• 제목/요약/키워드: Sports Records

검색결과 91건 처리시간 0.021초

한국(韓國) 어린이 및 청소년(靑少年)의 체력(體力)에 관(關)한 기초연구(基礎硏究) (BASIC STUDIES ON THE PHYSICAL FITNESS OF KOREAN SCHOOL BOYS AND GIRLS)

  • 박해근;백광세;유명자;민효선;정태섭;오상백;임미자;홍철기
    • The Korean Journal of Physiology
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    • 제2권2호
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    • pp.101-135
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    • 1968
  • As physical fitness measured was muscle strength (hand grips, leg extention, back lift, and arm pull and thrust), skinfold thickness (5 different sites), circulatory function (resting heart rate and blood pressure), speed (kinesiological analysis during 100m sprint, record, maximal and final speed), motor function (50 meter dash, ball throwing, standing broad jump, and pull-ups), maximal aerobic power (maximum oxygen intake by field running method), muscle power (leg and arm by inertia ergometer), and general endurance (maximum endurance running time on the treadmill at the speed of 5 MPH and grade of 15.5%) of 1131 Korean children (boys 572, girls 559) aged of 6 to 17 years, who were randomly sampled from 24 primary, middle and high schools at the two districts of Seoul and KyungKi. The results are summarized as follows: 1) The status (height and weight) of the children was almost same as that of the previously reported Korean and Japanese children of same ages. 2) Muscle strength was a gained linearly with geting age in the boys and girls but there was a little improvement in girls aged of 13 years or more. 3) The mean skin fold thickness was increased linearly with geting ages in both sexes, but the girls from 12 to 17 years of age were increased rapidly, and maximum value was 17mm, while boys was 7.0 mm. 4) In the circulatory function, the resting heart rate was decreased, but the blood pressure was increased with ages in both sexes within the normal limits. 5) The maximum and final speed during 100 meter sprint increases with age in boys but girls who are 12 years old or older, were not improved any mere. The patterns of running were same in both sexes, and maximum speed reached at about 30 meters from starting line. 6) The motor function was increased with age in both sexes, but there was no improvement in 12 years of age or older girls. More over records of all functions except standing broad jump was less than those of Japanese in the same age, respectively. 7) The maximum oxygen intake (MOI) was increased considerably with ages and maximum values were 2.93 L/min (boys) and 2.09 L/min (girls) at the age of 17years. This result was almost same as that of the Japanese and Easter Island population, but the value was lower than that of Europe. The average of the maximum oxygen intake per kg body weight per minute from 9 to 17 years of age were around 53 ml in the boys and 42 ml in the girls. 8) Muscle power was increased linearly with ages in boys while there was relatively a little increment in girls. The maximum values of leg muscle in boys and girls at the 17 years of age were 0.168 and 0.088 horse power, respectively. 9) The maximum endurance running time was increased considerably from the age of 9 in boys, while there was no improvement in girls. The maximum values were 6.0 min and 1.8 min, respectively.

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A Statistical Analysis of Professional Baseball Team Data: The Case of the Lotte Giants

  • Cho, Young-Seuk;Han, Jun-Tae;Park, Chan-Keun;Heo, Tae-Young
    • 응용통계연구
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    • 제23권6호
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    • pp.1191-1199
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    • 2010
  • Knowing what factors into a player's ability to affect the outcome of a sports game is crucial. This knowledge helps determine the relative degree of contribution by each team member as well as sets appropriate annual salaries. This study uses statistical analysis to investigate how much the outcome of a professional baseball game is influenced by the records of individual players. We used the Lotte Giants' data on 252 games played between 2007 and 2008 that included environmental data(home or away games and opponents) as well as pitchers' and batters' data. Using a SAS Enterprise Miner, we performed a logistic regression analysis and decision tree analysis on the data. The results obtained through the two analytic methods are compared and discussed.

주성분분석을 통한 바둑 포석 분석 (Applying Principal Component Analysis to Go Openings)

  • 이병두;박종욱
    • 한국게임학회 논문지
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    • 제13권2호
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    • pp.59-70
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    • 2013
  • 바둑은 2,500년 이상의 역사를 갖고 있지만 바둑에 대한 이론적 연구는 여전히 미흡하다. 최근에 인공지능을 활용하여 연구를 하고 있으나 현저한 이론적 실체를 제공하고 있지 못하다. 본 연구는 세계 최고의 바둑기사인 이세돌 프로 9단의 기보를 중심으로 바둑의 초반전인 포석을 분석하기 위하여 주성분분석을 적용하였다. 분석 결과 361개의 고유벡터 중 48개의 가장 큰 고유벡터가 전체 분산의 99.9% 정보를 수록하고 있으며, 전체 분산의 90.5% 정보를 30개의 가장 큰 고유벡터로 처리할 수 있음이 밝혀졌다. 이 결과는 향후 프로기사의 포석에 대한 패턴인식을 연구하는데 상당한 기여가 있을 것이다.

