• Title/Summary/Keyword: Social Power

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Korean Leading Actors & Directors Network Power Analysis for Audience Stability 1998-2007 (한국영화 주요 배우.감독 네트워크의 관객동원 안정성에 관한 연구 : 1998-2007 영화를 중심으로)

  • Ryu, Seol-Ri;Ryu, Seoung-Ho
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.9 no.6
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    • pp.62-71
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    • 2009
  • This paper is a study on the elected korean leading actors & directors who have stable mobility power for audience and social networking. We elected 153 most reliable Korea actors and directors of stardom" (50 directors, 103 actors); they have to put on the name in the 20 high ranks, and more than twice from the total amount of Korean audience about showing 700 movies by 1998-2007. And then we analyze out 'who might be centre in social networking and social networking between actor and director," through 'Centrality Analysis' using the "UCINET" social networking analysis program Finally, we know 'Kim sang-jin director' is 'key men' and 'star' who reduced uncertainty definitely: For a long time, he combines most stable audience power with broad network successfully.

On-Line Social Network Generation Model (온라인 소셜 네트워크 생성 모델)

  • Lee, Kang-Won
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.24 no.7
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    • pp.914-924
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    • 2020
  • In this study we developed artificial network generation model, which can generate on-line social network. The suggested model can represent not only scale-free and small-world properties, but also can produce networks with various values of topological characteristics through controlling two input parameters. For this purpose, two parameter K and P are introduced, K for controlling the strength of preferential attachment and P for controlling clustering coefficient. It is found out on-line social network can be generated with the combinations of K(0~10) and P(0.3~0.5) or K=0 and P=0.9. Under these combinations of P and K small-world and scale-free properties are well represented. Node degree distribution follows power-law. Clustering coefficients are between 0.130 and 0.238, and average shortest path distance between 5.641 and 5.985. It is also found that on-line social network properties are maintained as network node size increases from 5,000 to 10,000.

Public Diplomacy and Social Capital: Bridging Theory and Activities

  • Naddeo, Rachel;Matsunaga, Lucas
    • Journal of Public Diplomacy
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.116-135
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    • 2022
  • Public diplomacy activities can benefit from social capital theory, when its social dynamics is elucidated in the investment of complex social networks and in the establishment and management of relationships with foreign publics. Social capital theory explains that actors can produce purposive actions to mobilize resources in social structures, which thus explains the dynamics of social interactions. In response to the lack of conceptual frameworks for understanding public diplomacy activities within social capital theory, we conducted a narrative literature review that intends to identify the means through which international actors, such as governments, engage with foreign publics through the dynamics of social networks and the resources embedded in them. In addition, we explored the multidimensional characteristics of social capital to enhance the comprehension of the manner in which actors access, share, and maintain resources in target communities, institutions, or organizations through public diplomacy activities. In summary, we highlight the importance of new theoretical explorations on the application of social capital theory to public diplomacy and the need for a research agenda in the field.

Social Welfare Analysis of Demand Response from the Viewpoint of Demand Function (수요함수 관점에서 해석한 수요반응의 사회적 후생 분석)

  • Lee, Kwang-Ho;Yang, Kwan-mo
    • The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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    • v.66 no.1
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    • pp.23-26
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    • 2017
  • Social Welfare is useful concept for evaluating the effectiveness of an economic policy in micro economics. This paper focuses on Social Welfare(SW) of electricity market incorporating demand response(DR). Competition between DR and generation company is modeled as a simple bid function. DR function can be considered as an negative generation(called Negawatt) and as an element of modified demand function. These two approaches result in the same demand reduction, generation power, and the market price. However, SW in the modified demand function approach is not identical to SW in the Negawatt approach. It makes the numerical index of DR effectiveness less persuasive. This paper proposes modified definition of SW in the demand function approach. The proposed definition of SW leads the DR effectiveness index to be identical to that in the Negawatt approach.

