• Title/Summary/Keyword: Spatial Statistical

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GIS and Statistical Techniques used in Korea Urban Expansion Trend Analysis (GIS와 통계기법을 이용한 대한민국 도시확장 패턴분석)

  • Son, Jung-Woo;Jeon, Sung-Woo;Choi, Chul-Uong
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.13-22
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    • 2009
  • Urban expansion has caused environmental problems, traffic jam and real estate. Trend analysis of Urban expansion is needed for analysis and prediction of the existing problem-solving, urban planning and land use. In this study, We constructed database based on MOE(Minister of environment)'s landcover(1980's, 2000's), 1: 25,000 digital topographical map using of DEM and data of the National Statistical Office for urban and build up expand analysis of South Korea. As a result, The rate of increase in population of Gyeonggi-do, Incheon and Ulsan are high but Jeollanam-do is low. Area of development zone was 2.15 fold increase in comparison with before it. Slope aspect is south or east and urban expansion was increase in district such as Chungcheongnam-do, Gyeonggi-do, Jeollanam-do. Existing road of accessibility was high than development zone. Metropolitan city developre it. In conclusion, we found that South Korea urban expansion was developed from metropolitan city. In natural topographical conditions, the development was progress advantageous zone to disadvantageous zone. Also, we found that population was rapidly increase with new development as the center zone in urban expansion zone.

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Enhancement of Inter-Image Statistical Correlation for Accurate Multi-Sensor Image Registration (정밀한 다중센서 영상정합을 위한 통계적 상관성의 증대기법)

  • Kim, Kyoung-Soo;Lee, Jin-Hak;Ra, Jong-Beom
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.42 no.4 s.304
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2005
  • Image registration is a process to establish the spatial correspondence between images of the same scene, which are acquired at different view points, at different times, or by different sensors. This paper presents a new algorithm for robust registration of the images acquired by multiple sensors having different modalities; the EO (electro-optic) and IR(infrared) ones in the paper. The two feature-based and intensity-based approaches are usually possible for image registration. In the former selection of accurate common features is crucial for high performance, but features in the EO image are often not the same as those in the R image. Hence, this approach is inadequate to register the E0/IR images. In the latter normalized mutual Information (nHr) has been widely used as a similarity measure due to its high accuracy and robustness, and NMI-based image registration methods assume that statistical correlation between two images should be global. Unfortunately, since we find out that EO and IR images don't often satisfy this assumption, registration accuracy is not high enough to apply to some applications. In this paper, we propose a two-stage NMI-based registration method based on the analysis of statistical correlation between E0/1R images. In the first stage, for robust registration, we propose two preprocessing schemes: extraction of statistically correlated regions (ESCR) and enhancement of statistical correlation by filtering (ESCF). For each image, ESCR automatically extracts the regions that are highly correlated to the corresponding regions in the other image. And ESCF adaptively filters out each image to enhance statistical correlation between them. In the second stage, two output images are registered by using NMI-based algorithm. The proposed method provides prospective results for various E0/1R sensor image pairs in terms of accuracy, robustness, and speed.

Agroclimatology of North Korea for Paddy Rice Cultivation: Preliminary Results from a Simulation Experiment (생육모의에 의한 북한지방 시ㆍ군별 벼 재배기후 예비분석)

