• Title/Summary/Keyword: Social burden

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Research on Housing Conditions of the Vulnerable in Rural Area - With Focus on the Cases of Jincheon-eup and Baebok-myeon, Jincheon-gun, Chungbuk - (농촌지역 취약계층 주거실태 조사연구 - 충북 진천군 진천읍·백곡면 사례를 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Seung-Keun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Rural Architecture
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2011
  • Korea is moving toward an aging society faster than the other advance countries such as the U.S. and France. Such aging phenomena are posing greater problems in rural areas than in urban areas, and particularly, decrease in productivity caused by aging population leads to economic difficulties and hinders the improvement of housing life. The purpose of this research is to examine and identify the housing conditions of the vulnerable in rural areas and to present ways to improve the elderly housing and the housing environment in rural areas and to provide basic data for materializing the policies to enhance the quality of life. The results of this research are as follows. First, the elderly in rural areas were found to receive relatively smooth supports for services related to clothing and food through the government and social organizations. But for the housing problems, it was found that there were not any supports. Second, the poor housing environment may cause diseases to the elderly with weak immunity, so ways to remedy these problems are urgently needed. Third, the vulnerable in rural areas can hardly bear the burden of improving the housing environment, so supports from the government and social organizations are needed. Fourth, ways to support the vulnerable such as households receiving basic living subsidies and to support the poor who are not receiving such subsidies should be explored.

The Social Support for Work-Family Balance compared with that of Chosun Dynasty (일-가정 양립 실태와 사회적 지원의 방향성 비교: 가족친화적이었던 조선시대를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Sung-Hee
    • Journal of Family Resource Management and Policy Review
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 2009
  • purpose of this study was to compare the direction of work-family balance policy with the family support of Chosun Dynasty by reviewing the literature of the period, including diaries of "Soemilok" and "Miamilki" and letters written by Yangban. The major findings drawn from the literature were as follows: The husbands in Chosen, especially as public officials, were under strong obligation to support their family like working wives in modern society. They were able to care for and support their families and maintain their careers due to flexibility in their office hours. They had dual burdens of home management and outside labor but their requests for the necessities of life were resolved promptly in public offices. From this result, it was argued that the policy for dual burden for women would benefit from a consideration for flexibility and reduction of working hours. Especially it was emphasized that the border between home and work place should be more open and the relationship of family should be supported by work-family balance policy.

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The Effects of Task Types on English Writing Performance in SNS-based Learning Environments

  • Jang, Eunjee;Kim, Jieyoung
    • English Language & Literature Teaching
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.45-66
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of two different SNS-based tasks on university students' English writing performance. To address our primary research question, Me2day, microblogging and Social Networking Service, was employed. 43 university students were divided into two experimental groups depending on the task types: a comparison task group and a sharing personal experiences task group. The main findings of the study were as follows: first, two different types of SNS-based tasks, 'spot the differences' and 'writing diaries', had a positive effect on learners' writing performance. The reason for this was that the succinct messages limited to 150 characters made it easier for the students to try writing in English without burden; and they may benefit from their peers by seeing their posts and interacting with each other. Yet there were no significant differences between the two groups when it came to the degree of improvement. Second, two different types of SNS-based tasks differently fostered certain aspects of the writing performance; 'contents knowledge' was supported by the 'writing diaries' task and range was supported by the 'spot the differences' task. Third, learners in the two experimental groups mostly had positive impressions regarding usage of Me2day as a new learning tool.

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Development of Daycare Center for Senior Users as Community-Cohesive Facility (노인데이케어센터의 지역융합형 발전방향)

  • Han, Jeong-Won
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.1489-1495
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    • 2014
  • Facing aged society, long-term care insurance for senior citizen has been introduced in Korea since 2008 in order to take away care burden from family. Daycare Center is one of the institutions developed by the idea of social care. Noticing many problems around adult day services (ADS) such as low quality of services and lack of running sources, this paper would suggest the norm of day care center in terms of community cohesive facilities. In addition, to find out the future vision of ADS, interviews with 10 experts are also analyzed. The result is that new health care program would be community-friendly, tailor-made, communication-based and intergenerational one.

