• Title/Summary/Keyword: Spatial Transformation

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A Spatial Presentation Model for Composite Multimedia Objects

  • Cha, Jae-Hyuk
    • The Journal of Information Technology and Database
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.109-119
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    • 1998
  • Users want to browse various groups of nested attribute values of an object. On the other hand, in case of the presentation of a multimedia object, the form-based presentation is superior to the graph-based presentation. Therefore we propose a form-based presentation transformation scheme that allows users to reorganize the presentation layout to fit the limited screen and to show the values of all the needed attributes. For the representation of the presentation scenario of an object a presentation information class and the presentation transformation operations are defined. We show how these operations transform the default presentation into the wanted presentation by navigating through a multimedia object with the COMIB (COMposite Icon Browser).

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Anomalous Propagation Characteristics of an Airy Beam in Nonlocal Nonlinear Medium

  • Wu, Yun-Long;Ye, Qin;Shao, Li
    • Current Optics and Photonics
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.191-197
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    • 2021
  • The anomalous propagation characteristics of a single Airy beam in nonlocal nonlinear medium are investigated by utilizing the split-step Fourier-transform method. We show that besides the normal straight propagation trajectory, the breathing solitons formed by the interaction between Airy beam and nonlocal nonlinear medium can propagate along the sinusoidal trajectory, and the anomalous trajectory can be modulated arbitrarily by altering the initial amplitude and the nonlocal nonlinear coefficient. In addition, the initial amplitude and the nonlocal nonlinear coefficient can have inverse impacts on the formation and transformation of the equilibrium state of spatial solitons, when the two parameters are larger than certain values. Therefore, the reversible transformation of the evolution dynamics of two soliton states can be realized by adjusting those two parameters properly. Finally, it is shown that the propagation properties of the solitons formed by the interaction between Airy beam and nonlocal nonlinear medium can be controlled arbitrarily, by adjusting the distribution factor and nonlocal coefficient.

A Feature Based Modeling System for the Design of Welded Plate Construction (용접판 구조물의 설계를 위한 Feature 기반 모델링 시스템)

  • Kim, Dong-Won;Yang, Sung-Mo;Choi, Jin-Seob
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.30-41
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    • 1993
  • Developed in this paper is a feature based modeling system for the design of welded plat construction(WPC) which is composed of flat or bended plates represented as reference plane with a constant thickness. First, the necessity and the characteristics of the modeing system for WPC as compared with the assembly of mechanical parts are investigated. Secondly, feature library for the assembly of WPC is shown which contains several types of features like joint feature, groove feature, material feature, and precision feature. Thirdly, the assembly procedures are presented which mainly consist of both the assembly transformation and the correct assembly checking. Fourthly, weld lines of the assembled WPC are defined so that those can be used in the process planning or the manufacturing stage. Finally, a prototype by a geometric modeling software Pro/Engineer, a graphic software GL(Graphic Library), and C language on a CAD workstation IRIS.

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A Cell-based Compression Technique of the Spatial Data for the Mobile GIS (모바일 GIS를 위한 셀 기반의 공간 데이터 압축 기법)

  • Lee, Ki-Young;Lim, Keun;Choi, Gyoo-Seok
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.8 no.6
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    • pp.49-54
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    • 2008
  • Recently, with the development of wireless communications and GIS, interest about mobile computing is rising. In this case, the GIS needs to be placed in a constricted environment than the environment of server computing. For this reason large amounts of spatial data must be compressed into the mobile device. The compression technique of the spatial data is difficult and must be processed in the correct order because the size of the data is unpredictable. Therefore, in this paper, the cell-based compression technique of the spatial data for mobile GIS is presented. This paper includes the process of transformation of spatial data from a certain server to a mobile device by cell-based compression technique. In this paper, the cell-based compression technique of the spatial data has been proven practically efficient.