  • Yun Jin-Il;Lee Kwang-Hoe
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.47-61
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    • 2000
  • Agroclimatic zoning was done for paddy rice culture in North Korea based on a simulation experiment. Daily weather data for the experiment were generated by 3 steps consisting of spatial interpolation based on topoclimatological relationships, zonal summarization of grid cell values, and conversion of monthly climate data to daily weather data. Regression models for monthly climatological temperature estimation were derived from a statistical procedure using monthly averages of 51 standard weather stations in South and North Korea (1981-1994) and their spatial variables such as latitude, altitude, distance from the coast, sloping angle, and aspect-dependent field of view (openness). Selected models (0.4 to 1.6$^{\circ}C$ RMSE) were applied to the generation of monthly temperature surface over the entire North Korean territory on 1 km$\times$l km grid spacing. Monthly precipitation data were prepared by a procedure described in Yun (2000). Solar radiation data for 27 North Korean stations were reproduced by applying a relationship found in South Korea ([Solar Radiation, MJ m$^{-2}$ day$^{-1}$ ] =0.344 + 0.4756 [Extraterrestrial Solar Irradiance) + 0.0299 [Openness toward south, 0 - 255) - 1.307 [Cloud amount, 0 - 10) - 0.01 [Relative humidity, %), $r^2$=0.92, RMSE = 0.95 ). Monthly solar irradiance data of 27 points calculated from the reproduced data set were converted to 1 km$\times$1 km grid data by inverse distance weighted interpolation. The grid cell values of monthly temperature, solar radiation, and precipitation were summed up to represent corresponding county, which will serve as a land unit for the growth simulation. Finally, we randomly generated daily maximum and minimum temperature, solar irradiance and precipitation data for 30 years from the monthly climatic data for each county based on a statistical method suggested by Pickering et a1. (1994). CERES-rice, a rice growth simulation model, was tuned to accommodate agronomic characteristics of major North Korean cultivars based on observed phenological and yield data at two sites in South Korea during 1995~1998. Daily weather data were fed into the model to simulate the crop status at 183 counties in North Korea for 30 years. Results were analyzed with respect to spatial and temporal variation in yield and maturity, and used to score the suitability of the county for paddy rice culture.

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Location and Linkages of Manufacturing in Jangyu-Myun, Kimhae-Gun (김해군 장유면의 공업입지와 지역적 연계)

  • Lim, Yeong-Dae
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.99-120
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    • 1998
  • The purpose of this study is to clarify the industrialization process, and locational factors and linkages of manufacturing in Jangyu-Myun, a suburb of Metropolitan Pusan, toward which heavy decentralization of manufacturing from Pusan has been done. Hard data and soft data were used as the basic data. Hard data used for this study were both the statistical data which consists of the number of establishments and employee classified by product type, firm size, organizational type and unit area(dong) which were listed in statistics yearbooks, and the list of the owner's names, addresses, employee number, products and headquarters of firms which were listed in firm directories. Soft data were the results of the interviews with the 53 owners of firms surveyed among the firms selected by Proportional Stratified Sampling Method. The major findings were as follows: (1) Manufacturing location in Jangyu-Myun was regularized in 1980's in which decentralization of manufacturing was activiated. Though the industrialization of study area resulted from the birth, relocation and establishment of branches of the firms originated from the other regions, the relocation of small outer-oriented firms from the central city was the most important factor among them. (2) The main locational factors which induced the decentralizing manufacturing from the central city into Jangyu-Myun are closely related to land, transportation, personal factor, raw material suppliers and market. (3) The differences of important locational factors by the size and organizational type of firms are relevant to the characteristics of manufacturing location. (4) The changes of linkages attendant upon locational changes of firms were not so great and were localized in labor supply and marketing. (5) The strength of linkages is strong in the procurement of materials, in the subcontraction and in the marketing, but not in the ordering. (6) The main factors influencing on the formation of linkages are different by the types of linkages: monopolistic and oligopolistic supply are important in procurement linkages; characteristics of products and production capacity in the subcontraction and ordering; characteristics of products and the subsequent difficulties, in the marketing. (7) With the exception of procurement linkages, the strength of linkages with the outside of the study area are stronger than the linkages with the inside. The strength of linkages with the outside has distance-decay-function and strong linkages with the central city. (8) These spatial characteristics of linkages are different by products type, firm size and organizational type of firms: the spatial ranges of linkages are wider in the multi-location firms than in the single-location firms; the larger the firm size, the wider the spatial range of linkages: there is no consistent trend by products type. In conclusion, some facts described above were proved to be consistent with the results of proceeding studies in the other areas: influence of central city manufacturing relocation on industrialization in the suburb: different decentralization by products type, firm size and organizational types of firms: different locational factors by products type, firm size and organizational types of firms; linkage changes attendant upon locational changes of firms; spatial differences of linkages by products type, firm size and organizational type of firms. Some other factors were proved to be partly consistent: locational factors and spatial characteristics of linkages. Accordingly I think that the results of previous studies on the other areas can be applicable to the explanation of the location and linkage of manufacturing in Jangyu-Myun. For the better explanation on the characteristics of manufacturing decentralization from the central city, more empirical case studies on the location and linkage of manufacturing in the suburb areas are necessary.

