• Title/Summary/Keyword: Spatial Construction

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Prediction of Salinity of Nakdong River Estuary Using Deep Learning Algorithm (LSTM) for Time Series Analysis (시계열 분석 딥러닝 알고리즘을 적용한 낙동강 하굿둑 염분 예측)

  • Woo, Joung Woon;Kim, Yeon Joong;Yoon, Jong Sung
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.128-134
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    • 2022
  • Nakdong river estuary is being operated with the goal of expanding the period of seawater inflow from this year to 2022 every month and creating a brackish water area within 15 km of the upstream of the river bank. In this study, the deep learning algorithm Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) was applied to predict the salinity of the Nakdong Bridge (about 5 km upstream of the river bank) for the purpose of rapid decision making for the target brackish water zone and prevention of salt water damage. Input data were constructed to reflect the temporal and spatial characteristics of the Nakdong River estuary, such as the amount of discharge from Changnyeong and Hamanbo, and an optimal model was constructed in consideration of the hydraulic characteristics of the Nakdong River Estuary by changing the degree according to the sequence length. For prediction accuracy, statistical analysis was performed using the coefficient of determination (R-squred) and RMSE (root mean square error). When the sequence length was 12, the R-squred 0.997 and RMSE 0.122 were the highest, and the prior prediction time showed a high degree of R-squred 0.93 or more until the 12-hour interval.

Constrution and Application of Underground Facilities Survey System using the 3D Integration Map of Underground Geospatial Information (3차원 지하공간통합지도를 활용한 지하시설물 현장 측량 시스템 구축 및 적용)

  • SONG, Seok-Jin;CHO, Hae-Yong;HEO, Hyun-Min;KIM, Sung-Gil
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.164-173
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    • 2021
  • Recently, as underground space safety issues such as sink hole, ground subsidence and damage to old underground facilities have been increasing in urban areas, the precise management of underground facilities ins more required. Thus, this study developed a function to that, visualize on Integration Map of Underground Geospatial Information a real-time survey data of underground facilities acquired on site or underground facility survey data acquired through on-site survey after underground facility exploration and developed a function convert to surveying-results. In addition, using the on-site survey performance utilization function in connection with the Integration Map of Underground Geospatial Information developed through this study, the surveying -results obtained with the Total-station at the water pipeline burial construction site in Eunpyeong-gu, Seoul are visualized on the Integration Map of Underground Geospatial Information and On-site verification was performed by converting spatial-information performance files and transmitting the Integration Map of Underground Geospatial Information to the mobile center. Based on this, it was possible to verify the work procedure using the surveying-results in the area where the Integration Map of Underground Geospatial Information was built, and to review the direction of future improvement directions.

Measures to improve the DEM using SAR images in the river corridor (합성개구레이더 영상을 이용한 하천내 DEM 개선 방안)

  • Kim, Joo-Hun;Noh, Hui-Seong
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.55 no.11
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    • pp.913-922
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this research is to propose the measurement of improving DEM by using the water surface range of SAR image analysis for river corridors and to suggest the construction of satellite-based 3D river spatial information of inaccessible regions such as North Korea. For this research, it has been progressed from the accessible area, watershed of Namgang river, the branch of Nakdonggang river. The satellite image was collected from SAR satellite image data for a year in 2021 which was provided by ESA from Sentinel-1A/B data and extracted from the seasonal water surface area. Ground gauge water level was collected from hourly intervals data by WAMIS. The DEM was improved by analysis of the river altitude of water surface area change by the combination of the ground water level of minimum to maximum water surface area data extracted from SAR image analysis. After the improvement of DEM, the altitude of the river varied that it is defined to comprise more natural form of river DEM than the existing DEM. The correction validation of improvement DEM was necessary in field survey elevation data; however, the correction validation was not progressed due to the absence of the data. Although, the purpose of this research is to provide the improvement of DEM by using the analyzed water surface by existing DEM data and SAR image analysis. After the progression of additional correction validation research, we would plan to examine the application in other places and to progress the additional methodological research to apply in inaccessible and unmeasured area including the North Korea.