Influence of life stress on Temporomandibular joint disorders in undergraduate students (대학생의 생활 스트레스가 측두하악관절 장애에 미치는 영향)

  • Kwon, Soon Suk;Lee, Hye-Eun
    • Journal of Technologic Dentistry
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    • v.39 no.3
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    • pp.187-196
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    • 2017
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors contributing to temporomandibular joint disorder symptoms. Methods: The survey was conducted from May 1 to June 10 2017 against college students(120 males and 123 females) in Daejeon and Gangwon who understood the purpose of this study and agreed to participate. Results: First, The most frequent symptom of temporomandibular joint disorders is noises from the joint (male 45%, female 61.8%), followed by headache or neck pain (male 25.8%, female 52.8%). There was shown a significant difference by gender in all items except for jaw dropping, poor alignment of teeth and trauma(p<0.05). Second, Looking into the correlation between stress and subjective symptoms of Temporomandibular joint disorders, The stress of Temporomandibular joint disorders showed more significant relation with realistic issues such as academic task, economic burden (e.g., treatment cost), future career, and life values rather than aspect of social relationship(p<0.01). Conclusion: As a result of analyzing variables to understand the influence of stress on temporomandibular joint disorders, the accumulated number of bad habits, stress and temporomandibular joint disorders showed a significantly positive correlation with one another (p<0.05). In other words, the higher the stress level the severe the temporomandibular joint disorders; the more the bad habits the severe the temporomandibular joint disorders;

Factors Related to Anxiety and Depression of the Family Caregivers' with Dementia Patients: based on 2015 Community Health Survey (치매환자 가족부양자의 불안 및 우울 관련 요인: 2015년 지역사회 건강조사를 바탕으로)

  • Um, Taerim;Choi, Boyoung
    • The Journal of Korean Society for School & Community Health Education
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.65-77
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    • 2018
  • Background & Objectives: This study aims to investigate the health status of family caregivers with dementia patients and identify the factors related to their anxiety and depression. Methods: Data from 2015 Community Health Survey(n=2,426) was used. A chi-square test was performed to investigate the health status of family caregivers, and a multiple logistic regression analysis was used to identify the factors associated with anxiety and depression. Results: Odds ratio(OR) of anxiety and depression was 1.29 times higher in female, 2.49 times higher in over 70 years versus under 39 years. ORs were lower 34.0%, 26.0%, 26.0% in the working group, the physical activity group, the alcohol drinking group respectively. ORs of anxiety and depression were 4.54 times, 1.57 times higher in the stress group, the chronic disease group respectively. And ORs were 61.0%, 28.0% lower respectively when social networks and social activities was present. Conclusions: The rate of experiencing anxiety and depression was high in family caregivers with dementia patients. It is necessary to provide diverse programs to reduce the burden of family support, anxiety and depression of family caregivers.

Effect of Participation in Life Sports on Life Satisfaction of the Elderly (생활체육에 참여하는 노인의 삶의 만족도의 영향요인)

  • Song, Min Sun;Yang, Nam Young
    • Journal of Home Health Care Nursing
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.173-181
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    • 2018
  • Purpose: This study examined the effects of physical fitness and aging anxiety on life satisfaction among the elderly. Methods: The participants were 119 elderly. Data collection was conducted from July 1 to 10, 2018. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, t-tests, ANOVA, Pearson's correlation coefficients, and multiple linear regression analysis with SPSS software. Results: The mean life satisfaction score was 4.10. Life satisfaction differed significantly according to several general characteristics: education level (p=.014), income (p<.001), living with partner (p=.041), perceived health status (p<.001), and number of chronic diseases (p<.001). Statistically significant positive relationships were observed between life satisfaction with muscle strength (r=.20) and, flexibility (r=.21), and a negative relationship was observed with aging anxiety (r=-.66). A total of 60.0% of life satisfaction was explained by income, perceived health status, muscle strength, flexibility, and aging anxiety. Conclusion: These results can be used to develop life sports programs to improve physical, social, and emotional health promotion with consideration for support to alleviate economic burden. Effect of life sports are evident as a way for healthy and energetic elderly. It should not be a simple exercise program but an integrated plan for improving physical, mental, and social health of the elderly.

