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  • Title/Summary/Keyword: Species Distribution

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The Planting and Occurrence Status of Exotic Plants of the Folk Village as National Cultural Heritage - Focus in Hahoe.Yangdong.Hangae Villages - (국가지정 문화재 민속마을의 외래식물 식재 및 발생현황 - 하회.양동.한개마을을 대상으로 -)

  • Rho, Jae-Hyun;Oh, Hyun-Kyung;Han, Yun-Hee;Park, Kyung-Uk;Byun, Moo-Sup;Huh, Joon;Choi, Yung-Hyun;Shin, Sang-Sup;Lee, Hyun-Woo;Kim, Hyo-Jung
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.1-19
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    • 2013
  • This study was carried out to analyze distribution situation of alien plants and to propose management plan in the 3 Folk village in Gyeongsangbuk-do which is Cultural property designated by the State; Hahoe, Yangdong and Hangae. This research is for improve of sincerity of historical site and provide basic information which use about administration of preservation. The results are as follows. 1. Overall flora and alien plants appearance The total flora in the 3 folk villages were listed total 752 taxa including 127 families, 430 genera, 614 species, 5 subspecies, 100 varieties and 33 forms. Among them, woody plants take 263 taxa(35.0%) and herbaceous plants take 489 taxa (65.0%). Flora in the Hahoe, Yangdong and Hangae village were total 534, 479 taxa and 408 taxa and exotic plant index was 30.1%, 38.2% and 37.0% respectively. In types of exotic plants, ornamental exotic plants were 135 taxa, deciduous exotic plants were 21 taxa, cultivating exotic plants were 64 taxa, and naturalized exotic plants were 80 taxa and those result lead that the ornamental exotic plants is the highest ratio. According to the villages, Hahoe village had 161 taxa(30.1%), Yangdong Village had 183 taxa(38.2%), and Hangae village had 151 taxa(37.0%) that Yangdong village showed the most number of exotic plants. 2. Planting of landscape exotic plants in the unit cultural assets Meanwhile, Ornamental exotic plants in old house's gardens in Andong Hahoe village which is designated as a unit assets, those are total 30 taxa; followed by the Okyeon house(8 taxa) is highest and the Yangjindang(7), the Hadong house(6) and the Chunghyodang(5). Magnolia denudata appears the most as for 4 times and Campsis grandiflora etc. each took 2 times. Based on the Yangdong village, Gyeongju, that are found total 51 taxa; followed by the Dugok house(16 taxa) the Sujoldang(14), the Mucheondang(13), and the Sangchunheon (12). High appearance rate of ornamental exotic plants were Viburnum opulus for. hydrangeoides, Lycoris squamigera, Caragagna sinica and Magnolia denudata etc. Based on the Hangae village, Seongju, that are designated total 62 taxa; followed by the Jinsa house(35 taxa), the Gyori house(25), the Hanju head family house(20), and the Hahoe house(16). Taxa with high appearance rates were Caragana sinica, Juniperus chinensis var. horizontalis, Magnolia denudata, Viburnum opulus for. hydrangeoides, Chaenomeles speciosa etc. 3. Problems of exotic plant landscapes in the outer spaces of the folk villages Problems of exotic plant landscapes in the outer spaces of the Hahoe village are as follows. In lower of the Mansongjeong forest, Ambrosia artemisifolia, which are ecosystem disturbance plants designated by the Ministry of Environment, live with high dominance value. This should be have a remove with Sicyos angulatus immediately. In the Nakdong river bed around the Mansongjeong forest is covered with a riparian vegetation forest belt of Robinia pseudoacacia L. forest, Populus nigra var. italic community, and Populus x tomentiglandulosa community colony. Based on the Yangdong village, the planted or naturally distributed Ailanthus altissima colony, sporadically distributed Robinia pseudoacacia as well as Amorpha fruticosa are detected all over the village and ecotones. Based on the Hangae village, Ailanthus altissima and Robinia pseudoacacia are sporadically distributed around the village and there is a sign of spreading. similarity of exotic plantsis 47.0% to 48.6% and a reason why this happened is all of research site in Gyeongsanbuk-do and that is why growth norm of plant is similar, exotic plant which is sales for ornamental and it infer to require related countermeasure of each villages and joint related countermeasure.