The Value of a Statistical Life and Social Costs of Death due to Nuclear Power Plant Accidents and Energy Policy Implications (원자력발전소 사고 사망의 통계적 생명가치와 사회적 비용 및 에너지정책 시사점)

  • Yong-Joo, Kim
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.79-90
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    • 2023
  • The study is to estimate the social costs of premature deaths due to nuclear power plant(NPP) accidents, by resorting to the contingent valuation method(CVM) which is used to estimate the value of a statistical life(VSL). The VSL estimate is about 3.55 billion won, which is multiplied by some 1.8 million premature deaths due to the accidents in world history of NPP, to get a maximum social cost of 1,952 trillion won. This estimate is equivalent to the 2022 real GDP of Korea. The annual average number of premature deaths and the resulting average social cost is 26,000 and 28 trillion won, respectively. The social cost of premature deaths due not only to accidents, but also the air pollutants from fired power plants(FPP) during 1987~2021 is estimated to be 26,919 trillion won. This is equivalent to 2021 US GDP, and is about 3,000 times higher than that for NPP of 9 trillion won. In 2021, the estimated social costs of FPP and NPP are 1,075 trillion won and 292 billion won, respectively. For South Korea, the study suggests to adapt an energy mix of increased share of electricity production for NPP relative to FPP, given that the 2050 carbon neutrality strategy of Korea is expected to lead to an increased share of renewable energy in electricity production. The study emphasizes accumulating the number of CVM-based VSL studies to ensure efficient energy policies.

Economic Analysis of Landfill Gas Recycling Considering Environmental Benefit (환경편익을 고려한 매립가스 자원화 사업의 경제성분석)

  • Kim, Young-Jun;Lee, Jong-Yeon;Koo, June-Mo;Kang, Yong-Tae
    • Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.181-188
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    • 2010
  • The objectives of this study are to analyze the possibility of the landfill gas recycling for the middle and small scale landfills where the recycling facilities are not installed in Korea. It was found that the power generation plants by landfill gas were installed in domestic 15 landfills and the gas engine generation was adopted in 14 places. As the result of economic analysis, the landfill gas recycling is found to be available in 12 places and CERs of 153,693 $tCO_{2e}$ can be secured per year. Through the reduction of the air pollutants and VOCs, the social benefits of 730 million won accrue per year. Also, the power production of 18.8 GWh will substitute the crude oil imports of 4,048 TOE and the revenue of 2.49 billion won is expected to power trading. It is also found that the power generation plants by landfill gas will give the social benefits such as the reduction of the environmental problems and the substitution effect of crude oil imports.

The Resisting Body: Figurative Painting as a Means to Register Social Protest in Malaysian Art (저항하는 몸: 말레이시아 미술에서 사회적 저항의 수단으로서 형상회화)

  • Fan, Laura
    • The Journal of Art Theory & Practice
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    • no.8
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    • pp.185-215
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    • 2009
  • In Malaysia, figurative painting has increasingly become a means for artists to pose questions about presumptions of power and assumptions of history. The body, its potentially breached boundaries and defenses, forms an integral component of the battle for political influence. The degree of control over one's own and other people's bodies has become a measuring stick to determine the power of potential political leaders. Anxiety about boundaries and access to powerful bodies is intertwined with the questions of who has the right to hold power; the relevance of moral bodies and of what comprises an ideal self or selves. These questions are raised in intriguing ways in contemporary Malaysian art. While eschewing a direct take on current politics, Malaysian artists have increasingly turned to the body to address issues in Malaysian history, culture and the distribution of power. This paper will explore some works by three artists in particular, Wong Hoy Cheong, Nadiah Bamadhaj and Ahmad Fuad Osman use the figure to problematise dominant narratives in Malaysian history. Their work variously challenge political, racial and gender hierarchies and in so doing, reveal them as social constructions.

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Improvement of NIMBY Facilities Route Planning Considering Social Conflict (사회적 갈등을 고려한 비선호시설 노선 선정 개선 연구)

  • Choi, Younguk;Lee, Changjun;Han, Seung Heon
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.38 no.3
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    • pp.487-496
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    • 2018
  • In route selection process of NIMBY facilities, many conflicts occur due to route selection procedure and NIMBY syndrome. Especially, the social conflicts surrounding the site selection and operation are frequent enough to account for 70% of the total conflict cases, causing significant losses. To resolve the conflict in route selection, social conflicts are considered. Therefore, this study proposes an improved process of selecting route considering social conflicts in the power transmission line. First, the analysis of previous research trends and interviews with experts revealed the improved exclusion zone criteria, the factors and priorities of NIMBY facilities. After selecting the candidate routes, the optimal route is selected by using Fuzzy-TOPSIS. Hence, 83.3% of six experts have verified that this model minimizes conflicts and has sufficient applicability. The proposed model is expected to be used as a tool to minimize social conflict in the selection process of the power transmission line in the early stage of the project.

