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  • 제목/요약/키워드: South-South Conflict

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A Study of the Effects of Trade between North Korea and China on the Conflict between South Korea and North Korea (북한·중국 간 교역이 남한·북한 간 분쟁관계에 미친 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Ju, Sung Whan
    • International Area Studies Review
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.361-383
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    • 2009
  • This study extends theoretically the expected utility model of trade-conflict developed by Polacheck if a third country is involved, and analyses empirically how trade between North Korea and China affects to the political conflict between South and North Korea. The results of empirical analysis show that North Korea's exports to South Korea and China do not affect the conflict or cooperative relations between South and North Korea. But North Korea's imports from South Korea and China affect to the conflict between South and North Korea: increasing of North Korea's imports to South Korea reduce conflict between South and North Korea, but increasing of North Korea's imports to China increase conflict between South and North Korea.

Overcoming Over-Politicization and Extreme Polarization of North Korean Issue: The Institutionalization of Conflict Transformation in South Korean Society (북한문제의 과잉정치화와 극단적 양극화 분석: 갈등전환(Conflict Transformation)의 제도화 모색)

  • 이무철
    • Korea and World Politics
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.67-97
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    • 2018
  • This study aimed to lay the groundwork for overcoming extreme polarization due to over-politization of North Korean issue by applying an approach based on the concept of 'conflict transformation' in order to analyze the North Korea's intervention in 'South-South conflict' and the structure of conflict in South Korean society. First of all, it analyzed how North Korea intervened in the two presidential elections in 2007 and 2012, the 'candlelight protest' in 2008, and the 'candlelight protest' in 2014 that were conducted in South Korean society. To this end, this study analyzed the contents of articles published by North Korea's official media, the Rodong Sinmun. It also analyzed aspects and characteristics of the North Korea's intervention in South-South conflict, also substance and cause of extreme polarization and over-politization of North Korean issue in South Korean society in terms of conflict context, relations, and memories. As a result, not only inter-Korean relations but also relations between the conservative and progressive forces in South Korean society need to be reset to overcome them. And based on these new relationship settings, it is evident that reconstruction of mutual memory and sharing work are required. This study is meaningful in that it has tried to incorporate existing researches while compensating the limitation of existing researches through a conflict transformation approach.

Conflicts between the US and China over the South China Sea and Korea's Responses (남중국해를 둘러싼 미·중간의 갈등과 한국의 대응)

  • Kim, Kang-nyeong
    • Strategy21
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    • s.42
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    • pp.154-195
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    • 2017
  • This paper is to analyse conflict between the US and China over the South China Sea and Korea's responses. To this end the paper is composed of 6 chapters titled instruction; the current status of South China Sea sovereignty disputes; changes in US and Chinese maritime security strategies and the strategic values of the South China Sea; key issues and future prospects for US-China conflicts in the South China Sea; South Korea's security and diplomatic responses; and conclusion. The recent East Asian maritime security issue has evolved into a global issue of supremacy between the US and China, beyond conflicts over territorial disputes and demarcation among the countries in the region. China is pursuing offensive ocean policy to expand economic growth. The core of the maritime order that the United States intends to pursue is the freedom of navigation in the oceans and the maintenance of maritime access. China is making artificial islands in the South China Sea, claiming the sovereignty of these islands, building strategic bases in East Asia, and securing routes. The United States has developed several "Freedom of Navigation Operations" to neutralize the declaration of the territorial sea surrounding Chinese artificial islands. We can not be free from marine conflicts in the South China Sea and the East China Sea. Regarding the South China Sea dispute, it is expected that the strategic competition and conflict between the two countries will intensify due to China's failure to make concessions of core interests and adherence to the US compliance with international norms. In the midst of conflict over the South China Sea, we need a harmonious balance between our alliance security and economic diplomacy. We must continue our efforts to strengthen the ROK-US alliance but not to make China an enemy. Considering the significant impacts of the oceans on the survival and prosperity of the nation, we must continue to develop our interest in the oceans, appropriate investments and tactical strategies.

Factors Associated with Marital Conflict for Baby Boomers in South Korea

  • Sung, Miai;Byun, Joosoo
    • International Journal of Human Ecology
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.103-113
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    • 2013
  • Using data from the 2010 National Survey of Korean Families (NSKF), we investigated factors associated with marital conflict for baby boomers in South Korea. Korean baby boomers are those born during the post-Korean War period from 1955 to 1963. OLS regression examined the marital conflict of these couples. Baby boomer couples reported that they experienced occasional marital conflict; subsequently individual and family level variables explained 15% of baby boomers' marital conflict. The key findings were that satisfaction in spousal communication was negatively associated with conflict for baby boomer couples. However, the existence of unmarried adult children was positively associated with baby boomers' marital conflict. Work and family balance was also negatively associated with marital conflict. We found that the more satisfied with communication with the spouse, the fewer unmarried adult children, and the more work and family balance the couple maintained, the less marital conflict these baby boomers experienced.

