• Title/Summary/Keyword: Sodium Fast Reactor (SFR)

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Validation of the correlation-based aerosol model in the ISFRA sodium-cooled fast reactor safety analysis code

  • Yoon, Churl;Kim, Sung Il;Lee, Sung Jin;Kang, Seok Hun;Paik, Chan Y.
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.53 no.12
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    • pp.3966-3978
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    • 2021
  • ISFRA (Integrated SFR Analysis Program for PSA) computer program has been developed for simulating the response of the PGSFR pool design with metal fuel during a severe accident. This paper describes validation of the ISFRA aerosol model against the Aerosol Behavior Code Validation and Evaluation (ABCOVE) experiments undertaken in 1980s for radionuclide transport within a SFR containment. ABCOVE AB5, AB6, and AB7 tests are simulated using the ISFRA aerosol model and the results are compared against the measured data as well as with the simulation results of the MELCOR severe accident code. It is revealed that the ISFRA prediction of single-component aerosols inside a vessel (AB5) is in good agreement with the experimental data as well as with the results of the aerosol model in MELCOR. Moreover, the ISFRA aerosol model can predict the "washout" phenomenon due to the interaction between two aerosol species (AB6) and two-component aerosols without strong mutual interference (AB7). Based on the theory review of the aerosol correlation technique, it is concluded that the ISFRA aerosol model can provide fast, stable calculations with reasonable accuracy for most of the cases unless the aerosol size distribution is strongly deformed from log-normal distribution.


  • Lee, Je-Whan;Jeong, Yong-Hoon;Chang, Yoon-Il;Chang, Soon-Heung
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.43 no.4
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    • pp.383-390
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    • 2011
  • Nuclear power has become an essential part of electricity generation to meet the continuous growth of electricity demand. A Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor (SFR) was developed to extend uranium resource utilization under a growing nuclear energy scenario while concomitantly providing a nuclear waste management solution. Key questions in this scenario are when to introduce SFRs and how many reactors should be introduced. In this study, a methodology using Linear Programming is employed in order to quantify an optimized growth pattern of a nuclear energy system comprising light water reactors and SFRs. The optimization involves tradeoffs between SFR capital cost premiums and the total system U3O8 price premiums. Optimum nuclear growth patterns for several scenarios are presented, as well as sensitivity analyses of important input parameters.

소듐냉각고속로의 고유 계통 특성

  • Lee, Jae-Han
    • Journal of the KSME
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    • v.51 no.12
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    • pp.51-54
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    • 2011
  • 이 글에서는 제4세대 원자로로 다시 부각되고 있는 소듐냉각고속로(SFR: Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor)의 활용성, 계통설계 구성 및 공학적 안전설비에 대하여 가압경수로(PWR: Pressurized Water Reactor)와의 차이점을 위주로 소개한다.

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Investigation on Design Requirements of Vent Lines for Sodium-Water Reaction Pressure Relief System of Prototype Generation-IV Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactor (소듐냉각고속로 원형로 소듐-물 반응 압력완화계통의 배출배관 설계요건 연구)

  • Park, Sun Hee;Han, Ji-Woong
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • v.56 no.3
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    • pp.388-403
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    • 2018
  • We investigated design requirements of vent lines for Sodium-Water Reaction Pressure Relief System of Prototype Generation-IV Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactor. We developed design requirements of areas of the rupture disks of the steam generator, a diameter of the gas vent line of the sodium dump tank, a diameter of the gas vent line of the water dump tank, a diameter of the water dump line of the steam generator. With the design requirements, we calculated the time to vent fluid inside the steam generator and analyzed the transient pressure behavior, also evaluated the close pressure value of the isolation valve of the water dump line. Our results are expected to be used as basis information to design Sodium-Water Reaction Pressure Relief System of Prototype Generation IV Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactor.

Investigation on Design Requirements of Feed Water Drain and Hydrogen Vent Systems for the Prototype Generation IV Sodium Cooled Fast Reactor (소듐냉각고속로 원형로 소듐-물 반응 압력완화계통의 급수배출 및 수소방출 설계 요건 연구)

  • Park, Sun Hee;Ye, Huee-Youl;Lee, Tae-Ho
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • v.55 no.2
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    • pp.170-179
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    • 2017
  • We investigated design requirements of feed water drain and hydrogen vent systems for the sodium-water reaction pressure relief system (SWRPRS) of the prototype generation IV sodium cooled fast reactor (PGSFR). We evaluated the areas of the gas vent pipe of the water dump tank and the length of the water drain pipe of the steam generator to rapid drain of the water steam inside the steam generator for the normal and refueling operations, respectively. We also calculated the diameter of the gas vent pipe of the sodium dump tank which met its design pressure.

Preliminary Leak-before Break Assessment of Intermediate Heat Transport System Hot-Leg of a Prototype Generation IV Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor (소듐냉각고속로 원형로 중간열전달계통 고온배관의 파단전누설 예비평가)

  • Lee, Sa Yong;Kim, Nak Hyun;Koo, Gyeong Hoi;Kim, Sung Kyun;Kim, Yoon Jea
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Pressure Vessels and Piping
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.126-133
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    • 2016
  • Recently, the research and development of Sodium-cooled Fast Reactors (SFRs) have made progresses. However, liquid sodium, the coolant of an SFR, is chemically unstable and sodium fire can be occurred when liquid sodium leaks from sodium pipe. To reduce the damage by the sodium fire, many fire walls and fire extinguishers are needed for SFRs. LBB concept in SFR might reduce the scale of sodium fire and decrease or eliminate fire walls and fire extinguishers. Therefore, LBB concept can contribute to improve economic efficiency and to strengthen defense-in depth safety. The LBB assessment procedure has been well established, and has been used significantly in light water reactors (LWRs). However, an LBB assessment of an SFR is more complicated because SFRs are operated in elevated temperature regions. In such a region, because creep damage may occur in a material, thereby growing defects, an LBB assessment of an SFR should consider elevated temperature effects. The procedure and method for this purpose are provided in RCC-MRx A16, which is a French code. In this study, LBB assessment was performed for PGSFR IHTS hot-leg pipe according to RCC-MRx A16 and the applicability of the code was discussed.