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A Study on the Regional Characteristics of Broadband Internet Termination by Coupling Type using Spatial Information based Clustering (공간정보기반 클러스터링을 이용한 초고속인터넷 결합유형별 해지의 지역별 특성연구)

  • Park, Janghyuk;Park, Sangun;Kim, Wooju
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.45-67
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    • 2017
  • According to the Internet Usage Research performed in 2016, the number of internet users and the internet usage have been increasing. Smartphone, compared to the computer, is taking a more dominant role as an internet access device. As the number of smart devices have been increasing, some views that the demand on high-speed internet will decrease; however, Despite the increase in smart devices, the high-speed Internet market is expected to slightly increase for a while due to the speedup of Giga Internet and the growth of the IoT market. As the broadband Internet market saturates, telecom operators are over-competing to win new customers, but if they know the cause of customer exit, it is expected to reduce marketing costs by more effective marketing. In this study, we analyzed the relationship between the cancellation rates of telecommunication products and the factors affecting them by combining the data of 3 cities, Anyang, Gunpo, and Uiwang owned by a telecommunication company with the regional data from KOSIS(Korean Statistical Information Service). Especially, we focused on the assumption that the neighboring areas affect the distribution of the cancellation rates by coupling type, so we conducted spatial cluster analysis on the 3 types of cancellation rates of each region using the spatial analysis tool, SatScan, and analyzed the various relationships between the cancellation rates and the regional data. In the analysis phase, we first summarized the characteristics of the clusters derived by combining spatial information and the cancellation data. Next, based on the results of the cluster analysis, Variance analysis, Correlation analysis, and regression analysis were used to analyze the relationship between the cancellation rates data and regional data. Based on the results of analysis, we proposed appropriate marketing methods according to the region. Unlike previous studies on regional characteristics analysis, In this study has academic differentiation in that it performs clustering based on spatial information so that the regions with similar cancellation types on adjacent regions. In addition, there have been few studies considering the regional characteristics in the previous study on the determinants of subscription to high-speed Internet services, In this study, we tried to analyze the relationship between the clusters and the regional characteristics data, assuming that there are different factors depending on the region. In this study, we tried to get more efficient marketing method considering the characteristics of each region in the new subscription and customer management in high-speed internet. As a result of analysis of variance, it was confirmed that there were significant differences in regional characteristics among the clusters, Correlation analysis shows that there is a stronger correlation the clusters than all region. and Regression analysis was used to analyze the relationship between the cancellation rate and the regional characteristics. As a result, we found that there is a difference in the cancellation rate depending on the regional characteristics, and it is possible to target differentiated marketing each region. As the biggest limitation of this study and it was difficult to obtain enough data to carry out the analyze. In particular, it is difficult to find the variables that represent the regional characteristics in the Dong unit. In other words, most of the data was disclosed to the city rather than the Dong unit, so it was limited to analyze it in detail. The data such as income, card usage information and telecommunications company policies or characteristics that could affect its cause are not available at that time. The most urgent part for a more sophisticated analysis is to obtain the Dong unit data for the regional characteristics. Direction of the next studies be target marketing based on the results. It is also meaningful to analyze the effect of marketing by comparing and analyzing the difference of results before and after target marketing. It is also effective to use clusters based on new subscription data as well as cancellation data.

