• Title/Summary/Keyword: Stability of dispersion

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Historical Review on the Security Service for the Royal Household in the "Goryeo" Era (고려시대 왕실호위제도의 사적 고찰)

  • Lee, Sung-Jin;Kim, Eui-Young;Lee, Jong-Hwan
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.14
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    • pp.413-429
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    • 2007
  • The Guard over the royal household in the "Goryeo" era was the same as if was over the President or Ruler of a nation today. In those days, a king represented a nation and any threat to the safety of a king could bring the destruction of a nation and the dispersion of the people. by reviewing the change of the 2-Gun 6-Wi system of the era, it can be, summed up as follow, Ther will be suggestions. The Guard might focus on a king's personal safety in the wake of the system of the Silla and Taebong dynasties until the establishment of the Goryeo Dynasty's unique political system. "Goryeo" rebuilt the royal palace in Gyeonyeong-gun to take the shape of unified country after its accomplishment of unification of the late three countries, Then it was afraid of the rebellion and uprising of local powerful clans, The country put them under control and organized the local army with them in the era of Kings, Seongjong, through the kings, Seongjong and Gwangjong. The army system of "Goryeo" consisted of 2-Gun and 6-Wi, and 2-Gun placed above the 6-Wi played the role of the Royal guards, and among the organizations a certain army under the specific name of "Gyeonyong-gun" guarded the kings in the nearest position. An aristocratic culture enjoyed its golden age in the period of stability of the aristocracy of "Goryeo", but afterward in the confusion of the aristocratic disruption and incompatible confrontation the country lost its control, and faced military rebellions by treating civil officials well and ill-treating military officials The safety of kings become unstable with the grasping political power by the military officials, and "Dobang" was established in the era of Choi's family to grasp political power. In the era of Choi Woo, he gathered his men and organized his familys army with them and managed the personnel administration with the civil officials of "Jeongbang and Seobang under his command. Such a fact shows the similarity to today's task of guarding. Considering the facts that "Sambyeolcho, the military ground of the military-men-rule, was at the center of the struggling against Mongolia and that even after the fall of the military regime, they rebelled and fought against Mongolia to the end, we came to know that the nationalism in the era of the military era was great. In the transition of external situations from "Myeong" to "Won"(Chinese dynasties), the conflict between the old "Won"-friendly power and the new "Myeong"-friendly power caused the weakness of the power to guard the royal household, and "Goryeo" at last gave way to the newly rising "Joseon" led by Lee, Seong Gye who won the people's confidence.

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A Study on the Guidelines on the Insertion of Metal Stiffeners in the Restoration of Stone Cultural Heritages (석조문화재 복원을 위한 금속보강재 매입방법 표준화 연구)

  • Lee, Dong-sik;Kim, Hyun-yong;Kim, Sa-dug;Hong, Seong-geol
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.46 no.3
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    • pp.212-228
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    • 2013
  • Stone cultural heritages are repaired by the use of metal stiffeners. The problem is that this type of repair has been based on the experience of workers without specific guidelines and has caused various problems. This is to suggest the structural reinforcement and behavioral characteristics of metal rods to minimize the secondary damage of materials and have the specimens tested and verified to establish the guidelines on how to insert metal stiffeners. When only epoxy resin is applied to the cut surface, only 70% of the properties of the parent material are regenerated and it is required to structurally reinforce the metal stiffener for the remaining 30%. The metal rod is under the structural behavior after the brittle failure of stone material and the structural behavior does not occur when the metal stiffener is below 0.251%. When it accounts for over 0.5%, it achieves structural reinforcement, but causes secondary damage of parent materials. The appropriate ratio of metal stiffener for the stone material with the strength of $1,500kgf/cm^2$, therefore, should be between 0.283% and 0.377% of the cross section of attached surface to achieve reversible fracture and ductility behavior. In addition, it is more effective to position the stiffeners at close intervals to achieve the peak stress of metal rod against bending load and inserting the stiffener into the upper secions is not structurally supportive, but would rather cause damage of the parent material. Thus, most stiffeners should be inserted into the lower part and some into the central part to work as a stable tensile material under the load stress. The dispersion effect of metal rods was influenced by the area of reinforcing rods and unrelated to their diameter. However, it ensures stability under the load stress to increase the number of stiffeners considering the cross section adhered when working on large-scale structures. The development length is engineered based upon the diameter of stiffener using the following formula: $l_d=\frac{a_tf_y}{u{\Sigma}_0}$. Also, helically-threaded reinforcing rods should be used to perform the behaviors as a structural material.

