• Title/Summary/Keyword: Software Tools

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A study on 3D Modeling Process & Rendering Image of CAD Program-With Case study on Cellular Phone Design- (캐드에 의한 3차원 모델링 제작과정과 렌더링 이미지 연출에 관한 연구-무선 이동 전화기 디자인 사례를 중심으로-)

  • 이대우
    • Archives of design research
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    • no.18
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    • pp.25-34
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    • 1996
  • Industrial design development methods and processes have changed in accordance with Industrial Information Age. These days, problems are created by existing methods and evaluation of design value , all problems concerned with time and finances sitaution have been made a subject of discussion. Development of design processes have been changed by the development of problem recognition and solving tools, and dpsign tpchnulugy havp hppn replaced by computer technology,Thus. software design processes linking thoughtware to hardware are used in the solution of design problems with many parts. In this study, 3D Modeling samples are presented, 3D Modeling can realise ' Ideas' to '3Dimentional Virtual Ohjects'. These effect and value are anle to decisively influence the process of design problem conference-ebealuation-solution.Proxesses of actual modeling and rendering are made as follows. By compusition of simple 20 drawings and shaping them into 30 objects, 30 solid models can be made. To prssent effectivley, we can make a sample model by varying camera views,light sourses,materials and colours etc. This sample is evaluated by various cumposition, methods and PERT(Program Evaluation and Review Technique). This cuncrete sample (tentative plan)is changed within the CAD SYSTEM by design evaluation, and then converted to flowchart of mass productive conception through refined data. So, that tentative plan can be conformed to design desire actuillly, to the utmost degree. Finally, this design process can be proposed as il new method in cuntrast with current methods. The aim of this study is to suggest effective evaluation methods of design outcome among many evaluating elements.

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Development of Collision Scenario-Based Evaluation System for the Cognitive Performance of Marine Officers (충돌시나리오 기반의 항해사 인지능력 평가시스템 개발)

  • Kim, Hong-Tae;Barentt, Mike;Yang, Won-Jae
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.31 no.8
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    • pp.629-635
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    • 2007
  • Reduced crew performance is frequently cited as a major causal factor in maritime accident causation. Although considerable research has been conducted on the hours of work undertaken by seafarers through interviews and the analysis of records, experimental studies to observe the effects of factors such as high workload, shift patterns, stress, sleep deprivation and disturbance on the cognitive performance of mariners have been limited. Other safety-critical transport industries, such as aviation and rail, have developed fatigue management tools to help manage the work patterns of their operators. Such a tool for mariners would assist shipboard crew, marine pilots and shore management in planning and improving work schedules. The overall aim of this paper is to determine a fatigue factor, which can be applied to human performance data, as part of a software program that calculates total cognitive performance. This program enables us to establish the levels of cognitive performance of a group of marine pilots to test a decision-making task based on radar information. This paper addresses one of the factors that may contribute to the determination of various fatigue factors: the effect of different work patterns on the cognitive performance of a marine pilot.

A Trial for Development of Health Profile (KHP 1.0) to Measure the Self-Perceived Health Status of Korean (한국인의 자가평가 건강수준 측정도구(KHP 1.0) 개발)

  • Yang, Jin-Sun;Chun, Jin-Ho
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.11-23
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    • 2003
  • Objectives : The 1990s has seen advances in the conceptualization of self-perceived health status which has important roles for individual health and the quality of life. Many types of standardized questionnaires have been developed with the current wide use of SF-36, NHP, andEuroQol. However, the outcomes of these tools may be different with regard to regional, cultural and emotional backgrounds. The purpose of this study was to trial the development of a Korean Health Profile (KHP 1.0) to measure the self-perceived health stati of Koreans. Methods : The KHP 1.0 was designed on the basis of the Medical Outcome Study Form 36 (SF-36), the Nottingham Health Profile (NHP), and the EuroQOL. It was composed of 9 scales; physical functioning, role limitation-physical, pain, general health, energy, social isolation, sleep, role limitation-emotional, and e-motional health. Self-reported chronic disease conditions, and the Zung's Self-Rating Depression Scale (SDS), were also checked for the evaluation of clinical validity. This study was conducted, from December 2000 to January 2001, on 800 middle-aged parents, with four high school students, with 100 retest sets being conducted two weeks later. From the 800 subjects there were 588 complete responses (effective response 73.5%). The reliability of the test-retest results, and the factor analysis on the validity of the KHP 1.0 components, were evaluated using the SPSS (ver 10.0) software. Results : The reliability of the KHP 1.0 was good with Cronbach's alpha (>0.6), test-retest correlation coefficients (>0.5), but with no significant differences from the paired t-test. From the psychometric validity tests, the 9 scales of the KHP 1.0 were divided into two components; physical and mental, and trimmed to the established model with 55% of the total variance, with the exception of role limitation-emotional. The clinical validity on the basis of the comparison for the four characteristic groups; healthy, physical conditions only, mental conditions only, and physical and mental conditions were also good. Conclusions : The KHP 1.0 appears to be a valid measurement tool of self-perceived health stati of Koreans, although there are limitations, i.e. sample size was too small, a limited number of middle-aged subjects, and it was based on unconfirmed diagnoses, etc. Therefore, further study is required to standardize the assessment.

