• Title/Summary/Keyword: Spring phenology

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Recent Changes in Bloom Dates of Robinia pseudoacacia and Bloom Date Predictions Using a Process-Based Model in South Korea (최근 12년간 아까시나무 만개일의 변화와 과정기반모형을 활용한 지역별 만개일 예측)

  • Kim, Sukyung;Kim, Tae Kyung;Yoon, Sukhee;Jang, Keunchang;Lim, Hyemin;Lee, Wi Young;Won, Myoungsoo;Lim, Jong-Hwan;Kim, Hyun Seok
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.110 no.3
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    • pp.322-340
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    • 2021
  • Due to climate change and its consequential spring temperature rise, flowering time of Robinia pseudoacacia has advanced and a simultaneous blooming phenomenon occurred in different regions in South Korea. These changes in flowering time became a major crisis in the domestic beekeeping industry and the demand for accurate prediction of flowering time for R. pseudoacacia is increasing. In this study, we developed and compared performance of four different models predicting flowering time of R. pseudoacacia for the entire country: a Single Model for the country (SM), Modified Single Model (MSM) using correction factors derived from SM, Group Model (GM) estimating parameters for each region, and Local Model (LM) estimating parameters for each site. To achieve this goal, the bloom date data observed at 26 points across the country for the past 12 years (2006-2017) and daily temperature data were used. As a result, bloom dates for the north central region, where spring temperature increase was more than two-fold higher than southern regions, have advanced and the differences compared with the southwest region decreased by 0.7098 days per year (p-value=0.0417). Model comparisons showed MSM and LM performed better than the other models, as shown by 24% and 15% lower RMSE than SM, respectively. Furthermore, validation with 16 additional sites for 4 years revealed co-krigging of LM showed better performance than expansion of MSM for the entire nation (RMSE: p-value=0.0118, Bias: p-value=0.0471). This study improved predictions of bloom dates for R. pseudoacacia and proposed methods for reliable expansion to the entire nation.

Spring Shoot Damage and Cold Hardiness of Grape in Different Varieties and Phenological Stages (봄철 포도 신초 저온 피해 양상과 품종별 전엽기 내한성 비교)

  • Dongyong Lee;Suhyun Ryu;Jae Hoon Jeong;Jeom Hwa Han;Jung-Gun Cho;Seul-Ki Lee;Sihyeong Jang
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.359-367
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    • 2023
  • Grapes are one of the most important fruit trees both domestically and globally. Recently, changes in plant phenology and frequent low temperatures due to climate change are increasing the possibility of damage to grape shoots in spring, which is a serious threat to grape production. This study was conducted to investigated the severity of shoots damage and the change of free sugar content in the plant organs by phenological stage, especially, from germination to leafing period. Furthermore, in order to compare the cold hardiness among grape varieties including 'Campbell Early', 'Kyoho' and 'Shine Muscat' widely grown in Korea, lethal temperature (LT50) and free sugar content by grape variety were analyzed. Shoot damage by low temperatures continued to increase as the phenological stage progressed gradually, from the bud burst to the fourth leafing stage. On the other hand, the free sugar content of each organ except leaves continued to decrease, showing pattern to similar to cold hardiness. This indicates a close relationship between free sugar content and cold hardiness. In terms of cold hardiness comparison among grape varieties, 'Shine Muscat' showed the highest cold resistance in the leafing stage with the lowest LT50 and the highest total free sugar content. Next was 'Kyoho' and 'Campbell Early'. There are clear differences in cold hardiness depending on the variety. However, it is not the same at all growth stage. It may change according to phenological stage and influenced by free sugar content at that time.

Seasonal Changes in Colonization and Spore Density of Arbuscular-Mycorrhizae in Citrus Groves (감귤뿌리에서의 Arbuscular-Mycorrhizae 형성과 감귤원 토양중 포자밀도의 계절적 변화)

