• Title/Summary/Keyword: Soil Sensing

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Impact of Representative SCS-CN on Simulated Rainfall Runoff (SCS-CN 대표 매개변수가 분포형과 집중형 강우-유출 모형에서 유출 손실에 미치는 영향 비교)

  • Lee, Hyeong-keun;choi, Yeong-seon;Lee, Khil-Ha
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.25-32
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    • 2020
  • The determination of soil parameters is important in predicting the simulated surface runoff using either a distributed or a lumped rainfall-runoff model. Soil characteristics can be collected using remote sensing techniques and represented as a digital map. There is no universal agreement with respect to the determination of a representative parameter from a gridded digital map. Two representative methods, i.e., arithmetic and predominant, are introduced and applied to both FLO-2D and HEC-HMS to improve the model's accuracy. Both methods are implemented in the Yongdam catchment, and the results show that the former seems to be more accurate than the latter in the test site. This is attributed to the high conductivity of the dominant soil class, which is A type.

Measurements of Microwave Polarimetric Backscattering from a Wet Soil Surface and Comparison with a Semi-empirical Scattering Model

  • Oh, Yi-Sok
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 1999.11a
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    • pp.154-157
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    • 1999
  • Microwave polarimetric backscattering from a wet soil surface had been measured using a Ku-band polarimetric scatterometer at the incidence angles ranging from 10$^{\circ}$ to 70$^{\circ}$ Since the accurate target parameters as well as the radar parameters are necessary for radar scattering modeling, a complete and accurate set of ground truth data were also collected, from which accurate measurements were made of the rms height, correlation length, and dielectric constant. The measured polarimetric backscattering coefficients (vv-, hh-, vh-, hv-polarizations) were compared with theoretical models and empirical models. A new semi-empirical model for microwave polarimetric radar backscattering from bare soil surfaces was developed using polarimetric radar measurements and the knowledge based on the theoretical and numerical solutions. The model was found to yield very good agreement with the backscattering measurements of this study.

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Characterization of Microwave Polarimetric Backscattering from Grasslanlds Using the Radiative Transfer Theory

  • Oh, Yi-Sok;Lee, Jin-Won
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 1998.09a
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    • pp.180-185
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    • 1998
  • Microwave polarimetric backscattering from a various types of grassland canopies has been analyzed by using the first-order radiative transfer theory in this paper. Leaves in the grassland are modeled by rectangular resistive sheets, which sizes (widths and lengths) and orientations (elevation and azimuth angles) are randomly distributed. Surface roughness and soil moisture of the ground plane under the grass canopy is considered in this computation. The backscattering coefficients of grasslands are computed for different radar parameters (angles, frequencies and Polarizations) as well as different canopy Parameters (size and orientation distributions of leaves, canopy depth, moisture contents of leaves and soil, rms height and correlation length of soil surface). A radar system for 15GHz has been fabricated and used for measurement of the scattering coefficient from a grass canopy. The computation result obtained by the scattering model for the grass canopy is compared with the measurements.

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Potential Use of Airborne Synthetic Aperture Radar to Monitor Agricultural Land Uses: A Case Study in Thailand

  • Wanpiyarat, V.;Buapradubkul, D.;Chutirattanaphan, S.
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.44-46
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    • 2003
  • In 1996, Thailand's participation in the Pacific Rim as a part of NASA's Mission to Planet Earth (MTPE) Program, was titled 'AIRSAR Thailand Project'. In this project the Department of Land Development utilized Topographic SAR (TOPSAR) which had multi-frequencies: C band, L band, and P band with multi-polarization: HH, VV, and HV as well as C band VV DEM. Satellite data such as LANDSAT TM was also utilized for optimal use. Results of AIRSAR image processing including data fusion among difference wavelength bands and polarization revealed the quality of AIRSAR that best suit for detection of agricultural land uses. The HH-L band AIRSAR was proven to be useful to distinguish among crop types when combined with appropriate data. The HH, VV, and HV-P band enhanced surface characteristics of swamp forest and wetland. In addition, TOPSAR has its great advantage for identification of salt farms and shrimp ponds.

