• Title/Summary/Keyword: Social Power

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A Study on the Shinmoongo System: Issues of the Origin and Changes of Function and Institution (신문고 제도에 대한 몇 가지 쟁점: 기원과 운영, 기능.제도의 변천을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Young-Ju
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • v.39
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    • pp.250-283
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    • 2007
  • The Shinmoongo (Shinmoon-drum) system is known as the last means of petition, appeal, and, denunciation during the Chosun dynasty. The purpose of this study is first to examine the system's origin and changes of its function and operation. The study further looks at several issues around the striking gong system, an alternative appealing method, and its background and transition. Introduced by King Taejong, the Shinmoongo was a kind of the press (or communication) system which was intended to deliver various cases of personal appeal, social petition, national denunciation, etc. Since the 2nd year of King Sejong, the system had been changed into the legal system which mainly to settle personal mortifying problem. Originally, the system was institutionalized for the common people who were hard to appeal their mortifying affairs to the supervisory administration. This reporting system to a superior was utilized as an institutional device to remedy abuses from 'complaint to the King near his sedan chair' and 'direct complaint out of order' during the early disordered years of Chosun dynasty. The system was often abused for the devices of private interest by illustrious officials. Meanwhile, it carried out a role of checking power abuses of provincial governors and magistrates. There were many obstacles for the common people and lowly people to turn to the means. The drum was located at the palace of capitol, less accessible for most people at the time. The petition had to be processed through several steps in written forms. The punishment on a false drummer was heavy. It inhibited any appeal concerning the superior under the rigorous caste system. The Shinmoongo system is regarded as a legitimate press system. Also, it is taken as informal or semi-official press system such as 'document to send around', 'document for agitation', 'joint petition', 'striking gong to complain', 'complaint to the King near his sedan chair', 'scream to complain', etc. Connecting together, the tools resulted in the increase of regal power and decrease of divine authority.

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A Proposal on a Management Model Applicable to Visiting Nursing Program for a Low-income Group (저소득층 방문간호 관리를 위한 제안 - 강북구 방문간호 대상자를 중심으로-)

  • Ko Mee-Ja
    • Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.118-138
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    • 1996
  • Because of accelerated urbanization public body visiting nursing project that started according as matter of health on urban class in the lower brackets of income was concentrated on Social interests has a unsatisfied points to propel project efficiently from the lack of rating materials. Therefore centering around written contents in documentary literature of citizen health by household in five years from starting year of project to now. visiting frequency by medical manpower was evaluated quantitatively and qualitatively in aspect of management hereupon. for the sake of giving a basic materials for public health project of this field. This research presents documentary literature of citizen health which become materials is that as one person's charged region of nurse in duty scale. district is Kang-Buck Gu. the object is resident in the lower brackets of income grounded livelihood protection law and who is admitted by the head of organ~chief of health care). and the number of material centering around the head of a household is 415 copy. The result of research is summarized. as follow. 1. Average visiting frequency examinated by medical manpower show difference according to valuables of supervision characteristics namely average visiting. Frequency of nurse has long term residence in case registration season is early and supervision season is the first year and is high incase a kind of house is unlicdnsed mountain town. Average visiting frequency with doctor is high incase supervision season is the first year and the medical insurance system is admitted by chief of health care. That shows that a man of discomfort behavior left alone are yet many in local society. The meaning of this result shows that the continuity of official relation about class in the lowest brackets of income of long term residence goes well between househole who is a user of visiting nursing service of the object according to midway income under management influences a given duty of nurse s and so causes quantitative decrease. 2. In case behavier and condition of health that nurse diagnoses are bad. as the type matter is a lack of health and the number of patient is large. the average visiting frequency of nurse is high. because average visiting frequency with doctor is high as the condition of health is bad and the number of patient is large. That is similar with that of nurse. CD Average visiting frequency of nurse s seen by matter of disease is very high only in apoplexy by 39.50 and is confined within limits from 7.63 to 11.36 in other disease. But average visiting frequency with doctor is double as many as that of nurse but defined in apoplexy hypertension and articulate. (1) Average visiting frequency of nurse by existence in inoculation of hepatitis is low by 6.73 in unidentified group and very high by 26.89 in group of non-inoculation and the case of the antigenic positive man of B type hepatitis or epileptic who can't be inoculated shows 13.00 and that even family nursing service is needed to them. That result shows that though one person nurse of local charge has a large scale of duty. as visting nursing service is given a class who has a large demand preferentially by respectively accurate nursing diagnosis. the number of diagnosis service is similar with it. 3. During five years. average visiting frequency of nurse is 10.84 and average visiting frequency with doctor is 76.50 seeing from the official scale of nurse. visiting by household is performed two more per year to the average. Seeing this by type of service. average visiting frequency of nurse is higher in indirectly nursing than in directly nursing and that suggests that at the time of visiting household nurse performs education of protection lively save patient but at the time of contrastedly visiting with doctor. directly nursing is more contents of service show no difference by man power and medication dressing by demand is 14.3 and 18.6 the aid of hardship term of doctor and nurse is high by 18.7 and 17.00 in the request of hospitalization when seeing by demands. 4. Action by turns exemplified 1994 is well in sequence of 2/4 turn. 3/4 turn. 1/4 turn. 4/4 turn. When seen by average visiting frequency of nurse but gradually is even. Without difference by turns. average visiting frequency of doctor is much higher in 1/4 turn than other turns. Type of service by turns is all even but directly nursing is inactive in 4/4 and indirectly nursing. Very increases in 4/4 and so. Nurse's quantity of duty is plentiful that shows that by evaluation of last turn and plan of project. Contents of service follows that medication and dressing is the highest by' 5.57 in 1/4turn. goes down gradually by turn. becomes 3.57 in 3/4 turn. and increases again by 4.83 in 4/4 turn. the rest service is higher in 2/4 turn than other turns. 5. Total visiting frequency of nurse is explained to total $37.5\%$ by six valuables of visiting frequency of doctor. nursing demand. demand of diagnosis. condition of behavior. year. Special terms and magnitude of influential power is the same as sequence of enumerated valuables. Namely. the higher the visiting frequency of doctor. the bigger nursing and demand of diagnosis is. the worse the condition of behavior is. the older the object is and the more the household of special terms is. the high total visiting frequency of nurse is.