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A Selectivity Estimation Scheme for Spatial Topological Predicate Using Multi-Dimensional Histogram (다차원 히스토그램을 이용한 공간 위상 술어의 선택도 추정 기법)

  • Kim, Hong-Yeon;Bae, Hae-Yeong
    • The Transactions of the Korea Information Processing Society
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.841-850
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    • 1999
  • Many commercial database systems maintain histograms to summarize the contents of relations, permit efficient estimation of query result sizes, and access plan costs. In spatial database systems, most query predicates consist of topological relationship between spatial objects, and ti is ver important to estimate the selectivity of those predicates for spatial query optimizer. In this paper, we propose a selectivity estimation scheme for spatial topological predicates based on the multi-dimensional histogram and the transformation scheme. Proposed scheme applies two partition strategies on transformed object space to generate spatial histogram, and estimates the selectivity of topological predicates based on the topological characteristic of transformed space. Proposed scheme provides a way for estimating the selectivity without too much memory space usage and additional I/Os in spatial query optimizer.

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New horizon of geographical method (인문지리학 방법론의 새로운 지평)

  • ;Choi, Byung-Doo
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.38
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    • pp.15-36
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    • 1988
  • In this paper, I consider the development of methods in contemporary human geography in terms of a dialectical relation of action and structure, and try to draw a new horizon of method toward which geographical research and spatial theory would develop. The positivist geography which was dominent during 1960s has been faced both with serious internal reflections and strong external criticisms in the 1970s. The internal reflections that pointed out its ignorance of spatial behavior of decision-makers and its simplication of complex spatial relations have developed behavioural geography and systems-theoretical approach. Yet this kinds of alternatives have still standed on the positivist, geography, even though they have seemed to be more real and complicate than the previous one, The external criticisms that have argued against the positivist method as phenomenalism and instrumentalism suggest some alternatives: humanistic geography which emphasizes intention and action of human subject and meaning-understanding, and structuralist geography which stresses on social structure as a totality which would produce spatial phenomena, and a theoretical formulation. Human geography today can be characterized by a strain and conflict between these methods, and hence rezuires a synthetic integration between them. Philosophy and social theory in general are in the same in which theories of action and structural analysis have been complementary or conflict with each other. Human geography has fallen into a further problematic with the introduction of a method based on so-called political ecnomy. This method has been suggested not merely as analternative to the positivist geography, but also as a theoretical foundation for critical analysis of space. The political economy of space with has analyzed the capitalist space and tried to theorize its transformation may be seen either as following humanistic(or Hegelian) Marxism, such as represented in Lefebvre's work, or as following structuralist Marxism, such as developed in Castelles's or Harvey's work. The spatial theory following humanistic Marxism has argued for a dialectic relation between 'the spatial' and 'the social', and given more attention to practicing human agents than to explaining social structures. on the contray, that based on structuralist Marxism has argued for social structures producing spatial phenomena, and focused on theorising the totality of structures, Even though these two perspectives tend more recently to be convergent in a way that structuralist-Marxist. geographers relate the domain of economic and political structures with that of action in their studies of urban culture and experience under capitalism, the political ecnomy of space needs an integrated method with which one can overcome difficulties of orthhodox Marxism. Some novel works in philosophy and social theory have been developed since the end of 1970s which have oriented towards an integrated method relating a series of concepts of action and structure, and reconstructing historical materialism. They include Giddens's theory of structuration, foucault's geneological analysis of power-knowledge, and Habermas's theory of communicative action. Ther are, of course, some fundamental differences between these works. Giddens develops a theory which relates explicitly the domain of action and that of structure in terms of what he calls the 'duality of structure', and wants to bring time-space relations into the core of social theory. Foucault writes a history in which strategically intentional but nonsubjective power relations have emerged and operated by virtue of multiple forms of constrainst wihthin specific spaces, while refusing to elaborate any theory which would underlie a political rationalization. Habermas analyzes how the Western rationalization of ecnomic and political systems has colonized the lifeworld in which we communicate each other, and wants to formulate a new normative foundation for critical theory of society which highlights communicatie reason (without any consideration of spatial concepts). On the basis of the above consideration, this paper draws a new norizon of method in human geography and spatial theory, some essential ideas of which can be summarized as follows: (1) the concept of space especially in terms of its relation to sociery. Space is not an ontological entity whch is independent of society and has its own laws of constitution and transformation, but it can be produced and reproduced only by virtue of its relation to society. Yet space is not merlely a material product of society, but also a place and medium in and through which socety can be maintained or transformed.(2) the constitution of space in terms of the relation between action and structure. Spatial actors who are always knowledgeable under conditions of socio-spatial structure produce and reproduce their context of action, that is, structure; and spatial structures as results of human action enable as well as constrain it. Spatial actions can be distinguished between instrumental-strategicaction oriented to success and communicative action oriented to understanding, which (re)produce respectively two different spheres of spatial structure in different ways: the material structure of economic and political systems-space in an unknowledged and unitended way, and the symbolic structure of social and cultural life-space in an acknowledged and intended way. (3) the capitalist space in terms of its rationalization. The ideal development of space would balance the rationalizations of system space and life-space in a way that system space providers material conditions for the maintainance of the life-space, and the life-space for its further development. But the development of capitalist space in reality is paradoxical and hence crisis-ridden. The economic and poltical system-space, propelled with the steering media like money, and power, has outstriped the significance of communicative action, and colonized the life-space. That is, we no longer live in a space mediated communicative action, but one created for and by money and power. But no matter how seriously our everyday life-space has been monetalrized and bureaucratised, here lies nevertheless the practical potential which would rehabilitate the meaning of space, the meaning of our life on the Earth.

