activity as the driving duration changes. In particular, the fractal dimension indicated a difference between the driving condition and non-driving condition while other spectral variables showed inconsistent results. Based upon the fractal dimension, drivers processed the most information at the beginning of the highway driving and the amount of brain activity gradually decreased and stabilized. No particular decrease of brain activity was observed even after 100 km driving. Considering the sensitivity and consistency of the analysis by Chaotic algorithm, the fractal dimension can be a useful parameter to evaluate the psycho-physiological responses of human brain at various driving conditions.

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A Method for Object Tracking Based on Background Stabilization (동적 비디오 기반 안정화 및 객체 추적 방법)

  • Jung, Hunjo;Lee, Dongeun
    • Journal of Korea Society of Digital Industry and Information Management
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.77-85
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    • 2018
  • This paper proposes a robust digital video stabilization algorithm to extract and track an object, which uses a phase correlation-based motion correction. The proposed video stabilization algorithm consists of background stabilization based on motion estimation and extraction of a moving object. The motion vectors can be estimated by calculating the phase correlation of a series of frames in the eight sub-images, which are located in the corner of the video. The global motion vector can be estimated and the image can be compensated by using the multiple local motions of sub-images. Through the calculations of the phase correlation, the motion of the background can be subtracted from the former frame and the compensated frame, which share the same background. The moving objects in the video can also be extracted. In this paper, calculating the phase correlation to track the robust motion vectors results in the compensation of vibrations, such as movement, rotation, expansion and the downsize of videos from all directions of the sub-images. Experimental results show that the proposed digital image stabilization algorithm can provide continuously stabilized videos and tracking object movements.

Prediction and control of buildings with sensor actuators of fuzzy EB algorithm

  • Chen, Tim;Bird, Alex;Muhammad, John Mazhar;Cao, S. Bhaskara;Melvilled, Charles;Cheng, C.Y.J.
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.307-315
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    • 2019
  • Building prediction and control theory have been drawing the attention of many scientists over the past few years because design and control efficiency consumes the most financial and energy. In the literature, many methods have been proposed to achieve this goal by trying different control theorems, but all of these methods face some problems in correctly solving the problem. The Evolutionary Bat (EB) Algorithm is one of the recently introduced optimization methods and providing researchers to solve different types of optimization problems. This paper applies EB to the optimization of building control design. The optimized parameter is the input to the fuzzy controller, which gives the status response as an output, which in turn changes the state of the associated actuator. The novel control criterion for guarantee of the stability of the system is also derived for the demonstration in the analysis. This systematic and simplified controller design approach is the contribution for solving complex dynamic engineering system subjected to external disturbances. The experimental results show that the method achieves effective results in the design of closed-loop system. Therefore, by establishing the stability of the closed-loop system, the behavior of the closed-loop building system can be precisely predicted and stabilized.

A Video Bitrate Adaptation Algorithm for DASH-Based Multimedia Streaming Services to Enhance User QoE (DASH 기반 멀티미디어 스트리밍 서비스에서 사용자 체감품질 향상을 위한 비트율 적응 기법)

  • Suh, Dongeun;Jang, Insun;Pack, Sangheon
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.39B no.6
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    • pp.341-349
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    • 2014
  • Dynamic adaptive streaming over HTTP (DASH) is the most recent and promising technology to support high quality streaming services. In dynamic adaptive streaming over HTTP (DASH), a client consecutively estimates the available network bandwidth and decides the transmission rate for the forthcoming video chunks to be downloaded. In this paper, we propose a novel rate adaptation algorithm called quality of experience QoE-enhanced adaptation algorithm over DASH (QAAD), which preserves the minimum buffer length to avoid interruption and minimizes the video quality changes during the playback. We implemented a DASH test bed and conducted extensive experiments. Experimental results demonstrate that under fluctuating network conditions, QAAD provides seamless streaming with stabilized video quality while the previous buffer-aware algorithm (i.e., QDASH[9]) frequently changes the video quality and undergoes the interruption.

Digital Predistortion Algorithm using Techniques of Temperature Compensation (온도보상 기법을 적용한 디지털 방식의 사전 왜곡제거기 알고리듬)

  • Ko, Young-En;Bang, Sung-Il
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea TC
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    • v.42 no.9 s.339
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2005
  • In this paper, we proposed predistortion algerian that can compensate temperature distortion by digital. Predistortion algorithm produces compensation value of distortion by temperature as well as system nonlinear distortion by input level, and warps beforehand signal of baseband. To prove excellency of such algorithm we applied predistortion algorithm to Saleh's high power amplifier model, and did computer simulation. As a result, P1dB increased about 0.5 dBm phase shift reduced about $0.8^{o}$ than existent the A&P PD, and predistiortion algorithm to apply temperature compensation techniques improved P1dB about 2dBm and stabilized phase shift by about $0.1^{o}$ low. When approved UMTS's sample signal to this amplifier, IMD3 of amplifier decreased 10dBm than is no temperature compensation techniques, and reduced 19dBm than signal that is no distortion.

