• Title/Summary/Keyword: Sports convergence

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Qualitative Research on Gambling Experience of Male College Students -Focused on Sports Toto- (남자 대학생의 도박 경험에 관한 질적 연구 - 스포츠토토를 중심으로 -)

  • Choi, Jung-Hyun;Yang, Young-Mi;Kim, Seong-Ui
    • Journal of Convergence for Information Technology
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.44-55
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the experiences of male college students through sport toto gambling and to provide basic data on the prevention program for male college gambling addicts. Participants in the study were eight male college students who were interviewed in depth and analyzed according to Colaizzi's phenomenological study method. As a result of this study, four categories of experiences were derived as follows: Like the wind that rushes to the sea, Tears of remorse, A locked down life and On a dream day. Research shows that sports toto is easy to access and has a lot of interesting factors, however it has been found out that male college students have a great risk of falling into addiction aiming to win at once like ordinary gamblers. Therefore, this study suggests that gambling preventive education and counseling are necessary for male college students who like sports.

Relations between Exercise Self-Schema and Temptation of Quitting Exercise according to the Stages of Exercise Change among Participants in Sports for All (생활체육참여자의 운동변화단계에 따른 운동자기도식과 운동중단유혹의 관계)

  • Song, Ki-Hyun;Lim, Hyun-Muk;Kim, Seung-Yong
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.219-227
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze relations among the stages of exercise change, exercise self-schema, and temptation of quitting exercise to figure out changes to the exercise behavior according to a psychological process. For this purpose, the study used total 297 questionnaires from adults using a public sports center. Collected data was treated with the SPSS 18.0 program, being put to the test through exploratory factor analysis, MANOVA, multiple regression analysis, and discriminant analysis. The findings were as follows: first, there were differences in exercise self-schema according to the stages of exercise change; second, there were differences in the temptation of quitting exercise between coaches and burnout according to the stages of exercise change; third, behavioral self-schema and burnout were major factors to distinguish the stages of exercise change; and finally, exercise self-schema had negative effects on burnout, and cognitive-emotional self-schema had negative effects on affect.

An Analysis of the Social Phenomena and Perceptions of the Special Case of Military Service System in Korean Sports Field Using Big Data (빅데이터분석을 통한 체육계 병역특례제도의 사회적 현상 및 인식분석)

  • Lee, Hyun-Jeong;Han, Hae-Won
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.229-236
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this paper is to analyze social phenomena and perceptions by collecting and analyzing data on public opinion, views and trends related to special case of military service in the sports community through Big KINDS operated by the Korea Press Promotion Foundation. To this end, the related keywords were derived and visualized by implementing a LDA(latent dirichlet allocation) technique to derive problems found in social phenomena based on big data analysis. The topics derived include "re-lighting special case on military service," " military service corruption controversy," "special case of military service for athletes," "alternative military service system for artists " and "parliamentary inspection of the administration" This could be used as a basic data for identifying accurate information on social controversies related to special case of military service in the sports community and drawing up practical measures that are considered in line with the principle of just and equal burden.

Effect of Static Stretching and Myofascial Release Techniques on Kinematic Factors of Lower Extremity Joints during Squat (스쿼트 동작 시 정적 스트레칭과 근막이완기법이 하지 관절의 운동학적 요인에 미치는 영향 )

  • Seung-Ki An;Moon-Seok Kwon;Jae-Woo Lee;Young-Tae Lim
    • Korean Journal of Applied Biomechanics
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.53-62
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    • 2024
  • Objective: The purpose of this study was to analyze the differences in kinematic factors according to stretching treatment, myofascial release treatment, and static stretching treatment conditions during squat. Method: Twelve males with resistance training experience participated in this study. Participants performed squats without treatment (Pre-Test), and performed squats after treatment with the myofascial release technique (MRT) and static stretching (SS) on different days (post-test). Squat movements were captured using eight motion capture cameras (sampling rate: 250 Hz), and the peak joint angles of the ankle, knee, hip, and pelvis were calculated for each direction. One-way repeated ANOVA and Bonferroni post hoc analyses using SPSS 27 (IBM Corp. Armonk NY, USA) were used to compare the peak joint angle of the lower extremity joints and pelvis among the normal condition (squat without treatment), MRT condition (squat after MRT treatment) and SS condition (squat after static stretching). The statistical significance level was set at .05. Results: It was observed that the maximum ankle joint flexion angle during squats was statistically reduced under conditions of myofascial release and static stretching (p<.05), in comparison to the scenario where no stretching was performed. Furthermore, static stretching was found to enhance the maximum hip flexion angle during squat (p<.05), whereas the myofascial release stretching technique resulted in the minimal posterior pelvic tilt angle (p<.05). Conclusion: Employing myofascial release stretching as a preparatory exercise proved to be more efficacious in maintaining body stability throughout the execution of high-intensity squat movements by effectively managing the posterior tilt of the pelvis, as opposed to foregoing stretching or engaging in static stretching.

A Study on Development of Integrated Sports Talents' Competency Model By Career Type (체육인재의 경력유형별 융합적 역량모델 개발 연구)

  • Kim, Jin-Se;Ahn, Jai-Han;Kim, Mi-Suk
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.15 no.8
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    • pp.423-433
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study was to develop a competency model by career type by designing the specified career paths through the analysis of career experience of the athletes in the professional sports field. For this purpose, career types were identified as sports administrators, judges, leaders, sports information analysts, and global sports talents based on literature analysis, career development type and path guide design, experts interviews. Competency candidates were derived from interviews and workshops on experts. In order to finalize the competency model, it was confirmed by completing the feasibility test of experts. As a result, it is divided into common competency, professional competency, and global professional competency. There are 6 common competencies such as global competence, OA utilization, 29 special competencies by 5 career types, and 2 global competencies like sports foreign affairs, job preparation for international sports organization and the sports league federation. Competency definitions and behavioral indicator were developed for all competencies and could be used to diagnose the competency level of sports talents and to establish career development academy programs based on the competency model.

