• 제목/요약/키워드: Spatial Range of Assessment

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The Spatiotemporal Impact of Urban Growth based on Landuse Pattern (도시성장에 따른 토지이용패턴의 시공간적 영향 평가)

  • Lee, Dong-Kun;Choe, Hye-Yeong;Oh, Kyushik
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.161-170
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    • 2009
  • As urban growth continues, the earth ecosystem is increasingly dependent on the patterns of urban growth. The impact intensity from urban growth is expected to change predictably with distance from the urban center. However we can't fully understand yet how urban development pattern affects urban ecosystem. In researches about urban ecosystem, it is important to relate the spatial pattern of urbanization to ecological processes. So we used gradient analysis with time data; 1980's, 1990's and 2000's. We attempted to quantify the urban spatiotemporal impacts in Daejeon-city and Cheonan-city, Korea, along a 75km long and 3km wide transect. Through the results, we found the impacts range of urbanization with urban development process of two cities. When the urban growth was concentrated on in both cities, the impacts intensity and range were much stronger and wider. As a result, in urban planning or green space planning, we have to consider suitable urban development forms with surrounding areas, and make legal clauses which limits landuse change. This quantifying the urban gradient is an important step in understanding urban ecology.

A Simulation of High Ozone Episode in Downwind Area of Seoul Metropolitan Using CMAQ Model (CMAQ을 이용한 수도권 풍하지역의 고농도 오존 현상 모사)

  • Lee, Chong Bum;Song, Eun Young
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.193-206
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    • 2006
  • Recently, high ozone episode occurred frequently in Korea. Moreover ozone episode occurred not only in the city but also in background area where local anthropogenic sources are not important. It analyzed frequency exceeding 100ppb ozone at air quality monitoring stations in Seoul and rural area during 1995-2004. This paper reports on the use of the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) modelling system to predict hourly ozone levels. Domain resolutions of 30km, 10km, 3.333km (innermost) have been employed for this study. Summer periods in June 2004 have been simulated and the predicted results have been compared to data for metropolitan and rural air quality monitoring stations. The model performance has been evaluated with measured data through a range of statistical measures. Although, the CMAQ model reproduces the ozone temporal spatial trends it was not able to simulate the peak magnitudes consistently.

The Setting of Restoration Priority and Assessment for Mountain Range Fragmented Points in Daegu : Focused on the Ecological Aspect (생태적 측면에서의 대구광역시 산줄기 단절지점 평가 및 복원우선순위 설정)

  • Kim, Jin-Hyo;Ra, Jung-Hwa;Kwon, Oh-Sung;Cho, Hyun-Ju
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to identify the fragmented points of mountain ranges in Daegu metropolitan city using New Sangyeongpyo (Chart of Mountain Ranges), road system map and GIS spatial analysis, and to prioritize the identified fragmented points for restoration based on quantitative assessment. Moreover, this study proposes restoration plans reflecting the assessment results and characteristics of each fragmented point. The results of this study are summarized as follows: First of all, analysis of the distribution of mountain ranges in Daegu metropolitan city showed that jimaek and semaek in Daegu account for 2% of all mountain ranges in the country, implying that the mountain ranges of Daegu do not hold significant ranking on a national level. However, it was found that numerous fragmented points are appearing due to roads. According to the analysis, 35 fragmented points were identified, of which 15 were found to be restorable. In terms of restoration potential and involved risks, assessment results of the 15 fragmented points indicated that 6 points are at Grade I, 3 points are at Grade II and 6 points are at Grade III. Therefore, a methodology of restoring fragmented mountain ranges was proposed through three suggestions of restoration plans that consider the characteristics of each fragmented points. The results of this study are expected to be highly useful as basic data for effective restoration of mountain ranges in connection with mountain range restorations and relevant projects implemented on a national level in the future.

The Improvement of Evaluation System for the National Spatial Information Policy : Focused on the Comparative Analysis of NGIS Act and NSDI Act (국가공간정보화정책 평가시스템의 개선방안 : 구법과 신법의 비교분석을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Tae-Jin
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2011
  • The evaluation systems on the National Spatial Information Policy(NSIP) has been changed, since the Establishment and Use of the National Geographic Information System Act(NGIS Act, 2000) was abolished and the National Spatial Data Infrastructure Act(NSDI Act, 2009) was enacted. As compared to the NGIS Act, the policy evaluation systems for National Spatial Information are regarded as unified and centralized. However, some argue that the claim of budget and the legal feasibility of the NSIP was weakened. Given the different views on the two laws, this study aims at analyzing the changes in the evaluation system by comparing the NGIS Act and the NSDI Act. A Comparative Analysis framework is employed. The subjects of the comparative analysis are evaluation mechanism, evaluator, evaluation target and range, after-assessment utilization, and agent. In order to improve the effectiveness of the evaluation system, it is recommended that the clarification of evaluation purposes, institutional enhancement for evaluation agency, the development of evaluation indexes, the combination of top-down approach and bottom -up approach, and the increased linkage between budget and evaluation result.

