• Title/Summary/Keyword: Social Power

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Cultural Identity of Asian Community Audience Study of Korean Historical Drama (아시아 공동체의 문화 정체성 한국 역사 드라마의 아시아 미디어 수용에 대한 문화연구)

  • Yoon, Sun-Ny
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • v.46
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    • pp.37-74
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    • 2009
  • This research is an attempt to investigate cultural identity at the international level. Asia is one of the weakest communities in the world due to discrepancies in terms of political, economic, social and cultural aspects. Additionally, Asia has never been independent in communication flows since imperialist history until the Korean wave emerged at the turn of this century. The Korean wave reflects complex power embedded in postcolonial world in addition to cultural commonality among Asian audiences. I have conducted audience researches on Korean drama fandom in Japan and China. I adopt Lacanian psychoanalysis in order to interpret identity issues of Asian media audiences. Particularly, Deleuze and Guattari's theories are useful to scrutinize group identity of Asian community. Additionally, I refer to theories of nationalism.

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Development and Analysis of a Walking Game Using Controllers of Armrests and Footboards (Title: Paldokangsan) (팔걸이/발판 컨트롤러를 이용한 걷기게임 '팔도강산' 개발 및 효과성 연구)

  • Kim, Kyung-Sik;Oh, Seong-Suk;Ahn, Jin-Ho;Lee, Sun-Hyung;Lim, Kyung-Choon
    • Journal of Korea Game Society
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    • v.11 no.6
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    • pp.43-52
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    • 2011
  • We have developed a serious game for the game-aided human life and entertainment for the elders with the concept of enjoying scenic beauties in Korea walking in the room using controllers of armrests and footboards with PC. The expected effects of the game are the satisfaction of bodily sensation with cooperation and competition, and also remedy by entertainment such as vital power, maintaining mental functions with the game playing. We have tested 309 elders who were more than 65 years old in Cheonan city community center for the elderly. 76.1% of them answered they were satisfied totally for the game play, average grade for the interest/fun of the game was 4.13 points with full 5 points. 89.4% of them replied they would like to play the game again. We found the intended permissiveness and coenesthesia of the game was appealing to elders.

Beyond Developmentalism and Neoliberalism: Development Process and Alternative Visions for Korean Geography (발전주의와 신자유주의를 넘어: 한국 지리학의 발전과정과 대안적 전망)

  • Choi, Byung-Doo
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.42 no.2 s.119
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    • pp.218-242
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    • 2007
  • This paper is to consider the developmental process of Korean geography on the context of socio-spatial transformations of Korea, and then to suggest briefly its alternative visions. The development of knowledge including geography seems to be made under imperatives of social functions and structure in a given period, and knowledge in turn gives power for a further development of society. Modem geography in Korea has progressed on the context of capitalist development of Korean society which can be divided into two phases, that is, the period of developmentalism and that of neoliberalism. Korean geography has been developed under influence of ideologies of developmentalism and neoliberalism, and in turn has made some contributions to socio-spatial policies. Korean geography in the future, it can be suggested, should go beyond both developmentalism and neoliberalism, and put socio-spatial welfare, civil society or community, and environmental justice into its central issues.

Medical Geography: Its Conceptual History and Historical Vision (의료지리학: 개념적 역사와 역사적 전망)

  • Lee, Jong-Chan
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.48 no.2
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    • pp.218-238
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    • 2013
  • The objective of my paper is to investigate historical change in concepts of medical geography and to present its historical vision. Modern medical geography was established in the name of medical topography in Europe where it had to control tropical diseases in the course of exploration and voyages for colonial interests. England developed medical geography in the name of sanitary reform, France did so for civilizing mission, and geomedicine prevailed in Germany. The twentieth century witnessed two traditions of medical geography, with focus on disease ecology and medical care system, respectively. In addition, the paper emphasizes the significance of cartography of disease as knowledge as power. As the identity of place becomes increasingly important in relation to health at the around of the twenty-first century, geography of health has emerged as a new promising discipline independently of medical and public health geography.