Factors that Affect Depression and Anxiety in Service and Sales Workers Who Interact With Angry Clients

  • Park, Jungsun;Kim, Yangho
    • Safety and Health at Work
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.217-224
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    • 2021
  • Introduction: We evaluated depression and anxiety in service and sales workers from Korea who interacted with angry clients to identify factors that mediated and moderated depression and anxiety in these workers. Methods: This was a secondary analysis of data from the fifth Korean Working Conditions Survey conducted in 2017. A structural equation model was used for mediation and moderation analysis. Results: Service and sales workers who had more interactions with angry clients had increased risk for depression and anxiety. Experiencing clients' adverse behaviors (acute episodes) mediated the relationship between interacting with angry clients (a chronic situation) on depression and anxiety. Job satisfaction and managers' support moderated the relationship between interacting with angry clients and mental health problems. Conclusion: We suggest that employers of service and sales workers should recruit staff based on their aptitude for such work, thus ensuring job satisfaction, and train them to deal with angry clients in such a way that they experience less emotional burden. Employers should also make bylaws requiring managers to directly take care of adverse social behavior by clients. Furthermore, a sociocultural campaign to prevent adverse social behavior by clients is also needed.

The Healing-Solidarity in Gaines's A Lesson Before Dying (게인즈의 『죽음 앞의 깨달음』에 나타난 치유하는 연대)

  • Lee, Kang Sun
    • English & American cultural studies
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.107-128
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    • 2017
  • Gaines depicts the process of transformation of a black young who accepts his execution with dignity in A Lesson Before Dying. There two personas of the protagonist, Jefferson, appear in this novel. The former seen in the black and white community is the persona of falsehood and submission, and the latter appeared in the black community is the true persona. The former, the pig persona in black-and-white community is created, forced onto them by whites and the human persona in the black community is made by their own standards without being forced. Jefferson has been depersonalized by his pig persona. He implements their false persona by mimicking pigs to confront its reality. And then he retrospects the pleasure of relationship throughout his own life. Grant's expensive gift, the radio, becomes a trigger to realize the significance of his existence and the social solidarity. Moreover, many black visitors look at him with expectant eyes of fulfilling their historical burden. After all, Jefferson is executed as a human being with dignity, and the transformation of Jefferson from a pig to a human is getting rid of the white values and standing on the black values. In other words, it is the procedure of creating the new myth out of the false myth, from meaningless life to meaningful death.

Health Policy Regarding Pregnancy Care in two "Lowest-Low" Fertility Social Contexts: A Comparison between Korean and Japanese Policies

  • Noh, Gie Ok;Park, M.J.
    • International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.93-98
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    • 2021
  • To develop policies regarding fertility and pregnancy that will be effective in preventing further declines in fertility rates in the context present-day Korea, current policies in Japan were analyzed and compared with those now being implemented in Korea. This study was structured to involve (a) comparison of maternal health projects in Korea and Japan, and (b) comparison of infertility support policies based in regional cities in Korea and Japan. Korea's Health Plan 2030 emphasizes strengthening healthcare for high-risk pregnant women, expanding investments to benefit vulnerable groups, and establishing a support system for infertile couples. In Japan, government programs involving treatment targeting infertility specifically were implemented nationwide in 2006. Wide dissemination of accurate knowledge related to pregnancy is emphasized. Also, counseling centers specializing in infertility were established by 67 local governments. We have confirmed that Korean policies include decentralization, while Japan is implementing the central government's infertility policy uniformly in all regions. Japan also adjusted its policy out of concern that problems related to infertility and childbirth will worsen due to the social disaster of COVID-19. The results indicate that providing additional support for psychological counseling may be preferable to increasing the number of in-vitro fertilization procedures. The physical burden on women may be minimized by benchmarking policies in Japan. Step-by-step application of these procedures should be systematically supported to achieve the best results.