Development of Fuzzy Controller for Stabilizing the Arc State in Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMA 용접에 있어서 아크 안정화를 위한 퍼지제어기 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Kang, Moon-Jin;Lee, Se-Hun
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.16 no.12
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    • pp.152-160
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    • 1999
  • The weld quality of $CO_2$ arc welding is closely related to the arc stability. As the characteristics of the arc are excessively complex and nonlinear, it is not easy to make the arc model as mathematical form and to control the arc state to be stabilized. This paper was aimed to estimate the arc stability and to control for stabilizing the arc state in short circuit metal transfer mode of $CO_2$ arc welding. For these purposes, the behaviors of arc stability was investigated at different welding conditions using Mita's arc stability index, and the fuzzy control algorithm which uses the arc stability index as control imput and the arc voltage as control output was developed. In the control of the arc stability, the experiments of two cases were performed; the case of setting an initial welding voltage arbitrarily, the case of the step change in workpiece shape. Obtained results were as follows; Mita's arc stability index was able to be estimated qualitatively in the case of using the inverter type welding power source and the control performance for stabilizing the arc status was excellent in the case of existing step change disturbance.

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Improvement of Power Generation of Microbial Fuel Cells using Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) and Automatic Load Control Algorithm (최대전력점추적방법과 외부저항 제어 알고리즘을 이용한 미생물연료 전지의 전력생산 최대화)

  • Song, Young Eun;Kim, Jung Rae
    • KSBB Journal
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.225-231
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    • 2014
  • A microbial fuel cell (MFC) and bioelectrochemical systems are novel bioprocesses which employ exoelectrogenic biofilm on electrode as a biocatalyst for electricity generation and various useful chemical production. Previous reports show that electrogenic biofilms of MFCs are time varying systems and dynamically interactive with the electrically conductive media (carbon paper as terminal electron acceptor). It has been reported that maximum power point tracking (MPPT) method can automatically control load by algorithm so that increase power generation and columbic efficiency. In this study, we developed logic based control strategy for external load resistance by using $LabVIEW^{TM}$ which increases the power production with using flat-plate MFCs and MPPT circuit board. The flat-plate MFCs inoculated with anaerobic digester sludge were stabilized with fixed external resistance from $1000{\Omega}$ to $100{\Omega}$. Automatic load control with MPPT started load from $52{\Omega}$ during 120 hours of operation. MPPT control strategy increased approximately 2.7 times of power production and power density (1.95 mW and $13.02mW/m^3$) compared to the initial values before application of MPPT (0.72 mW and $4.79mW/m^3$).

Adaptive Control of Spacecraft with Elastic Appendages (유연한 부속물을 가진 우주선의 적응제어)

  • Lee, Ho-Jin;Lee, Keum-Won
    • Journal of the Institute of Convergence Signal Processing
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.159-163
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    • 2008
  • In this paper, a simplified type of adaptive controller using Nussbaum gain for the control of the spacecrapt with elastic appendages is suggested. This method doesn't need the information of the high frequency components in transfer function. While the pitch angle tracks the desired value by this method, the elastic modes are also stabilized. Only pitch angle and the pitch rate are used for the design of the output feedback controller. Especially all system parameters and the high frequency gain are assumed to be unknown. For design simplicity, a controller is designed by using only the linear part, and it's shown to satisfy the nonlinear system by the simulation with basic explanations. By using the Lyapunov function, the stability of the suggested algorithm is demonstrated, and also the effectiveness of the suggested algorithm is verified by showing the computer simulation results.

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The estimation of camera calibration parameters using the properties of vanishing point at the paved and unpaved road (무한원점의 성질을 이용한 포장 및 비포장 도로에서의 카메라 교정 파라메터 추정)

  • Jeong, Jun-Ik;Jeong, Myeong-Hee;Rho, Do-Whan
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2006.10c
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    • pp.178-180
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    • 2006
  • In general, camera calibration has to be gone ahead necessarily to estimate a position and an orientation of the object exactly using a camera. Autonomous land system in order to run a vehicle autonomously needs a camera calibration method appling a camera and various road environment. Camera calibration is to prescribe the confrontation relation between third dimension space and the image plane. It means to find camera calibration parameters. Camera calibration parameters using the paved road and the unpaved road are estimated. The proposed algorithm has been detected through the image processing after obtaining the paved road and the unpaved road. There is able to detect easily edges because the road lanes exist in the raved road. Image processing method is two. One is a method on the paved road. Image is segmentalized using open, dilation, and erosion. The other is a method on the unpaved road. Edges are detected using blur and sharpening. So it has been made use of Hough transformation in order to detect the correct straight line because it has less error than least-square method. In addition to, this thesis has been used vanishing point' principle. an algorithm suggests camera calibration method using Hough transformation and vanishing point. When the algorithm was applied, the result of focal length was about 10.7[mm] and RMS errors of rotation were 0.10913 and 0.11476 ranges. these have the stabilized ranges comparatively. This shows that this algorithm can be applied to camera calibration on the raved and unpaved road.

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The Study of Methods for Improve the Linearity of the Walking Assistant Robot to Move on Lateral Slopes (횡단경사면에서 지능형 보행보조로봇의 직진성 향상 방안 연구)

  • Lee, Won-Young;Eom, Su-Hong;Jang, Mun-Suck;Kwon, O-Sang;Lee, Eung-Hyuk
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers
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    • v.50 no.1
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    • pp.261-268
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    • 2013
  • In this paper, we propose the algorithm that improves the linearity of the walking assistant robot on lateral slopes. The walking assistant robot goes out of the course due to the rotational moment which is caused by the weight of the robot and the slope. To compensate this, we give the weight to each driving axle after comparing the real rotational angular velocity with the target rotational angular velocity which is entered by an user. The results of applying the algorithm to the real walking assistant robot show that the yaw axis deviation of the robot without the algorithm diverges, but the yaw axis deviation of the robot with the algorithm lies within 20cm, which can be recognized as stable. In addition, the changing rate of the course deviation is stabilized and shows no more course deviation, after moving 300cm.