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Place Memories of the Downtown 'Bonjeong-tong': the Case of Chungmu-ro.Myeongdong Area in Seoul, Korea (도시 '본정통'의 장소 기억 -충무로.명동 일대의 사례-)

  • Jeon, Jong-Han
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.48 no.3
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    • pp.433-452
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    • 2013
  • Bonjeong-tong(本町通) which was originated from Japanese place name and commercial center during Japanese colonial period speaks for downtown in the urban Korea of today. This study tries to investigate a variety of place memories that have been layered in Bonjeong-tong in the case of Chungmu-ro and Myeongdong area in Seoul, Korea. The author settles the concept of 'place memory' from the viewpoint of the discipline of human geography, and reconstructs place memories of Bonjeong-tong by three folds of layers focusing on the multilayeredness and the contestedness of place memories which have been piled up in Bonjeong-tong; 'the symbol of colonial power' vs. 'the emblem of modernization', 'the heart of monetary capitalism' vs. 'the ground of humanists and artists', 'the space of fashion' vs. 'the place of identity'. As a result, the author places emphasis on that a place like Bonjeong-tong in itself within a city is a sort of palimpsest, and suggests that therefore it is necessary to adopt a vertical approach not a horizontal one for the study on urban space in future.

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The Prediction of Health care Outcome of Total Hip Replacement Arthroplasty Patients using Charlson Comorbidity Index (Charlson Comorbidity Index를 활용한 고관절치환술 환자의 건강결과 예측)

  • Choi, Won-Ho;Yoon, Seok-Jun;Ahn, Hyeong-Sik;Kyung, Min-Ho;Kim, Kyung-Hun;Kim, Kyeong-Uoon
    • Korea Journal of Hospital Management
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.23-35
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    • 2009
  • The objectives of the present study is to examine the validity of Charlson Comorbidity Index(CCI) based on medical record data; to utilize the index to determine outcome indexes such as mortality, length of stay and cost for the domestic patients whose have received total hip arthroplasty. Based on medical record date, 1-year Mortality was analyzed to be 0.664 of C statistic. The $R^2$ for the predictability for length of stay and the cost was about 0.0181, 0.1842. Fee of national health insurance and total cost including the cost not covered by insurance, also had statistically significance above 3 points of Charlson point score(p=0.0290, 0.0472; $p.{\le}0.05$). The 1-year mortality index, length of stay and cost of the total hip arthroplasty patients which was obtained utilizing CCI have a limitative prediction power and therefore should be carefully analyzed for use.

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The Analysis of Present Condition and Utilization Planning of Closed School in Chungbuk Province (충북(忠北) 미활용(未活用) 폐교(閉校)의 실태(實態)와 활용방안(活用方案)에 대한 조사연구(調査硏究))

  • Jung, Jinju;Park, Seungryeol;Kim, Seunggeun;Choi, Hyoseung
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Rural Architecture
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.23-34
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    • 2000
  • Many primary schools that have been an important role in the community at the same time local important facility not only local area but also all area in Korea have shown a situation for closing and into grating a school because of a social and political measure. The education policy for man power training and closing policy for small scale school not more than 100 students can't role in the rural development policy, coming farming and fishing villages. The reasons for thinking some application paradigm and closing schools have been important role in the point of education and culture parts. Of course, the application paradigm for closing school facility will get accomplished for a mood of local residents and a point of cultural deference, not keeping up unconditionally for closing a school. For accomplishing versatile purposes, initiative role of the organs of local education is very important. The organs of local education have an application paradigm that closing schools are the facilities for local organs of education will plan some specific facility to be matched for local special quality and connection quality of surrounding facility and environment. Before an application paradigm of closing school, it is very important that a fundamental factor for negligence the facility will be solved. Eventually, the organs of education have a plan for technical study of this paradigm and consider keeping and mending of closing facility, rent the facility for payment or not they want, and confer money problem not an unconditional scale.

