• Title/Summary/Keyword: Spray method

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2-D Simultaneous Measurements of Velocity and Diameter of Diesel Spray Droplets by Novel Interferometric Laser Imaging for Droplet Sizing (ILIDS) Method

  • Ryul, C.-S;Y. Moriyoshi;M. Yamada
    • Journal of Advanced Marine Engineering and Technology
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.263-268
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    • 2004
  • The characteristics of Diesel spray droplets, such as the velocity and the diameter were simultaneously measured by using an improved Interferometric Laser Imaging for Droplet Sizing method. The experiments were carried out using an accumulator-type unit injector system and a constant-volume vessel. Two dimensional cross-section photographs of sprays were also taken using a double-pulsed Nd- YAG laser sheet and a linear array CCD camera. As a result, interesting relations between the droplets diameter and the velocity were found.

Spray Characterization and Flow Visualization of the Supersonic Liquid Jet by a Projectile Impingement (발사체 충돌에 의한 초음속 액체 제트의 분사 특성 및 유동 가시화)

  • Shin, Jeung-Hwan;Lee, In-Chul;Koo, Ja-Ye;Kim, Heuy-Dong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Visualization
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.27-33
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    • 2011
  • Supersonic liquid jet discharged from a nozzle has been investigated by using a ballistic range which is composed of high-pressure tube, pump tube, launch tube and liquid storage nozzle. High-speed Schlieren optical method was used to visualize the supersonic liquid jet flow field containing shock wave system, and spray droplet diameter was measured by the laser diffraction method. Experiment was performed with various types of nozzle to investigate the major characteristics of the supersonic liquid jet operating at the range of total pressure of 0.8 from 2.14 GPa. The results obtained shows that shock wave considerably affects the detailed atomization process of the liquid jet and as the nozzle diameter decreases, the shock wave angle and the averaged SMD of spray droplet tends to decrease.

Synthesis of Ultrafine TiC-15%Co Powder by Thermochemical Method (열화학적 방법에 의한 초미립 TiC-15%Co 분말의 합성)

  • 홍성현;탁영우;김병기
    • Journal of Powder Materials
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.281-287
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    • 2003
  • Ultrafine TiC-15%Co powders were synthesized by a thermochemical process, including spray drying, calcination, and carbothermal reaction. Ti-Co oxide powders were prepared by spray drying of aqueous solution of titanium chloride and Ti(OH)2 slurry, both containing cobalt nitrate, fellowed by calcination. The oxide powders were mixed with carbon powder to reduce and carburize at 1100~1250C under argon or hydrogen atmosphere. Ultrafine TiC particles were formed by carbothermal reaction at 1200~1250C, which is significantly lower than the formation temperature (~1700C) of TiC particles prepared by conventional method. The oxygen content of TiC-15%Co powder synthesized under hydrogen atmosphere was lower than that synthesized under argon, suggesting that hydrogen accelerates the reduction rate of Ti-Co oxides. The size of TiC-15%Co powder was evaluated by FE-SEM and TEM and Identified to be smaller than 300 nm.

The Properties of the Nitrocellulose/MWCNT Composites Fabricated on the 10 μm Polyimide Film for the Flexible Transparent Conduction Film (10 μm 폴리이미드 기판에 성막된 플렉시블 투명 전도막용 Nitrocellulose/MWCNT 복합체의 제작 및 특성)

  • Jang, Kyung-Uk
    • Journal of the Semiconductor & Display Technology
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.117-121
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    • 2010
  • The composite films were fabricated by air-spray method under the 2 kgf/cm2 pressure using the multi-walled CNTs solution and the nitrocellulose on a 10 μm polyimide film substrates. We obtained the composite films which were sprayed with the MWCNT dispersion by varying the spray time from 20, 40 and 60sec. The electrical and the optical properties of the sandwiched-structure-composite thin films were investigated by an UV/VIS spectrometer and a Hall Effect equipment. As a result, the optical transmittance of all thin films in the visible range, as well as the electrical conductance shows an available value for the transparent electrode. The carrier concentration and the light transmittance rate for the fabricated sample are between 3.733×1010 and 6.551×1014cm3, around 35 to 95%, respectively.