  • Kim, Sang-Youb;Oh, Hyun-Woo;Moon, Doo-Khil;Han, Hae-Ryong;Chung, Jong-Bae
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.174-181
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    • 1998
  • In four citrus grow of Satsuma mandarin (rootstock of trifoliate orange) including two grove of organical management and two groves of conventional management, spores of arbuscular mycorrhizal(AM) fungi were identified and seasonal changes in spore density in soils and AM colonization of citrus roots were investigated. AM colonization in weeds found in the groves were also examined. Three species of Glomus (G.deserticola, G. vesiculiferum, G. rubiforme ) and one unknown species of Acaulospora were observed in all of the groves. Annual mean density of AM fungal spores were in the range of 10,000${\sim}$40,000 per 100g soil with more spores in the organically-managed groves. The least spores were observed in December in all groves, and the most spores in April in the organically-managed groves while in February or April in the conventionally- managed. Annual mean AM colonization more 27% of citrus root were observed in the organically-managed with the high peaks in April and October and the minimum in August, while mean colonization less than 15% in the conventionally-managed with the peak in February and the minimum in different times depending on groves and years. AM colonization corresponded to a sigmoidal curve consisting of a laf phase during winter and a subsequent increase in spring, then succeeded by a maximum, and then a decrease at the end of vegetation. Fungal spore density and AM colonization showed a parallel pattern during the sample period. The seasonality appeared to be related more to the phenology of the plant than to the soil factors. Generally more spore density and AM colonization were found in organically managed groves. AM colonization was not correlated with available P and organic matter content in soil in this field investigation. Among sixteen weed species found in the groves, Astrogalus sinicus of Leguminosae, Portulaca oleracea of Portulacaceae showed high colonization in all groves and they can be considered as a source of inoculumn and host plants for propagation of AM fungi.

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Temporal Changes of Hyalessa fuscata Songs by Climate Change (기후변화에 의한 참매미 번식울음 시기 변화 연구)

  • Kim, Yoon-Jae;Ki, Kyong-Seok
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.244-251
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    • 2018
  • The present study aimed to identify the influence of climate change on mating songs of Cicadidae in a phenological perspective. The research sites were located in the central part of the Korean peninsula in which phenological observations by the Meteorological Office are made. The material provided by the Meteorological Office was used for long term phenological analysis. The findings demonstrated, First, the phenological monitoring of cicada is an effective index to detect ecological changes due to climate change, thus indicating the importance of long term phenological investigations for future studies. Second, the analysis on the phenological changes of H. fuscata presented a trend in which the first songs were made at increasingly earlier and later dates, respectively. The phenological data on H. fuscata and average temperatures exhibited a significant negative correlation between the initial mating song period and the average temperatures of June. Furthermore, there was also a significant negative correlation for precipitation in October with the end time and total duration of H. fuscata song. Third, in the regression analysis of the start of H. fuscata song and meteorological factors in Seoul, increasing average air temperature in spring (March to June), which includes June, was associated with an earlier start time of H. fuscata song, with calling starting approximately 3.0-4.5 days earlier per $1^{\circ}C$ increase. Fourth, in the regression analysis of the end of H. fuscata song and meteorological factors in Seoul, increased mean precipitation in October was associated with an early end time and an overall reduction in the length of the song period. The end time of song decreased by approximately 0.78 days per 1mm increase in precipitation, and the total length of the song period decreased by 0.8 days/1mm. This research is important, as it is the initial research to identify the phenological changes in H. fuscata due to climate change.

Analysis of Freezing Injury Rate, Hormone and Soluble Sugars between 'Fuji' and 'Hongro' Apple Trees in Flowering Period (개화기 사과 '후지'와 '홍로'의 품종간 저온 피해율, 호르몬과 유리당 분석)

  • Jeong, Jae Hoon;Han, Jeom Hwa;Ryu, Suhyun;Cho, Jung Gun;Lee, Seul-Ki
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.320-327
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    • 2021
  • Freezing damage to fruit trees is frequently occurring due to cold in winter and low temperature in spring to abnormal weather caused by global warming. In particular, the freezing injury of deciduous fruit trees is highly dependent on the developmental stages of the flower buds. And the cold resistance is weakened as the growth progresses, so it is most vulnerable period from flowering to petal fall(post-bloom). Therefore, this study was conducted to analyze the cause of the freezing injury caused by severe low temperature to 'Fuji', which has a late flowering period more than 'Hongro' in April 2020. We investigated freezing injury rate in 'Fuji' and 'Hongro' apple trees damaged by natural low temperature at Boeun-gun, Chungbuk province in Korea. In addition, flower buds in the same developmental stage (tight cluster) were treated artificially low temperature to investigate the injury rate for accurate comparative analysis between varieties, and to analyze the soluble sugar and hormone contents in the flower buds. As a result of survey in natural low temperature, 'Fuji' had a higher injury rate than 'Hongro' in both orchards, and in particular, B orchard 'Fuji' had the highest injury rate of 60.5%. Also there were significantly difference in the freezing injury rate between 'Fuji' and 'Hongro' in artificially low temperature treatments. As a result of analyzing the soluble sugar contents in 'Hongro' was higher than 'Fuji'. Also ABA, IAA and SA contents were more increased in the damaged tissue than in the normal flower buds by low temperature treatments. Consequently, it was assumed that the freezing injury was closely related to soluble sugar contents in the flower buds. In particular, the freezing injury rate was negatively correlated with the sorbitol contents.