• Title/Summary/Keyword: Social practices-based education

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A Basic Study on Establishment and Operation of Agricultural Water Saving Governance (농업용수 물절약 거버넌스 구축·운영 기초연구)

  • Lee, Seul-Gi;Choi, Kyung-Sook
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.11-20
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    • 2021
  • Recently, natural disasters caused by climate change have become more frequent across the world. Our country is also not exceptional, and it is urgent to come up with appropriate measures in the agricultural sector as the size and intensity of drought are becoming severe. Consequently, the Ministry of Agriculture and Food has continuously raised the need for efficient water management and governance to overcome the periodic drought. Thus, there is a need for water-saving education and water conservation governance for sustainable and efficient use of agricultural water. Governance is a cooperative mechanism involving various stakeholders, such as central, local, civil society, and businesses, to solve regional or social problems, with different definitions and concepts depending on the field or scope. In this study, we aim to present basis of a governance framework for direct water management participation involving the key agricultural water use stakeholders to imbibe the culture of water savings and conservation practices. Based on this, water-saving governance was established and operated in Gyeongju and Yeoju, in South Korea as a 'water conservation practice', while the water management status of local farmers, the reliability and importance of stakeholders, and the need for governance were investigated. The results indicate that the involvement of various stakeholders in the governance of water management yielded water-saving effects. This study provides the directions of making a framework for water-saving governance establishment and operation. It is expected that sustainable agricultural water use can be achieved in response to climate change if the governance builds and operates with agricultural water use stakeholders based on the continuous government supports.

A Qualitative Study of the Aging Experience among Korean Older Adults Residing in Urban, Rural, and the US Immigrant Context (도시, 농촌, 재미 이민사회에 거주하는 한국노인의 노화 경험에 관한 질적 연구)

  • Lee, Jun-woo;Pak, Jenny H;Lee, Hyuna
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.39 no.3
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    • pp.589-612
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    • 2019
  • Korea has undergone rapid modernization and globalization process in the last few decades. The purpose of this study is to explore how shifting traditional values are impacting Korean elderlies and their perceptions of aging experience. In order to understand how changing social and cultural practices are affecting older adults, the similarities and differences among Korean elderlies living in three different geographical locations are examined in a multidimensional comparative framework. Life story interviews were conducted with 30 Korean elderlies (10 urban residents in Korea, 10 rural residents in Korea, and 10 residents in the US). Paying attention to within-group variation, this study particularly focused on analyzing the psychological, social, emotional, and spiritual experiences that made lives meaningful and resilient in old age in spite of physical decline. Based on analysis of narrative, the following major areas were identified as having positive or negative influence on aging experiences: physical health, emotional health, family relationship, work, leisure/social activity, and spirituality. Common themes of aging well across all settings included: "life not indebted to their offspring," "physical and mental health," and "dying well." Spirituality played a critical role in cultivating perspectives on life and accepting aging process, which were rooted in specific religious traditions participants identified (e.g., Christianity or Buddhism). Interesting differences in the meaning of work and leisure were also found between elderlies residing in Korea and the US immigrant context. One unique factor continuing to negatively affect Korean elderly in rural community was related to shame of not obtaining higher education. Implications for future research are also addressed.