Assessment of a smartphone-based monitoring system and its application

  • Ahn, Hoyong;Choi, Chuluong;Yu, Yeon
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.383-397
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    • 2014
  • Information technology advances are allowing conventional surveillance systems to be combined with mobile communication technologies, creating ubiquitous monitoring systems. This paper proposes monitoring system that uses smart camera technology. We discuss the dependence of interior orientation parameters on calibration target sheets and compare the accuracy of a three-dimensional monitoring system with camera location calculated by space resectioning using a Digital Surface Model (DSM) generated from stereo images. A monitoring housing is designed to protect a camera from various weather conditions and to provide the camera for power generated from solar panel. A smart camera is installed in the monitoring housing. The smart camera is operated and controlled through an Android application. At last the accuracy of a three-dimensional monitoring system is evaluated using a DSM. The proposed system was then tested against a DSM created from ground control points determined by Global Positioning Systems (GPSs) and light detection and ranging data. The standard deviation of the differences between DSMs are less than 0.12 m. Therefore the monitoring system is appropriate for extracting the information of objects' position and deformation as well as monitoring them. Through incorporation of components, such as camera housing, a solar power supply, the smart camera the system can be used as a ubiquitous monitoring system.

Salience of Envelope Interaural Time Difference of High Frequency as Spatial Feature (공간감 인자로서의 고주파 대역 포락선 양이 시간차의 유효성)

  • Seo, Jeong-Hun;Chon, Sang-Bae;Sung, Koeng-Mo
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.29 no.6
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    • pp.381-387
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    • 2010
  • Both timbral features and spatial features are important in the assessment of multichannel audio coding systems. The prediction model, extending the ITU-R Rec. BS. 1387-1 to multichannel audio coding systems, with the use of spatial features such as ITDDist (Interaural Time Difference Distortion), ILDDist (Interaural Level Difference Distortion), and IACCDist (InterAural Cross-correlation Coefficient Distortion) was proposed by Choi et al. In that model, ITDDistswere only computed for low frequency bands (below 1500Hz), and ILDDists were computed only for high frequency bands (over 2500Hz) according to classical duplex theory. However, in the high frequency range, information in temporal envelope is also important in spatial perception, especially in sound localization. A new model to compute the ITD distortions of temporal envelopes in high frequency components is introduced in this paper to investigate the role of such ITD on spatial perception quantitatively. The computed ITD distortions of temporal envelopes in high frequency components were highly correlated with perceived sound quality of multichannel audio sounds.

Home Range and Daily Activity of Nutria(Myocastorcoypus) Using Radio Tracking in South Korea (원격무선추적을 이용한 한국 정착 뉴트리아(Myocastor coypus)의 행동권 및 활동성 연구)

  • Kim, Areum;Kim, Young-Chae;Lee, Do-Hun
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.182-197
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    • 2020
  • This study investigated the home range and characteristics of activities to contribute to the improvement of management techniques and the successful promotion of management policies of invasive nutria, which is a representative invasive species of South Korea. Six individuals were captivated for the study. Remote radio tracking on three of them was carried out followed by the analysis of the results. The average home range of the follow-up individuals were confirmed to be 0.043 ㎢ at MCP 95%, 0.085 ㎢ at K 95%. It was 0.018 ㎢ at K 50%, which is the core space. In 95% MCP, males exhibited the home range with 0.058 ㎢, showed wider home range 0.046 ㎢ than females who showed 0.012 ㎢, and showed a wider home range 0.015 ㎢ more at night than during the day. As a result of comparing the results of this study with the case studies of overseas studies, it is determined that the magnitude of the derived home range is the result of a stable habitat in which the procurement of food resources is smooth and human interference is limited. The daily moved distance of males was larger than that of females, with a maximum moved distance of 1,278 m per day. Activity at the study site is high from around sunset to around 6 A.M., 10 P.M., 7 P.M., 1 A.M., and 5 A.M., and high around sunrise and low during the daytime such as 2 P.M., which reflected the propensity of nocturnal animals to act. The results of this study on the home range and activity in nutria can be used as useful data forimproving the management of invasive alien species for the installation and operation of traps, the spatial setting of controlled areas, and the calculation of the amount ofresources together with a basic understanding of nutria's behaviors in South Korea.