When Disease Defines a Place: Batavia in British Diplomatic and Military Narratives, 1775-1850

  • Keck, Stephen
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.117-148
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    • 2022
  • The full impact of COVID-19 has yet to be felt: while it may not define the new decade, it is clear that its immediate significance was to test many of the basic operating assumptions and procedures of global civilization. Even as vaccines are developed and utilized and even as it is possible to see the beginning of the end of COVID-19 as a discrete historical event, it remains unclear as to its ultimate importance. That said, it is evident that the academic exploration of Southeast Asia will also be affected by both the global and regional experiences of the pandemic. "Breakthroughs of Area Studies and ASEAN in the Era of Homo Untact" promises to help reconceptualize the study of the region by highlighting the importance of redefined spatial relationships and new potentially depersonalized modes of communication. This paper acknowledges these issues by suggesting that the transformations caused by the pandemic should motivate scholars to raise new questions about how to understand humanity-particularly as it is defined by societies, nations and regions. Given that COVID-19 (and the response to it) has altered many of the fundamental rhythms of globalized regions, there is sufficient warrant for re-examining both the ways in which disease, health and their related spaces affect the perceptions of Southeast Asia. To achieve "breakthroughs" into the investigation of the region, it makes sense to have another glance at the ways in which the discourses about diseases and health may have helped to inscribe definitions of Southeast Asia-or, at the very least, the nations, societies and peoples who live within it. In order to at least consider these larger issues, the discussion will concentrate on a formative moment in the conceptualization of Southeast Asia-British engagement with the region in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. To that end three themes will be highlighted: (1) the role that British diplomatic and military narratives played in establishing the information priorities required for the construction of colonial knowledge; (2) the importance not only of "colonial knowledge" but information making in its own right; (3) in anticipation of the use of big data, the manner in which manufactured information (related to space and disease) could function in shaping early British perceptions of Southeast Asia-particularly in Batavia and Java. This discussion will suggest that rather than see social distancing or increased communication as the greatest outcome of COVID-19, instead it will be the use of data-that is, big, aggregated biometric data which have not only shaped responses to the pandemic, but remain likely to produce the reconceptualization of both information and knowledge about the region in a way that will be at least as great as that which took place to meet the needs of the "New Imperialism." Furthermore, the definition and articulation of Southeast Asia has often reflected political and security considerations. Yet, the experience of COVID-19 could prove that data and security are now fused into a set of interests critical to policy-makers. Given that the pandemic should accelerate many existing trends, it might be foreseen these developments will herald the triumph of homo indicina: an epistemic condition whereby the human subject has become a kind of index for its harvestable data. If so, the "breakthroughs" for those who study Southeast Asia will follow in due course.

A study on the Derivation of Improvement Method for the Problems of the Current Land Category System - Focused on Land Category Classification and Conversion Cases - (현행 지목제도의 문제점에 대한 개선방안 도출에 관한 연구 - 지목의 설정과 변경 사례를 중심으로 -)

  • Choi, Dae-Jiup;Shin, Man-Joong
    • Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX
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    • v.52 no.2
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    • pp.67-80
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    • 2022
  • This study proposes a legal limit from the administrative and management standpoint of the city hall/county office/gu office, which is the cadastral authority, in relation to the discrepancy between the actual land use status and the cadastral study that has been continuously raised. And also, from the point of view of civil complaints such as landowners, this study tried to evaluate the practical problems of the current land category system from the point of view of civil complaints such as landowners and to derive a solution to these problems. Therefore, this study indicates how the category of land use is classified, and how land use is restricted by the laws of Registration & Management of public cadastre. Also, it shows the reasons why discrepancy between the land use fixed by the law and the current state of actual use of land occurs. Addtionally, This study suggests a plan to reorganize the Land Category system and it includes consolidation and subdivision of land. The study also describes a way to minimize the targets for conversion of land under control of Land Category System as well as to improve the law that protects the people's property rights.