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The Joseon Confucian Ruling Class's Records and Visual Media of Suryukjae (Water and Land Ceremony) during the Fifteenth and Seventeenth Centuries (조선 15~17세기 수륙재(水陸齋)에 대한 유신(儒臣)의 기록과 시각 매체)

  • Jeong, Myounghee
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.53 no.1
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    • pp.184-203
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    • 2020
  • The Confucian ruling class of the Joseon Dynasty regarded Buddhist rituals as "dangerous festivals." However, these Buddhist ceremonies facilitated transitions between phases of life from birth till death and strengthened communal unity through their joint practice of the rites. Ritual spaces were decorated with various utensils and objects that transformed them into wondrous arenas. Of these ornaments, Buddhist paintings served as the most effective visual medium for educating the common people. As an example, a painting of the Ten Kings of the Underworld (siwangdo) could be hung as a means to illustrate the Buddhist view of the afterlife, embedded in images not only inside a Buddhist temple hall, but in any space where a Buddhist ritual was being held. Demand for Buddhist paintings rose considerably with their use in ritual spaces. Nectar ritual paintings (gamnodo), including scenes of appeasement rites for the souls of the deceased, emphasized depictions of royal family members and their royal relatives. In Chinese paintings of the water and land ceremony (suryukjae), these figures referred to one of several sacred groups who invited deities to a ritual. However, in Korean paintings of a nectar ritual, the iconography symbolized the patronage of the royal court and underlined the historicity and tradition of nationally conducted water and land ceremonies. This royal patronage implied the social and governmental sanction of Buddhist rituals. By including depictions of royal family members and their royal relatives, Joseon Buddhist paintings highlighted this approval. The Joseon ruling class outwardly feared that Buddhist rituals might undermine observance of Confucian proprieties and lead to a corruption of public morals, since monks and laymen, men and women, and people of all ranks mingled within the ritual spaces. The concern of the ruling class was also closely related to the nature of festivals, which involved deviation from the routines of daily life and violation of taboos. Since visual media such as paintings were considered to hold a special power, some members of the ruling class attempted to exploit this power, while others were apprehensive of the risks they entailed. According to Joseon wangjo sillok (The Annals of the Joseon Dynasty), the Joseon royal court burned Buddhist paintings and ordered the arrest of those who created them, while emphasizing their dangers. It further announced that so many citizens were gathering in Buddhist ritual spaces that the capital city was being left vacant. However, this record also paradoxically suggests that Buddhist rituals were widely considered festivals that people should participate in. Buddhist rituals could not be easily suppressed since they performed important religious functions reflecting the phases of the human life cycle, and had no available Confucian replacements. Their festive nature, unifying communities, expanded significantly at the time. The nectar ritual paintings of the late Joseon period realistically delineated nectar rituals and depicted the troops of traveling actors and performers that began to emerge during the seventeenth century. Such Buddhist rituals for consoling souls who encountered an unfortunate death were held annually and evolved into festivals during which the Joseon people relieved their everyday fatigue and refreshed themselves. The process of adopting Buddhist rituals-regarded as "dangerous festivals" due to political suppression of Buddhism in the Confucian nation-as seasonal customs and communal feasts is well reflected in the changes made in Buddhist paintings.

