• Title/Summary/Keyword: Spatial Proximity

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Spatial Characteristics of Royal Tombs of Chosun Dynasty - With Satellite Imagery and Geological-Geomorphological Analysis - (조선시대 왕릉의 공간적 분포특성 - 위성영상분석과 지질.지형분석의 방법으로 -)

  • Chang, Eun-Mi;Park, Kyeong
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.14 no.3 s.38
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    • pp.285-297
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    • 2006
  • We aim to investigate the morphological and environmental characteristics of royal tombs of Chosun Dynasty by using GIS technique and remotely-sensed data. Most of the royal tombs are located on the banded gneiss and granite and over the south- and east. facing slopes and have altitudinal ranges of 150 to 200 meters. Due to the time gaps, exact locational preferences of the royal families can not be understood at this moment and also proximity to the running water is hard to be quantified. Close examination of Gwangneung indicates that the artificial modification and weathering have severe impacts on the slope and stone artefacts. The results from this research can be useful to preserve the valueless cultural heritages.

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A Study on Land Acquisition Priority for Establishing Riparian Buffer Zones in Korea (수변녹지 조성을 위한 토지매수 우선순위 산정 방안 연구)

  • Hong, Jin-Pyo;Lee, Jae-Won;Choi, Ok-Hyun;Son, Ju-Dong;Cho, Dong-Gil;Ahn, Tong-Mahn
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.29-41
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    • 2014
  • The Korean government has purchased land properties alongside any significant water bodies before setting up the buffers to secure water qualities. Since the annual budgets are limited, however, there has always been the issue of which land parcels ought to be given the priority. Therefore, this study aims to develop efficient mechanism for land acquisition priorities in stream corridors that would ultimately be vegetated for riparian buffer zones. The criteria of land acquisition priority were driven through literary review along with experts' advice. The relative weights of their value and priorities for each criterion were computed using the Analytical Hierarchy Process(AHP) method. Major findings of the study are as follows: 1. The decision-making structural model for land acquisition priority focuses mainly on the reduction of non-point source pollutants(NSPs). This fact is highly associated with natural and physical conditions and land use types of surrounding areas. The criteria were classified into two categories-NSPs runoff areas and potential NSPs runoff areas. 2. Land acquisition priority weights derived for NSPs runoff areas and potential NSPs runoff areas were 0.862 and 0.138, respectively. This implicates that much higher priority should be given to the land parcels with NSPs runoff areas. 3. Weights and priorities of sub-criteria suggested from this study include: proximity to the streams(0.460), land cover(0.189), soil permeability(0.117), topographical slope(0.096), proximity to the roads(0.058), land-use types(0.036), visibility to the streams(0.032), and the land price(0.012). This order of importance suggests, as one can expect, that it is better to purchase land parcels that are adjacent to the streams. 4. A standard scoring system including the criteria and weights for land acquisition priority was developed which would likely to allow expedited decision making and easy quantification for priority evaluation due to the utilization of measurable spatial data. Further studies focusing on both point and non-point pollutants and GIS-based spatial analysis and mapping of land acquisition priority are needed.

EPR : Enhanced Parallel R-tree Indexing Method for Geographic Information System (EPR : 지리 정보 시스템을 위한 향상된 병렬 R-tree 색인 기법)

  • Lee, Chun-Geun;Kim, Jeong-Won;Kim, Yeong-Ju;Jeong, Gi-Dong
    • The Transactions of the Korea Information Processing Society
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    • v.6 no.9
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    • pp.2294-2304
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    • 1999
  • Our research purpose in this paper is to improve the performance of query processing in GIS(Geographic Information System) by enhancing the I/O performance exploiting parallel I/O and efficient disk access. By packing adjacent spatial data, which are very likely to be referenced concurrently, into one block or continuous disk blocks, the number of disk accesses and the disk access overhead for query processing can be decreased, and this eventually leads to the I/O time decrease. So, in this paper, we proposes EPR(Enhanced Parallel R-tree) indexing method which integrates the parallel I/O method of the previous Parallel R-tree method and a packing-based clustering method. The major characteristics of EPR method are as follows. First, EPR method arranges spatial data in the increasing order of proximity by using Hilbert space filling curve, and builds a packed R-tree by bottom-up manner. Second, with packing-based clustering in which arranged spatial data are clustered into continuous disk blocks, EPR method generates spatial data clusters. Third, EPR method distributes EPR index nodes and spatial data clusters on multiple disks through round-robin striping. Experimental results show that EPR method achieves up to 30% or more gains over PR method in query processing speed. In particular, the larger the size of disk blocks is and the smaller the size of spatial data objects is, the better the performance of query processing by EPR method is.