Feasibility Study on Ultrasonic Waveguide Sensor for Under-Sodium Viewing of Reactor Internals in Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactor (소듐냉각고속로 원자로 내부구조물의 소듐내부가시화를 위한 웨이브가이드 초음파센서의 적용 가능성 연구)

  • Joo, Young-Sang;Lim, Sa-Hoe;Park, Chang-Gyu;Lee, Jae-Han
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.364-371
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    • 2008
  • Ultrasonic waveguide sensor has been developed for under-sodium viewing of reactor internal structures of a sodium-cooled fast reactor (SFR). The structure design concept of a waveguide sensor assembly was suggested and evaluated for the application in SFR. A 10 m long ultrasonic waveguide sensor assembly has been manufactured and the experimental feasibility tests were carried out. The 10 m long distance propagation performance of zero-order antisymmetric $A_0$ Lamb wave has been verified. The feasibility of ultrasonic waveguide sensor has been demonstrated by the C-scanning resolution performance test.


    • Archives of Metallurgy and Materials
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    • v.64 no.3
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    • pp.953-957
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    • 2019
  • U-10wt.%Zr metallic fuel slugs containing rare-earth (RE: a rare-earth alloy comprising 53% Nd, 25% Ce, 16% Pr and 6% La) elements for a sodium-cooled fast reactor were fabricated by modified injection casting as an alternative method. The distribution, size and composition of the RE inclusions in the metallic fuel slugs were investigated according to the content of the RE inclusions. There were no observed casting defects, such as shrunk pipes, micro-shrinkage or hot tears formed during solidification, in the metallic fuel slugs fabricated by modified injection casting. Scanning electron micrographs and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (SEM-EDS) showed that the Zr and RE inclusions were uniformly distributed in the matrix and the composition of the RE inclusions was similar to that of a charged RE element. The content and the size of the RE inclusions increased slightly according to the charge content of the RE elements. RE inclusions in U-Zr alloys will have a positive effect on fuel performance due to their micro-size and high degree of distribution.

SIMMER-IV application to safety assessment of severe accident in a small SFR

  • H. Tagami;Y. Tobita
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.56 no.3
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    • pp.873-879
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    • 2024
  • A sodium-cooled fast reactor (SFR) core has a potential of prompt criticality due to a change of core material distribution during a severe accident, and the resultant energy release has been one of the safety issues of SFRs. In this study, the safety assessment of an unprotected loss-of-flow (ULOF) in a small SFR (SSFR) has been performed using the SIMMER-IV computer code, which couples the models of space- and time-dependent neutronics and multi-component, multi-field thermal hydraulics in three dimensions. The code, therefore, is applicable to the simulations of transient behaviors of extended disrupted core material motion and its reactivity effects during the transition phase (TP) of ULOF, including a potential of prompt-criticality power excursions driven by fuel compaction. Several conservative assumptions are used in the TP analysis by SIMMER-IV. It was found out that one of the important mechanisms that drives the reactivity-inserting fuel motion was sodium vapor pressure resulted from a fuel-coolant interaction (FCI), which itself was non-energetic local phenomenon. The uncertainties relating to FCI is also evaluated in much conservative way in the sensitivity analysis. From this study, the ULOF characteristics in an SSFR have been understood. Occurrence of recriticality events under conservative assumptions are plausible, but their energy releases are limited.

Impingement wastage experiment with SUS 316 in a printed circuit steam generator

  • Siwon Seo;Bowon Hwang;Sangji Kim;Jaeyoung Lee
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.56 no.1
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    • pp.257-264
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    • 2024
  • The sodium cooled fast reactor (SFR) is one of the Gen-IV reactors with the most operating experience accumulated. Although the technology level is the most mature among the Gen-IV reactors, there is still a safety problem that has not been solved, which is the sodium-water reaction. Since sodium and water are separated only by a heat transfer tube with a thickness of only a few mm, there is inherently a risk of a sodium-water reaction (SWR) accident in the SFR. In this study, it is attempted to quantitatively evaluate the resistance of SWR accidents by replacing the shell and tube steam generator with printed circuit steam generator (PCSG) as a method to mitigate the SWR accident. To do this, a CATS-S (Compact Accident Tolerance Steam Generator-SWR) facility was designed and built. And for the quantitative evaluation of accident resistance, a methodology for measuring the impingement wastage rate was established. As a result of this research, the impingement wastage rate caused by SWR generated in a PCSG was measured first time. It was confirmed that the impingement wastage phenomenon was suppressed in the PCSG, and the accident resistance was higher than that of the SWR through comparison with the experimental results performed in the existing shell and tube steam generator. In conclusion, a PCSG is more resistant to impingement wastage as a result of the SWR accident than existing shell and tube steam generators, and it is estimated that a PCSG can mitigate SWR accidents, an inherent problem of SFR.