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An Integrated Approach to the GIS Data Reengineering for the New Korea Geodetic Datum (세계측지계 도입에 따른 공간데이터 재정비를 위한 통합모델 연구)

  • Lee Yang-Won;Park Key-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.40 no.2 s.107
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    • pp.153-171
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    • 2005
  • The newly adopted Korea Geodetic Datum (a.k.a. KGD2002) calls for massive reengineering work on geospatial dataset. The main focus of our study is placed on the strategy and system implementations of the required data reengineering with a keen attention to integrated approaches to interoperability, standardization, and database utilization. Our reengineering strategy includes file-to-file, file-to-DB, DB-to-file, and DB-to-DB conversion for the coordinate transformation of KGD2002. In addition to the map formats of existing standards such as DXF and Shapefile, the newly recommended standards such as GML and SVG are also accommodated in our reengineering environment. These four types of standard format may be imported into and exported from spatial database via KGD2002 transformation component. The DB-to-DB conversion, in particular, includes not only intra-database conversion but also inter-database conversion between SDE/Oracle and Oracle Spatial. All these implementations were carried out in multiple computing environments: desktop and the Web. The feasibility test of our system shows that the coordinate differences between Bessel and GRS80 ellipsoid agree with the criteria presented in the existing researches.

A Study on the Possibility of Producing a Floor Plan of 「Donggwoldo(東闕圖)」 through the Use of Rubber Sheeting Transformation - With a Focus on the Surroundings near the Geumcheongyo Bridge in Changdeokgung Palace - (러버쉬팅변환을 통한 「동궐도(東闕圖)」의 평면도 제작 가능성 연구 - 창덕궁 금천교 주변을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Jae-Yong;Kim, Young-Mo
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.50 no.4
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    • pp.104-121
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    • 2017
  • The present study attempted to produce the floor plan of the surroundings near Geumcheongyo Bridge in Changdeokgung Palace of the Late Joseon Period through the use of rubber sheeting transformation based on the drawing principles of "Donggwoldo(東闕圖)". First, the study compared the actual sizes of the major buildings that have existed since the production of "Donggwoldo(東闕圖)" with the sizes depicted in the picture to reveal that the front elevation of the buildings was produced by reducing it by approximately 1/200. However, the study could not confirm the same production proportions for the side elevation. Only the lengths of the side elevation were depicted at around half of the actual proportions, and as the diagonal line angles were found to be at an average of $39^{\circ}$, the study confirmed they were drawn in a manner similar to cabinet projection. Second, the study created an obliquely projected floor plan by inversely shadowing the drawing principles of "Donggwoldo(東闕圖)" and produced a floor plan of the surroundings near Geumcheongyo Bridge in Changdeokgung Palace through the use of rubber sheeting transformation. Projective transformation was confirmed as most suitable during the transformation, and with standard error of 2.1208m, the relatively high accuracy of the transformation shows that the production of a floor plan for "Donggwoldo(東闕圖)" is significant. Furthermore, it implies the possibility of producing floor plans for various documentary paintings produced using the paralleled oblique drawing method in addition to "Donggwoldo(東闕圖)". Third, the study evaluated the accuracy of the spatial information provided by the produced floor plan by comparing the three items of