• Title/Summary/Keyword: Social Power

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Shmuel N. Eisenstadt and the Comparative Political History of Pre-Eighteenth-Century Empires

  • De WEERDT, Hilde
    • Asian review of World Histories
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.133-163
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    • 2016
  • This essay critically analyses the legacy of Eisenstadt's The Political Systems of Empires for the comparative political history of pre-industrial empires. It argues that Eisenstadt has given us a rich toolkit to conceptualize the formation, maintenance, and dissolution of empires by theorizing the structural relationships between social groups in large-scale polities and among such polities, and by analysing global patterns of development in the distribution of the sources of social power. The Political Systems of Empires provides an inventory of key questions and dynamics that a comparative history of power relationships in empires cannot ignore. This essay, furthermore, discusses three methodological problems in Eisenstadt's work which have had a significant impact on comparative empire studies between the 1980s and the 2000s. The essay argues that certain shared features of comparative studies of pre-industrial empires help perpetuate Eurocentric analyses: the foregrounding of select empires and periods as ideal types (typicality), the focus on macro-historical structures and dynamics without the integration of social relationships and actions in historical conjunctures (the lack of scalability), and the search for convergence and divergence. These features need to be overcome to make Eisenstadt's legacy viable for comparative political history.

A Study on the Status and Prospects of Korean Female Travelers in Outbound Travel Market from Service Trade Point of View

  • Seo, Hyun;Kim, Kyung-Han
    • International Commerce and Information Review
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.437-453
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    • 2006
  • Services could move over the world where they want to go. Especially, travel services shared 29.4 percent of total world exports, 625 billion dollars in 2004 (WTO, 2005). Tourism is a very important sector in service trade in the world. Of developing countries, Korea has been experiencing remarkable development in female outbound travel market since the complete liberalization on overseas travels in 1989, with about 3.85 million travelers in 2005, 2,000 percent growth rate over 1988. It means woman's social status has been increasing in Korea. Especially, in the study young housekeepers, solely office ladies, and college students were described as very important market segments in Korean woman outbound travel market. They were not only major decision makers, but also executors because of both enough economic power and social status improvement on small sized family. This study indicated that woman outbound travel market gets larger because their buying power and status are going to go improved in Korean social system. It is recommended that marketers be worth watching Korean woman travellers as a major target market through continuos observation and analysis.

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Research Trend Analysis for Smart Grid using Social Network Analysis (사회연결망분석을 활용한 스마트그리드 연구동향 분석)

  • Na, Sang-Tae;Ahn, Joo-Eon;Jung, Min-Ho;Kim, Ja-Hee
    • The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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    • v.66 no.12
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    • pp.1697-1704
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    • 2017
  • As the power grid has been changed to a smart grid, existing power technologies are evolving into convergence technology through interdisciplinary research. According to the government policy to increase the proportion of renewable energy to 20% by 2030, the speed seems to be accelerating. This study analyzes the relationship between research technologies in order to grasp research trends of smart grid technology. To this end, we analyze the relationship between keywords extracted from topic modeling using social network analysis methodology. This is because, in the field where interdisciplinary research such as smart grid is active, each research topic is not independent, but research technologies emerging in one topic coexist in different topics, and linkage between research technologies can be important information. Therefore, this study can contribute to the analysis of research trend as it can be used as a package tool together with a topic modeling methodology.

A Comparative Study on the Cognitive Function of the Elderly with Normal and Mild Cognitive Disabilities

  • Se-Hui KIM;Eun-sol JOO;Eun-ju OH
    • Journal of Wellbeing Management and Applied Psychology
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    • v.7 no.5
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    • pp.63-72
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    • 2024
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study is to compare and analyze the differences in general characteristics (gender, age, educational background, presence of spouse, alcohol consumption) and cognitive function between elderly individuals aged 65 or older with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) in Buan, Jeollabuk-do. Research design, data and methodology: This study evaluated cognitive function among 345 elderly participants using K-MOCA. Data were collected from July 10, 2024 to Aug. 10, 2024. Results: The analysis revealed statistically significant differences between the elderly with MCI and those with normal cognitive function, particularly in age and education level. Those in their 70s or older and individuals with less than a university education were at a higher risk of MCI. Sub-item analysis of K-MOCA showed significant cognitive function differences in areas such as spatial execution ability, vocabulary, attention, sensitive power, delayed recall, and sentence power, with MCI patients performing worse than the normal group. Conclusions: This study highlights the importance of demographic factors such as age, education, cohabitation with a spouse, and alcohol consumption in the cognitive health of the elderly. These findings emphasize the need for early diagnostic tools, such as K-MOCA, to identify at-risk individuals and intervene early to prevent progression to dementia

Application and Utilization of Social Network Resource: Concentrated on Changes of Spatial Meaning (소셜 네트워크 리소스(Social Network Resource)의 적용과 활용 -공간적 의미의 변화를 중심으로-)

  • Lee, Byung-Min
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.50-70
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    • 2013
  • The creation of new economic paradigm shift in creative economy age have influence on the characteristics of social networks and space, it leads to the formation of new relationship in space depending on social network service development. In this paper, it gives a name to 'social network resource' the power affecting these features and to find the meaning of spatial changes in the economic geography perspectives. 'Social network resource' shows the characteristics of openness, sharing, participation and cooperation, with features of encompassing all the features of local and global characteristics in space. This features are related the meaning of 'trans-locality' and can be found in the case of 'WikiSeoul.com (http:/www.wikiseoul.com)', Seoul's social knowledge sharing web platform. In particular, physical resources, human resources, information resources, and the characteristics of the relationship as a resource features was found and these features appear in space is projected to the space of social relations, it reflects the characteristics of qualitative space regarding social network resource.