Studies on the Production of Watermelon and Cantaloupe Melonjuice (수박 및 참외 쥬스 제조에 대하여)

  • Shin, Dong-Hwa;Koo, Young-Jo;Kim, Choung-Ok;Min, Byong-Yong;Suh, Kee-Bong
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.215-223
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    • 1978
  • In Korea, the annual production of watermelon and cantaloupe melon is around 110,000 to 170,000 Metric Tons, and as the fruit does not keep well, studies were conducted to determine the feasibility of preservation in the form of natural juice or lactic fermented juice. The results obtained in these studies are summarized as follows: (1) The average yield of juice obtained from watermelon was 56.2%, and from cantaloupe melon 65.8%, of the fresh weight. (2) The colloidal components of watermelon juice separated from the juice by sedimentation within 24 hours. Cantaloupe melon juice gave a stable colloidal dispersion. (3) No change in the colour of the juices was detected by sensory evaluation or instrumental methods after they were treated at $100^{\circ}C$ for 5 minutes. (4) The addition of canesugar to give a total solids content of 11/13 Brix gave juices which were preferred by most tasters. (5) Lactic fermentation of natural juices pasteurised at $90^{\circ}C$ for 5 minutes, and inoculated with a pure culture of lactic acid bacteria proceeded without interference from competing microorganisms. (6) Sensory evaluation of lactic fermented juices indicated that 60% of tasters found the juices as acceptable or better than commercial fruit nectars at present on the market. (7) Taste panels showed a preference for natural melon juices over the lactic fermented juices. (8) The peroxidase activity of cantaloupe melon juice was higher than that of watermelon juice, with juice extracted from the core of the fruit showing a higher activity than that from other portions of the tissue. (9) Two types of peroxidase, of differing heat stability were detected in both juices. The more heat stable peroxidase had a decimal reduction time of 40 minutes at $80^{\circ}C$ and a z value of $11^{\circ}C$.

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Changes of Physical Properties of Soils by Organic Material application (유기성 물질 시용에 따른 농경지 토양물리성 변화 연구)

  • Kim, Lee-Yul;Cho, Hyun-Jun;Han, Kyung-Hwa
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.37 no.5
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    • pp.304-314
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    • 2004
  • The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of organic materials (compost, straw, green manure, pig manure, seed production oil cake, and industrial by products including municipal sewage sludge, industrial sewage sludge, leather processing sludge, and alcohol fermentation processing sludge) on physical properties of soils in seven paddy and four upland fields with differential soil textures, sandy loam, loam, or clay loam, etc. The investigated physical parameters were bulk density (BD), air permeability (AP), macroporosity, hardness, shear resistance, frictional resistance, water stability aggregate (WSA), and Middleton's dispersion ratio. Except for coarse sandy loam field with weak structure, a decrease in BD and shear resistance, and an increase in macroporosity and AP in plots with applying organic materials compared to plots without applying organic materials appeared. In upland fields, the positive effect of organic materials on WSA, BD, and air permeability was higher than in paddy fields. The combined plot of NPK and compost had lower BD, hardness, and shear resistance, and higher macroporosity and WSA than plot with compost. Green manure had higher positive effect on physical properties of soils compared to other organic materials and the extent of positive effect had no significant correlation with soil organic matter content. Of industrial byproducts applied in coarse sandy loam soil under upland condition, municipal sewage sludge and pig manure compost had higher effect on increase of WSA than leather processing sludge and alcohol fermentation processing sludge. Unlike WSA, there were no significant differences between industrial byproduct types in other physical properties. in silty clay loam soil under the upland condition, straw had more positive effect on soil physical parameters than hairy vetch and pig manure. Therefore, different organic materials had differently active effect on physical parameters depending on types of soil and land use. Especially, it could be thought that well-decomposed organic materials have the advantage of an increase in organic matter content, while coarse organic materials of an increase in WSA.