Spatial-temporal Assessment and Mapping of the Air Quality and Noise Pollution in a Sub-area Local Environment inside the Center of a Latin American Megacity: Universidad Nacional de Colombia - Bogotá Campus

  • Fredy Alejandro, Guevara Luna;Marco Andres, Guevara Luna;Nestor Yezid, Rojas Roa
    • Asian Journal of Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.232-243
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    • 2018
  • The construction, development and maintenance of an economically, environmentally and socially sustainable campus involves the integration of measuring tools and technical information that invites and encourages the community to know the actual state to generate positive actions for reducing the negative impacts over the local environment. At the Universidad Nacional de Colombia - Campus $Bogot{\acute{a}}$, a public area with daily traffic of more than 25000 people, the Environmental Management Bureau has committed with the monitoring of the noise pollution and air quality, as support to the campaigns aiming to reduce the pollutant emissions associated to the student's activities and campus operation. The target of this study is based in the implementation of mobile air quality and sonometry monitoring equipment, the mapping of the actual air quality and noise pollution inside the university campus as a novel methodology for a sub-area inside a megacity. This results and mapping are proposed as planning tool for the institution administrative sections. A mobile Kunak$^{(R)}$ Air & OPC air monitoring station with the capability to measure particulate matter $PM_{10}$, $PM_{2.5}$, Ozone ($O_3$), Sulfur Oxide ($SO_2$), Carbon Monoxide (CO) and Nitrogen Oxide ($NO_2$) as well as Temperature, Relative Humidity and Latitude and Longitude coordinates for the data georeferenciation; and a sonometer Cirrus$^{(R)}$ 162B Class 2 were used to perform the measurements. The measurements took place in conditions of academic activity and without it, with the aim of identify the impacts generated by the campus operation. Using the free code geographical information software QGIS$^{(R)}$ 2.18, the maps of each variable measured were developed, and the impacts generated by the operation of the campus were identified qualitative and quantitively. For the measured variables, an increase of around 21% for the $L_{Aeq}$ noise level and around 80% to 90% for air pollution were detected during the operation period.

Investigation into a Prototyping Tool for Interactive Product Design: Development, Application and Feasibility Study of MIDAS (Media Interaction Design Authoring System) (인터랙티브 제품 디자인을 위한 프로토타이핑 도구: MIDAS의 활용 사례 및 유용성 연구)

  • Yim, Ji-Dong;Nam, Tek-Jin
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.19 no.5 s.67
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    • pp.213-222
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    • 2006
  • This paper presents MIDAS (Media Interaction Design Authoring System), an authoring toolkit for designers and artists to develop working prototypes in new interaction design projects. Field research were conducted to identify the requirements and a case study of designing new interactive products was carried out to examine the feasibility of the new tool. MIDAS provides easier ways of integrating hardware and software, to manage a wide range of electric input and output elements and to employ 3D Augmented Reality technology within conventional multimedia authoring tools, such as Director and Flash, which are popularly used by designers. MIDAS was used in case study projects of design education as well as by voluntary designers for evaluation. From the result of case studies, it was found that many design projects were successfully accomplished using MIDAS. Designers who participated in the projects reported that MIDAS not only helped them to concentrate more on ideation but also was very easy to use as they implemented the physical interface concepts without advanced engineering skills. It is expected that MIDAS can also support prototyping in interactive media an, tangible user interface development and related human computer interaction fields.

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Development of Intelligent Internet Shopping Mall Supporting Tool Based on Software Agents and Knowledge Discovery Technology (소프트웨어 에이전트 및 지식탐사기술 기반 지능형 인터넷 쇼핑몰 지원도구의 개발)

  • 김재경;김우주;조윤호;김제란
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.153-177
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    • 2001
  • Nowadays, product recommendation is one of the important issues regarding both CRM and Internet shopping mall. Generally, a recommendation system tracks past actions of a group of users to make a recommendation to individual members of the group. The computer-mediated marketing and commerce have grown rapidly and thereby automatic recommendation methodologies have got great attentions. But the researches and commercial tools for product recommendation so far, still have many aspects that merit further considerations. To supplement those aspects, we devise a recommendation methodology by which we can get further recommendation effectiveness when applied to Internet shopping mall. The suggested methodology is based on web log information, product taxonomy, association rule mining, and decision tree learning. To implement this we also design and intelligent Internet shopping mall support system based on agent technology and develop it as a prototype system. We applied this methodology and the prototype system to a leading Korean Internet shopping mall and provide some experimental results. Through the experiment, we found that the suggested methodology can perform recommendation tasks both effectively and efficiently in real world problems. Its systematic validity issues are also discussed.

