• Title/Summary/Keyword: Spatial Variogram

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Time-series Mapping and Uncertainty Modeling of Environmental Variables: A Case Study of PM10 Concentration Mapping (시계열 환경변수 분포도 작성 및 불확실성 모델링: 미세먼지(PM10) 농도 분포도 작성 사례연구)

  • Park, No-Wook
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.249-264
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    • 2011
  • A multi-Gaussian kriging approach extended to space-time domain is presented for uncertainty modeling as well as time-series mapping of environmental variables. Within a multi-Gaussian framework, normal score transformed environmental variables are first decomposed into deterministic trend and stochastic residual components. After local temporal trend models are constructed, the parameters of the models are estimated and interpolated in space. Space-time correlation structures of stationary residual components are quantified using a product-sum space-time variogram model. The ccdf is modeled at all grid locations using this space-time variogram model and space-time kriging. Finally, e-type estimates and conditional variances are computed from the ccdf models for spatial mapping and uncertainty analysis, respectively. The proposed approach is illustrated through a case of time-series Particulate Matter 10 ($PM_{10}$) concentration mapping in Incheon Metropolitan city using monthly $PM_{10}$ concentrations at 13 stations for 3 years. It is shown that the proposed approach would generate reliable time-series $PM_{10}$ concentration maps with less mean bias and better prediction capability, compared to conventional spatial-only ordinary kriging. It is also demonstrated that the conditional variances and the probability exceeding a certain thresholding value would be useful information sources for interpretation.

Comparative Evaluation for Seasonal CO2 Flows Tracked by GOSAT in Northeast Asia (GOSAT으로 추적된 동북아시아 이산화탄소 유동방향의 계절별 비교평가)

  • Choi, Jin Ho;Um, Jung-Sup
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2012
  • This study intends to evaluate the seasonal flow direction of carbon dioxide in Northeast Asia by using GOSAT, the first Greenhouse Observing SATellite, in an attempt to overcome costly, laborious and time consuming ground observation which has been frequently pointed out in existing studies. For this purpose, missing values were supplemented by applying the Kriging interpolation and the overall flow direction of carbon dioxide was determined through anisotoropy semi-variogram. As a result, it was found that the overall spatial distribution of carbon dioxide in Northeast Asia varies depending on the latitude, and that carbon dioxide mainly flows southeast or east in spring, autumn and winter, but northeast or north in summer. Similar to the flow of monsoons in Northeast Asia, these results show that carbon dioxide flows mainly from the west to the east, which proves that carbon dioxide discharged from China is influencing even the Korean Peninsula and Japan. However, as the flow of carbon dioxide varies depending on a variety of factors such as artificial sources, plant respiration, and the absorption and discharge of the ocean, follow-up studies are requested to evaluate such variables and the correlations.

Evaluation of Spatial Distribution of Consolidation Settlement of Songdo Marine Clay by Probabilistic Method (확률론적 방법에 의한 인천송도지반 압밀침하량의 공간적 분포 평가)

  • Kim, Dong-Hee;Choi, Young-Min;Lee, Woo-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.26 no.9
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    • pp.15-24
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    • 2010
  • Because the thickness and depth of consolidation layer vary at every location, the consolidation settlement and time have to be evaluated spatially. Also, for a rational evaluation of the uncertainty of the spatial distribution of consolidation settlement and time, it is necessary to adopt a probabilistic method. In this study, mean and standard deviation of consolidation settlement and time of whole analysis region are evaluated by using the spatial distribution of consolidation layer which is estimated from ordinary kriging and statistics of soil properties. Using these results and probabilistic method, the area that needs adopting the prefabricated vertical drain as well as raising the ground level for balancing the final design ground level is determined. It is observed that such areas are influenced by the variability of soil properties. The design procedure and method presented in this paper can be used in the decision making process for a geotechnical engineering design.