The Chronotope of Medical Drama (메디컬 드라마의 크로노토프)

  • Won, Yong-Jin;Lee, Jun-Hyung;Park, Seo-Yeon;Lim, Cho-Yi
    • Journal of Popular Narrative
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.169-216
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    • 2019
  • This study proposes the concept of Bachchin's Chronotope as a tool for analyzing coevolution between the genre of the epic and society. Bachchin says through the concept of chronotope, literary works are on the foundation on which the axs of time and space intersect, and the literary works standsuch intersections are always conversing with social and historical chronotopes and mutually penetrating. Thus, finding and analyzing chronotope in literary works and extended things such as films and dramas reveals how chronotope and chronotope of a society have created specific social realities through a process of resonance. To make analytical use of this concept, we proposed a "cronotope drama analysis method" and concretely analyzed the genre of Korean medical dramas. The naturalized categories of health care, health, and disease are socially constructed entities, and the analysis of public works that has a significant impact on this process of social construction is essential but was underperformed. According to the analysis, the Korean medical drama's "Chronotope" has evolved using "Chronotope of the school" and "Chronotope of the secret chamber". At this time, the genre of Chronotope was expanding spatially and converging in time. In other words, the influence of structures and systems within the genre has grown, and the capacity of individual actors has decreased. This change in chronotope was interpreted as resonating with the social reality of neo-liberalistic spatial expansion and simultaneous production. The neo-liberalistic trend that dominates Korean society has embraced the category of health care and was further influencing the chronotope of drama text. It can also be inferred that the popular understanding of health care produced by the medical drama genre has taken a break in the process of forming a social reality of health care again.

Enhancement of Geomorphology Generation for the Front Land of Levee Using Aerial Photograph (항공영상을 연계한 하천 제외지의 지형분석 개선 기법)

  • Lee, Geun Sang;Lee, Hyun Seok;Hwang, Eui Ho;Koh, Deuk Koo
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.28 no.3D
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    • pp.407-415
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    • 2008
  • This study presents the methodology to link with aerial photos for advancing the accuracy of topographic survey data that is used to calculate water volume in urban stream. First, GIS spatial interpolation technique as Inverse Distance Weight (IDW) and Kriging was applied to construct the terrain morphology to the sand-bar and grass area using cross-sectional survey data, and also validation point data was used to estimate the accuracy of created topographic data. As the result of comparison, IDW ($d^{-2}_{ij}$, 2nd square number) in Sand-bar area and Kriging Spherical model in grass area showed more efficient results in the construction of topographic data of river boundary. But the differences among interpolation methods are very slight. Image classification method, Minimum Distance Method (MDM) was applied to extract sand-bar and grass area that are located to river boundary efficiently and the elevation value of extracted layers was allocated to the water level point value. Water volume with topographic data from aerial photos shows the advanced accuracy of 13% (in sand-bar) and 12% (in grass) compared to the water volume of original terrain data. Therefore, terrain analysis method in river linking with aerial photos is efficient to the monitoring about sand-bar and grass area that are located in the downstream of Dam in flooding season, and also it can be applied to calculate water volume efficiently.

Comparative Study of Institutional Approaches to Children's Playgrounds for Ensuring the Right to Play (놀이권 보장 측면에서 본 국내외 어린이놀이터 관련 법제 비교 연구)

  • Song, Yun-Jeong;Lee, Sang-Min;Kang, Hyunmi;Kim, Suin
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.51 no.6
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    • pp.33-45
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    • 2023
  • The importance of play from a Children's Rights perspective has been continuously emphasized, and the need for play facilities and spaces has been reiterated. Meanwhile, in South Korea, despite the continuous increase in the number of play facilities, efforts to improve children's play spaces are required. Therefore, this study reevaluated the current regulations and policies concerning play and play spaces from the perspective of securing the right to play. An analysis of the legal concept of domestic playgrounds, related laws, construction standards, and regulations was conducted. The systems and characteristics of the related regulations in the UK, Canada, and Germany were analyzed. Based on the results of the comparative analysis, our directions for improving the system of playgrounds to ensure the children's right to play were proposed. First, a legal definition of the concept and scope of playgrounds should be established. Second, beyond safety-focused facility regulations, there is a need for institutional enhancements to ensure the right to play. Third, comprehensive management of playgrounds is required as a spatial concept rather than as individual facilities. Fourth, qualitative management is needed through specific guidelines and guidelines related to the establishment of playgrounds. These results can serve as a basis for establishing systems and promoting policy projects to ensure children's right to play in various fields, including urban planning, child welfare, and education in the future.

