• Title/Summary/Keyword: Soybean plant

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The Optimal Environmental Ranges for Wetland Plants: II. Scirpus tabernaemontani and Typha latifolia

  • Lee, Bo-Ah;Kwon, Gi-Jin;Kim, Jae-Geun
    • Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.151-159
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    • 2007
  • We studied the optimal ranges of water and soil characteristics for wetland plants, particularly Scirpus tabernaemontani (softstem bulrush) and Typha latifolia (broadleaf cattail), which are dominant species with potential for restoration of Korean wetlands. We observed vegetation in S. tabernaemontani and T. latifolia communities from the mid to late June, 2005, and measured characteristics of water environments such as water depth (WD), temperature (WT), conductivity (WC), and concentration of several ions $(NO_3{^-}-N,\;Ca^{2+},\;Na^+,\;Mg^{2+},\;and\;K^+)$, and characteristics of soil environments such as soil texture, organic matter (loss on ignition, LOI), conductivity, and pH. The S. tabernaemontani community was accompanied by Zizania latifolia (Manchurian wildrice), Persicaria thunbergii (Korean persicary), Actinostemma lobatum (lobed actinostemma), and Beckmannia syzigachne (American slough grass), while the T. latifolia community was accompanied by P. thunbergii, T. angustifolia (narrowleaf cattail), and Glycine soja (wild soybean). We defined the optimal range for distribution (ORD) as the range that each plant was crowded. The optimal range of water characteristics for the S. tabernaemontani community was a $WD\;10{\sim}50cm,\;WT\;24.0{\sim}32.0^{\circ}C,\;WC\;100{\sim}500{\mu}S/cm,\;{NO_3}{^-}-N\;0{\sim}60ppb,\;K^+\;0.00{\sim}1.50ppm,\;Ca^{2+}\;7.50{\sim}17.50ppm,\; Na^+\;2.50{\sim}12.50ppm,\;and\;Mg^{2+}\;3.00{\sim}7.00ppm$. In addition, the optimal range of soil characteristics for the S. tabernaemontani community was a soil texture of loam, silty loam, and loamy sand, $LOI\;8.0{\sim}16.0%,\;pH\;5.25{\sim}6.25$, and conductivity $10{\sim}70{\mu}S/cm$. The optimal range of water characteristics for the T. latifolia community was a $WD\;10{\sim}30cm,\;WT\;22.5{\sim}27.5^{\circ}C,\;WC\;100{\sim}400{\mu}S/cm,\;{NO_3}{^-}-N\;0{\sim}60ppb,\;K^+\;0.00{\sim}1.50ppm,\;Ca^{2+}\;0.00{\sim}17.50ppm,\;Na^+\;0.00{\sim}12.50ppm,\;and\;Mg^{2+}\;0.00{\sim}5.00ppm$, and the optimal range of soil characteristics for the T. fatifolia community was a soil texture of loam, sandy loam, and silty loam, LOI $3.0{\sim}9.0%,\;pH\;5.25{\sim}7.25$, and conductivity $0{\sim}70{\mu}S/cm$.

Isolation and Optimal Culture Conditions of Brevibacillus sp. KMU-391 against Black Root Pathogens Caused by Didymella bryoniae (덩굴마름병원균인 Didymella bryoniae의 생물학적 방제를 위한 길항세균의 분리 및 특성)