A Case Study of eSports' NFT utilization and Discussion of Activation Plan (e스포츠의 NFT 활용 사례와 활성화 방안 논의)

  • JaeHun Kim
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.493-502
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    • 2023
  • The development of online content is changing the value of society very diversely and rapidly. In particular, the non-face-to-face e-sports industry is growing significantly in the current situation where the COVID-19 Pandemic has not been completely overcome. The use of NFT in the eSports industry is receiving positive reviews as a field with high potential for future growth that protects digital assets of eSports users, but at the same time, it is raising concerns that cash transactions of digital items could encourage gambling. In this study, the characteristics of the recent eSports industry and NFT were identified and classified through case studies using literature, official sites, and online news articles. Through various cases of eSports and NFT, we discussed the potential for future growth and activation plan of the NFT industry of eSports. The result is as follows. First, it is necessary to use NFT using IP of eSports event itself. Second, it is necessary to combine the functional role of the item with NFT to provide features that users can utilize. Third, it is necessary to provide users with opportunities to engage in economic activities using eSports and NFT. Finally, it is necessary to use NFT to strengthen the digital asset protection of eSports users. Through this study, it is expected to be used as a basis for further discussions on the NFT industry of e-sports and as a material for securing competitiveness.

Plan for an Information Management System on Sports Players' Related Goods based on Blockchain (블록체인 기반 스포츠 선수 관련 상품의 진품 정보 관리 방안)

  • You, Kangsoo;Kim, Semin
    • Journal of Industrial Convergence
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.87-92
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    • 2020
  • Recently, several sporting events have been canceled or postponed due to the influence of COVID-19's imposed social distancing in life, or are being played without spectators. As a result, the market for sports products has been stagnant, and many are experiencing difficulties. To get over it, sports market players are exploring various new markets such as online fan services and online sales. Therefore, this study proposed a way to manage the authenticity of sports-related products. The block structure, system flow, and network model were designed and prototypes were developed accordingly. Experts were invited through the derived method to conduct a target group interview (FGI) to evaluate the reliability and stability of the transaction process, the reliability and stability of payment, the tracking of accidents, and the reliability and stability of the system. Through this study, consumers can have reliability when trading sports-related products such as goods, favorite items, and sign balls.

The Influence of Instructor's Attractiveness recognized by Participants in Community Sport on Instructing Effectiveness and Adherence (생활체육참여자가 인식한 지도자의 매력성이 지도효율성 및 운동지속수행에 미치는 영향)

  • Cho, Min-Soo
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.15 no.11
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    • pp.557-565
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    • 2017
  • This study was to examine the influence of instructor's attractiveness recognized by participants in community sports on instructing effectiveness and adherence. In this research, 228 participants who participate in community sports in Seoul and Gyeonggido were collected and the collected data was analyzed by using SPSS 18.0 version. The results are as follows. First, the attractiveness of instructors recognized by participants in community sports has influence on the instructing effectiveness. Second, the attractiveness of instructors recognized by participants in community sports affects the adherence of participants. Third, the instructing effectiveness has an effect on the adherence of participants in community sports.

Crisis at Universities and the Practical Issues of Physical Education and Sports Related Departments (대학의 위기와 체육계열 학과의 실천적 과제)

  • Yi, Joo-Wook;Han, Dong-Soo;Yun, Dae-Hyun
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.427-436
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    • 2016
  • Is university restructuring for 'reinforcing university education quality and competitiveness of higher education'? The fundamental problems of the on going university restructuring becomes crisis of university and moreover, Sports Related Departments faces huge crisis. This research analyzes university crisis and progress of Sports Related Departments. After conducting discussion about a directivity of Physical Education in university with a focus on role and direction of 'Physical Education' which is for realization of 'University''s ideal, Sports Related Departments proposed four practical tasks, which is for preventive improvement, not for prescriptive improvement. First, Effort to establish academical identity. Second, characterization strategy for each different region and university. Third, Reforming of Sports Related Departments related with prospect of the labour market. Last, Drawing up a plan for establishing Sports Related Departments' united system.

A Study on the Experience Choice, Experience Effect and Experience Satisfaction on Marine Leisure Sports (해양레저스포츠 체험선택과 체험효과, 체험만족에 관한 연구)

  • Jung, Moon-Hyun
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.12 no.10
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    • pp.605-613
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study is studying the relationship among experience choice, experience effect and experience satisfaction of marine leisure sports for the vitalization of marine leisure tourism. After preparing a questionnaire, investigation and analysis were done by visiting Boryeong area. The result of the study is as following. First, it was found that the major cause of choice in marine leisure sports has positive impact on choice satisfaction. Second, it was found that the major cause of choice has positive impact on experience effect. Third, it was found that the choice satisfaction in marine leisure sports has positive impact on experience effect. Fourth, it wa s found that the marine leisure sports visitors like motor boat, banana boat and yacht experience. Fifth, it is suggested that an equipment rental desk, safety facilities and marine leisure experience facility included in a marine leisure experience center to be built.