• Title/Summary/Keyword: Species diversity indices

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Effects of the Aquatic Vascular Plants on the Lake Ecosystem in the Upper Stream Wetlands of the Namgang-Dam (남강댐 상류 습지에서 수생관속식물이 호소생태계에 미치는 영향)

  • Oh, Kyung-hwan;Lee, Jeong-Hwan;Kim, Cheol-Soo;Son, Sung-Gon;Lee, Pal-Hong
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.29-44
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    • 1999
  • Vegetation structure and distribution of the vascular hydrophytes and hygrophytes, and the growth pattern, standing crop and amounts of nutrient uptake by Salix species were investigated in the upper stream wetlands of the Namgang-Dam, Chinju-city, Gyeongsangnam-do, Korea from April to November in 1997. The flora was composed of 43 hydrophytes and 241 hygrophytes, or total 284 vascular plants. The life forms of the hydrophytes were classified as 27 kinds of emergent plants, 4 floating-leaved plants, 3 free-floating plants, and 9 submersed plants. In the herb layer, the dominant species was Persicaria hyciropiper, and the ranges of the species diversity indices (H'), equitabilities, (J') and community similarity indices (CCs) were 1.59~1.89, 0.87~0.96, and 0.35~0.83, respectively. In the shrub and subtree layers, 17 kinds of Salix species were supposed to the pioneer plants at the early stage of the succession. The number of branches per main stem of Salix species was 5.0. The DBH class-frequency histograms of Salix species were the reverse J type, and the natural regeneration of the Salix community was expected. Basal area of Salix species per square meter was $24.87cm^2$. Volume of Salix species per square meter was $12,008cm^3$ and total phytomass of the Salix species was estimated as 12,894 ton. Biomass distribution of Salix species in the stem, the branch and twig, and the leaf was 64.1%, 28.1%, and 7.8%, respectively. The amounts of nitrogen and phosphorus absorbed by Salix species were 68,022 and 19,823 kg. It was recommended that application and conservation of the wetland and other counterplans are indispensable to reduce the adverse effects of water pollution and to preserve the wetland ecosystem.

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Community Analysis of Oribatid Mites (Acari : Oribatida) in the Process of Needle Leaf Decomposition in Korean Pine (Pinus koraiensis) Forest of Namsan and Kwangreung (남산과 광릉지역의 잣나무림에서 낙엽분해과정에 관련된 날개응애 군집분석)

  • 배윤환
    • The Korean Journal of Soil Zoology
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    • v.6 no.1_2
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    • pp.25-31
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    • 2001
  • Oribatid mite communities in the process of litter decomposition were analyzed In Korean pine (Pinus koraiensis) forests of Namsan and Kwangreung, which were supposed to be under different environmental selective pressures. Oribatid mites were collected bimonthly from the litter bags (mesh size 0.4 mm, 1.7 mm) which was set up in the forest floor of study sites. This study had been carried out from Jan., 1997 to Sept., 1998. Species abundance of Kwangreung (mesh size 1.7 mm) was significantly higher than that of Namsan (mesh size 1.7 mm), but total no. of species did not exceed 30 species in all study sites. Concerning body length, medium sized oribatid mites (0.3-0.7mm) were more abundant than small ( < 0.3 mm) and large ( > 0.7 mm) sized mites. In Kwangreung, species whose body lengths were 0.2 mm to 0.5 mm were major group. However, a little larger species than Kwangreung's major group were dominant in Namsan. Sorenson similarity index and cluster analysis suggested that there were qualitative and quantitative differences in species composition in Namsan and Kwangreung. More species were collected in May through September than the other sampling times, but the pattern was rather different between first year and second year. Newly immigrant species were high in May in the first year and many of them regained on next year. Diversity indices suggested that species diversity of Kwangreung was higher than that of Namsan. Nearly 70% of total individual abundance was occupied by several dominant species in Namsan and Kwangreung . In the litter bags of mesh size 1.7 mm, the most dominant species was Trichogalumna nipponica in Namsan and Kwangreung, but in the litter bags of mesh size 0.4 mm in Kwangreung it was Ramusella sengbuschi which is smaller than T. nipponica. And important species related to litter decomposition were selected as follows; T. nipponica, Epidamaeus coreanus, Scheloribates latipes, Ceratozetes japonicus, Ramusella sengbuschi, Eohypochthonius crassisetiger, and Cultroribula lata.