A Comparative Study on the Effect of Enterprise SNS on Job Performance - Focused on the Mediation Effect of Communication Level and Moderating Effect of Nationality - (기업용 SNS 이용이 업무성과에 미치는 영향의 국가 간 비교연구 - 커뮤니케이션 수준의 매개효과와 국적의 조절효과를 중심으로 -)

  • Chen, Jing-Yuan;Kwon, Sun-Dong
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.137-157
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    • 2019
  • Companies are trying to use enterprise SNS for collaboration and speedy decision-making. This study verified the mediating effect of communication between enterprise SNS and job performance, and proved the moderating effect of nationality between enterprise SNS and communication. This study collected survey data of 81 Korean and 81 Chinese from employees who have used enterprise SNS in Korea and China. As results of data analysis, first, enterprise SNS improved job performance through speedy information sharing and error reduction. Second, communication mediated the effect of enterprise SNS on job performance. Third, enterprise SNS increased the level of organizational communication through decreasing the burden of offline face-to-face communication. Compared with Chinese corporate organizations, Korean corporate organizations have high power distances, centralized control, and high superior authority. Therefore, in the off-line communication situation, the subordinate feels the social pressure to follow the command of the superior. Thus communication is one-way and closed. In this Korean organizational situation, corporate SNS can be used as a means to bypass rigid offline communication. In the online communication environment of non face-to-face corporate SNS, anxiety and stress of face-to-face communication can be reduced, so communication between the upper and lower sides can flow more smoothly. The contribution of this paper is that it proved that enterprise SNS promotes communication and improve job performance by reducing the anxiety or stress of offline communication, while according to prior research successful adoption of many types of information systems requires the fit between an organization and its organizational culture.

A Study on Establishment of Technical Guideline of the Installation and Operation for the Biogas Utilization of Power generation and Stream - Results of the Precision Monitoring (바이오가스 이용 기술지침 마련을 위한 연구(II) - 정밀모니터링 결과 중심으로)

  • Moon, HeeSung;Bae, Jisu;Park, Hoyeun;Jeon, Taewan;Lee, Younggi;Lee, Dongjin
    • Journal of the Korea Organic Resources Recycling Association
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.65-78
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    • 2018
  • According to the in social aspects such as population growth, urbanization and industrialization, development of livestock industry by meat consumption, amount of organic wastes (containing sewage sludge and food waste, animal manure, etc) has been increased annually in South Korea. Precise monitoring of 11 organic wastes biogas facilities were conducted. The organic decomposition rate of organic wastewater was 68.2 % for food wastes, 66.8 % for animal manure and 46.2 % for sewage sludge and 58.8 % for total organic wastes. As a result of analyzing the biogas characteristics before and after the pretreatment, the total average of the whole facility was measured to be 560 ppm using iron salts and desulfurization, and decreased to 40 ppm when the reduction efficiency was above 90 %. Particularly, when iron salt is injected into the digester, the treatment efficiency is about 93 %, and the average is reduced to 150 ppm. In the case of dehumidification, the absolute humidity and the relative humidity were analyzed. The dew point temperature of the facility where the dehumidification facility was well maintained as $14^{\circ}C$, the absolute humidity was $12.6g/m^3$, and the relative humidity was 35 %. Therefore, it is necessary to compensate for the disadvantages of biogasification facilities of organic waste resources and optimize utilization of biogas and improve operation of facilities. This study was conducted to optimize biogas utilization of type of organic waste(containing sewage sludge and food waste, animal manure) through precision monitoring.