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The estimation of GIS-based soil erosion considering up- and down-stream topographic characteristics (상하류 지형특성을 고려한 기반 GIS 토사유실 평가)

  • Lee, Geun-Sang;Park, Jin-Hyeog;Hwang, Eui-Ho;Koh, Deuk-Koo
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2006.05a
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    • pp.333-337
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this paper is to present a strategic approach to selecting prior areas of soil erosion to be examined for effective soil conservation planning and management, in conjunction with remote sensing data and GIS skill for surface characteristics. To do this, two basins are selected: Andong and Imha basin. Geographically one is in the vicinity of the other but turbidity in the main reservoir of each basin is quite different. it is important to clarify general behavior of soil erosion driven by rainfall event for both basins for further understanding and effective soil conservation planning and management. Also, Both basins are divided into several sub-basins and the severity of soil loss is intensively investigated to identify areas with high erosion potential for each sub-basin so that the efficiency of soil conservation program may increase. Especially, this study analyzed soil erodibility factor(K), topographic factor(LS), cover management factor(C) and soil erosion; 3 sub-basins for Andong basin (up-, mid-, downstream) and 6 sub-basins for Imha basin (up-, mid-, and downstream for two tributaries) because Imha basin consists of two tributaries (Banyeon and Yongjeon river). The approach suggested herein will provide a guideline for choosing prior areas to be examined and managed for soil conservation planning.

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Influences of Physical Soil Properties on Drought Severity in the Central Great Plains Based on Satellite Data and a Digital Soil Database (인공위성자료와 디지털 토양자료를 통해 분석한 미중부 대평원 지역 가뭄정도에 미친 물리적 토양특성의 영향)

  • Sunyurp Park
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.38 no.6
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    • pp.935-948
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    • 2003
  • The State Soil Geographic (STATSGO) database is a valuable source for assessment of soil properties at a state level. Using GIS techniques, eight physical soil properties were extracted from the database, including available water capacity, clay content, soil depth, slope, depth to water table, drainage, texture, and permeability. The influences of these soil properties on drought severity, which was estimated by NDVI departures from normal, were determined over western-central Kansas. Study results showed that seven soil properties had significant relationships with drought severity with correlation coefficients, ranging from -0.89 to 0.85. Thermal emission signals from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) had a significant relationship with drought severity expressed by NDVI departure from normal and represented spatial progression of drought over time well. High thermal signals, indicating high soil moisture deficit, emerged in the western region and their spatial distribution changed over time. Different sets of soil factors influenced drought severity among early-drying and late-drying areas.

Strain-based stability analysis of locally loaded slopes under variable conditions

  • Wang, Jia-Chen;Zhu, Hong-Hu;Shi, Bin;Garg, Ankit
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.289-300
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    • 2020
  • With the rapid development of the distributed strain sensing (DSS) technology, the strain becomes an alternative monitoring parameter to analyze slope stability conditions. Previous studies reveal that the horizontal strain measurements can be used to evaluate the deformation pattern and failure mechanism of soil slopes, but they fail to consider various influential factors. Regarding the horizontal strain as a key parameter, this study aims to investigate the stability condition of a locally loaded slope by adopting the variable-controlling method and conducting a strength reduction finite element analysis. The strain distributions and factors of safety in different conditions, such as slope ratio, soil strength parameters and loading locations, are investigated. The results demonstrate that the soil strain distribution is closely related to the slope stability condition. As the slope ratio increases, more tensile strains accumulate in the slope mass under surcharge loading. The cohesion and the friction angle of soil have exponential relationships with the strain parameters. They also display close relationships with the factors of safety. With an increasing distance from the slope edge to the loading position, the transition from slope instability to ultimate bearing capacity failure can be illustrated from the strain perspective.