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Spatial Point Pattern Analysis of Riparian Tree Distribution After the 2020 Summer Extreme Flood in the Seomjin River (2020년 여름 섬진강 대홍수 이후 하천 수목 분포에 대한 공간 점 패턴 분석)

  • Lee, Keonhak;Cho, Eunsuk;Cho, Jonghun;Lee, Cheolho;Kim, Hwirae;Baek, Donghae;Kim, Won;Cho, Kang-Hyun;Kim, Daehyun
    • Ecology and Resilient Infrastructure
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.83-92
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    • 2022
  • The 2020 summer extreme flood severely disturbed the riparian ecosystem of the Seomjin River. Some trees were killed by the flood impact, whereas others have recovered through epicormic regeneration after the disturbance. At the same time, several tree individuals newly germinated. This research aimed to explain the recovery of the riparian ecosystem by spatial proximity between each tree individual of different characteristics, such as "dead", "recovered", and "newly germinated". A spatial point pattern analysis based on K and g-functions revealed that the newly germinated trees and the existing trees were distributed in the spatially clumping patterns. However, further detailed analysis revealed that the new trees were statistically less attracted to the recovered trees than the dead trees, implying competitive interactions hidden in the facilitative interactions. Habitat amelioration by the existing trees positively affected the growth of the new trees, while "living" existing trees were competing with the new trees for resources. This research is expected to provide new knowledge in this era of rapid climate change, which likely induces stronger and more frequent natural disturbance than before. Environmental factors have been widely used for ecosystem modeling, but species interactions, represented by the relative spatial distribution of plant individuals, are also valuable factors explaining ecosystem dynamics.

Spatial Pattern and Cluster Analysis of University-Industry Collaboration Competency of Korean Universities (대학 산학협력 역량의 공간적 패턴 및 군집분석)

  • HEO, Sun-Young;JANG, Hoo-Eun;LEE, Jong-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.59-71
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    • 2022
  • This study considered regional differences in the university-industry collaboration of Korean universities and performed cluster analysis to identify the spatial range with high university-industry collaboration connectivity. By university establishment type, it was found that the university-industry collaboration capacity of the major national university was superior overall, especially in the technology transfer & commercialization sector and the infrastructure sector, compared to private universities and general national universities. The spatial pattern of university-industry collaboration capacity showed relatively clear differences by city and province. In terms of university-industry collaboration capacity by sector, it was confirmed that the regional gap was not large in the talent training sector and the infrastructure sector, but the regional gap was relatively large in the technology transfer & commercialization sector and the start-up sector. As a result of the cluster analysis to identify a spatial range with high connectivity in terms of similarity and spatial proximity of university-industry collaboration patterns, it is divided into 15 clusters. It is found that most of major national universities are included in one of 15 clusters where all sectors of university-industry collaboration are strong. Therefore, as a policy measure to achieve regional innovative growth through enhancing the effectiveness of university-industry collaboration, we propose the establishment of a hub & spoke network-type collaboration system in which a major national university acts as a hub and nearby local universities play a spoke role.

Multi-Buffer Zone Analysis of Geo-Based Integrated Thematic Mappable Information by Using GIS (GIS를 이용한 지질자료 기반 통합 주제정보의 다중 버퍼 영역분석)

  • 이기원;박노욱;권병두
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.159-173
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    • 1999
  • GIS has been regarded as one of important tools or methodologies for various geoscience applications. Recently, spatial data integration schemes for site-specific or field-specific thematic mapping are newly developed and utilized. However, these kinds of approaches are somewhat insufficient quantitative assessment of integrated layers towards known targets in-detailed . Moreover, GIS analysis scheme is rarely extended to scientific approaches. In this study, simple approach of Multi-Buffer Zone Analysis , related to GIS analystical aspect, is addressed and an actual application for predicting or favorable mapping of mineral occurrences, one of GIS-based geoscientific approaches, is performed, As for geo-processing in GIS itself, this scheme can be regarded as extension or adaptiation of cell-based buffering or proximity analysis to geoscientific data interpretation. This study is based on rationale that surface geological pattern around primitives such as a point, a line, or a polygon in GIS, representing significant geological features, can be efficiently utilized to delineate complex geological behaviors or events, especially handling multiple dta sets originated from multiple sources such as airborne geophysical/radiometric exploration, field survey, and even a classified image of remote sensing. Conclusively, this methodology associated wit GIS is though to be helpful to analyze the spatial pattern of multiple data, pointing given sources, and is expected to effectively utilize for exploratory analysis of cell-based resultant layer integrated with complex or different data sources.