Geumcheongyo Bridge location, Geumcheongyo Bridge and Jinseonmun Gate arrangement, and Geumcheon stone embankment location. The results confirmed the possibility of utilizing the floor plan as a useful tool which helps understand the appearance of the surroundings at the time of "Donggwoldo(東闕圖)" production because it is parallel to the excavation results of the Geumcheongyo Bridge and its context. Therefore, the present study is significant in that it seeks the possibility of producing spatial information recorded in "Donggwoldo(東闕圖)" by applying rubber sheeting transformation and consequently in that it presents a new methodology for understanding the appearance of the East Palace of the Late Joseon Period.

Three-dimensional shape measurement using grating patterns form an optical spatial modulator

  • Tsujioka, Katsumi;Ito, Hiroshi;Furuhashi, Hideo;Higa, Shuntaro;Hayashi, Niichi;Yamada, Jun;Hatano, Kazuo;Uchida, Yoshiyuki
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 1994.10a
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    • pp.561-565
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    • 1994
  • An automatic measuring system of three dimensional shape by a projection method with grating pattern from in optical spatial modulator has been developed. The characteristics of the system were studied. This system is composed of a projector, an optical spatial modulator, a CCD camera, and computer. A liquid crystal is used as the optical spatial modulator. The grating patterns that ire projected on the surface of the object are controlled by the computer connected with the optical spatial modulator. The projector patterns are measured by the CCD camera. The data are transferred to the computer. After a transformation into line data, the data are analyzed to obtain the coordinate of the surface of the object. This system has advantages as follows. (1) It is possible to capture the surface topography without any contact. (2) The time required for the measurements is shorter than the light-section method. (3) An optical spatial modulator using a liquid crystal is possible to control the grating patterns accurately by a computer. Surfaces of a plate and a cylinder were measured. The threshold level had an influence on the measurement. It was shown that this system has adequae accuracy in the measurements.

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The Changes and Time-Space Patterns of Spatial Interaction in Seoul Metropolitan Area (서울대도시권의 공간상호작용 변화와 시공간 패턴)

  • Son, Seung-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.42 no.3 s.120
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    • pp.421-433
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    • 2007
  • The Metropolitan Areas have experienced the phenomenon that some of their peripheral parts emerged as a core business area because of the relocation of residential and economic activities from the central area. An important phenomenon in the spatial transformation of metropolitan area is the weakening of centrality in the center and the increasing strength of centrality in the periphery. This paper examined the changing patterns of spatial interaction in the Seoul Metropolitan area through an analysis on outflow trips. Outflow trip by Seoul decreased in nearby regions and increased in remote regions, however as times goes by, the spatial patterns of the largest outflow trip destination were diversified and the rate of outflow trip to Seoul has decreased in the periphery regions. This research reveals that the most remarkable changes of spatial interactions occurred nearby regions of Seoul and also the changes of outflow trip by Seoul was also distinct. In relation to this, the results arising from the similarity analysis by the variance of trip clearly show the changing spatial patterns of interaction in Yongin, Seoul, Suwon and Hwaseong.