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The Seasonal Distribution of Phytoplankton by Environmental Factors in Dongbok Reservoir (환경요인에 따른 동복호에서의 식물성플랑크톤 계절적 분포)

  • Jeong, Jin;Cho, Young-Gwan
    • Journal of environmental and Sanitary engineering
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.27-37
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    • 1996
  • The taxa of phytoplankton in the Dongbok reservoir consisted of 6 classes, 9 orders, 4 4 suborders, 21 families, 42 genus, 86 species, 4 varieties and 1 formula; totally 91 t taxa appeared. It contained 3 major groups that is Chlorophyceae 51 taxa(56.0 % the most high rate), Bacillariophyceae 23taxa(25.2%), Cyanophyceae 10taxa(10.9%). The most abundant with 47 taxa was in December, the least with 11 taxa was in March during research every month. The component ratio of biomass each main groups, Bacillariophyceae(51 %, the most h high rate), Cyanophyceae(38.9%), Chlorophyceae(9.8%). The most abundant class at the biomass component ratio were Cyanophyceae which contained 82.6-98.0 % of it in May and September, Chlorophyceae 79.0% in August, and Bacillariophyceae increased continuously, specially in winter and autumn. The seasonal dominant groups were Microcystis aemginosa belong to Cyanophyceae in spring and autumn, some species of Chlorophyceae in summer and Melosira granulata belong to Bacillariophyceae in winter and late autumn. Dominant index ranged from 0.33 to 0.95. The season of the lowest index was autumn and the highest was spring. Species diversity indices ranged from 1.09 to 3.99. The water environmental factors of the Dongbok reservoir were that the values of water temperature ranged between $2.4~28.9^{\circ}C$, pH 7.2~8.3, conductivity 77.0~105.5us/cm, and transparency 1.2~2.8m, also the concentration of dissolved oxygen(DO) ranged of 6.9-14.6mg/L, total nitrogen(T-N) 0.38-1.84mg/L, total phosphorus (T-P) 0.011~0.028mg/L, and chlorophyll-a $7.0~29.9mg/m^3$. In this research the proper temperature of water for algae growth, $15~20^{\circ}C$, was maintained in April. May, November and December 1 The number of species that induced water color were 14 species, that caused taste-and-odor problems were 3 species and that caused filter clogging were 5 species. A Among them, the bloom of Anahaena macrospora that caused odor problem occurred l in May and of Microcystis aeruRinosa and M. lνensenberRii that caused filter clogging in May and September.

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A Study on the Freshwater Fish Community in the Small Streams in Namhae Island, Korea (남해도 소하천 담수어류 군집에 관한 연구)

  • Han, Jeong-Ho;Park, Chan-Seo;Hwang, Hosung;Paek, Woon-Kee
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.730-744
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    • 2016
  • In this study, fish fauna and stream characteristics were surveyed from June to October of 2014 in 31 sites of 23 small streams of Namhae Island. During the study period, 38 species belonging to 30 genera under 13 families were collected. Cyprinidae and Gobiidae fish occupied 28.9% (11 species) and Cobitidae fish accounted for 10.5% (4 species). The dominant family was Cyprinidae, and the most dominant species was Zacco koreanus with 30.3% (1,089 individuals) of the total. Eight species (33.8%) such as Zacco koreanus, Squalidus gracilis majimae, Coreoleuciscus splendidus, Pseudobagrus koreanus, Iksookimia hugowolfeld, Iksookimia longicorpa, Silurus microdorsalis and Liobagrus mediadiposalis were Korean endemic and one species of Micropterus salmoides was exotic. According to the analysis of the community based on the diversity, evenness and richness indices, fish community seems to be more stable in the S7. The small streams were classified into three types of steep mountainous, mountainous-flatland, and flat land streams, and their types were categorized by their features of stream width, water depth, bottom substrate, riparian vegetation, and land use patterns. Principal component analysis based on species abundance classified fish communities into three main groups according to human impact and land-use pattern change. These results suggest that fish community structures were primary affected by the longitudinal environmental changes and these were modified by the habitat condition in accordance with the land use pattern change in the small streams.

