Kim, Min-Sik;Sun, Dong-Il;Park, Hae-Sup;Cho, Seung-Ho;Jai, Hyeon-Soon
Korean Journal of Bronchoesophagology
Background and Objective : Soft palate plays a great role in function of speech and swallowing. Ablation of tonsil cancer results in multi-demensional defect including soft palate in most cases and restoration of the postoperative oral cavity function is a continuing surgical challenge. Although a variety of techniques are available, radial forearm free flap has been known as an effective method for these defect, which offers a thin, pliable, and relatively hairless skin, and a long vascular pedicle. The aim of the present study is to report the speech and swallowing function test results of our 5 consecutive radial forearm free flaps used for tonsil cancers. Materials and Methods : We reviewed the medical records of 5 patients who were offered intraoral reconstruction with a radial forearm free flap after ablative surgery for tonsil cancers, from Dec. 1997 to Oct. 1998, and analyzed the surgical methods, complications, and speech and swallowing function test results. We have examined with modified barium swallow to evaluate postoperative wallowing function and articulation and resonance test for speech. Results : The tumor sizes by TNM stage(AJCC, 1997) were T1(1), T2(2), and T4(3). The paddles of flaps were tailored in multilobed designs from oval shape to pentalobed design and in variable size from 24$cm^2$ to 108$cm^2$(average size = 78.4$cm^2$), according to the defect after ablation. This procedures resulted in satisfactory flap success and functional results all but 1 case of flap contracture in 2 postoperative week, achieved early oral diet until 16-57 postoperative day(average, 28 days) and social speech. The oropharyngeal defect including soft palate reconstruction with radial forearm free flap might be an excellent method for the maximal functional results, after ablative surgery of tonsil cancer that results in multidimensional defect.
Kim, YunHa;Kim, Eunyeon;Jang, Seoung-Jin;Choi, Yaelin
Phonetics and Speech Sciences
Alveolar fricative sounds /s/ and /s'/ are learned last for normal children in the speech development process for Koreans. These are especially difficult to articulate for hearing-impaired children often causing articulation errors. The acoustic phonetic evaluation uses testing tools to provide indirect and object information. These objective resources can be compared with standardized resources on speech when interpreting the results of a test. However, most previous studies in Korea did not consider acoustic studies that used the spectrum moment values of hearing-impaired children. Therefore, this study was conducted to compare the characteristics of hearing-impaired children's pronunciation of fricative sounds using spectrum moment values. For this purpose, the study selected a total of 10 hearing-impaired children (5 boys and 5 girls) currently in 3rd or 5th grade and attending one of the elementary schools in Seoul or Gyeonggi-do. For the selection process, their age, type of hearing aid, implantation of hearing aid (CI) before two years of age, hearing capacity (dB) before and after wearing the hearing aid, duration of speech rehabilitation, and time of learning alveolar fricative sounds were all considered. Also, 10 normal children (5 boys and 5 girls) were selected among 3rd or 5th grade students attending one of the elementary schools in Seoul or Gyeonggi-do. The subjects were asked to read the carrier sentence, "I say _______," including a list of 12 meaningless syllables composed of CV and VCV syllables, including alveolar fricative sounds /s/ and /s'/ and vowels /a/, /i/, and /u/. The recorded resources were processed through the Time-frequency Analysis Software Program to measure M1 (mean), M2 (variance), M3 (skewness), and M4 (kurtosis) of the fricative noise. No significant differences were found when comparing spectrum threshold values in the acoustic phonetic characteristics of hearing-impaired children and normal children in alveolar fricative sound pronunciation according to vowels /a/, /i/, and /u/, alveolar fricative sounds /s/ and /s'/, and syllable structure (CV, VCV) other than, for M3 in the comparison of groups according to disability. In the comparison of syllable structures, there were statistically significant differences in M1, M2, M3, and M4 with clinical significance. However, there was no significant difference in results when comparing the alveolar fricative sounds according to the vowels.
This study investigates the relationships between rhythm and fluency indices and listeners' ratings of the rhythm and fluency of Korean college students' English paragraph reading. 17 university students read and recorded a passage from "The North Wind and the Sun" twice before and after three months of English pronunciation instruction. Seven in-service and pre-service English teachers in graduate school assessed the rhythm and fluency of the utterances. In addition, the values of 14 indices of rhythm and fluency were extracted from each speech and the relationships between the indices and the listeners' ratings were analyzed. The rhythm indices of the speakers in this study did not differ significantly from those of native English speakers presented in previous studies in %V, VarcoV, and nPVIV, but were higher in ΔV, ΔC, and VarcoC and lower in speech rate. The level of rhythm and fluency demonstrated by Korean college students was comparable, at least in terms of objective values for certain indices. The fluency indices, such as percentage of pauses, articulation rate, and speech rate, significantly contributed more to predicting both rhythm and fluency ratings than the rhythm indices.