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Career Women's Perception of Social Attractiveness and Appearance Management Behavior (직장 여성의 사회적 매력에 대한 인식과 외모 관리 행동 연구)

  • Goeun Lee;Yoon-Jung Lee;Minsun Lee;Jung-Sun Hwang
    • Human Ecology Research
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    • v.61 no.1
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    • pp.155-168
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    • 2023
  • This study focused on working women's perceptions of social attractiveness and their appearance management behavior. Social attractiveness is defined as individuals' achieved attractiveness which can be expressed through social expressive power or social skills rather than innate physical appearance. This study was empirically conducted through questionnaires distributed to 200 working women in South Korea. According to the results, the participants recognized four factors constituting social attractiveness: physical appearance management, business manners, social skills, and sexual attractiveness. When they were asked to assess themselves on the same measures, these characteristics were further classified into six factors: business manners, feminine attractiveness, fashion sense, sociability, communication skills, and active appearance management. Their self-perceived social attractiveness was found to be influenced by all these factors in the order of feminine attractiveness, business manners, sociability, communication skills. Based on the self-presentation tendencies, the participants were classified into various groups, including the passive management group, daily life-oriented management group, work-oriented management group, neutral group, and active management group. The relative importance of the social attractiveness components was found to differ by group, although working women in all groups rated weight management higher than appearance management behavior. This study has implications in that it facilitates an understanding of the concept of social attractiveness and also provides a foundation base in terms of beauty consulting and marketing for working women to improve their social attractiveness.

Development of Supply Capability Calculation and Prediction Technology for Generator (발전기 공급능력 산정 및 예측 기술개발)

  • Kim, Euihwan;An, Youngmo;Hong, Eunkee
    • KEPCO Journal on Electric Power and Energy
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    • v.2 no.3
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    • pp.425-431
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    • 2016
  • Supply Capability of the generator, if the maximum demand occurs, refers to the maximum power that can be stably supplied and it is possible to maintain stable power supply to be greater than actual load. However, unexpected power demand and reduction in supply Capability due to stop of unexpected generator in operation can temporarily make a big chaos in power system. In fact, due to a lack of power supply Capability in the country, enforced emergency load adjustment to the September 15, 2011, the circulation power outage has occurred in several cities. As the result, interrupted operation of the elevator and stopped hospital medical equipment led to a great deal of trouble to people's lives, causing a social problem. At that time, it was found that a failed frequency control because of smaller actual supply Capability than that of predicted. The difference was about 1,170 MW with Gas turbine power plant. By accurately calculating the generator supply capability, we can not only grasp the power reserve rate, but also correspond to the time of power supply instability.

Social welfare according to the Price elasticity of electric market participants (시장참여자의 가격탄력성에 따른 사회적 이득에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Tae-Ho;Kim, Jin-O;Choi, Joon-Young
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2000.07a
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    • pp.379-381
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    • 2000
  • In the new electric industry, many of generators and consumers exist in competitive market and electric price is determined by the response of suppliers and consumers. Power supply and consumption make change the electric price and social welfare depends on the elasticity that indicates sensitivity to changes of price related on the electric demand or supply. If elasticity is changed, social welfare that represents the sum of producers and customers surplus will be changed together. This paper investigates the change of the social welfare depending on the elasticity, and presents the propriety of competitive electric market.

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The Development and Characteristics of the Environment-friendly Agricultural Policy in Korea (우리나라 친환경농업정책의 전개과정과 성격)

  • Jeong Eun-Mee
    • Korean Journal of Organic Agriculture
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.117-137
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    • 2006
  • Environment-friendly(EF) agricultural policy developed to support high-quality farm products, such as organic farm products, doing so for the sake of strengthening the competitive power of Korean agriculture after the agreement of UR. The details of the policy are as follows : enforcing certification of organic farm products, establishing of the Law of Fostering the EF agriculture, carrying out the order of direct-payment, setting up the Five Year Plan for EF agriculture, etc. This study focuses on the background of social economy, the standpoint of EF farming in agricultural policy, and the analysis of the characteristics in EF agriculture. Three aspects in the background of the policy are as follows : the social movement, the social economy, and the social system. The standpoint and characteristics of the policy are studied by the analysis of the target and means of the policy which is based on the policy documents.

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A Study on the Types and Processes of Information Production In Online Communities

  • Kim, Young-Mi;Koh, Chan
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2011
  • The power of the internet community as a social network exerts great influence on all areas of our society not only on knowledge creation and knowledge sharing but also on politics, economy, and culture. This study aims to investigate how the diffusion process of information evolves on the internet in the new environment. The focus of the study is particularly on aspects of using information and the process of information production and the types and methods of online communities. It is the goal of the study to clarify aspects of the online community as an important mediator among universal means of communication in our society. Ways of social communication are changing rapidly and thus the reasoning for this change is very important policy issues to form a social consensus.