• Title/Summary/Keyword: Spatial imagery

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A Generation of Digital Elevation Model for GSIS using SPOT Satellite Imagery (GSIS의 자료기반 구축을 위한 SPOT 위성영상으로부터의 수치표고모형 생성)

  • Yeu, Bock-Mo;Park, Hong-Gi;Jeong, Soo;Kim, Won-Dae
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.1 no.1 s.1
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    • pp.141-152
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    • 1993
  • This study aims to generate digital elevation model from digital satellite imagery. Digital elevation model is being increasingly used for geo-spatial information system database development and for digital map production. Image matching technique was applied to acquire conjugate image coordinates and the algorithm for digital elevation model generation is presented in this study The exterior orientation parameters of the satellite imagery is determined by bundle adjustment and standard correlation was applied for image matching conjugate of image points. The window as well as the searching area have to be defined in image matching. Different sizes of searching area were tested to study the appropriate size of the searching area. Various coordinate transformation methods were applied to improve the computation speed as well as the geometric accuracy. The results were then statistically analysed after which the searching area is determined with the safety factor. To evaluate the accuracy of digital elevation model, 3-D coordinates were extracted from 1/5000 scale topographic map and this was compared to the digital elevation model generated from satellite imagery. The algorithm for generation of digital elevation model generated from satellite imagery is presented in this study which will prove effective in the database development of geo-spatial information system and in digital elevation modelling of large areas.

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Functional Design for Applying to Environment of Landsat Imagery

  • Yun, Young-Bo;Chae, Gee-Ju;Park, Jong-Hyun
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.251-253
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    • 2003
  • Landsat images were globally used to monitoring the Earth's. But it is not positively applied to a field of environment such as coastal environment, heat island effect and drought condition and so on. Until recently, Information about a ecology natural environment came to do by direct investigation. But Information about a ecology·natural environment of wide area were quickly getting possible with the progress of remote sensing technique. Specially, the up-to-date characteristic information about an ecology·natural environment as the basic intelligence for a country development activity are very important. So, it applies the satellite images that the periodic observation of data is possible. In this study, We planned the function which is possible helping the renewal of an ecology·natural environmental information using Landsat imagery. Also planned the DB suitable for these purpose. For application of thermal infrared band images we developed the function that extracts an isothermal line. It used the thermal infrared band images and it grasped a temperature distribution. The result is useful in analysis of the city heat island effectiveness.

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A Study about spatial experience on Intermedia Space of Eco-Architecture Office building (업무시설 친환경건축에 있어서 공간체험에 관한 연구 매개공간에 있어 친환경건축의 공간성 및 공간체험을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Sun-Jick;Do, Kyu-Hwan
    • Journal of The Korean Digital Architecture Interior Association
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.67-80
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    • 2011
  • The architectural space is the involuntary place where man lives and experiences, and as a 3 dimensional space through the continuous experience with the concept of 4th dimension of time, it provides the observers with the dramatic space imagery. These kinds of space experiences are experienced mentally and perceptively through the physical elements of inner and outer space of the architectural buildings, and this space imagery is created here by all the space composing elemensts of the building. These space experiences are caused by the changing processes of the space characteristics, and the observers perceive the changes in space characteristics. The present building is going with Eco-Architecture. When 2008 sees the building,,Eco-Architecture design which hits appears. There is a possibility of seeing 16 kind types from that place. And From here examined the spatiality which is expressed. These changing processes of inner and outer space, space versus space, and unit space, which are perceived by the observer. It`s way to help in architectural design and wishes.

Indices Characterizing Road Network on Geo-Spatial Imagery as Transportation Network Analysis

  • Lee, Ki-Won
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.57-64
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    • 2004
  • In GIS-based network analysis, topological measure of network structure can be considered as one of important factors in the urban transportation analysis. Related to this measure, it is known that the connectivity indices such as alpha index and gamma index, which mean degree of network connectivity and complexity on a graph or a circuit, provide fundamental information. On the other hand, shimbel index is one of GIS-based spatial metrics to characterize degree of network concentration. However, the approach using these quantitative indices has not been widely used in practical level yet. In this study, an application program, in complied as extension, running on ArcView- GIS is implemented and demonstrated case examples using basic layers such as road centerline and administrative boundary. In this approach, geo-spatial imagery can be effectively used to actual applications to determine the analysis zone, which is composed of networks to extract these indices. As the results of the implementation and the case examples, it is notified that alpha and gamma indices as well as shimbel index can be used as referential data or auxiliary information for urban planning and transportation planning.


  • Park, No-Wook;Chi, Kwang-Hoon
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2007.10a
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    • pp.225-228
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    • 2007
  • This paper presents a geostatistical methodology to model local uncertainty in spatial estimation of sediment grain size with high-resolution remote sensing imagery. Within a multi-Gaussian framework, the IKONOS imagery is used as local means both to estimate the grain size values and to model local uncertainty at unsample locations. A conditional cumulative distribution function (ccdf) at any locations is defined by mean and variance values which can be estimated by multi-Gaussian kriging with local means. Two ccdf statistics including condition variance and interquartile range are used here as measures of local uncertainty and are compared through a cross validation analysis. In addition to local uncertainty measures, the probabilities of not exceeding or exceeding any grain size value at any locations are retrieved and mapped from the local ccdf models. A case study of Baramarae beach, Korea is carried out to illustrate the potential of geostatistical uncertainty modeling.