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A Study on Refined Information Generation through Classes Composition Based on Reengineering (재공학 기반의 클래스 합성을 통한 정련화된 정보 생성에 관한 연구)

  • 김행곤;한은주
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.239-248
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    • 1998
  • Software reengineering is making various research for solutions against problem of maintain existing system. Reengineering has a meaning of development of softwares on existing systems through the reverse-engineering and the forward-engineering. It extracts classes from existing system's softwares to increase the comprehension of the system and enhance the maintenability of softwares. Most of the important concepts used in reengineering is composition that is restructuring of the existing objects from other components. The classes and clusters in storage have structural relationship with system's main components to reuse in the higher level. These are referenced as dynamic informations through structuring an architect for each of them. The classes are created by extractor, searcher and composer through representing existing object-oriented source code. Each of classes and clusters extract refined informations through optimization. New architecture is created from the cluster based on its classes' relationship in storage. This information can be used as an executable code later on. In this paper, we propose the tools, it presented by this thesis presents a new information to users through analysing, based on reengineering, Object-Oriented informations and practicing composition methodology. These composite classes will increase reusability and produce higher comprehension information to consist maintainability for existing codes.

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Implementation of a Template-Based Authoring Tool for Multimedia Content (템플릿 기반 멀티미디어 컨텐트 저작도구 구현)

  • 고현일;성미영
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.368-376
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    • 2004
  • Currently, the package tools and software development kits of Microsoft's Windows Media Technology provides users an environment to write, distribute and play multimedia contents. However, it is very difficult for common users to create a media streaming content using the Windows Media technology, because of its technical hardship. Therefore, we developed an easy-to-use authoring tool for multimedia streaming content which can be used in the Windows Media Technology environment. Our authoring tool is based on the web page templates by which HTML codes can be generated automatically. Using the existing streaming media authoring tool provided by the Microsoft, users have to code the temporal markers and the event script commands directly to the ASF(Advanced Systems Format) files or ASX (ASF Stream Redirector) format files. We developed an easy-to-use interface for insetting temporal markers and the event script commands to the ASF files by simple mouse clicking and dragging to minimize the effort of users for creating multimedia streaming content. In addition, we implemented an ASX file creation wizard that allows users to create ASX format file without coding ASX tags. We also implemented various web page templates where the ASF files and the ASX files can be embedded by just clicking the corresponding templates. The target web pages can be automatically generated from those templates and previewed directly on the web browser at the time of creation.

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Automatic Generation of DB Images for Testing Enterprise Systems (전사적 응용시스템 테스트를 위한 DB이미지 생성에 관한 연구)

  • Kwon, Oh-Seung;Hong, Sa-Neung
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.37-58
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    • 2011
  • In general, testing DB applications is much more difficult than testing other types of software. The fact that the DB states as much as the input data influence and determine the procedures and results of program testing is one of the decisive reasons for the difficulties. In order to create and maintain proper DB states for testing, it not only takes a lot of time and efforts, but also requires extensive IT expertise and business knowledge. Despite the difficulties, there are not enough research and tools for the needed help. This article reports the result of research on automatic creation and maintenance of DB states for testing DB applications. As its core, this investigation develops an automation tool which collects relevant information from a variety of sources such as log, schema, tables and messages, combines collected information intelligently, and creates pre- and post-Images of database tables proper for application tests. The proposed procedures and tool are expected to be greatly helpful for overcoming inefficiencies and difficulties in not just unit and integration tests but including regression tests. Practically, the tool and procedures proposed in this research allows developers to improve their productivity by reducing time and effort required for creating and maintaining appropriate DB sates, and enhances the quality of DB applications since they are conducive to a wider variety of test cases and support regression tests. Academically, this research deepens our understanding and introduces new approach to testing enterprise systems by analyzing patterns of SQL usages and defining a grammar to express and process the patterns.

Stray Light Analysis of a Compact Imaging Spectrometer for a Microsatellite STSAT-3 (과학기술위성3호 부탑재체 소형영상분광기 미광 해석)

  • Lee, Jin Ah;Lee, Jun Ho
    • Korean Journal of Optics and Photonics
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.167-171
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    • 2012
  • This paper reports on the stray light analysis results of a compact imaging spectrometer (COMIS) for a microsatellite STSAT-3. COMIS images Earth's surface and atmosphere with ground sampling distances of 27 m at the 18~62 spectral bands (0.4 ~ 1.05 ${\mu}m$) for the nadir looking at an altitude of 700 km. COMIS has an imaging telescope and an imaging spectrometer box into which three electronics PCBs are embedded. The telescope images a $27m{\times}28km$ area of Earth surface onto a slit of dimensions $11.8{\mu}m{\times}12.1mm$. This corresponds to a ground sampling distance of 27 m and a swath width of 28 km for nadir looking posture at an altitude of 700 km. Then the optics relays and disperses the slit image onto the detector thereby producing a monochrome image of the entrance slit formed on each row of detector elements. The spectrum of each point in the row is imaged along a detector column. The optical mounts and housing structures are designed in order to prevent stray light from arriving onto the image and so deteriorating the signal to noise ratio (SNR). The stray light analysis, performed by a non-sequential ray tracing software (LightTools) with three dimensional housing and lens modeling, confirms that the ghost and stray light arriving at the detector plane has the relative intensity of ${\sim}10^{-5}$ and furthermore it locates outside the concerned image size i.e. the field of view of the optics.