Development of Stream Cover Classification Model Using SVM Algorithm based on Drone Remote Sensing (드론원격탐사 기반 SVM 알고리즘을 활용한 하천 피복 분류 모델 개발)

  • Jeong, Kyeong-So;Go, Seong-Hwan;Lee, Kyeong-Kyu;Park, Jong-Hwa
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.57-66
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    • 2024
  • This study aimed to develop a precise vegetation cover classification model for small streams using the combination of drone remote sensing and support vector machine (SVM) techniques. The chosen study area was the Idong stream, nestled within Geosan-gun, Chunbuk, South Korea. The initial stage involved image acquisition through a fixed-wing drone named ebee. This drone carried two sensors: the S.O.D.A visible camera for capturing detailed visuals and the Sequoia+ multispectral sensor for gathering rich spectral data. The survey meticulously captured the stream's features on August 18, 2023. Leveraging the multispectral images, a range of vegetation indices were calculated. These included the widely used normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), the soil-adjusted vegetation index (SAVI) that factors in soil background, and the normalized difference water index (NDWI) for identifying water bodies. The third stage saw the development of an SVM model based on the calculated vegetation indices. The RBF kernel was chosen as the SVM algorithm, and optimal values for the cost (C) and gamma hyperparameters were determined. The results are as follows: (a) High-Resolution Imaging: The drone-based image acquisition delivered results, providing high-resolution images (1 cm/pixel) of the Idong stream. These detailed visuals effectively captured the stream's morphology, including its width, variations in the streambed, and the intricate vegetation cover patterns adorning the stream banks and bed. (b) Vegetation Insights through Indices: The calculated vegetation indices revealed distinct spatial patterns in vegetation cover and moisture content. NDVI emerged as the strongest indicator of vegetation cover, while SAVI and NDWI provided insights into moisture variations. (c) Accurate Classification with SVM: The SVM model, fueled by the combination of NDVI, SAVI, and NDWI, achieved an outstanding accuracy of 0.903, which was calculated based on the confusion matrix. This performance translated to precise classification of vegetation, soil, and water within the stream area. The study's findings demonstrate the effectiveness of drone remote sensing and SVM techniques in developing accurate vegetation cover classification models for small streams. These models hold immense potential for various applications, including stream monitoring, informed management practices, and effective stream restoration efforts. By incorporating images and additional details about the specific drone and sensors technology, we can gain a deeper understanding of small streams and develop effective strategies for stream protection and management.

Enhancing Project Integration and Interoperability of GIS and BIM Based on IFC (IFC 기반 GIS와 BIM 프로젝트 통합관리 및 상호 운용성 강화)

  • Kim, Tae-Hee;Kim, Tae-Hyun;Lee, Yong-Chang
    • Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX
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    • v.54 no.1
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    • pp.89-102
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    • 2024
  • The recent advancements in Smart City and Digital Twin technologies have highlighted the critical role of integrating GIS and BIM in urban planning and construction projects. This integration ensures the consistency and accuracy of information, facilitating smooth information exchange. However, achieving interoperability requires standardization and effective project integration management strategies. This study proposes interoperability solutions for the integration of GIS and BIM for managing various projects. The research involves an in-depth analysis of the IFC schema and data structures based on the latest IFC4 version and proposes methods to ensure the consistency of reference point coordinates and coordinate systems. The study was conducted by setting the EPSG:5186 coordinate system, used by the National Geographic Information Institute's digital topographic map, and applying virtual shift origin coordinates. Through BIMvision, the results of the shape and error check coordinates' movement in the BIM model were reviewed, confirming that the error check coordinates moved consistently with the reference point coordinates. Additionally, it was verified that even when the coordinate system was changed to EPSG:5179 used by Naver Map and road name addresses, or EPSG:5181 used by Kakao Map, the BIM model's shape and coordinates remained consistently unchanged. Notably, by inputting the EPSG code information into the IFC file, the potential for coordinate system interoperability between projects was confirmed. Therefore, this study presents an integrated and systematic management approach for information sharing, automation processes, enhanced collaboration, and sustainable development of GIS and BIM. This is expected to improve compatibility across various software platforms, enhancing information consistency and efficiency across multiple projects.