99회 전국체전 남자 고등부 카약 2인승 1000m 경기력 분석 (Performance Analysis of High School Boys' 2 Person Kayak 1000 Meter Sprint at the 99th National Sports Festival)

  • 손지훈
    • 한국융합학회논문지
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    • 제10권8호
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    • pp.277-282
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    • 2019
  • 본 연구는 전국체전 남자 고등부 K-2 1000m 결승 경기의 랩타임을 250m 단위로 계측한 후, 2018년도에 개최된 World Championship 남자 일반부 동일 종목 결승 경기의 랩타임 자료와 비교 분석하여 경기력 향상을 위한 페이스 조절 전략을 탐색하기 위해 실시되었다. 국내 고등부 최상위 선수들의 최종 기록 평균은 242.89초, 국제무대 최상위 선수들은 199.58초로 43초의 경기력 차이가 난다. 랩타임별로는 250m 구간마다 9초, 12초, 9초, 13초 뒤처지는 기록을 나타냈다. World Championship 참가 선수들은 Super Fast-Even Pacing-Even Pacing-Spurt 전략을 쓰는 반면, 국내 1-3위 선수들은 Slow-Fast-Super Slow-Super fast의 페이스 조절 전략을 쓰고 있었고, 4-9위 선수들은 Fast-Slow-Fast-Slow의 페이스 조절 전략을 주로 쓰고 있었다. 국내 고등부 선수들은 세계대회 수준의 경기력을 갖추기 위해 페이스 조절 전략의 수정 및 이를 뒷받침하기 위한 기술 및 체력 훈련이 필요하다.

The effects of elastic band exercises and nutritional education on frailty, strength, and nutritional intake in elderly women

  • Bong, Yena;Song, Wook
    • 운동영양학회지
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    • 제24권1호
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    • pp.37-45
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    • 2020
  • [Purpose] The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of elastic band exercises and nutritional education, as well as to identify the factors influencing frailty, strength, and nutritional intake of elderly women. [Methods] The subjects in this study were 30 elderly women who were divided into four groups. All groups agreed to participate in four programs: health education only (HE), elastic band exercises only (EX), nutritional education only (NU), and elastic band exercises plus nutritional education (EX+NU). Frailty was evaluated by measuring the frailty factors according to Fried et al. Leg strength was measured using a leg-extension machine. Nutritional intake was assessed by the 24-hour recall method and food records. Nutritional intake was analyzed by CAN Pro 5.0 program. [Results] After three months, the prevalence of frailty significantly decreased in the EX+NU group (P=0.013) compared with that of the HE group (P=0.088). There was significant improvement in leg strength in both the EX (P=0.012) and EX+NU groups (P=0.003) compared with that of the HE group (EX, P=0.005; EX+NU, P=0.002). The nutritional intake significantly decreased in the EX group compared with that of the HE group (P<0.05, P<0.05). [Conclusion] The combination of elastic exercises and nutrition education had positive effects on frailty and leg strength, while having negative effects on total calories, carbohydrate, sodium, and iron intake in elderly women. Elastic exercises only had positive effects on leg strength while having negative effects on nutritional intake in elderly women.

Dental trauma trends in emergency care: a comparative analysis before, during, and after COVID-19

  • Woo-Jung Yang;Ji-Young Yoon
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
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    • 제49권6호
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    • pp.339-346
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    • 2023
  • Objectives: This analysis details the characteristics of dental trauma in South Korea during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) (DC) pandemic and compares them in patients before and after COVID-19 (BC and AC, respectively). Materials and Methods: Data were collected from medical records of patients who visited Seoul National University Bundang Hospital's Emergency Dental Care Center during three 12-month periods: BC, DC, and AC (BC from March 1, 2019 to February 29, 2020; DC from March 1, 2020 to February 28, 2021; AC from March 1, 2022 to February 28, 2023). A retrospective review was conducted to investigate patient age, sex, time of visit, cause, and diagnosis. The study included 1,544 patients: 660 BC, 374 DC, and 510 AC. Results: Significant difference in age and sex was not observed among the three periods; 1-9 years of age was the largest group (38.3% in BC, 29.6% in DC, and 27.8% in AC), and the percentage of male patients was greater than of female patients (male proportion as 63.5% in BC, 67.4% in DC, and 64.9% in AC). The number of patients generally peaked at a Saturday night in spring (for BC: May, Saturday, 18:00-19:59; for DC: March, Saturday, 18:00-19:59; for AC: April as the second most (October as the most peaked), Saturday, 20:00-21:59). The primary etiology of the dental trauma was identical in the three periods: falls, followed by sports. The most frequent diagnosis was laceration, followed by tooth avulsion and jaw fracture. Conclusion: Significant differences were not found between the characteristics and patterns of dental trauma in the BC, DC, and AC periods. However, due to the pandemic and social distancing, activities decreased and associated dental trauma-related incidents declined.