  • Park Sung-Min;Jung Hyuck-Jun;Kim Hyun-Soo;Yu Tae-Shick
    • Korean Journal of Microbiology
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    • v.42 no.2
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    • pp.135-141
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    • 2006
  • We isolated a bacterium which produces antifungal substances from the Sanktpeterburg soils at Russia. The iso-lated strain was identified as Brevibacillus sp. and shown a strong antifungal activity on plant pathogenic fungi. Brevibacillus sp. KMU-391 produced maximum level of antifungal substances under incubation aerobically at $30^{\circ}C$ for 48 hours in trypticase soybean broth containing 1.0% sucrose and 1.0% polypeptone at 180 rpm and initiated pH adjusted to 7.0. Precipitate of culture broth by $30{\sim}60%$ ammonium sulfate precipitation exhibited strong antifungal activity against Didymella bryoniae by dry cell weight. Butanol extract of cultured broth also shown fungal growth inhibitory activity against Botrytis cinerea KACC 40573, Botrytis fabae KACC 40962, Colletotrichum gloeosporioides KACC 40804, Colletotrichum orbiculare KACC 40808, Didymella bryoniae KACC 40669, Fusarium graminearum KACC 41040, Fusarium oxysporum KACC 40037, Fusarium oxysporum KACC 40052, Fusarium oxysporum f, sp. radicis-Iycopersici KACC 40537, Fusarium oxysporum KACC 40902, Monosporascus cannonballus KACC 40940, Phytophthora camvibora KACC 40160, Rhizoctonia solani AG-1(IA) KACC 40101, Rhizoctonia solani AG-4 KACC 40142, and Scleotinia scleotiorum KACC 41065 by agar diffusion method.

Effects of Organic Liquid Fertilizer on Growth and Fruit Quality of Hot Pepper (유기액비 시용량이 고추의 생육 및 품질에 미치는 영향)

  • Joo, Seon-Jong;Jeon, Jong-Ok;Lee, Guang-Jae
    • Korean Journal of Organic Agriculture
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.209-219
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    • 2010
  • This study was carried out to evaluate the effects of applying levels of organic liquid fertilizer (OLF) on growth and fruit quality of hot pepper. The OLF was made with compositions of chicken dung : rice bran : soybean meal (2:1:1). Hot pepper was applied with 5 treatments; control (chemical fertilize), OLF-1.0X (standard applying levels), OLF-0.7X (70% of standard applying level), and OLF-1.3X (130% of standard applying level). The plant height was reduced at 23cm in the OLF-1.0X treatment compared to control of 293cm. The number of hot pepper fruits was significantly increased. The content of capsaicin in the ripened pepper decreased by 23.6% in the OLF-1.0X treatment with $253mg{\cdot}kg^{-1}$ compared with control of $331mg{\cdot}kg^{-1}$, but the content of free sugar increased by 19.5%. The content of capsaicin and soluble solid content in OLF-1.3X treatment were significant different with other treatments. The yield of red pepper in OLF-1.0X treatments increased by 15% with $4,190kg{\cdot}10a^{-1}$ compared to control of $3,643kg{\cdot}10a^{-1}$, and OLF-1.3X and OLF-0.7X treatments showed increase by 10% and 6%, respectively.

Distribution of Habitats and Ecology of Weedy Melons (Cucumis melo var. agrestis Naud.) in Korea (우리나라 야생잡초 참외의 자생지 분포지역 및 생태)

  • Lee, Woo-Sung
    • Horticultural Science & Technology
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    • v.31 no.5
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    • pp.652-655
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    • 2013
  • Natural habitats of weedy melons were distributed on the islands along and on the west and south coasts of Korean peninsula including Boryeong, Seosan (Taean), Seocheon, Okgu, Buan, Gochang, Yeonggwang, Muan, Shinan, Haenam, Jindo, Wando, Goheung, Yeocheon, Hadong, Namhae, Goseong, Tongyeong, Geoje, and Jeju islands including Jeju city, Bukjeju-gun and Nam Jeju-gun. Weedy melons were found growing wildly in or around the cultivated lands in these regions. Natural habitats of weedy melons were in and around the cultivated lands. Weedy melon plants were found most often in soybean fields, followed by fields of mungbean, sweet potato, pepper, sesame, cotton, and peanuts. The plants were also found growing wild in foxtail millet fields, rice paddy levees along the streams, upland field edges, watermelon fields, corn fields, vegetable gardens near farmhouse, orange fields, compost piles, fallow fields, roadside and home gardens. They inhabited in sunny and a little dry spaces in relatively low-height crop plant fields in general. The time of fruit maturity was from early July to late October with the most frequency in September according to post survey answer. Fruits dropped off from the fruit stalk when matured. This phenomenon was thought beneficial for perpetuation in the wild. The fruits were being used commonly for food and toys for children. It was thought that weedy melons were perpetuating through the cycle of human and animal feeding of the fruits, human and animal droppings, often mixed in compost, and application of the compost to crop fields by human.