A study on the process of spatial reduction of cotton culture in Korea since 1945 (해방 이후 우리나라 면작농업 소멸의 지역적 전개과정)

  • ;Kim, Kihyuk
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.318-339
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    • 1994
  • U.S. had given large amount of cotton to Korea as food aid program since 1945. This cotton aid had negative impact on cotton culture in Korean agriculture. Korean government used counterparts funds (sale proceeds of food aid) not for investment to agriculture sector, but for military budgets. And food aid on program type had influenced general economic policies, which neglected agricultural sector too. Anti-agricultural policy which was helped by U.S. food aid, had caused cotton cultivator an economic loss. So this economic loss had made many farmers abandon cotton culture. But in our times, cotton is cultivated for the purpose of domestic consumption in a few rural villages. The purposes of this study are 1) to analyze the process of spatial reduction of cotton culture since 1945 in regional contexts in Korea, and 2) to identify the function and meaning of cotton culture which does not pay off in agricultural region. Materials for acreage of cotton culture are acquired through the agricultural statistical year book(1952-1989) and census. To clarify the meanings of cotton culture, field survey are conducted in a rural village which is identified as only one where cotton was cultivated in 1993. In these contexts, this study has come to the following conclusions. In the period of under the rule of Japanese Imperialism (1910-1945), G. arboreum, species of cotton which was traditionally cultivated since 1364, had been driven out. And G. hirustun species, which is suitable for the production of highly qualified textile, has been hierarchically diffused by policy. In these period, regional structure of Korean agriculture was reorganized for the provision with food to Japan. Crops leading this dependent spatial structure were rice and cotton. So agricultural region, specialized with cotton, were distributed in the hinterland of the area which is specialized with rice. U.S. cotton aid to Korea began in 1947. U.S. took an interest in agricultural export because of her domestic surplus of cotton. Cotton aid is one mechanism by which U.S government developed agricultural market in recipient countries, Specially in the exchange rates, up-valuation of won to the U.S. dollars made domestic cotton more expensive than cotton imported, Production cost of domestic cotton is higher than Government's purchasing price of cotton which was also more expensive than price of cotton imported. Korean farmer could not help abandoning the cultivation of cotton, and this gave rise to spatial reduction of cotton culture. Spatially, cotton culture was abandoned in early stage of reduction in regions where stand at a disadvantage climatically, and in next stage in regions where other up-land crops which paid off in urban market, eg, fruits, could be cultivated. In the stage of extinction, cotton was cultivated only in area where G. hirustun species was originated in Korean peninsula. This region is not only suitable climatically for cotton culture, but is far away from urban market. Use of cotton produced is not for spinning, but for fillings of comforter. The main purpose of cotton culture in rural village is not for cotton yields, but for increase of production of seasame, which is grown together with cotton as mixed crops. Cotton product are used for domestic consumption and sold out to gin house. Though cotton culture is not paid off, farmer wanted to cultivate continuously for the cultural purpose, and they wanted the cotton culture promotion policy with the goverment subsidy.

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Pattern Analysis of Sea Surface Temperature Distribution in the Southeast Sea of Korea Using a Weighted Mean Center (가중공간중심을 활용한 한국 남동해역의 표층수온 분포 패턴 분석)

  • KIM, Bum-Kyu;YOON, Hong-Joo;KIM, Tae-Hoon;CHOI, Hyun-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.263-274
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    • 2020
  • In the Southeast Sea of Korea, a cold water mass is formed intensively in summer every year, causing frequent abnormal sea conditions. In order to analyze the spatial changes of sea surface temperature distribution in this area, ocean fields buoy data observed at Gori and Jeongja and reanalyzed sea surface temperature(SST) data from GHRSST Level 4 were used from June to September 2018. The buoy data were used to analyze the time-series water temperature changes at two stations, and the GHRSST data were used to calculate the daily SST variance and weighted mean center(WMC) across the study area. When the buoy's water temperature was lowered, the variance of SST in the study area trend to increase, but it did not appear consistently for the entire period. This is because GHRSST is a reanalysis data that does not reflect sensitive changes in water temperature along the coast. As such, there is a limit to grasping the local small-scale water temperature change in the coast or detecting the location and extent of the cold water zone only by the statistical variance representing the SST change in the entire sea area. Therefore, as a result of using WMC to quantitatively determine the spatial location of the cold water mass, when the cold water zone occurred, WMC was located in the northwest sea area from the mean center(MC) of the study area. This means that it is possible to quantitatively identify where and to what extent the distribution of cold surface water temperature appears through SST's WMC location information, and we could see the possibility of WMC's use in detecting the scale of cold water zones and the extent of regional spread in the future.