The Study on the South-North Sudan Conflict (남북 수단 분쟁 연구)

  • Cho, Sang-Hyun;Kum, Sang-Moon
    • International Area Studies Review
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.155-179
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    • 2013
  • Becoming independent in 1956, Sudan has since experienced a number of coups dˊetat, religious conflicts between the Islamic north and the Christian south, conflicts between the north-south population composition and races, two civil wars for nearly 40 years due to a clash of interests over resources and others, and the Darfur crisis in which hundreds of thousands died. In 1983, as the Sudanese government forced Islamic laws on the southern region where many Christians lived, the civil war resumed and suffered heavy casualties. Although a brief period of tranquility is maintained at the present moment as South Sudan seceded, military conflicts continue to arise. The objective of this research is to understand the North-South Sudan conflict by examining its history and course. For this purpose, chapter 2 will make a theoretical and reality approach for conflict items and solutions. Chapter 3 will discuss the historical background and reasons for the Sudanese conflict by considering Sudan before 19th century, the Egyptian conquest of Sudan and the diverging North and South, Sudanese independence and other divisions yet again, and finally the North-South conflicts over religion and resources. In Chapter 4, there will be an analysis of the course of the Sudan Civil War by separating it into the First and Second Civil War. In Chapter 5, the consequences and future prospect will be presented in lieu of the conclusion.

Cooperative Framework for Conflict Mitigation and Shared Use of South-North Korean Transboundary Rivers (남북한 공유하천의 갈등해소와 공동이용을 위한 협력체계)

  • Lee, Gwang Man;Kang, Boosik;Hong, Il-Pyo
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.28 no.5B
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    • pp.505-514
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    • 2008
  • The Imjin and North Han River are sharing watershed between South and North Korea. In Imjin river basin, the April 5th dam and Hwanggang dam which are already constructed or on constrution, causes problems in water supply in the downstrean area. At the same time, in the North Han River basin, the Imnam dam is being operated for diversion to Anbyeon Youngman Hydropower Plant and it gives rise to conflict between South and North by reducing streamflow in the North Han River of South Korean side. Therefore, a cooperative framework needs to be built for settling the pending issues. In this study, based on the theory of conflict resolution in the international shared river basin, the practical alternatives are suggested. These approaches are expected to help in preparing reasonable resolution ahead of seeking political decision. Also, in order to preparing consistent and reasonable river management measures, the South-North shared river management commission was suggested.

On the Likelihood of Peace and War on the Korean Peninsula: A Causal Loop Analysis

  • Kim, Gang-Hoon
    • Korean System Dynamics Review
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.5-25
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    • 2009
  • Since the end of the 1950-1953 Korean War, many scholars and policymakers have expressed concern about the possibility of another conflict on the peninsula. In certain respects, the post-1953 North-South Korea relationship resembles the Cold War that existed between the United States and the Soviet Union, 1945-1990. Although a "hot" never occurred, peace was never guaranteed. By looking at international theories (i.e., realism and liberal theory) and by utilizing casual-loop diagram analysis, the main purpose of this research is to explore on the likelihood of peace and war on the Korean peninsula. First, several factors (e.g., economic stagnation of North Korea, unstable political systems, and so on) emphasized by realism perspectives are significantly related to the likelihood of conflict between North and South Korea. Conversely, several determinants (e.g., economic assistance to North Korea, inter-dialogue between two Koreas, cultural and social exchange, and so on) emphasized by liberal approaches are significantly related to likelihood of peace on the Korean peninsula. Given the two different interpretations about the likelihood of conflict or peace, it can be argued that a second military action might occur on the Korean peninsula if realism theories are true. However, if practical factors exist on the Korean peninsula, the two Korean can optimistically expect a peaceful reunification in the future, without interference from other countries.

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Conflict Analysis in Construction Project with Unstructured Data: A Case Study of Jeju Naval Base Project in South Korea

  • Baek, Seungwon;Han, Seung Heon;Lee, Changjun;Jang, Woosik;Ock, Jong Ho
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • 2017.10a
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    • pp.291-296
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    • 2017
  • Infrastructure development as national project suffers from social conflict which is one of main risk to be managed. Social conflicts have a negative impact on not only the social integration but also the national economy as they require enormous social costs to be solved. Against this backdrop, this study analyzes social conflict using articles published by online news media based on web-crawling and natural language processing (NLP) techniques. As an illustrative case, the Jeju Naval Base (JNB) project which is one of representative conflict case in South Korea is analyzed. Total of 21,788 articles and representative keywords are identified annually. Additionally, comparative analysis is conducted between the extracted keywords and actual events occurred during the project. The authors explain actual events in the JNB project based on the extracted words by the year. This study contributes to analyze social conflict and to extract meaningful information from unstructured data.

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New Paradigm and its Policy Framework in Decision-making on Large Dams

  • Park, Sungje
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.97-106
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    • 2006
  • This study discusses two canceled dam projects, Youngwol Dam in South Korea and Two Forks Dam in Colorado of the United States. Both of them illustrate how the new paradigm applies to regional water projects because they became victims of environmental opposition in the new paradigm. While the cases have no apparent close relationships and they occurred in different decades, they offer interesting comparisons. They were basically struggles between water development coalitions and environmental protection coalitions on regional water conflicts. The two proposed projects brought about fierce debates on large dam as they embraced a wide-range of environmental, social, and political issues rather than construction of dams themselves. Huge anti-dam oppositions scrapped them at the cost of nearly ten years for decision-makings and enormous financial resources for feasibility studies respectively. It identifies who the policy actors were, what the policy strategies were, and how the water policies evolved in both countries. The decision-makings on the two projects appeared at first glance to be made under formal institutional frameworks, but in actuality, they relied significantly on decisions of the two important political actors. The Korean society began to learn negotiation and cooperation approaches to solve the water conflict by establishing the Joint Task Force Team on Youngwol project in 1999. The team is recognized as a new conflict resolution method in South Korea because a diverse of stakeholder interests voluntarily participated in the decision-making process and discussed water issues directly. Even though the projects resulted in futile fruits in each country, they illustrate the images of the new paradigm that significantly affected in formulating regional water policies in South Korea and the United States.

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