Influence of Authenticity on Electrical Energy Saving Behavioral Intention (진정성이 전기에너지 절약 행동의도에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Young-Doo
    • The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business
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    • v.9 no.11
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    • pp.67-76
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    • 2018
  • Purpose - Electrical energy saving is one of the practical virtues relating to sustainable living. Therefore, policy-makers has tried to find a way to change the behaviors of individuals to encourage them to actively practice electrical energy saving, even if they have never had this concern or have only passively practiced electrical energy saving to this point. Prior research related to electrical energy saving can be categorized into several types. The first is focused on consumer characteristics linked to electrical energy saving. These studies are based on individual or household socio-demographic variables (e.g., age, gender, household income, education level, occupants, marital status, number of households), and psycho-graphics (e.g., environmental consciousness, value, attitude, motivation, lifestyle). The second is focused on policies (e.g., monetary incentives, information sharing, social comparison, feedback), and technologies (e.g., energy-efficiency home appliances, energy-reduced products, renewable resources). People generally have a favorable attitude towards electrical energy saving, while electrical energy saving practices tend to be less favorable. Therefore, it is necessary for policy-makers to seek out gaps between attitudes and behaviors and find alternatives to reduce these gaps. This study investigates the influence of authenticity on the behavioral intention of electrical energy saving. It is supposed that electrical energy saving practices are likely to be stronger as authenticity of individual or household becomes stronger. This study reviews prior literature and examines various studies to provide an understanding of the relationships between authenticity and electrical energy saving behavioral intention. Research design, data, and methodology - Hypothesis was drawn from analysis based on previous research. The items related to authenticity and electrical energy saving were selected from items found in previous research. To verify this hypothesis, data were collected via experimental survey method and the resulting data were analyzed using reliability analysis, correlation analysis, and hierarchical regression analysis. Results - This study found that authenticity had a positive impact on the behavioral intention of electrical energy saving. The higher the perceived degree of authenticity, the higher the behavioral intention of electrical energy saving. Conclusions - This study assesses the impact of authenticity on the behavioral intention of electrical energy saving. In order to enhance the practice of electrical energy saving, it is efficient strategy for policy-maker to improve the perceived authenticity of individuals.

Implications in UNESCO's Concept of 'Cultural Diversity' and Its Application to the 「World Geography」 Subject (유네스코 '문화 다양성' 개념의 함축과 「세계지리」 과목에서의 실천 방안)

  • Jeon, Jong-Han
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.51 no.4
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    • pp.559-576
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    • 2016
  • The concept of 'cultural diversity' has emerged as a key concept and the buzzword of the 21st century's international community in education, science and culture sectors since UNESCO's "World Declaration on Cultural Diversity"(2001). However, the appropriate and correct implementation in educational level and in a subject scale can not be pursued without special understanding of multilateral implications of UNESCO's 'cultural diversity' because the concept of cultural diversity has been distributed to various applications according to individual scholars and institutions before the "World Declaration on Cultural Diversity" was released. The ultimate orientation of 'cultural diversity', the concept presented in "World Declaration on Cultural Diversity" is 'world peace' and 'the coexistence of various cultures of mankind'. In this regard, 'cultural diversity' has special 'educational' meaning to the next generation as well as the current one. Also, it is meaningful to take educational practices on cultural diversity in case of the "World Geography" subject in view of that international society of geographical education came up with "International Declaration of Geographical Education for Cultural Diversity" in the IGU(International Geographical Union) 2000. From this point of view, the author proposes that the 'cultural diversity' concept implies four folds of meanings as an ideology, as a symbol, as a vision, and as a epistemological turn based on the analysis of literatures on 'cultural diversity' of UNESCO, then presents an educational practice centering around the examples and its usage of teaching materials of cultural diversity.

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Exploring How a High School Science Teacher's Understanding and Facilitation of Scientific Modeling Shifted through Participation in a Professional Learning Community (교사학습공동체에 참여한 한 고등학교 교사의 과학적 모델링에 대한 이해 및 수업 실행 변화 탐색 -프레임 분석을 중심으로-)

  • Shim, Soo-Yean
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.40 no.1
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    • pp.29-40
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to explore how a high school science teacher (Teacher E) shifted her understanding and facilitation of scientific modeling through participation in a professional learning community (PLC) for over a year. Based on socially situated theory of learning, I focused on examining Teacher E's frames about scientific modeling from her social interactions. Teacher E participated in her school-based PLC over a year and collaborated with other science teachers, coaches, and researchers to improve science instruction. I qualitatively explored her participation in 6 full-day professional learning opportunities-studios-where the PLC members collectively planned, implemented, and debriefed modeling-based lessons. Especially, I focused on two Studios (Studio 2, 6) where Teacher E became the host teacher and implemented the lessons. I also examined her classroom teaching in those Studios. To understand how the PLC inquiry affected the shifts observed in Teacher E's understanding and practice, I explored how the inquiry evolved over the 6 Studios. Findings suggest that in Studio 2, Teacher E viewed students' role in scientific modeling as to fill out the worksheet with "correct" answers. Meanwhile, in Studio 6, she focused on helping students collaborate to construct explanatory models of phenomena using evidence. The PLC inquiry, focused on supporting students' construction of evidence-based explanations and collaboration in scientific modeling, seemed to promote the shifts observed in Teacher E's understanding and facilitation of scientific modeling. These findings can inform educational researchers and practitioners who aim to promote teachers' professional learning to support students' epistemic practices.