The Value and Growing Characteristics of the Dicentra Spectabilis Community in Daea-ri, Wanju-gun, Jeollabuk-do as a Nature Reserve (전북 완주군 대아리 금낭화 Dicentra spectabilis 군락지의 천연보호구역적 가치와 생육특성)

  • Lee, Suk Woo;Rho, Jae Hyun;Oh, Hyun Kyung
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.44 no.1
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    • pp.72-105
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    • 2011
  • This study explores the value of the Dicentra spectabilis community as a nature reserve in provincial forests at San 1-2, Daea-ri, Dongsang-myeon, Wanju-gun, Jellabuk-do, also known as Gamakgol, while defining the appropriateness of its living environment and eventually providing basic information to protect this area. For these reasons, we investigated 'morphological and biological features of Dicentra spectabilis' and the 'present situation and problems of designing a herbaceous nature reserve in Korea.' Furthermore, we researched and analyzed the solar, soil and vegetation condition here through a field study in order to comprehend its nature reserve value. The result is as follows. According to the analytic result for information on the domestic wild Dicentra spectabilis community, it is evenly spread throughout mountainous areas, and there is one particularly outstanding in size in Wanju Gamakgol. Upon the findings from literature and the field study about its dispersion, Gamakgol has been discovered as an ideal district for Dicentra spectabilis since it meets all the conditions this plant requires to grow vigorously, such as a quasi-high altitude and rich precipitation during its period of active growth duration in May. Dicentra spectabilis grows in rocky soil ranging from 300~375m above sea level, 344.5m on average, towards the north, northwest and dominantly in the northeast. The mean inclination degree is $19.5^{\circ}$. Also, upon findings from analyzing solar conditions, the average light intensity during its growth duration, from Apr. to Aug., is 30,810lux on average and it tends to increase, as it gets closer to the end. This plant requires around 14,000~18,000lux while growing, but once bloomed, fruits develop regardless of the degree of brightness. The soil pH has shown a slight difference between the topsoil, at 5.2~6.1, and subsoil, at 5.2~6.2. Its mean pH is 5.54 for topsoil and 5.58 for subsoil. These results are very typical for Dicentra spectabilis to grow in, and other comparative areas also present similar conditions. Given the facts, the character of the soil in Gamakgol has been evaluated to have high stability. Analysis of its vegetation environment shows a wide variation of taxa numbering from 13 to 52 depending on area. The total number of taxa is 126 and they are a homogenous group while showing a variety of species as well. The Dicentra spectabilis community in the Daea-ri Arboretum is an herbaceous community consisting of dominantly Dicentra spectabilis, Cardamine leucantha, Boehmeria tricuspi and Impatiens textori while having many differential species such as Impatiens textori, Pueraria thunbergiana, Rubus crataegifolius vs Staphylea bumalda, Securinega suffruticosa, and Actinidia polygama. It suggests that it is a typical subcolony divided by topographic features and soil humidity. Considering the above results on a comprehensive level, this area is an excellent habitat for wild Dicentra spectabilis providing beautiful viewing enjoyment. Additionally, it is the largest wild colony of Dicentra spectabilis in Korea whose climate, topography, soil conditions and vegetation environment can secure sustainability as a wild habitat of Dicentra spectabilis. Therefore, We have determined that the Gamakgol community should be re-examined as natural asset owing to its established habitat conditions and sustainability.