Selection of Supplement Feed and Regulation of Oviposition Period of Zophobas morio (Tenebrionidae) (Zophobas morio의 보조사료 선발 및 성충 산란간격 조절)

  • Kim, Do-ik;Kim, Seong-Yeon;Koo, Hui-Yeon;Kim, Jeong-Eun;Kim, Hyeon-Jin;Lee, Yoo-Beom;Park, Cheol-Seung;Kim, Young-Cheol;Nam, Seung-Hee;Kim, Sang-Soo
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.58 no.3
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    • pp.219-224
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    • 2019
  • The super mealworm, Zophobas morio, is mainly used as food for pets, fish, reptiles, amphibians, birds, and as snacks. An experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of temperature, supplementary feeding, and spawning interval on super mealworm rearing. To efficiently rear this species, the insects were bred at a temperature of $27^{\circ}C$ or higher and reached a weight of over 0.6 g at 80 days after hatching. Supplementary feed (with high protein content: 10% of soybean meal and 10% of fish meal) enabled larvae to reach a weight of over 0.7 g at 80 days after hatching. Mass rearing of super mealworm requires increase in egg production (i.e., high yield) and uniformity of larvae. Adults were transferred to spawning bases every 5, 10, or 15 days (three treatments), which resulted in a total of 7,256, 5,439, 2,060 hatched larvae, respectively. It is possible to obtain more than 7,000 larvae by transferring the egg-laying frame to the spawning base at intervals of 5 days and with nine spawning operations; this procedure generates larvae weighing over 0.68 g each.

Optimal Composition of Sex Attractant for Monitoring Adults of Spodoptera litura (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in Korea (담배거세미나방(Spodoptera litura) 성충의 예찰을 위한 최적 성유인제 조성)

  • Jung, Chung Ryul;Boo, Kyung Saeng;Bae, Soondo;Han, Kyeung Sik
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.61 no.1
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    • pp.77-83
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    • 2022
  • This study was conducted to determine the optimal composition of sex attractant for monitoring adults of the tobacco cutworm, Spodoptera litura, in Korea. Lures of different compositions from the two sex pheromone components the female, (Z,E)-9,11-tetradecadienyl acetate (Z9E11-14:Ac) and (Z,E)-9,12-tetradecadienyl acetate (Z9E12-14:Ac), were compared for male attraction using synthetic chemicals, rubber septa, and funnel traps in soybean and peanut fields. After sequential tests were conducted using three sets of the two components different ranges from 5:5 to 10:1, from 9:1 to 99:1, and from 9:1 to 39:1, the 19:1 ratio was identified as the most efficient composition. However, S. litura males were barely caught in the trap of the Z9E11-14Ac single component lure. The results show that both the sex attractant compounds are necessary for monitoring adults S. litura males. The higher the pheromone amount in the dispenser in the range from 0.1 to 10 mg, the more males were attracted. Furthermore, the trap height of 1.5 m was optimal for male capture.

Variation of Cross Affinity and Reciprocal Effect in Interspecific Hybridization between Glycine max and Glycine tomentella (Glycine max와 Glycine tomentella간 종간교잡 친화성과 정역교잡 효과)