A Focus Group Interview Study on the Daycare Center Director's Recognition and Improvement of Male Teacher's Employment (어린이집 원장의 남자교사 채용 인식과 개선방안에 대한 포커스 집단 연구)

  • Lim, Myeung Hee;Kim, Seong Hyun
    • Korean Journal of Child Education & Care
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.123-143
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    • 2018
  • Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate daycare center director's awareness of male teacher recruitment and need for effective male teacher recruitment. Methods: To this end, eight directors of child care centers with male teachers were selected as subjects of study. The data collection method was applied to the Focus Group Interview method, and a four interviews were conducted for two to two and a half hours. Results: After the interview data was analyzed, the contents were categorized into two major themes and six sub themes in awareness of male teacher recruitment by director of daycare center. The two major themes were (1) A vague fear of upcoming difficulties (2) The light and darkness of male teachers in the organization culture of childcare. Looking at the results, in a vague fear of upcoming difficulties theme includes administrative disadvantages, gender-related social atmosphere, and uncertainty about their role performance. Second, in the light and darkness theme includes women-centered organizational culture and adaptation, the vision of child care sites, and the role of male teachers at childcare sites. Next the contents were categorized into one major theme and four sub themes in need for effective male teacher recruitment by director of daycare center. The major theme was a male teacher's way into the daycare site, and sub five themes were expanding opportunities for child care experience and practices, a shift in the perception that it's not a man, it's an individual problem, maximizing the strengths of men, and improving the system. Conclusion/Implications: Based on these results, several specific implications of need for effective male teacher recruitment were suggested.

Model Development of Nursing Care System for Women's Health : Based on Nurse-Midwifery Clinic (여성의 건강을 위한 간호전달체계 모형개발 - 조산원 중심으로 -)

  • Park, Yeong-Suk
    • Women's Health Nursing
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.133-145
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    • 1999
  • The purposesof the study are to analyze the community nursing center in U.S.A and to develop the model of nursing care system based on nurse-midwifery clinic in community for women's health in Korea. 1. In America nursing center is defined as nurse-anchored system of primary care delivery or neighborhood health center. Nursing centers are identified the following four types: (1) community outreach centers, which are similar to traditional public health clinics: (2) institutional-based centers following the mission of a large institution, such as a hospital or university: (3) wellness/health promotion centers, which offer screening, education, counseling, triage, and health maintenance services: and (4) independent practice. Nursing centers are a concept of services provided by nurses in practice arrangements in a community. Nursing centers offer a variety of services, ranging from primary care provided by advanced practice nurses with medical acute management and nursing care to the more traditional education, health promotion, screening wellness and coordination services. Some services, such as the care provided by advanced practice nurses are reimbursed under various insurance plan in some instances and states, where as others, such as preventive and educational services, are not. Thus, lack of reimbursement has threatened the survival of some centers. Licensing of nursing centers varies by state and program and accreditation of nursing centers is also limited. 52% of centers are affiliated with another facility and 48% are freestanding centers. The number of registered nurse at the nursing centers ranges from just one to 115, with a mean of eight RNs peragency and a median of three. Nursing centers avail ability varies: 14% are open 24 hours, 27% have variable short hours, 23% are open 6-7 days per week, and 36% are open Monday- Friday. As the result of my visiting three health centers in Seattle and San Francisco, the women's primary care nurse practitioners focus on a systematic and comprehensive assessment of the health status of women and diagnosis and management of common physical and psychosocial health concerns of women in ambulatory settings. Therapeutic nursing strategies are directed toward self-care, risk reoduction, health surveillance, stress reduction, healthy nutrition, social support, healthy coping, psychological well-being, and pharmacological therapy. They function as primary care providers for the well ness and illness care of women from adolescence through the older adult years and pregnant families. 2. In Korea a nurse-midwife practices independently for pregnant women's health including childbearing family at her own clinic in community. Her services are reimbursed under national health insurance but they are not paid on a fee-for-service schedule covering items. Analyzing the nursing centers in America, I suggest that nurse-midwifery clinics offer primary care for women and home care for chronic ill patients. The health law and health insurance policy should be reovised in order to expand nurse-midwife's and home care nurse's roles at nurse-midwifery clinic.