Terrestrial Insect Fauna of the Junam Wetlands Area in Korea (우리나라 주남습지 지역의 육상 곤충상)

  • Ahn, Soo-Jeong;Park, Chung-Gyoo
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.51 no.2
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    • pp.111-129
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    • 2012
  • Terrestrial insect fauna was surveyed in the Junam wetland area, which consists of the Junam, Dongpan, and Sannam wetlands, by visual counting and pictures. A sweep net collection was conducted from May to October 2010. A neighburing artificial lotus wetland was also surveyed for comparison. A total of 5,730 insects were surveyed, representing 268 species in 85 families and 12 orders. Sixty-three species of coleopterans were surveyed, followed by 60 species of Lepidoptera, and 37 species of Hemiptera. Coleopteran individuals were 25.9% of the total insect numbers surveyed, comprising most abundant group. This was followed by Odonata, Lepidoptera, and Orthoptera at 22.3%, 15.4%, and 12.7%, respectively. In total, 197 species were surveyed in the Dongpan wetland, 175 in the Junam wetland, and 154 species in the Sannam wetlands. However, only 86 species were surveyed in the artificial lotus wetland. Galerucella nipponensis in Coleoptera, Crocothemis servilia mariannae in Odonata, and Polygonia c-aureum in Lepidoptera were the most abundant in all four wetlands. Community analyses showed that the dominance index was highest in the artificial lotus wetland at 0.25 and lowest in Junam wetland at 0.08. Diversity indices were relatively high in all wetlands at 4.48, 4.44, 4.28, and 3.87 in Junam, Dongpan, Sannam, and the artificial lotus wetland, respectively. The insect fauna similarity index was highest in the Junam and Dongpan wetlands at 0.96. The lotus wetland showed the lowest similarity of the three wetlands with values of 0.45-0.53.

Seasonal Variations of Fisheries Resources Composition in the Coastal Ecosystem of the Yongil Bay, Korea (한국 영일만에서 수산자원 종조성과 계절변동)

  • Lee, Jae Bong;Shin, Young Jae;Lee, Soo Jeong;Lee, Jong Hee;Choi, Young Min;Lee, Dong Woo;Kim, Sang Woo;Yang, Jae Hyeong
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.21 no.10
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    • pp.1275-1286
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    • 2012
  • Coastal marine ecosystem plays important role of spawning and nursery grounds for fisheries resources. Yongil Bay is one of major coastal marine ecosystems, which is located in the southwestern East Sea of Korea. Species composition and abundance of marine organism in the Yongil Bay were investigated by season from March to November 2009. Gill net and pot fisheries were used for survey of pelagic and demersal species composition, and collected 106 species, 67 families, and 7 taxa of fisheries resources from the coastal ecosystem. Species were included 2 species in Ascidiacea, 2 species in Bivalvia, 6 in Cephalopoda, 22 in Crustacea, 5 in Echinodermata, 12 in Gastropoda, and 57 in Pisces. Diversity indices (Shannon index, H') showed seasonal variation with low value of 2.11 in winter, and high value of 2.63 in autumn. Main dominant species were Asterias amurensis, Pleuronectes yokohamae, Siphonalia spadicea fuscolineata, Trachurus japonicas, Sillago japonica, Conger myriaster, Volutharpa ampullaceal, Engraulis japonicus, Asterina pectinifera, and Portunus (Portunus) sanguinolentus that were occupied over 71.5% of total individuals, and 52.9% of wet weight. Seasonal variations of fisheries resources composition were discussed on correlationships with those of environmental factors in the coastal ecosystem of the Yongil Bay in Korea. Those results from this study will provide scientific data and information to develop the ecosystem-based coastal fisheries assessment and management system in Korea.