  • Kim, Yong-Chul;Chang, Kwon-Yawl
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    • v.41 no.5
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    • pp.608-618
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    • 1996
  • Wild perennial types of genus Glycine, as sources of genetic diversity, have been recently employed in the soybean breeding programs. This study was carried out to introduce some useful characters of wild perennial Glycine tomentella into common cultivars, G. max. Parent materials used for interspecific hybridization were three common cultivars, Ulsankong, Baemkong and Danyeobkong, and four G. tomentella strains having different diploid(2n) of 38, 40, 78, and 80. Their cross-fertility, effect of reciprocal cross, development comparison of crossing pod and optimum timing to efficient crossing were investigated. Plant were grown in 1/2,000 Wagner pots in greenhouse and field. Crossing efficiency and pod survival rate were the highest in 2n=38 of the four G. tomentella strains when the common cultivars were fixed as female parents. In the reciprocal cross of three common cultivars and four G. tomentella strains, when the former was used as maternal sources, they showed better crossing rate and longer pod survival than the latter. In the interspecific hybridization between G. max cv. Baemkong andG. tomentella, 2n=38, the pod formed from the female G. tomentella had relatively greater size and weight than that from the female Baemkong in comparison with parents. However, the reverse result was true in a number of ovules per pod. More efficient interspecific hybridization in the field was made on August 20, when temperature and relative humidity were higher and day length was shorter, than one or two months earlier.

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Occurrence characteristics and management plans of Lactuca scariola L., an ecosystem disturbance plant (생태계교란식물 가시상추의 발생특성과 관리방안)

  • In-Yong Lee;Seung-Hwan Kim;Yong-Ho Lee;Sun-Hee Hong
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.40 no.3
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    • pp.239-246
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    • 2022
  • Lactuca scariola L. is one of ecosystem-disturbance plants that grow everywhere such as roadsides, grasslands, railroads, banks, and fields. L. scariola usually occurs in autumn. It overwinters in rosette form. It flowers and produces seeds in early summer of the next year. Seeds of L. scariola can germinate immediately without dormancy when the temperature is over 20℃. Due to endogenous bacteria in seeds of L. scariola, it has a strong drought tolerance. Thus, it can grow well on roadsides. L. scariola should be controlled as it can result in 60-80% of soybean yield loss at densities above 50 plants m-2. It is advisable to remove L. scariola as it competes with native plants by acting as a pioneer to other ecosystem-disturbance plants. Among various control methods, chemical control is the most effective method that is widely used. Soil treatment with herbicides such as oxyfluorfen EC and pendimethalin EC can inhibit the development of L. scariola. Foliar treatment herbicides glyphosate and glufosinateammonium are widely used. L. scariola is resistant to 2,4-D, dicamba, and MCPA among foliar treatment herbicides. Thus, it is recommended to apply herbicides with different modes of action.

Study on Vinyl Coating Cultivation of Potatoes under Low Temperature Conditions (조기 재배시 감자의 비닐 피복 재배 연구)

  • Choi, Kwan Soo;Jung, Gun Ho
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.30 no.5
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    • pp.556-564
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    • 2017
  • Appropriate soil temperature and early planting of potato is very important for the successful potato-soybean cropping system in central region of South Korea. This experiment was carried out to determine the effect of mulching materials on the growth and yield of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). Five different mulch treatments were had been applied on an upland soil as follows ; no mulch (NM), transparent film (TF), transparent film + additional transparent film (TF + ATF), black film (BF), and black film + additional transparent film (ATF). In the period of sowing time to removing additional films, mean soil temperature of the treatments was in the order of TF+ATF > TF > BR+ATF > BF as $20.3^{\circ}C$ > $18.5^{\circ}C$ > $16.1^{\circ}C$ > $15.4^{\circ}C$, respectively and that of NM was $13.8^{\circ}C$. The accumulated soil temperature was TF > NM > BF during the removing additional films to earthing at inter-tillage. On the changes in the soil temperature during a whole day, the temperature in the BF was lower than NM during around 18:00 PM to 12:00 NM, while NM was higher than BF in the time period of 10:00AM to 21:00PM. The sequence of potato sprout emergence was 15 > 18 > 20 > 22 days of TF+ATF, TF, BF+ATF, and BF, respectively and that of NM was 24 days. Comparing to the NM, potato sprout emergence was observed on the TF+ATF treated plot as early as 9 days. At 10 days before harvest, the significant difference in the tuber dry weight had been observed and the sequence tuber weight was in the order of TF > TF+ATF > BF+ATF > BF > NM. The potato yields of TF, TF+ATF, and BF+ATF were increased of 40.7, 37.3, and 22% as compared to NM ($2,805kg\;10a^{-1}$), but almost same yield in the BF. The differences of tuber dry weight and potato yields was co-related with the temperature rise of soil by the application of mulching materials on soil. Based on these results, application of mulching film had been very effective to increase the tuber size and the yield of potato by the temperature rise during seedling stage of potato. Transparent mulching was better than black mulching especially for the emergence of sprout of potato in relation to minimizing cooling injury.