남자 고등부 포환던지기 선수들의 연도 별 기록에 따른 글라이드와 딜리버리 국면의 운동학적 차이 (The Analysis of Kinematic Difference in Glide and Delivery Phase for the High School Male Shot Putter's Records classified by Year)

  • 박재명;장재관;김태삼
    • 한국운동역학회지
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    • 제23권4호
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    • pp.295-306
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study was to provide high school male shot putters training methods of gliding and delivery motion through comparative analysis of kinematic characteristics. To accomplish this purpose, three dimensional motion analysis was performed for the subjects(PKC, KKH, YDL) who participated in high school male shot putter competition on 92nd (2011), 93rd (2013) National Sports Festival. The subjects were filmed by four Sony HXR-MC2000 video cameras with 60 fields/s. The three-dimensional kinematic data of the glide, conversion and delivery phase were obtained by Kwon3d 3.1 version. The data of the shoulder rotational angles and projection angles were calculated with Matlab R2009a. The following conclusions had been made. With the analysis of the gliding and stance length ratio, the gliding length was shorter at the TG than the SG with short-long technique but the gliding and stance length ratio was 46.8:53.2% respectively. The deviation of the shots trajectory from APSS(Athlete-plus-shot-system) revealed that the PKC showed similar to "n-a-b-c-I" of skilled S-shape type, KKH and YDL showed "n-a-d-f-I'" of unskilled type. Furthermore, they showed smaller radial distance from the central axis of the APSS and the shots were away from the linear trajectory. From this characteristics, The PKC who performed more TG than SG had shorter glide with S-shape of APSS(skilled type) showed the better record than others with technical skill. But KKH and YDL had bigger glide ratio with "n-a-d-f-I'" of unskilled type and improved their records with technical factor. The projection factor had an effect on the record directly. Because PKC maintained more lower glide and transition posture with momentum transfer through COG's rapid horizontal velocity respectively the subject possessed the characteristics of high horizontal and vertical velocity with large turning radius from shot putter to APSS.

카약 1000m 경기 랩타임 분석을 통한 경기력 향상 방안 모색 (A Study on the Enhancement of Athletic Performance by Analyzing Lap Times in Kayak 1000m Sprint)

  • 신광택;손지훈
    • 한국융합학회논문지
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    • 제10권2호
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    • pp.301-307
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    • 2019
  • 본 연구는 카약 K-1 1000m 경기에서 우수선수 그룹과 비우수선수 그룹의 랩타임을 비교 분석한 후 경기력 향상을 위한 페이스 조절 전략에 대한 조언을 하기 위해 실시되었다. 1000m 전체 경기구간을 100m 씩 10개 구간으로 나누어 측정한 후, 200m 단위로 랩타임을 분석하였다. 측정은 엘리트 카약 선수 12명을 대상으로 실시하였으며, 최종 기록 순위를 기준으로 A그룹(최상위 그룹), B그룹(차상위 그룹), C그룹(차하위 그룹), D그룹(최하위 그룹)으로 나누어 그룹별-구간별 랩타임을 분석하였으며, 이를 위해 반복측정분석, 일원변량분석, 상관분석을 실시하였다. A vs. C, B vs. C 그룹 간 스타트 구간(0~200m)과 스퍼트 구간(800~1000m)은 차이가 나지 않았으나, 200~400m, 400~600m 구간에서 랩타임 차이가 유의하게 났다. D그룹은 전 구간에서 전반적으로 경기력이 떨어졌다. 비우수선수의 경우, 중간 구간에서의 랩타임 기록 향상을 위한 페이스 조절 전략 수정이 필요하다.