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The Literature Review of Music Therapy in the United States (음악요법에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Won-Yu
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.245-261
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    • 2000
  • Based on the literature, status and role the music therapist in America was reviewed for this study. The process of developing a music therapy program in America suggests to us many things: In America, music therapists have sustained a mutually beneficial status with their clients for, over fifty years. Excellence in academic education and clinical training enable music therapists to continue to provide quality music therapy. The magnitude of change in to music therapy in the United States, however creates the challenge of providing real access to music therapy continues in the future. Music therapy is the use of music in the accomplishment of therapeutic aims: the restoration, maintenance, and improvement of mental and physical health. Music therapists work with individuals of all ages who require special services due to behavioral. social. learning, or physical disabilities. Employment may be in hospitals, clinics, day care facilities, schools, community mental health centers, substance abuse facilities, nursing homes, hospices, rehabilitation centers, correctional facilities, or private practices. The American Music Therapy Association (AMTA) was founded in 1998 as a result of a union between the American Association for Music Therapy (founded in 1971) and the National Association for Music Therapy(founded in 1950). Music therapists are highly qualified professionals who have completed approved degree programs and had clinical training in order to receive Board Certification(MT-BC), with the designation of Registered, Certified, or Advanced Certified Music Therapist(RMT. CMT - or ACMT). AMTA provides several mechanism for monitoring the quality of music therapy programs: Standards of Practice. a Code of Ethics, a system for Peer Review, a Judical Review Board, and an Ethics Board. According to the results of this study, the suggestions were as follows: 1. It is concluded that music therapy as a nursing intervention can be effective for the clients. 2. It is a great challenge to develope a music therapy program for nursing intervention however, it is also task and responsibility to further the development of nursing.

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Internet-Mediated Research in the Age of Social Distancing: Methodological Reflections and Recommendations from Two Online Research Projects (사회적 거리두기 시대의 인터넷 기반 연구: 두 온라인 연구 프로젝트로부터의 방법론적 고찰과 제안점)

  • Lee, Jisue;Hollister, Jonathan M.
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.51 no.2
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    • pp.319-353
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    • 2020
  • Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, scholars at institutions of higher education around the world are transitioning their teaching, service, and research into online settings; for many this may be a new and challenging experience. While many of the best practices associated with research in traditional or face-to-face settings also apply to research in or via online settings, there are some additional challenges and nuances that researchers must adequately address and plan for due to the affordances and limitations of online settings. This paper discusses the key issues of privacy, informed consent, trust and trustworthiness, and retention through the literature and provides practical recommendations based on evidence and experience from two different online research projects. The reflections on and examples from these two research projects contextualize the above issues and act as evidence to inform research as a practice. The authors hope this evidence and practical guidance may help researchers better prepare for research in a socially distanced world.

Analysis of Research Trends on Child Participation Rights In Korea (아동참여권에 대한 국내연구 동향분석)

  • Kim, Jin Sook
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.8 no.11
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    • pp.447-460
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    • 2017
  • This study aims to review the implementation level of the Children's Participation Rights by analyzing the trend of researches as to the Children's Participation Rights, and to suggest implications for future researches and practices. To this end, twenty-seven articles that had been published in Korean journals during the period from the conclusion of the Convention of the Rights of the Children in 1989 to May 2017 were analyzed. The result of this analysis indicated that the concept of the Children's Participation Rights in the researchers' perspective was more expansive than the Convention of the Rights of the Children, and the context in which the Children's Participation Rights were exercised was important, Based on the analysis, this study proposed the following; first, it is necessary to study the implementation process of participation rights in various contexts, second, more emphasis needs to be placed on the right of participation in everyday life, and third,, a process to coordinate various opinions between children and adults should be included in designing the children's rights education.