Assessment of the Relationship between Air Temperature and TOA Brightness Temperature in Different Seasons Using Landsat-8 TIRS (Landsat-8 위성의 열적외 센서를 활용한 대기온도와 밝기온도의 계절별 상관관계 분석)

  • CHOUNG, Yun-Jae;CHUNG, Youn-In;CHOI, Soo-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.68-79
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    • 2018
  • In general, Top Of Atmosphere(TOA) brightness temperature is closely related to air temperature. Brightness temperature can be derived from the Thermal Infra-Red Sensors (TIRS) of the earth observation satellites such as the Landsat series. The TIRS instrument of the Landsat-8 satellite collects the two spectral bands (Bands 10 and 11) that measure brightness temperature. In this research, the relationship between the air temperature data measured by the weather stations in Seoul, South Korea and the brightness temperature data separately derived from Bands 10 and 11 of the Landsat-8 satellite were assessed in the different seasons through the correlation analysis. The statistical results led to the following conclusions. First, brightness temperature is closely related to air temperature in order of Spring, Autumn, Winter and Summer. Second, when air temperature increases, brightness temperature also increases in Spring, Autumn and Winter but decreases in Summer. Third, Band 10 has a closer relationship to air temperature than Band 11.

Construction of Basin Scale Climate Change Scenarios by the Transfer Function and Stochastic Weather Generation Models (전이함수모형과 일기 발생모형을 이용한 유역규모 기후변화시나리오의 작성)

  • Kim, Byung-Sik;Seoh, Byung-Ha;Kim, Nam-Won
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.36 no.3 s.134
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    • pp.345-363
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    • 2003
  • From the General Circulation Models(GCMs), it is known that the increases of concentrations of greenhouse gases will have significant implications for climate change in global and regional scales. The GCM has an uncertainty in analyzing the meteorologic processes at individual sites and so the 'downscaling' techniques are used to bridge the spatial and temporal resolution gaps between what, at present, climate modellers can provide and what impact assessors require. This paper describes a method for assessing local climate change impacts using a robust statistical downscaling technique. The method facilitates the rapid development of multiple, low-cost, single-site scenarios of daily surface weather variables under current and future regional climate forcing. The construction of climate change scenarios based on spatial regression(transfer function) downscaling and on the use of a local stochastic weather generator is described. Regression downscaling translates the GCM grid-box predictions with coarse resolution of climate change to site-specific values and the values were then used to perturb the parameters of the stochastic weather generator in order to simulate site-specific daily weather values. In this study, the global climate change scenarios are constructed using the YONU GCM control run and transient experiments.

Integrated Simulation System of GIS and ANN for Land Price Appraisal (GIS 기반 지가산정 및 시뮬레이션 시스템)

  • Moon, Tae-Heon
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study is to develope a parcel-based automatic simulation system of land price through the integration of urban mathematical model and GIS. The appraisal process of public land price by the local government is simple but is a great time-consuming task. Moreover, it doesn't provide any statistical analysis and spatial presentation tools. So, it is difficult for planners or administrative officials to analyze the variation of land price with spatial idea. From these, a system is developed combining two sub-systems, they are ANN(Artificial Neural Network) for the calculation of land price and GIS for visual presentation. Using Matlab application, ANN model was designed having 3-layer structure and was trained with the sample data taken from Chinju city. With the trained network, the impact of 'road', 'parks', 'height control district' and 'beauty district' on land price in 9 regions(dong) are simulated. The results of the simulation were visualized with ArcView GIS. The automatic simulation system operated through the DDE(Dynamic Data Exchange) conversation between two applications. ArcView was set as client and Matlab as server. Scripting in ArcView and customizing a window of ArcView, this system can execute the whole process of simulation by just clicking a button with mouse. As a conclusion, this system was proved to be an effective and easily controllable planning support system for the land price simulation.

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