The present study investigates supralaryngeal articulatory characteristics of denti-alveolar (coronal) stops /t, $t^h$, $t^*$/ and /n/ in /aCa/ context in Seoul Korean. An Electromagnetic Articulograph (EMA, Carstens) was used to explore kinematics of the consonants by examining the kinematic data of the tongue tip (the primary articulator for the coronal consonants), along with some additional supplementary position data of the tongue body, the tongue dorsum and the jaw. The results showed that the constriction duration was the most robust articulatory correlates of the three-way stop contrast with a pattern of /t/$t^h$/$t^*$/. The contrast was further reinforced by the tongue body position (higher for /$t^h$, $t^*$/) and the tongue tip opening displacement (less displaced for /$t^h$, $t^*$/). The articulation of /n/ was quite similar to that of the lenis /t/ in terms of the constriction duration, and it was different from the oral stops in that it was produced with larger tongue tip displacement and lower jaw position than the oral stops, indicating its weak articulatory nature. The results are also discussed in comparison with those of bilabial stops with implications that the three-way contrast may be kinematically expressed differently depending on the physiological constraints imposed on the primary articulator (the tongue tip versus the lips). The present study, therefore, provides new articulatory (kinematic) data of denti-alveolar consonants in Korean, and demonstrates that the three-way stops, that have been known to differ primarily in their laryngeal settings, are indeed produced with kinematic distinctions at the supralaryngeal level.
Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
In this paper, we proposed an automatic music/non-music signal discrimination system from broadcasting audio signal as a preliminary study of building a sound source monitoring system in real broadcasting environment. By reflecting human speech articulation characteristics, we used three simple time-domain features such as energy standard deviation, log energy standard deviation and log energy mean. Based on the experimental threshold values of each feature, we developed a rule-based algorithm to classify music portion of the input audio signal. For the verification of the proposed algorithm, actual FM broadcasting signal was recorded for 24 hours and used as source input audio signal. From the experimental results, the proposed system can effectively recognize music section with the accuracy of 96% and non-music section with that of 87%, where the performance is good enough to be used as a pre-process module for the a sound source monitoring system.
Han, Baek Hwa;Lee, Dahae;Kim, Joon Sun;Hong, Ki Hwan
Journal of the Korean Society of Laryngology, Phoniatrics and Logopedics
Background and Objectives : The main purpose of this study is to clarify perceptual and acoustic analysis for the patients with hypothyroidism after thyroidectomy especially focused on the characteristics of speech articulation with special reference to the consonant production. Materials and Methods : The subjects of the research were 40 male and female adults (males : 5, females : 35). They were all received radioactive iodine treatment which after total thyroidectomy. Voice samples were collected during the three stages of after surgery, pre-radioisotope treatment (RIT), and post-RIT. The acoustic analysis was conducted by using Pratt (ver.5.2.21) after measuring voice onset time (VOT). The subjective evaluation of the voices used CAPE-V. Results : A significant decrease in overall severity was displayed in the CAPE-V following RIT. It may be conjectured that this is connected to the change in voice following RIT. The loudness of the sound displayed a significant decrease in the CAPE-V following RIT. It is conjectured that this is connected to the decrease in vocal intensity following RIT. No statistically significant results were revealed for the comparative analysis on the voice onset time (VOT) in all plosives during the three periods. Conclusion : Perceptually, the overall severity of the voice with hypothyroidism was changed significantly before and after RIT. Eventhough VOT were not significantly changed, it tended to decrease VOT in patients with hypothyroidism.
The purpose of this study was to find out the acoustic variation on the pre-and post respiration and oral motor for children with cerebral palsy. Five children with spastic CP at the age of 6 in average were practiced by a caregiver at home each for 25 minutes, in total, 45 times. The sustained of vowel /a/ and vowels /a/, /i/, /u/, /e/, /o/ were recorded on CSL and MDVP and analyzed by acoustic parameters. As a result, the maximum phonation time(MPT) was increased from 2.06 to 6.31 and the formant of vowels(F1, F2, F3) had significant differences in F1(/a, i/), F2(/i.u.o/), and F3(/a/) between the controls and the children with CP in pre-treatment. The total average value of vowels had significant differences between the pre-and post-treatment (p< .05). The energy of vowels had significant differences in the vowels /i, u, e, o/ and the total average value between the pre-and post-treatment(p< .001). The jitter percent, shimmer percent, and noise to harmonic ratio had significant differences between the pre-and post-treatment(p< .05). As the respiration and the oral motor improved MPT, voice quality, and articulation of vowel, and the variation of the formant(F1, F2, F3) showed the changes in the shape of lips, the place and the height of the tongue, the various development of therapy programs and the consistent intervention of treatment is needed for the children with cerebral palsy.