Evaluations of corrosion resistance of Ni-Cr plated and Zn-plated Fe Substrates Using an Electrolytic Corrosion Test (전해부식시험을 이용한 니켈-크롬도금강판 및 아연도금강판의 내식성 비교평가시험)

  • Lee, Jae-Bong;Kim, Kyung-Wook;Park, Min-Woo;Song, Tae-Jun;Lee, Chae-Seung;Lee, Eui-Jong;Kim, Sang-Yeol
    • Corrosion Science and Technology
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.56-64
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    • 2013
  • An Eectrolytic Corrosion(EC) test method was evaluated by the comparison with Copper Accelerated Acetic Salt Spray(CASS) and Neutral Salt Spray(SS) tests. Those methods were applied in order to evaluate corrosion resistance of Ni-Cr plated and Zn-plated Fe substrates. The correlations between results obtained by different test methods were investigated. Results showed that the electrochemical method such as the EC test method was superior to the conventional methods such as CASS and SS, in terms of the quantitative accuracy and the test-time span. Furthermore, the EC test method provided the useful means to estimate the initiation of corrosion of each layer by monitoring the rest potentials of the coated layers such as Ni, Cr, and Zn on Fe substrate. With regard to test time spans, the EC test provided the 78 times and 182 times faster results than the CASS test in cases of Fe+5μm Ni+0.5μm Cr and Fe+20μm Ni+0.5μm Cr respectively, while the EC test was 85 times faster results than the Salt Spray test in the case of Fe+20g/m2 Zn. Therefore, the EC test can be the better method to evaluate the resistance to corrosion of coated layers than the conventional methods such as the SS test and the CASS.

The Study on the Selection of Revegetation Methods on Weathered Granite Cut-soil Slopes (화강풍화토 흙깎기 비탈면 녹화공법 선정 방안 연구)

  • Kim, Nam-Choon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.121-135
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    • 2016
  • The present study is an analysis of the monitoring results of the four areas that underwent the experimental construction of Straw-net+seedspray, Vegetation media spray method(t=2cm), and Vegetation media spray method(t=3cm), with the purpose of selecting the adequate revegetation of cutting slopes in weathered granite soil. Cutting slopes are mostly designed in the Straw-net+seedspray method, but since weathered granite soil slopes tend to have an infertile soil quality that runs down, it is difficult for seed germination and growth. It is difficult to apply Straw-net+seedspray to weathered granite soil slopes considering the germination rate and coverage rate of the Straw-net+seedspray method, which accompanies erosion and scouring. The final conclusions are summarized as follows. First, Straw-net+seedspray has difficulty recruiting plants to infertile weathered granite soil, which results in a lower coverage rate and fewer species, so it is not adequate construction method. Second, Vegetation spraying methods with wet media are more advantageous in early revegetation. The wet construction methods are faster than the dry construction methods in terms of early germination and its early growth are more excellent. Third, when constructing Vegetation spray methods with dry media, it were more advantageous if the thickness was thicker. When the soil-media is thicker, the soil is resilient to droughts, so the thickness must be flexibly applied according to the soil quality and slant of the weathered granite soil slope. The present study is a monitoring result for some areas of Gangwon-do, so its results may differ from other areas.

Establishment of Bioassay System for Developing New Insecticides II. Differences in Susceptibilities of the Insect Species to Insecticides according to Different Application Methods (살충제 개발을 위한 생물검정법의 확립 II. 처리방법 및 종간에 따른 살충제 감수성 차이)

  • 안용준;김길하;박노중;조광연
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.452-460
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    • 1992
  • To establish the economical and reliable routine bioassay system for developing new insecticidal compounds, effects of leaf-dipping time, application methods, insect species and their developmental stages on susceptibilities of insects to insecticides were studied. The stable insecticidal activity appeared at the dipping time for 30-60 seconds in leaf-dipping method, and the most effective application methods were leaf-dipping method for apterous green peach aphid adults, and third instars of diamond-back moth and tobacco cutworm, whereas seedling+insect spray method for adults or third instars of brown planthoppers. For two-spotted spider mite, leaf-dipping or intact plant spray method was favorable. In the bioassay for chitin synthesis inhibitors, the inoculation of third instars of brown planthopper, diamond-back moth, tobacco cutworm and green peach aphid, and larvae of two-spotted spider mite to the young host plants treated by spray method were adequate bioassay methods.