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A Study on Characteristic of the Modern Culture Space during Japanese Ruling Era of Korea (일제강점기 근대 문화공간 표현 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Keun-Hye;Oh, In-Wook
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.3-12
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    • 2008
  • Most of these cultural spaces are Western architecture which is completely unrelated to our traditional style. In Japan's colonial rule of Korea these Western formation flowed in and passed on by them. Therefore before the understanding of modem cultural space built in Japan's colonial rule of Korea, it's essential to study about the background of the western period in that time, architecture and trend of interior. Due to Great Depression and other reasons the economical modernism of architecture raised in this period. In this thesis, based on such background of period, cultural space has been divided into assembly, theatre and exhibition spaces. Those spaces were studied according to its expressional characteristics and brought to following conclusion from the analysis. The cultural spaces were created around 1930 due to an increase of demand when the modernism started to establish. Like other buildings cultural space expressed modernized elevation and space formation with ferroconcrete building. However until Japan's colonial period the cultural areas were not used for public but for Japanese authority class's social gatherings only. Consequently, unlike other buildings the classical elements that could express these characters were more used in cultural spaces especially in theater and exhibition areas. This distinctiveness didn't appear separately but according to type of rooms in one space. Once more, place like assembly space was expressed with modernism, special or recreation rooms where people pursue a comfort were expressed with decorative style. Also a special theater which was used for only one person was generally expressed with western style to represent the stem character such as power.

A study on the Energy resource in School Buildings with the Changes of Educational Facilities Standard (교육 시설기준 변화에 따른 학교건축물의 에너지원 변화에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Tae-Woo;Lee, Kang-Guk;Hong, Won-Hwa
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • v.10 no.6
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    • pp.73-80
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    • 2010
  • Since the Korean War, Korea has experienced modernization. The population increase by baby booming has asked for more space for educational facilities. In such a situation, the purpose of educational facilities was to accommodate continuously increasing students, rather than seeking for quantitative demands. In addition, in accordance with social changes, educational shifts were required. After the revision of the seventh national curriculum in education in 1997, the school buildings became varied. The design of buildings in accordance with educational curriculum has been improved, but still lack of forming comfortable environment and considering energy efficiency in school buildings. For the improvement of educational environments, educational media such as TV and computers have been provided, and energy systems, including heating and cooling systems, has been continuously increased. As a result, it appeared that energy use in school buildings and facilities has been steadily increased and that the structure of energy consumption has been also changed, especially with regard to electricity use. Living in the 21st century, human beings face global environmental issues, such as global warming, geographical climate changes, and ozone destruction that are the consequences of fossil energy use. Therefore, even in industrial areas, considering a counterplan for low energy use is being paid attention. Starting with Kyoto Protocol in 1992, people try to decrease carbon dioxide and to develop alternative energies (i.e. natural energy); for example, solar energy, wind force, terrestrial heat, and water power. Advanced countries already set up a criterion for $CO_2$ decrease ranging from office buildings to residential houses and also propose alternatives for the $CO_2$ decrease. However, there is no such a plan for low energy use and $CO_2$ decrease in school facilities, and any research on the actual conditions was not accomplished. Thus, this study examines energy demand in classrooms that take up a large portion of energy demand in school building structure.

The Significance and Influence of an Addition on the Abalone Transaction (전복의 거래에 있어 덤의 의미와 영향)

  • Lee, Nam-Su;Park, Eun-Young
    • The Journal of Fisheries Business Administration
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    • v.41 no.3
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    • pp.79-102
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    • 2010
  • Abalone is a primary commodity that is almost traded as live fishes. So the application of 'addition' is common in local transaction of abalone. Nevertheless, an excessive application of addition leads to some social problems. The abalone industry is one of the most rapidly growing industry in fisheries. This growth is caused by propagation of sea cage and mechanization of feeding. As a result, the abalone distributers are increased. However, the distributers have great bargaining power, so they sometimes claim excessive addition rates to aquacultural abalone producers. Difference in fitted level of the addition rates between distributers and producers cause some problems as an aversion to shipping of abalone. Also, the words about addition have not clear definition yet. So many related terminologies, for example, addition, deviation, and loss, those have different meaning are in used. And unfortunately many industry insiders use the words, 'addition', mixed with other related terminologies on transaction. The main objective of this study is to clearly define addition's meaning on the abalone transaction and to analyze the correlations between the addition and the abalone prices, outputs, and exports. Analysis results show addition negatively affects abalone prices and outputs. Furthermore, addition contributes to abalone exports negatively contrary to expectation. Such results can provide information that 'stabilization of supply and price of abalone' is realistically better method than 'increasing of additional rates' to expand abalone exports. Negative correlations between variables tell that a dictionary definition of addition, a free as seller's benevolence, is divorced from reality of abalone industry. Therefore "Loss", that means preservation in unintentional loss of abalone objects, is more suitable than "Addition" on abalone transaction.