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Spatial Estimation of Point Observed Environmental Variables: A Case Study for Producing Rainfall Acidity Map (점관측 환경 인자의 공간 추정 - 남한 지역의 강우 산도 분포도 작성)

  • 이규성
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.33-47
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    • 1995
  • The representation of point-observed environmental variables in Geographic Information Systems(GIS) has often been inadequate to meet the need of regional-scale ecological and environmental applications. To create a map of continuous surface that would represent more reliable spatial variations for these applications, I present three spatial estimation methods. Using a secondary variable of the proximity to coast line together with rainfall acidity data collected at the 63 acid rain monitoring stations in Korea, average rainfall acidity map was cteated using co-kriging. For comparison, two other commonly used interpolation methods (inverse distance weighting and kriging) were also applied to rainfall acidity data without reference to the secondary variable. These estimation methods were evaluated by both visual assessments of the output maps and the quantitative comparison of error measures that were obtained from cross validation. The co-kriging method produced a rainfall acidity map that showed noticeable improvement in repoducing the inherent spatial pattern as well as provided lower statistical error as compared to the methods using only the primary variable.

A Study of Sitting Areas Preferred to Use by Assisted Living Residents in the U.S. (미국 노인 생활지원시설 거주자의 공용공간 이용선호 특성 연구)

  • Lee, Min-Ah
    • Korean Journal of Human Ecology
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.493-509
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    • 2013
  • This study investigated the sitting areas preferred to use by assisted living residents in the U.S., compared the perceptions of staff and residents, and analyzed the effects of residents' and spatial characteristics on the preference for use of main sitting areas such as lounge, dining area, activity room and outdoor area. A total of 102 participants(66 residents and 36 staff) from eight facilities in the seven counties of southern Texas were asked about two sitting areas residents like to spend time at. The results of the study were as follows: The most frequently mentioned sitting areas were the activity and outdoor area as per the residents, but the dining area and lounge as per the staff. It might be due to that the view of staff might have been limited to sitting areas usually used by the severely frail residents. Residents using higher level of mobility assistance such as wheelchairs and walkers, or living in the facility having more dispersed sitting areas were less likely to prefer to use the lounge. The residents who were younger or having good centralized outdoor area were more likely to prefer to use the outdoor area. The preference for use of dining area was affected by its proximity from the residents' individual rooms. Diverse survey methods need to be developed for a more in-depth collection and analysis of data from functionally frail older residents and staff caring for them.

Spatial Distribution of Precipitation Trends According to Geographical and Topographical Conditions (지리지형적 조건에 따른 강수량 추세 분포)

  • Rim, Chang-Soo
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.42 no.5
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    • pp.385-396
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    • 2009
  • The spatial distribution of precipitation trends according to urbanization, geographical and topographical conditions have been studied. In this study, precipitation data from 1973 to 2006 were analyzed for 56 climatological stations including the Seoul metropolis in South Korea. In addition to annual average daily precipitation, monthly average daily precipitation in April, July, October and January were analyzed, considering seasonal effect. The geographical and topographical characteristics of these sites were examined using GIS analysis. Land use status of the study area was also examined to estimate the extent of urbanization. The study results indicate that annual average precipitation increased, and monthly average precipitation in April and October decreased, while those in January and July increased. Considering urbanization effect, annual average precipitation and monthly average precipitation in July increased; however, monthly average precipitation in January, April and October decreased. Furthermore, compared with urbanization rate and proximity to coast, average elevation of study area appeared to be the most close correlation with annual and monthly averages of precipitation trends.

Policies of Trajectory Clustering in Index based on R-trees for Moving Objects (이동체를 위한 R-트리 기반 색인에서의 궤적 클러스터링 정책)

  • Ban ChaeHoon;Kim JinGon;Jun BongGi;Hong BongHee
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartD
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    • v.12D no.4 s.100
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    • pp.507-520
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    • 2005
  • The R-trees are usually used for an index of trajectories in moving-objects databases. However, they need to access a number of nodes to trace same trajectories because of considering only a spatial proximity. Overlaps and dead spaces should be minimized to enhance the performance of range queries in moving-objects indexes. Trajectories of moving-objects should be preserved to enhance the performance of the trajectory queries. In this paper, we propose the TP3DR-tree(Trajectory Preserved 3DR-tree) using clusters of trajectories for range and trajectory queries. The TP3DR-tree uses two split policies: one is a spatial splitting that splits the same trajectory by clustering and the other is a time splitting that increases space utilization. In addition, we use connecting information in non-leaf nodes to enhance the performance of combined-queries. Our experiments show that the new index outperforms the others in processing queries on various datasets.