Selection of Legume Crop by Intercropping with Sorghum $\times$ Sudangrass Hybrid (Sorghum $\times$ Sudangrass 교잡종과 간작에 의한 청예 두과작물 선발)

  • 이상무;전병태
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.93-104
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    • 1996
  • A field experiment was conducted in Chungju and Jungwon to evaluate growth characteristics, dry matter yield, protein yield and palatability of intercropping comparing with monocropping forage crops by the use of sorghum $\times$ sudangrass hybrid(S.S.H.), five forage soybeans and two forage cowpeas of superior to selected experiment of varieties. All eight treatment plots were replicated three times and cutting date were cut July 6 and September 9. 1. The mean leaf number of S.S.H. in intercropping T2 treatment showed high compared to T1 treatment in all treatment except for Hwangkeum treatment, but T3 treatment was lower than the other treatments. In the leaf number of soybean, Jangbaek treatment was the highest as 47 leaves per plant, cowpea treatments showed high above 50 leaves. The stem diameter of S.S.H. in Jangyeob treatment of T2 treatment was 9.6mm. In legume, cowpea of T3 treatment was high as ranged from 7.9mm to 8.2mm. In stem hardiness of S.S.H., TI treatment was the lower than the other treatments, while Jangbaek treatment of T2 treatment was the highest as $2.0kg/cm^2$. In legume crops, Jangbaek and Baekun treatment were the highest as $1.6kg/cm^2$, but T3 treatment was very low as $0.3~0.6kg/cm^2$. 2. In the mean leaf ratio of S.S.H., T1 treatment was higher than T2 and T3 treatment as 34.9%. In the legume crops, Togyu treatment was the highest as 40.9%. In the mean tiller number of S.S.H., T2 treatment showed high compared to TI treatment, but T3 treatment of was rather decrease than The tiller number of S.S.H. in Jangyeob treatment of T2 treatment was the highest as 4.6 per plant. The dead stubble of S.S.H. was high in order to T3>T1>T2 treatment>, T3 treatment was highly about 2 times compared to T2 treatment. 3. S.S.H. as T3 treatment was resistant to lodging, but T3 and T1 treatment showed highly lodging. In the legums, T3 treatment was resistant to lodging, but T2 treatment showed highly lodging. In the S.S.H. of T2 treatment, the leaf of summer depression was not occurrence, but T3 treatment was higher than the other treatments. 4. The palatability of domestic animals was high in order of T2>Tl>T3, especially Togyu treatment of T2 treatment was the highest at the holstein and deer, and Jangyeob treatment of T2 treatment was the highest in the Korean native cattle. But T3 treatment was lower than other treatments in the holstein and Korean native cattle. 5. Fresh yield of monocropping(T1) was the highest as 94, 650kg/ha, while dry matter yield in Jangyeob treatment of T2 treatment was the highest as 15, 575/ha But fresh yield and dry matter yield of T3 treatment were the lowest(P<0.05). 6. Protein yield in T2 treatment was high, especially Jangyeob treatment of T2 treatment was the highest as 1, 605.5 kg/ha T3 treatment was low in spite of high protein content, because dry matter yield was lower than the other treatments. In conclusion, among T1, T2 and T3 treatment, Jangyeob, Togyu and Baekun treatments of T2 treatment showed optimum varieties for intercropping with S.S.H., because they showed high Dry matter yield, protein yield and palatability.

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