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Utilization of the bar gene to develop an efficient method for detection of the pollen-mediated gene flow in Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa spp. pekinensis)

  • Lim, Chaewan;Kim, Sunggil;Choi, Yeonok;Park, Young-doo;Kim, Sung Uk;Sung, Soon-Kee
    • Plant Biotechnology Reports
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.19-25
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    • 2007
  • To develop an efficient screening method for detection of the transgene in Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa spp. pekinensis) utilizing Basta spray, optimal conditions for Basta application were examined in this study. Two transgenic Chinese cabbage lines were obtained through Agrobacterium-mediated transformation and used as transgenic positive controls in the Basta screening experiment. Differential concentrations of glufosinate-ammonium were sprayed into three different growth stages of 12 commercial Chinese cabbage cultivars. The results showed that no plants could survive higher than 0.05% glufosinate-ammonium, and plants at the 2-3 leaf stage were most vulnerable to glufosinate-ammonium. On the other hand, no damage was observed in the transgenic control plants. Reliability of the Basta spray method was proven by showing perfect co-segregation of the tolerance to glufosinate-ammonium and the presence of the bar gene in T1 segregating populations of the transgenic lines, as revealed by both PCR and Southern blot analyses. Using the developed Basta screening method, we tried to investigate the transgene flow through pollen dispersal, but failed to detect any transgene-containing non-transgenic Chinese cabbages whose parents had been planted adjacent to transgenic Chinese cabbages in field conditions. However, the transgene was successfully detected using Basta spray from the non-transgenic plants bearing the transgene introduced by hand-pollination. Since the Basta spray method developed in this study is easy to apply and economical, it will be a valuable tool for understanding the mechanism of gene flow through pollen transfer and for establishing a biosafety test protocol for genetically modified (GM) Chinese cabbage cultivars.

Numerical Analysis of Ignition and Flame Propagation in the Air/Fuel Spray Mixture (공기/연료분무 혼합기의 점화 및 화염전파 해석)

  • ;;Kim, Sung-Jun
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers
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    • v.19 no.12
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    • pp.3352-3359
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    • 1995
  • An Eulerian-Lagrangian method is employed to simulate the ignition process and the flame propagation through the air/fuel spray mixture in a closed constant-volume combustor. The spray mixture is ignited by providing a hot wall at the end of the combustor or by firing the electric spark. The investigated parameters involve the initial droplet size, overall equivalence ratio, initial fuel vapor concentration, distance between the hot wall and the nearest droplet, and the ignition energy. Numerical results clearly show the existence of the optimum spray condition for minimizing the ignition energy and the ignition delay time as well as the critical dependence of ignition upon the distance of the heat source to the nearest droplet.

Tensile Analysis of Plasma Spray Coating Material by Classification of AE Signals (Acoustic Emission 파형분류에 의한 플라즈마 용사 코팅재의 인장해석)

  • ;;K. ONO
    • Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.60-65
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    • 2001
  • Thermal spray coating is formed by a process in which melted particles flying with high speed towards substrate, then crash and spread on the substrate surface cooled and solidified in a very short time, Stacking of the particles makes coating. In this study, the exfoliation of Al2O3 and Ni-4.5wt.%Al thermally sprayed coating which were deposited by an atmospheric plasma spray apparatus are investigated using an AE method. A tensile test is conducted on notch specimens in a stress range below the elastic limit of substrate. The wave forms of AE generated from the three coating specimens can be classified by FFT analysis into two types which low frequency(type I waveform is considered to corresponds exfoliation of coating layers and type II waveform corresponds the plastic deformation of notch tip or the resultant fracture of coating. The fracture of the coating layers can estimate by AE event and amplitude, because AE features increase when the deformation generates.

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