Spatial Variability of Soil Moisture Content, Soil Penetration Resistance and Crop Yield on the Leveled Upland in the Reclaimed Highland (고령지 개간지 밭의 토양수분과 경도 및 작물수량의 공간변이성)

  • Park, Chol-Soo;Yang, Su-Chan;Lee, Gye-jun;Lee, Jeong-Tae;Kim, Hak-Min;Park, Sang-Hoo;Kim, Dae-Hoon;Jung, Ah-Yeong;Hwang, Seon-Woong
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.39 no.3
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    • pp.123-135
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    • 2006
  • Spatial variability and distribution map of soil properties and the relationships between soil properties and crop yields are not well characterized in agroecosystems that have been land leveled to facilitate more cultivation of the new reclaimed sloping highland. Potato, onion, carrot, Chinese cabbage and radish were grown on the coarse sandy loam soil in 2004. Soil moisture content, soil penetration resistance and crop yield were sampled in the $10m{\times}50m$ field consisted of five plots. Sampling sites of each cultivation plot were 33 for the soil moisture, 11 for the soil penetration and 33 for the crop yield. The results of semivariance analysis, most of models were shown spherical equation. The significant ranges of each spatial variability model for the soil moisture, soil penetration and crop yield were broad as 33-35 meters in the potato cultivation plot, and that in the Chinese cabbage cultivation plot was narrow as 5-6 meters. The coefficient of variances (C.V.) of moisture, penetration and yield were various from 14 to 59 percents in five cultivation plots. The highest C.V. of potato yield was 59 percents, and that of the radish cultivation plot was as low as 14 percents. The required sample numbers for the determination of soil moisture content, soil penetration resistance and crop yield with error 10% at 0.05 significant level were ranged 8-40 for soil moisture, 7-25 for soil penetration and 424-4,678 for crop yield. The variogram and distribution map by kriging described field characteristics well so that the spatial variability would be useful for soil management for better efficiency and precision agriculture in the reclaimed highland.

Analysis of Rock Slope Stability by Using GIS in Mt. Keumsu Area (지구정보시스템을 이용한 금수산일대의 암반사면 안정성 평가)

  • 배현철
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.77-88
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    • 2000
  • The goal of this study is to assess the spatial distribution of natural slopes and cutting slopes under would-be development. For this goal, a quantitative slope stability analysis method using GIS integrated with a computer program was developed. Through field investigations, the discontinuity parameters were collected such as orientation of discontinuity, persistence, spacing, JRC, JCS, and water depth. The distributions were interpolated from the ordinary kriging method in ARC/INFO GIS after variogram analysis. The layers showing all parameters needed for limit equilibrium analysis were constructed. The final layer using GIS works composed of 162,352 polygons, that is, unit slopes. The rock slope stability analysis program was coded by C++ language. This program can calculate geometrical vectors related to rock block failures using input orientation data and direction and dimension of strength to occur failure. Also, this can calculate shear strength of joints through empirical equations and quantitative factors of safety. This methodology was applied to the study area which is located in Jaecheon city and Danyang-gun of the northeastern Keumsu is about 135$km^2$. As a result, the study area was entirely stable but unstable, that is, factor of safety less than 1.0dominantly at the slopes near Keumsil, Daejangri, Keumsungmyun and Sojugol, Mt. Dongsan, Juksongmyun by the natural slope stability analysis. Assuming the cutting slope showing the same direction immediate, and quantitative analysis of factors of safety for a regional area could be conducted through GIS integrated with a computer program of limit equilibrium.

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IRF-k kriging of electrical resistivity data for estimating the extent of saltwater intrusion in a coastal aquifer system

  • Shim B. O.;Chung S. Y.;Kim H. J.;Sung I. H.
    • 한국지구물리탐사학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.352-361
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    • 2003
  • We have evaluated the extent of saltwater intrusion from electrical resistivity distribution in a coastal aquifer system in the southeastern part of Busan, Korea. This aquifer system is divided into four layers according to the hydrogeologic characteristics and the horizontal extent of intruded saltwater is determined at each layer through the geostatistical interpretation of electrical resistivity data. In order to define the statistical structure of electrical resistivity data, variogram analysis is carried out to obtain best generalized covariance models. IRF-k (intrinsic random function of order k) kriging is performed with covariance models to produce the plane of spatial mean resistivities. The kriged estimates are evaluated by cross validation to show a good agreement with the true values and the statistics of cross validation represented low errors for the estimates. In the resistivity contour maps more than 5 m below the surface, we can see a dominant direction of saltwater intrusion beginning from the east side. The area of saltwater intrusion increases with depth. The northeast side has low resistivities less than 5 ohm-m due to the presence of saline water in the depth range of 20 m through 70 m. These results show that the application of geostatistical technique to electrical resistivity data is useful for assessing saltwater intrusion in a coastal aquifer system.