Effects of Fire on Vegetation and Soil Nutrients in Mt. Chiak (치악산의 식생과 토양에 미친 산불의 영향)

  • 박봉규;김종희
    • Journal of Plant Biology
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.31-45
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    • 1981
  • The purpose of this study aimed to study effects of fire on vegetation and soil properties after the first growing season in Mt. Chiak. 1. With the basis of importance value of species in each stand, status of species was assessed for three categories; Increaser species, Decreaser species, and Neutral species. 2. Biomass was 2.2 times higher on burned area than unburned. This indicates that biomass was remarkably increased after fire. 3. To evaluate similarity, coefficients of similarity among communities were obtained, and correlation coefficients were also estimated. These indices showed that burned and unburned community were markedly different.. $B_1$-stand and $B_1$-stand appeared most similar to each other among stands. 4. Species diversity was greater in burned than unburned stands. 5. Soil pH value and organic matter content in burned area were significantly higher than those in unburned area. However, soil water content was lower in burned area. There was no effect of burning on soil pH value and water content at 15~20 cm depth of soil. 6. All chemical compositions except sodium were much higher in soil surface. The decreases in sodium levels at surface were probably resulted from the rapid leaching due to the increased solubility and decreased capacity for adsorption of sodium in comparison with potassium or calcium. Among chemical compositions of soil amount of nitrogen showed least difference between the burneb and unburned surfaces soil.

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Faunal Assemblages of Benthic Macrofauna in the Inter- and Subtidal Region of the Inner Kyeonggi Bay, West Coast of Korea (서해 경기 내만해역 조간대, 조하대의 저서동물군집)

  • Shin, Hyun Chool;Choi, Jin Woo;Koh, Chul Hwan
    • 한국해양학회지
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.184-193
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    • 1989
  • An investigation on the soft-bottom macrobenthic community in the inner Kyeonggi Bay was conducted in July, October of 1987 and February, May of 1988. The benthic fauna comprised a total of 87 species and showed mean density of 550 indiv./$m^2$. Major faunal groups are polychaetes, molluks, and crustaceans, corresponding to 64.7%, 17.4%, and 15.2% in total abundance respectively. The most abundant species was Tharyx sp. (10.9%), and followed by Mactra veneriformis (10.5%), Mediomastus sp. (8.6%), and Glycinde sp. (8.0%) etc.. The important species in the intertidal zone were Mactra veneriformis, Hinia festiva, and Nephtys californiensis, whereas those in subtidal channel region were Tharyx sp., mediomastus sp., Sternaspis scutata, and Nephtys polybranchia. The study area could be divided into 4 station groups based on the species composition; two groups within interidal flat and two in channel regions. Each station group sustained its specific benthic faunal assemblage; Mactra-Hinia, Aricidea-Haploscoloplos assemblages in the intertidal flat and Harpiniopsis-Urothoe, Mediomastus-Sternaspis assemblages in the subtidal channel region. The Mediomastus-Sternaspis assemblage showed the highest species number and population density, and also did the highest diversity and evenness indices. The Harpiniopsis-Urothoe assemblage showed the poor species composition and abundance, and so recorded the highest dominance index. Two assemblages in the intertidal flat had the intermediate values in all the biological parameters. The northern channel region of zone S-2 showed the high abundance in species composition, which seems to be caused by the heterogeneous sediment and the organic enrichment from the Han River and the Incheon industrial complex.

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Vegetation Change of Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) Site of Abies koreana Forests in Hallasan Mountain (Yeongsil Area) (한라산(영실) 장기생태연구(LTER) 조사지 구상나무 숲 식생 변화)