장거리 (마라톤)선수에서의 전 경기중 심박동수의 변화 (Changes of Heart Rate During Marathon Running)

  • 김인교;이중우;하종식;유연희;최정옥;김기호
    • The Korean Journal of Physiology
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    • 제13권1_2호
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 1979
  • To evaluate the present status of physical fittness of Korean long distance runners, body fat, pulmonary functions, maximal oxygen intake and oxygen debt were measured in 5 elite marathoners (A group), 6 college student runners (B group) and 3 middle school student runners (C group). After laboratory tests, full course marathon running was performed in 2 elite marathoners during which their heart rates were monitored continuously. The results are summerized as follows: 1) Total body fat in all three groups are in the range of 13-15% of their body weight. 2) In all three groups, average values of various pulmonary functions were within the normal limits, but those of tidal volume were higher and respiratory rate were lower in comparison to normal values. These phenomena may represent respiratory adaptations against training. The average resting oxygen consumptions in A,B and C were $322{\pm}23$, $278{\pm}14$ and $287{\pm}16$m1/min, respectively. 3) In all three groups, resting blood pressures were in the normal range, but the resting heart rate was slightly lower in groups A $(56{\pm}3\;beats/min)$ and B $(64{\pm}2\;beats/min)$ and higher in group C $(82{\pm}9\;beats/min)$ in comparison to normal values. These changes in cardiovascular functions in marathoners may also represent adaptive phenomena. 4) During treadmill running the minute ventilation and oxygen consumption of the runners increased lineally with work load in all three groups. When the oxygen consumption was related to heart rate, it appeared to be a exponential function of the heart rate in all three groups. 5) The average maximal heart rates during maximal work were $196{\pm}3$, $191{\pm}3$ and $196{\pm}5\;beats/min$ for groups A,B and C, respectively. Maximal oxygen intakes were $84.2{\pm}3.3\;ml/min/kg$ in group A, $65.2{\pm}1.1\;ml/min/kg$ in group B and $58.7{\pm}0.4\;ml/min/kg$ in group C. 6) In all three groups, oxygen debts and the rates of recovery of heart rate after treadmill running were lower than those of long ditsance runners reported previously. 7) The 40 km running time in 2 elite marathoners was recorded to be $2^{\circ}42'25'$, and their mean speed was 243 m/min (ranged 218 to 274 m/min). The heart rate appeared to increase lineally with running speed, and the total energy expenditure during 40 km running was approximately 1360.2 Calories. From these it can be speculated that if their heart rates were maintained at 166 beats/min during the full course of marathon running, their records would be arround $2^{\circ}15'$. Based on these results, we may suspect that a successful long distance running is, in part, dependent on the economical utilization of one's aerobic capacity.

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CDMA 망에 기반한 스키장 슬로프의 무선 구간 기록 측정 시스템 (A CDMA Network-based Wireless System for Measuring Lap Time on a Ski Slope)

  • 이형봉;박래정;문정호;정태윤
    • 정보처리학회논문지D
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    • 제16D권1호
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    • pp.133-138
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    • 2009
  • 이 논문에서는 2018 평창 동계올림픽 개최를 위한 사전 준비 및 지역 전략 산업 육성정책의 일환으로 추진 중인 강원도의 u-Sports 사업의 하나로 강원도 용평 스키장에 구축된 무선 구간기록 측정 시스템에 적용된 기술과 그 성과를 소개한다. 기록 측정이 필요한 슬로프 구간의 진입점과 진출점에 각각 레이저 센서를 설치하고 각각의 레이저 센서를 센서 노드와 유선으로 연결하여 스키 선수가 해당 구간에 진입하거나 해당 구간을 빠져나가는 순간 센서 노드는 이를 감지하도록 하였다. 각각의 센서 노드는 또한 모뎀을 통하여 CDMA 망에 연결되어 있어서 망을 통하여 NTP 서버로부터 표준 시간을 수신한다. 센서 노드는 분해능이 높은 내부 타이머를 CDMA 망을 통하여 수신한 표준 시간에 동기를 맞추는 NTP 알고리즘으로 기록 측정에 필요한 최소 10 ms의 분해능을 확보하도록 하였다. 각각의 센서 노드에서 측정된 시간 정보는 CDMA 망을 통하여 중앙 관제 센터에 전송된다. 이 논문에서 소개한 무선 구간 기록 측정 시스템은 고가의 장비를 필요로 하지 않으므로 비용이 저렴하며 이 시스템을 사용하면 기존의 수동 측정 방식을 사용한 경우보다 더 간편하게 중앙 관제 센터에서 구간별 기록 정보를 획득할 수 있다는 장점이 있다.