Seo Eun-Kyoung;Choi Gab-Keun;Kim Soon-Hyob;Lee Soo-Jeong
Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
This paper describes the optimization of a language model and an acoustic model to improve speech recognition using Korean unit digits. Since the model is composed of a finite state network (FSN) with a disyllable, recognition errors of the language model were reduced by analyzing the grammatical features of Korean unit digits. Acoustic models utilize a demisyllable pair to decrease recognition errors caused by inaccurate division of a phone or monosyllable due to short pronunciation time and articulation. We have used the K-means clustering algorithm with the transformed successive state splitting in the feature level for the efficient modelling of feature of the recognition unit. As a result of experiments, 10.5% recognition rate is raised in the case of the proposed language model. The demi-syllable fair with an acoustic model increased 12.5% recognition rate and 1.5% recognition rate is improved in transformed successive state splitting.
Coronal/non-coronal asymmetry refers to the typological trend wherein coronals rather than non-coronals are more likely targets in place assimilation. Although the phenomenon has been accounted for by resorting to the notion of unmarkedness in formalistic approaches to sound patterns, the examination of rules and representations cannot answer why there should be such a process in the first place. Furthermore, the motivation of coronal/non-coronal asymmetry has remained controversial to date even in the field of phonetics. The present study investigated the listeners' perception of coronal and non-coronal stops in the context of $VC_{1}C_{2}V$ after critically reviewing the three types of phonetic accounts for coronal/non-coronal asymmetry, i.e., articulatory, perceptual, and gestural overlap accounts. An experiment was conducted to test whether the phenomenon in question may occur, given the listeners' lack of perceptual ability to identify weaker place cues in VC transitions as argued by Ohala (1990), i.e., coronals have weak place cues that cause listeners' misperception. 5pliced nonsense $VC_{1}C_{2}V$ utterances were given to 20 native speakers of English and Korean. Data analysis showed that majority of the subjects reported $C_{2}\;as\;C_{1}$. More importantly, the place of articulation of C1 did not affect the listeners' identification. Compared to non-coronals, coronals did not show a significantly lower rate of correct identifications. This study challenges the view that coronal/non-coronal asymmetry is attributable to the weak place cues of coronals, providing evidence that CV cues are more perceptually salient than VC cues. While perceptual saliency account may explain the frequent occurrence of regressive assimilation across languages, it cannot be extended to coronal/non-coronal asymmetry.
Each Korean digit is composed of only a syllable, so recognizers as well as Korean often have difficulty in recognizing it. When digit strings are pronounced, the original pronunciation of each digit is largely changed due to the co-articulation effect. In addition to these problems, the distortion caused by various channels and noises degrades the recognition performance of Korean connected digit string. This paper dealt with some techniques to improve recognition performance of it, which include defining a set of PLUs by considering phonemic variations in Korean digit and constructing a recognizer to handle speakers various speaking styles. In the speaker-independent connected digit recognition experiments using telephone speech, the proposed techniques with 1-Gaussian/state gave string accuracy of 83.2%, i. e., 7.2% error rate reduction relative to baseline system. With 11-Gaussians/state, we achieved the highest string accuracy of 91.8%, i. e., 4.7% error rate reduction.
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[게시일 2004년 10월 1일]
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② 상기 이용제한 규정에 따라 서비스를 이용하는 회원에게 서비스 이용에 대하여 별도 공지 없이 서비스 이용의
일시정지, 이용계약 해지 할 수 있습니다.
제 17 조 (전자우편주소 수집 금지)
회원은 전자우편주소 추출기 등을 이용하여 전자우편주소를 수집 또는 제3자에게 제공할 수 없습니다.
제 6 장 손해배상 및 기타사항
제 18 조 (손해배상)
당 사이트는 무료로 제공되는 서비스와 관련하여 회원에게 어떠한 손해가 발생하더라도 당 사이트가 고의 또는 과실로 인한 손해발생을 제외하고는 이에 대하여 책임을 부담하지 아니합니다.
제 19 조 (관할 법원)
서비스 이용으로 발생한 분쟁에 대해 소송이 제기되는 경우 민사 소송법상의 관할 법원에 제기합니다.
[부 칙]
1. (시행일) 이 약관은 2016년 9월 5일부터 적용되며, 종전 약관은 본 약관으로 대체되며, 개정된 약관의 적용일 이전 가입자도 개정된 약관의 적용을 받습니다.