  • Song, Kuk-Man;Kim, Jae-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2018
  • This study sought to analyze changes in the vegetation structure and species diversity indices in the Abies koreana forest in the Yeongsil area of Hallasan Mountain and establish basic data for Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER). The results show that the number of woody plants per 1ha has increased by 804 (45.1%) from 1,781 to 2,585 individual plants, whereas the number of live A. koreana did not change much with 796 individual plants. The number of dead tree plants, however, jumped by 807 (82.2%) from 982 to 1,789 plants. With other tree species, the number of live individual plants increased by 807 (82.2%) from 982 to 1,789 plants, whereas the number of dead plants increased by 31 from 10 to 41 individual plants. Results of the average importance index analysis show that the number of A. koreana decreased, while the number of Weigela subsessilis, Rhododendron yedoense for. poukhanense, and Magnolia sieboldii increased. The species diversity index increased by 6.7% as per the maximum level in the upper layer and by 7.2% in the lower layer, respectively. Results of the stem morphology analysis show that the number of AS type was highest with 700 individual plants among A. koreana, while their distribution by type shifted from AS>AL>DS>DB to AS>DS>AL>DB. As for other species, the AS type was most abundant with 1,580 individual plants, while their distribution by type shifted from AL>AS>AF>AB to AS>AL>AB>AD. The number of newly sprouted tree plants has increased from 420 in 2014 to 453 in 2016. Of the individual plants that were alive in 2014, 23 were found dead and 33 individual plants younger than 3 years old have been newly added to the group. The number of deaths after 2014 was highest among the 2 years olds, whereas the number of 2 years olds that sprouted in 2014 was highest among the newly sprouted tree plant group. In the A. koreana forest in Yeongsil, the density of other species was rising rapidly with the exception of the dead and live A. koreana. The occurrence of new tree plants is decreasing rapidly, thereby confirming the rapid change in the area's vegetation structure. Therefore, there is a need for continuous long-term ecological research to monitor vegetation change. It can also be used as a basic data for efficient restoration research.

Community Characteristics and Biological Quality Assessment on Benthic Macroinvertebrates of Bongseonsa Stream in Gwangneung Forest, South Korea (광릉숲 내 봉선사천의 저서성 대형무척추동물의 군집 특성 및 생물학적 하천평가)

  • Jung, Sang-Woo;Cho, Yong-Chan;Lee, Hwang-Goo
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.31 no.6
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    • pp.508-519
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    • 2017
  • There have been many studies on monitoring of biodiversity changes and preservation of Gwangneung Forest Biosphere Reserve (GFBR) in South Korea in recognition of the rare ecosystem that has been preserved for a long period. However, there are few studies on diversity and community characteristics of benthic macroinvertebrates as an indicator of stream health of GFBR. The purpose of this study was to assess the water quality of Bongseonsa Stream that penetrated through Gwangneung Forest and the nearby torrents by analyzing the benthic macroinvertebrates community during April to September 2016. The investigation collected a total of 114 species of benthic macroinvertebrates belonging to 56 families, 17 orders, 8 classes, and 5 phyla from the Bongseonsa Stream and Kwangneung Stream. Ephemeroptera and Trichoptera were the largest groups in species diversity with 30 species (32.3%) and 16 species (17.2%), respectively, and Tubificidae sp., Baetis fuscatus, Antocha KUa, and Cheumatopsyche brevilineata, which usually habit in contaminated streams, appeared frequently. Among the feeding function groups, the gatherers and hunters appeared relatively frequently, and the shredders and scrapers appeared frequently in the torrents. Among the habitat oriented groups, the clingers and burrower appeared more frequently and represented the microhabitats in the shallow areas. The result of the analysis of benthic macroinvertebrates community showed that the dominant index was $0.48{\pm}0.10$ in average while it was lowest with 0.33 in GS 8 of the Gwangneung Forest torrent and highest in BS 1 of Bongseonsa Stream. The diversity and richness indices were inversely proportional to the dominant index and were 2.53 and 4.22, respectively, in GS 8 where the dominant index was low. The result of the analysis of community stability showed that area I, which had high resistance and restoration, was high in Bongseonsa Stream while the area III, which had low resistance and restoration, was high in Gwangneung Forest, indicating that the water system in Gwangneung Forest had a wider distribution of specifies sensitive to agitation. The biological water quality assessment showed ESB of $50.88{\pm}17.69$, KSI of $1.11{\pm}0.57$, and BMI of $78.55{\pm}11.05$. GS 8 of Gwangneung Forest torrent was judged to be the highest priority protective water area with the best water environment and I class water quality with ESB of 63, KSI of 0.55, and BMI of 89.9. On the contrary, BS 1 of Bongseonsa Stream was judged to be the high priority improvement area that had the lowest water quality rating of III with ESB of 25, KSI of 2.13, and BMI of 62.7. Although the diversity of water beetle was higher in the water system of nearby Bongseonsa Stream than the water system inside the Gwangneung Forest, the annual community structure appeared to have distinct differences.