Studies on the Fatty Acid Composition of Lipids from Some Seeds of the Cucurbitaceae Family (박과식물(科植物) 종자유(種子油)의 지방산(脂肪酸) 조성(組成))

  • Kim, Seong-Jin;Joh, Yong-Goe
    • Journal of the Korean Applied Science and Technology
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.21-29
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    • 1996
  • Levels of total, neutral and polar lipids from the seeds of eight species of the Cucurbitaceae f Cucurbita moschata, Lufa cylindrica, Citrullus vulgari, Cucumis melo var. makuwa, Cucumis satvus, Lag leucantha. Trichosanthes kirilowii and Momordica charantia, were determinded, and their fatty compositions were also analyzed by gas-liquid chromatography. The results were summarized as foll. Lipid contents of the seeds range from 21.9 to 50.7%, which contained 98% up of neutral lipi the fatty acid compositon of ottal lipids from the seeds of Cucurbita moschata, Lufa cylindrica, Ci vulgari, Cucumis melo var. makuwa, Cucumis sativus and Lagenaria leucantha, linoleic acid is the mos dominant component(56.884.0%) followed by oleic acid(5.722.2%) and palmitic acid(6.11) with a trace amount of αlinolenic acid(below 0.6%). On the contrary, the seed oils of Tricho kirilowii and Momordica charantia are characterized by presence of considerable amounts of con trienoic acid such as punicic acid(9c.11t.13cC18:3) and αeleostearic acid(9c.11t.13cC18:3). For example total lipids of T. kirilowii seeds were mainly composed of linoleic acid(40.5%) and punicic acid(3) in the fatty acid composition, while those of M. charantia seeds predominantly comprised αeleos acid as a main component(66.9%), accompanied by oleic acid(11.7%) and linoleic acid(10.4%). oil βeleostearic acid(9t.11t.13cC18:3) was checked as a trace. Fatty acid profiles of neutral lipids close resemblance to those of total lipids in all the seed oils, but are different from those of polar In particular, conjugate trienoic acids including punicic acid and αeleostearic acid which are oc as the most abundant component in both neutral lipids of T. kirilowii and M. charantia seed oils, ar ent in a extremely small amount in both polar lipids. The fatty acid distribution in the polar lipid the samples except for T. kirilowii and M. charantia seed oils, showed a tendency of consid increased level of saturated fatty acids(25.029.4%) compared with that in the neutral lipids(9.9%). The results obtained in this experiment suggest us that the seed oils of the Cucurbitaceae

A Systematic Study on the Amphipods in Korea, II. On the Geographical Distribution and Variation of Species of Fresch-Water Gammarus(Crustacea : Amphipoda, Gammaridae) (韓國山 端脚類의 系統分類學的 硏究: II. 淡水産 Gammarus 屬의 種의 地理學分布 및 變異에 관하여)

  • Kim, Hoon Soo;Lee, Kyung Sook
    • The Korean Journal of Zoology
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.29-40
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    • 1977
  • The authors examined fresh-water gammarid materials which were collected from streams in 20 localities of South Korea during the period from 1965 to 1977. As the results of the observation, the authors have concluded as follows: 1. These fresh-water gammarids belong to Gammarus pulex-group and are distributed widely in mountain-streams of mainland and surrounding islands of South Korea. 2. The present specimens are different from the subspecies, G. pulex koreanus Ueno, 1940 which was described originally from North Korea. In the latter, the pulmose setae of third uropod are limited only to the outer margin of both rami. The peduncle and flagellum of second antenna are fringed with a few short setae and the flagellum is provided with calceoli. In the former, both margins of inner ramus and outer margin of outer ramus of third uropod are fringed with long pulmose setae. The peduncle and flagellum of second antenna have abundant relatively long setase and the flagellum is not provided with calceoli. 3. The present specimens are different from the subspecies, G. pulex sobaegensis Ueno, 1966 which was described originally from South Korea. The latter dwells in cave, while the former dwells in mountain-stream. In the former, the arrangements of pulmose setae of third uropod and the setation of second antenna are similar to those of the latter. But they are quite different from each other in several characters such as shape of upper lip, shape of fifth article of second gnathopod and numbers of incisions on front distal margins of coxal plates 1-3. The former has spines on surface of coxal plates 1-3, but the latter has not. In females, the former has four pairs of marsupial plates, while the latter has three pairs. 4. The present materials show local variations. Therefore, they could be divided into 3 local groups. The first group (specimens from Mt. Odae and Mt. Sogeumgang) has pulmose setae on the both margins of both rami of third uropod and second article of outer ramus is relatively long. In general, this group has setae sparsely on the both rami and especially a few setae on the outer margin of outer ramus. The second group, which are widely distributed in South Korea, has pulmose setae on the both margins of inner ramus and on the outer margin of outer ramus of third uropod. In the third group (specimens from Mt. Soyo), the pulmose setation of third uropod is similar to that of the first group, but the second article of outer ramus is very small.

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