The Northeast Asian Rim:A geopolitical perspective (지정학적 관점에서 본 동북아권)

  • Yu, Woo-ik
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.312-320
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    • 1993
  • Along with the fade out of the Cold War the world is undergoing a fundamental restructuring. The process is generally refered to regionalization and globalization. In this context, the Paper presents a geopolitical perspective on the future of Northeast Asia. To meet the global trend, it is expected that the countries in the area organize an economically cooperative unity, the concept of which the author calls the northeast Asian Rim (NEAR). With its huge potentials to become the largest economic area in the world and with its rather complicated historical and social background, the Rim is tentatively supposed to have a loose and soft organization, to be flexible in dealing with the intra-and interregional relations. The idea underlying the view is that the former area of confrontation between the land power and the sea power is, under the new world environment, going to recover its proper locational attributes and develop into a merging area, a new core. As a physical framework of the Rim a spatial structurc is assumed to consist of two-subrims and two development axes with four development centers.

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Vietnam in 2017: The Situations and Prospects of Economics, Politics, and International Relations (베트남 2017: 경제, 정치, 대외관계의 현황과 전망)

  • CHAE, Su Hong;LEE, Han Woo
    • The Southeast Asian review
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.21-51
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    • 2018
  • This article takes several approaches in explaining recent developments in Vietnam. First, it draws upon an array of sources that idealize Vietnam's embrace of capitalism and integration into the global market in order to sketch out its economy's progress in 2017. Second, it observes, evaluates, and diagnoses recent changes in the Vietnamese economy in the medium to long term by incorporating conflicting perspectives on Vietnam's performance as a capitalist country. Third, this article traces the power shifts that have risen from internal struggles in the Communist Party over political and social issues. Fourth, it elaborates on the aforementioned impact that foreign relations have had on socio-political developments in Vietnam, as well as the government's response. In so doing, it also attempts to evaluate, however briefly, the significance of the 25th anniversary of South Korea-Vietnam relations. Finally, it examines the public's reaction to the post-reform transitions in light of recent sociocultural changes. 2017 was a memorable year for Vietnam: a continuous march toward capitalism; the resulting expansion of the Vietnamese people's demands; political controversies and government control; the looming instability of United States-China relations and various attempts to address the situation. These events will inevitably replicate themselves in the future as the ostensibly socialist Vietnam adopts a capitalist model. The problem is that it is unclear whether these experiences will continue with the consent of the people of socialist Vietnam or engender resistance. It is difficult to achieve meaningful consent in the status quo of worsening inequalities, widespread corruption, monopoly on power, and sustained use of unskilled low-wage workers. In other words, when concerns such as welfare, public health, and the environment are set aside in favor of economic development and commercialization as they have been, discontent, rather than consent, will prevail. It is thus important to keep a watchful eye on the viability of the nominal economic growth, surface-level political stability, and strategic responses to foreign relations that took place in 2017.

Evaluating the Strategic Reaction of Labor Union Movement toward Labor Reforms: The Two National Centers' Reaction toward Park, Guen-Hye Government's Labor Market Restructuring (노동개혁국면에 있어 노조운동의 대응전략에 관한 평가: 박근혜정부의 노동시장 구조개혁에 대한 양노총의 대응을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Byoung-Hoon
    • 한국사회정책
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.1-23
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    • 2016
  • This study evaluates the strategic capacity of Korean labor union movement by examining policy alternatives and strategic steps that the Federation of Korean Trade Unions and the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions have shown in response to Park Geun-Hye government's labor market structuring policies. While the government-led labor reform was carried out as intended, organized labor has not simply failed to achieve progressive labor reforms to enhance employment security, but also to exert their strategic capacity effectively for preventing Park's labor market flexibilization policies. The two national centers have not been able to exert their strategic capacity (such as intermediating, framing, articulating, learning) for mobilizing the resources of internal solidarity, network embeddedness, narrative discourse, and organizational infrastructure. In particular, the formation and diffusion of public discourse is a significant part of strategic capacity of labor unions dealing with the labor politics of labor market restructuring, since organized labor, which is under the unfavorable constraints of limited movement resources and power imbalance with the business circle, needs to mobilize massive support and participation from union members and civil society organizations. In this light, it becomes of more importance for labor union movement to exert their strategic capacity toward internal solidarity and network embeddedness in the stage of labor market reforms. Under the recent stage of labor reforms, however, the labor unions has not harnessed their movement resources effectively, but undertaken their protest in a traditional manner, thereby losing its public efficacy from inside and outside. Moreover, it is necessary to build and activate the network of organic solidarity among organized labor, civil society organizations and progressive political parties, in order to cope with the pro-business coalition of power elites for accomplishing pro-labor reforms.