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Bayesian Inversion of Gravity and Resistivity Data: Detection of Lava Tunnel

  • Kwon, Byung-Doo;Oh, Seok-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.15-29
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    • 2002
  • Bayesian inversion for gravity and resistivity data was performed to investigate the cavity structure appearing as a lava tunnel in Cheju Island, Korea. Dipole-dipole DC resistivity data were proposed for a prior information of gravity data and we applied the geostatistical techniques such as kriging and simulation algorithms to provide a prior model information and covariance matrix in data domain. The inverted resistivity section gave the indicator variogram modeling for each threshold and it provided spatial uncertainty to give a prior PDF by sequential indicator simulations. We also presented a more objective way to make data covariance matrix that reflects the state of the achieved field data by geostatistical technique, cross-validation. Then Gaussian approximation was adopted for the inference of characteristics of the marginal distributions of model parameters and Broyden update for simple calculation of sensitivity matrix and SVD was applied. Generally cavity investigation by geophysical exploration is difficult and success is hard to be achieved. However, this exotic multiple interpretations showed remarkable improvement and stability for interpretation when compared to data-fit alone results, and suggested the possibility of diverse application for Bayesian inversion in geophysical inverse problem.

A Study on the Improvement in Local Gauge Correction Method (국지 우량계 보정 방법의 개선에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Kwang-Ho;Kim, Min-Seong;Seo, Seong-Woon;Kim, Park-Sa;Kang, Dong-Hwan;Kwon, Byung-Hyuk
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.525-540
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    • 2015
  • Spatial distribution of precipitation has been estimated based on the local gauge correction (LGC) with a fixed inverse distance weighting (IDW), which is not optimized in taking effective radius into account depending on the radar error. We developed an algorithm, improved local gauge correction (ILGC) which eliminates outlier in radar rainrate errors and optimize distance power for IDW. ILGC was statistically examined the hourly cumulated precipitation from weather for the heavy rain events. Adjusted radar rainfall from ILGC is improved to 50% compared with unadjusted radar rainfall. The accuracy of ILGC is higher to 7% than that of LGC, which resulted from a positive effect of the optimal algorithm on the adjustment of quantitative precipitation estimation from weather radar.

Estimations of Spatial Variability of Cone Resistance Using Geostatistical Method (지구통계학적 기법을 이용한 콘저항치의 공간적 변화의 평가)

  • ;Michael, W. O'Neill
    • Geotechnical Engineering
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.19-34
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    • 1997
  • Applications of geostatistical method to cone penetrometer data have been performed at the overconsolidated clay site. Randomlylocated 28 electronic CPT soundings (Location A) and consistently-located 38 CPT soundings(Location B) are investigated geostatistically. Variograms for Locations A and B have been developed for q, from the CPT data by using "kriging" principles, which establish the horizontal and vertical correlation distrances at this site. These vertical and horizontal correlation distances can be used to optimal sampling design, where, if one needs to compare two test results, sampling must be made within these vertical and horizontal correlation distances. Analysis of the variograms indicated that the geological formation between two locations are not very different in both vertical direction and horizontal direction.direction.

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Geostatistical inversion of geophysical data for estimation of rock quality (물리탐사 자료의 지구통계학적 역산에 의한 암반강도 추정)

  • Oh, Seok-Hoon;Suh, Baek-Soo
    • 한국지구물리탐사학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2008.10a
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    • pp.63-67
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    • 2008
  • Geostatistical inverse approach using geophysical data was applied to indirectly make the RMR classification at points apart from boreholes. The geostatistical appoach was usually used to find optimized estimation which supports two or more different physical properties at unsampled points. However, in this study, an approach to solve inverse problem was proposed. The primary variable, RMR values obtained at known boreholes, is geostatistically simulated with many realization at pre-defined grid point according to the variogram model. The simulated values are sequentially compared with the physical property resulted from geophysical survey at an arbitrary grid point, and the most similar one is chosen. This process means that the spatial distribution of primary variable, RMR, is conformed well to the original pattern of the borehole observation, and ensure to fit the geophysical survey result to reflect the correlation between different physical properties.

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