  • Lee, Moung-Jin;Won, Joong-Sun;Lee, Saro
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2002.10a
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    • pp.256-272
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study is to develop landslide susceptibility analysis techniques using artificial neural network and to apply the newly developed techniques to the study area of Boun in Korea. Landslide locations were identified in the study area from interpretation of aerial photographs, field survey data, and a spatial database of the topography, soil type, timber cover, geology and land use. The landslide-related factors (slope, aspect, curvature, topographic type, soil texture, soil material, soil drainage, soil effective thickness, timber type, timber age, and timber diameter, timber density, geology and land use) were extracted from the spatial database. Using those factors, landslide susceptibility was analyzed by artificial neural network methods. For this, the weights of each factor were determinated in 3 cases by the backpropagation method, which is a type of artificial neural network method. Then the landslide susceptibility indexes were calculated and the susceptibility maps were made with a GIS program. The results of the landslide susceptibility maps were verified and compared using landslide location data. A GIS was used to efficiently analyze the vast amount of data, and an artificial neural network was turned out be an effective tool to maintain precision and accuracy.

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Optimum Scale Evaluation of Sedment Basin Design by Soil Erosion Estimation at Small Basin (소유역의 토사유실량에 따른 유사저류지 설계적정성 검토)

  • Lee, Sang-Jin;Choi, Hyun;Kwak, Young-Joo;Lee, Bae-Sung
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.15 no.2 s.40
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    • pp.25-31
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    • 2007
  • The recent frequent heavy rainfall has caused an increased in soil erosion and the soil drain which drained soil has caused decreased in channel radius and environmental problems by turbidity. In this study, the optimum size of the sediment basin was tested with soil erosion estimated from the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) in the basin using by GIS data. The results show that the estimated soil erosion and the designed soil deposit are $72.1\;m^3$ and $85.0\;m^3$ respectively and the size of sediment basin is proper. In this study the water depth was calculated from the Hec-Ras model to test the stability of the bank and to prove submersion of the inside fields from stream overflow.

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Development of a Data Acquisition System for the Long-term Monitoring of Plum (Japanese apricot) Farm Environment and Soil

  • Akhter, Tangina;Ali, Mohammod;Cha, Jaeyoon;Park, Seong-Jin;Jang, Gyeang;Yang, Kyu-Won;Kim, Hyuck-Joo
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • v.43 no.4
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    • pp.426-439
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    • 2018
  • Purpose: To continuously monitor soil and climatic properties, a data acquisition system (DAQ) was developed and tested in plum farms (Gyewol-ri and Haechang-ri, Suncheon, Korea). Methods: The DAQ consisted of a Raspberry-Pi processor, a modem, and an ADC board with multiple sensors (soil moisture content (SEN0193), soil temperature (DS18B20), climatic temperature and humidity (DHT22), and rainfall gauge (TR-525M)). In the laboratory, various tests were conducted to calibrate SEN0193 at different soil moistures, soil temperatures, depths, and bulk densities. For performance comparison of the SEN0193 sensor, two commercial moisture sensors (SMS-BTA and WT-1000B) were tested in the field. The collected field data in Raspberry-Pi were transmitted and stored on a web server database through a commercial communications wireless network. Results: In laboratory tests, it was found that the SEN0193 sensor voltage reading increased significantly with an increase in soil bulk density. A linear calibration equation was developed between voltage and soil moisture content depending on the farm soil bulk density. In field tests, the SEN0193 sensor showed linearity (R = 0.76 and 0.73) between output voltage and moisture content; however, the other two sensors showed no linearity, indicating that site-specific calibration is important for accurate sensing. In the long-term monitoring results, it was observed that the measured climate temperature was almost the same as website information. Soil temperature information was higher than the values measured by DS18B20 during spring and summer. However, the local rainfall measured using TR 525M was significantly different from the values on the website. Conclusion: Based on the test results obtained using the developed monitoring system, it is thought that the measurement of various parameters using one device would be helpful in monitoring plum growth. Field data from the local farm monitoring system can be coupled with website information from the weather station and used more efficiently.