Clowns in David Copperfield (『데이빗 코퍼필드』에서의 광대들)

  • Park, Geumhee
    • English & American cultural studies
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.185-219
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    • 2009
  • This article aims to illuminate the comic characters and their humor in Dickens's novel David Copperfield in Bakhtinian point, and to clarify what the humorous characteristics are, and how they contribute to his reinforcement of socially critical messages in this novel. So far this novel has been called the only one of Dickens's comic novels, even though it includes lots of social critical meanings. But it is true that Dickensian critics couldn't make sure of the clear reasons why it is both very interesting and critical. Furthermore, it is also true that this novel has been criticized as a clumsy one in the realistic, psycho-analytic, dramatic angle. This approach to Dickensian comic characters through Bakhtinian fool, clown, and rogue concepts here could make up for or correct such criticisms, and reevaluate Dickens's humor and social criticisms in the context of general public culture. Bakhtin believes oppression by social ideologies prevent us from having good mutual relationships and divides our society. He thinks laughter liberates us from such oppression and restores our good relationships. As he applied his concepts based on the laughter of Middle Ages to Rabelais's novels, and examined what the authentically liberating power in Rabelais's laughter is, this article could clarify the liberating power of laughter by Dickens's comic characters, such as Mr and Mrs Micawber, Dick, Miss Betsey Trotwood and Miss Mowcher. In this novel, they often lead comic happenings, and such happenings are very similar to carnival-amusements including burning the dummy of the czar who has oppressed his or her citizenry. Especially, Dickens's comic characters's social criticisms, in the case of this novel, contain many complaints of social marginers, even though he has been labelled as being conservative politically. They always criticize the ideological absurdities in their society through the humorous words and behaviors in their comic happenings, like those of a carnival fool or clown in his or her amusements. This shows Dickens achieves both laughter and social criticism in David Copperfield by using Rabelaisian characterization-devices based on his general public culture. Like Bakhtin and Rabelais, Dickens seems to have believed that when we all truly liberate ourselves from the oppression of social ideologies, we can have desirable relationships between ourselves, and also solve social problems positively.

A Research on the Economic Feasibility of Korean Nuclear Power under the Condition of Social Acceptance after Fukushima Accident (후쿠시마원전사고 이후 원전 경제성과 안전성(사회적 수용성)의 최적점 연구)

  • Kim, Dong-Won
    • Journal of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Waste Technology(JNFCWT)
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.207-212
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    • 2013
  • Since the Fukushima nuclear power plant accident in March 2011, critical views on the increase in operation of nuclear power plants including the safety and the economic feasibility thereof have been expanding across the world. In these circumstances, we are to find out solutions to the controversial questions on whether nuclear power plants are economically more feasible than other energy sources, while the safety thereof is fully maintained. Thereby, nuclear power plants will play a key role as a sustainable energy source in the future as well as at present. To measure the social safety level that Korean people are actually feeling after the Fukushima accident, a method of cost-benefit analysis called the Contingent Valuation Method(CVM) was used, whereby we wanted to estimate the amount of expenses the general public would be willing to pay for the safety based on their acceptance rather than the social safety. As a result of calculating the trade-off value of the economic feasibility versus the safety in nuclear power plants through the survey thereon, it caused the nuclear power generation cost to be increased by 4.75 won/kWh. Reflecting this on the current power generation cost of 39.11 won/kWh would increase the cost to 43.86 won/kWh. It is thought that this potential cost is still more competitive than the coal-fired power generation cost of 67 won/kWh. This result will be available as a basic data for the 2nd Energy Basic Plan to be drawn up this year, presenting policy implications at the same time.