The Path Formation of Thailand's Electricity/Energy Regime and Sustainability Assessment (태국 전력/에너지 체제의 경로 형성과 지속가능성 평가)

  • EOM, Eun Hui;SHIN, Dong Hyuk
    • The Southeast Asian review
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.1-40
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    • 2017
  • This study aims to examine the electricity/energy regime of Thailand, the largest energy-hungry country in the Mekong region. This study examined how the electricity/energy regime of Thailand has been shaped and changed up to the present, not only at the national level but also at the sub-regional level covering the Mekong region. Meanwhile, according to the Paris Agreement in 2015, which will get in to effect from 2020, developing countries as well as developed countries have been given voluntary responsibilities and reduction obligations in response to global climate change. Under the post 2020 Climate Change Regime, Thailand also needs to revise its existing electricity/energy policy. We reviewed the recent energy policy of Thailand and evaluated the possibility of transition to a sustainable energy system based on Energy Trilemma's analysis framework. And we examined the roles and impacts of the Thai civil society on the national power and energy planning as well as in the future climate change policy. As a result of the analysis, it can be seen that Thailand's electricity/energy regime has grown rapidly through the support of the West countries under the Cold War era. In particular, Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand(EGAT) played the key role in Thailand's energy policy. In addition, Thailand's geopolitical location and relatively high economic level compared to neighboring countries will continue to be of importance in the future construction of power grids in the region. Meanwhile, in the frame of Energy Trilemma, Thailand has still been vulnerable to environmental sustainability. Thai NGOs have resisted to as well as collaborated with the government to influence the existing electricity/energy policy in the various dimensions but their influence has weakened considerably since the coup in 2014. In conclusion, this study suggests to cooperate with government as well as civil society for sustainable energy transformation of Thailand and Mekong region.

Case Study on Success and Innovation Activities of Women Entrepreneurs: Focusing on Startups (여성 창업가의 성공과 혁신활동에 대한 사례 연구 : 스타트업을 중심으로)

  • Hong, Jungim;Kim, Sunwoo
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.55-69
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    • 2021
  • For the national economic development, the participation of women in the social and economic activities is crucial. The popularization of start-ups, digital transformation, and WEconomy trends have lowered the barriers to opportunities for women to start a business and provide an environment in which women can grow faster. This paper examines the significance and process of success of women entrepreneurs and the characteristics of innovation strategies and achievements by linking the recently changing business environment of a company, factors influencing the success of women entrepreneurship, and innovation activities. To this end, four companies' cases were analyzed in the fields of distribution/service and consumer products/services, which are areas of large investment among female startups. The result shows that women entrepreneurs recognize the meaning of success as creating and continuing to create a 'corporate value through establishing a trust relationship with customers' within the 'balance between personal life and work.' In terms of the business ecosystem, women entrepreneurs strive for 'business activities based on the win-win growth of consumers, producers and sellers' for success, and rather 'focus on the process with a problem-solving approach' rather than achieving performance-oriented goals. Also through excellent power of observation, flexibility, and execution power, women entrepreneurs conduct business by adapting to changing trends. In terms of innovation activities, the innovation strategy of women-led companies puts priority on 'creating the value customers want' and focuses on innovation in the 'customer-centric business model' rather than technological innovation. As such, women-led companies show several differentiated characteristics, which enable them to create corporate value and achieve sustainable growth. The barriers to challenges and opportunities for women to start a business have been lowered, and an ecosystem has been created for female startups to grow. But why are there still so few women entrepreneurs, and the answer to where we need to close these gaps is ultimately a close analysis and investigation of the field. We must present milestones for growth steps through the accumulation of case studies of women startups that have exited. In addition, women can stand as economic agents only when the policy targets are subdivided and specific approaches to child-rearing and childcare for women entrepreneurs must be taken. This paper expects to serve as basic data for follow-up studies and become the basis of research for women entrepreneurs to grow as economic agents.