An Assessment of the Potential Area of Mountainous Wetland Using AHP (AHP를 이용한 산지습지 가능지역 평가)

  • Moon, Sang Kyun;Koo, Bonhak
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.27-43
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this research is to assess potential area of mountainous wetland by GIS and AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process). Mountainous wetland is topographically located at high altitude, so it's difficult to approach for researchers. And, it's difficult to investigate systematically because of the insufficient information of mountainous wetland. Therefore, it's necessary to study on potential area of mountainous wetland for systematic and efficient investigation. This research selected slope, wetting index, land-cover map and soil map as assessment items indicating environmental characteristics of mountainous wetland and established them by GIS DB. And, spatial value of mountainous wetland for each assessment item was drawn by existing investigation data and overlap analysis of mountainous wetland. Based on the numerical results of each assessment item, a survey was conducted and relative importance for each assessment item was decided by AHP. As the result, slope was the highest as 0.550 and ground coverage was the lowest as 0.083. The subject of this research was Yangsan-si and Ulsan of Gyeongnam and an analysis was conducted for mountainous wetland in those research areas. As the result, all of wetland was distributed in the range of potential area. And, field survey and literature search were conducted for the point that the distribution of mountainous wetland is expected. As the result, mountainous wetland was distributed. Therefore, mountainous wetland should be excavated through the results of this research and it should be helpful for effective investigation as providing information necessary to the following studies on mountainous wetland.

Accuracy Assessment of Reservoir Depth Measurement Data by Unmanned Boat using GIS (GIS를 이용한 무인보트의 저수지 수심측정자료 정확도 평가)

  • Kim, Dae-Sik
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.75-84
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    • 2024
  • This study developed the procedure and method for the accuracy assessment of unmanned boat survey data, based on the reservoir water depth data of Misan Reservoir, measured by the manned and unmanned boats in 2009 by Korea Rural Community Corporation. In the first step, this study devised the method to extract the contour map of NGIS data in AutoCAD to generate easily the reservoir boundary map used to set the survey range of reservoir water depth and to test the survey accuracy. The surveyed data coordinate systems of the manned and the unmanned boat were also unified by using ArcGIS for the standards of accuracy assessment. In the accuracy assessment, the spatial correlation coefficient of the grid maps of the two measurement results was 0.95, showing high pattern similarity, although the average error was high at 78cm. To analyze in more detail assessment, this study generated randomly the 3,250m transverse profile route (PR), and then extracted grid values of water depth on the PR. In the results of analysis to the extracted depth data on PR, the error average difference of the unmanned boat measurements was 73.18cm and the standard deviation of the error was 55cm compared to the manned boat. This study set these values as the standard for the correction value by average shift and noise removal of the unmanned boat measurement data. By correcting the unmanned boat measurements with these values, this study has high accuracy results, the reservoir water depth and surface area curve with R2 = 0.97 and the water depth and storage volume curve with R2 = 0.999.

A Study of GIS-based Estimation of Pollutant Loads in Accordance with Spatial Landuse Variation - Focussing on Wangsook Watershed - (토지이용의 공간적 다양성에 따른 GIS 기반 오염부하 산정에 관한 연구 - 왕숙천 유역을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Kyoung-Soon;Kim, Kye-Hyun;Kwon, Oh-Jun
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.14 no.5
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    • pp.305-315
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    • 2005
  • The scheme to classify pollution sources in Korean TMDL planning has been pointed out too much complex to implement practically because of requiring a wide range of items to be collected from a field. Within a deficient situation to collect field data, the mathematical scheme that focuses only on counting an uniform area ratio of the different land uses to estimate of pollutant loads from individual sub-catchments has been used without taking into account of the spatial characteristics of major land uses as well as the locations of pollution sources in each sub-catchment. It would cause to significant level of errors to estimate the pollution loads. Therefore, this study proposes a renovated scheme that can be adopted more easily to classify pollution sources in the watershed and reduce the estimation errors in the spatial distribution of pollution sources by introducing a spatial analysis based on digital land cover maps. In order to estimate a unit area to calculate the uniform pollution load, the pollution response unit area that is locating spatially at the same place and having same land use is identified through the application of GIS overlay technique. Unlikely existing conventional method to calculate the pollution load based on equal distribution of pollutants for each administrative boundary, it is assumed that the pollution load from household and livestock sources are generated and washed off from only residential areas. While, pollution from business population comes from commercial area and industrial load from wastewater discharge facilities are from industrial areas. From comparison of the calculated results from the existing the method and the proposed one, it is found that although the estimation of pollution load from sub-catchment in the case of the existing conventional method application results in negligible difference in total pollution amounts from the whole area of Wangsook watershed as a study area, significant difference of pollution load among sub-catchment in which pollution response unit areas are diverse, however, appears in the case of the application of the renovated scheme.