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A Study of on the Forest Map Update Using Orthorecified High Resolution Satellite Imagery Data (고해상도 정사위성영상을 이용한 임상도 수정에 관한 연구)

  • 성천경;조정호
    • Proceedings of the Korean Association of Geographic Inforamtion Studies Conference
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    • 2004.03a
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    • pp.571-577
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    • 2004
  • The operational availability of multispactal high-resolution satellite imagery, opens up new possibilities for updating forest stand map. Compared with information acquired by traditional methods (Panchromatic Aerial Photo), these data offer a number of advantages, In this study used 1m resolution and 4 band multispectral, which are capability to update forest map of kind of tree. Therefore, high-resolution satellite imagery is good method for updating forest map in the future.

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A Searching and Enhancement Alogorithm for Shadow Areas Using Histogram and Correlation in Fourier Domain

  • Lee, Choong-Ho;Lee, Kwang-Jae;Seo, Doo-Chun;Kim, Yong-Seung
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.552-554
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    • 2003
  • Searching and enhancement of shadow area in the satellite imagery is one of growing interest because of new possible needs of application in this field. This paper proposes an algorithm to search and enhance the shadow areas caused by buildings such as apartments which are very common in Korean satellite imagery. The proposed searching algorithm makes use of characteristics of histogram of images in the spatial domain and also uses the fast Fourier transform and correlation in Frequency domain. Further, the enhancement algorithm is only applied to the shadow areas searched and preserves the areas which are naturally dark.

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The Construction of 3D Spatial Imagery Information of Dam reservoir using LiDAR and Multi Beam Echo Sounder (LiDAR와 MBES를 이용한 댐 저수지 3차원 공간영상정보 구축)

  • Lee, Geun-Sang;Choi, Yun-Woong
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2010
  • Recently, the construction of three dimensional spatial information of Dam reservoir area is very important part in Dam management work such as sediment survey, but it is difficult to acquire detailed terrain data because totalstation and single beam echo sounder are applied to terrain survey. This study presented method to construct detailed terrain data of Dam reservoir area using LiDAR and multi beam echo sounder. First, LiDAR survey was carried out in land zone and calibration process was applied by ground control point. And also the DEM of land zone was constructed by using algorithm, which eliminated building and vegetation class. As the result of validation of LiDAR DEM using GPS terrain survey, it was possible to construct three dimensional terrain data that was satisfied with the tolerance error of LiDAR, which was the standard error of LiDAR DEM showed as 0.108m. Also multi beam echo sounder was applied to the survey of water zone and it could construct spatial information that was satisfied with bathymetry surveying tolerance error of International Hydrographic Organization by validation with terrain survey data. And LiDAR and multi beam echo sounder data were integrated and it was possible to construct three dimensional spatial imagery information that can be applied to Dam management work such as the estimation of sediment amounts or the monitoring of terrain change by linking with high resolution orthophoto.

Detection of Small Green Space in an Urban Area Using Airborne Hyperspectral Imagery and Spectral Angle Mapper (분광각매퍼 기법을 적용한 항공기 탑재 초분광영상의 소규모 녹지공간 탐지)

  • Kim, Tae-Woo;Choi, Don-Jeong;We, Gwang-Jae;Suh, Yong-Cheol
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.88-100
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    • 2013
  • Urban green space is one of most important aspects of urban infrastructure for improving the quality of life of city dwellers as it reduces the heat island effect and is used for recreation and relaxation. However, no systematic management of urban green space has been introduced in Korea as past practices focused on efficient development. A way to calculate the amount of green space needed to complement an urban area must be developed to preserve urban green space and to determine 'regulations determining the total amount of greenery'. In recent years, various studies have quantified urban green space and infrastructure using remotely sensed data. However, it is difficult to detect a myriad small green spaces in a city effectively when considering the spatial resolution of the data used in existing research. In this paper, we quantified small urban green spaces using CASI-1500 hyperspectral imagery. We calculated MCARI, a vegetation index for hyperspectral imagery, to evaluate the greenness of small green spaces. In addition, we applied image-classification methods, including the ISODATA algorithm and Spectral Angle Mapper, to detect small green spaces using supervised and unsupervised classifications. This could be used to categorize land-cover into four classes: unclassified, impervious, suspected green, and vegetation green.

Unsupervised Change Detection for Very High-spatial Resolution Satellite Imagery by Using Object-based IR-MAD Algorithm (객체 기반의 IR-MAD 기법을 활용한 고해상도 위성영상의 무감독 변화탐지)

  • Jaewan, Choi
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.297-304
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    • 2015
  • The change detection algorithms, based on remotely sensed satellite imagery, can be applied to various applications, such as the hazard/disaster analysis and the land monitoring. However, unchanged areas sometimes detected as the changed areas due to various errors in relief displacements and noise pixels, included in the original multi-temporal dataset at the application of unsupervised change detection algorithm. In this research, the object-based changed detection for the high-spatial resolution satellite images is applied by using the IR-MAD (Iteratively Reweighted- Multivariate Alteration Detection), which is one of those representative change detection algorithms. In additionally, we tried to increase the accuracy of change detection results with using the additional information, based on the cross-sharpening method. In the experiment, we used the KOMPSAT-2 satellite sensor, and resulted in the object-based IR-MAD algorithm, representing higher changed detection accuracy than that by the pixel-based IR-MAD. Also, the object-based IR-MAD, focused on cross-sharpened images, increased in accuracy of changed detection, compared to the original object-based IR-MAD. Through these experiments, we could conclude that the land monitoring and the change detection with the high-spatial-resolution satellite imagery can be accomplished efficiency by using the object-based IR-MAD algorithm.