• Title/Summary/Keyword: Social Power

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Social Power Effects in the Luxury Brand Commerce

  • Juran KIM;Seungmook KANG
    • The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business
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    • v.15 no.10
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    • pp.9-16
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    • 2024
  • Purpose: This study aims to examine the effects of social power of streamers and social capital on purchase intention in the luxury brand commerce context. Research design, data and methodology: A survey was used to explore key questions about the relationships between social power of streamers, social capital, attitude, and intention to purchase luxury brands in the luxury brand commerce. Through a comprehensive examination of social power of streamers -including expert, legitimate, referent, and reward dimensions-and social capital, this research reveals how these factors influence consumer attitudes and purchase intentions in the context of luxury brand commerce. Results: The findings indicate that social power significantly enhances social capital, which in turn affects consumers' positive attitudes toward luxury brands and their intentions to purchase in the luxury brand commerce context. The study uncovers that both social power and social capital are essential in influencing attitude and driving purchase behavior in the context of the luxury brand commerce, particularly for luxury brands. The study's results offer valuable insights for luxury brand managers, highlighting the importance of selecting influencers in the luxury brand commerce who not only own strong social power but also have cultivated considerable social capital. Conclusions: This research contributes to the theoretical foundation of luxury brand commerce and provides practical implications for enhancing luxury brand strategies in the digital marketplace.

The Who and What of Children Who Use Negative Social Power : An Ethnographic Study (유아들의 사회적 힘의 부정적 사용 양상 및 특성)

  • Park, Sung Joo;Hong, Yong Hee
    • Korean Journal of Child Studies
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    • v.23 no.5
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    • pp.105-121
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    • 2002
  • This ethnographic study investigated aspects of negative social power in 4-year-old children and characteristics of the children who use it. The negative use of social power included taking the possessions of peers without permission, ignoring classroom rules, controlling, rejecting, and threatening others. Most children who abused social power behaved as controllers and were popular children or had a following within the group. They were physically superior to peers, of competitive disposition, and had a well-developed capacity for verbal expression; they were self-centered and had a high level of cognitive ability. Further areas for ethnographic research into the nature of the negative use of social power in young children include training in perspective taking, age differences, and factors that contribute to the development of negative social power in young children.

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The Effect of Mothers' Reactions to Children's Negative Emotions on the Children's Social Power: The Mediating Effect of Children's Emotional Regulation Ability (유아의 부정적 정서표현에 대한 어머니의 반응이 유아의 사회적 힘에 미치는 영향: 유아의 정서조절 능력의 매개효과)

  • Han, Sae-Young;Cho, In-Young;Han, Ah-Reum
    • Korean Journal of Childcare and Education
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 2019
  • Objective: This study examined the effects of mothers' reactions to children's negative emotions on the children's social power through children's emotional regulation ability. Methods: A total of 339 four-year and five- year old preschoolers, and their mother and teachers in Seoul and Gyeongi participated in the study. Data were analyzed by path analysis using AMOS 21.0 program. Results: The results were as follows: First, mothers' reactions to children's negative emotions were significantly related to children's emotional regulation ability and social power. Also, children's emotional regulation ability was significantly associated with children's social power. Second, mothers' reactions to children's negative emotions had indirect effects on social power - prosocial leadership and social dominance-through children's emotional regulation ability. Conclusion/Implications: The results of this study revealed the mediating role of children's emotional regulation ability between mothers' reactions to children's negative emotions and children's social power. Also, these findings will be helpful in order to understand children's social power and to develop parent education programs.


  • Tan, Zhongfu;Chen, Guangjuan;Li, Xiaojun
    • Journal of applied mathematics & informatics
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    • v.26 no.1_2
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    • pp.337-347
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    • 2008
  • Based on social welfare maximum theory, the optimal scale of power plants entering generation power market being is researched. A static non-cooperative game model for short-term optimization of power plants with different cost is presented. And the equilibrium solutions and the total social welfare are obtained. According to principle of maximum social welfare selection, the optimization model is solved, optimal number of power plants entering the market is determined. The optimization results can not only increase the customer surplus and improve power production efficiency, but also sustain normal profits of power plants and scale economy of power production, and the waste of resource can also be avoided. At last, case results show that the proposed model is efficient.

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Social Welfare as an Apparatus of Power : A Critique on 'Empowerment' from the Foucault's Theory of Power (권력의 장치로서의 사회복지 : 푸코의 권력이론에 입각한 '권한부여' 비판)

  • Lee, Hyuk-Koo
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.43
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    • pp.328-357
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    • 2000
  • From Foucault's Perspective of power, this study is trying to illuminate the characteristics and limitations of 'empowerment' which is widely accepted as a central value and practice skill of social work. Notwithstanding the superficial consensus on the empowerment, the author shows that it is a confusing concept with contrasting expectations and conflicting methodologies or only a wishful rhetorical jargon. Furthermore, he argues that the empowerment is not just a value-free intervention skill working outside the ruling power but a ruling-discourse or power-mechanism of a liberal society which makes citizens responsible voluntarily. For a theoretical background for these arguments, the 2nd chapter reviews Foucault's theory of power. The 1st part of the 3rd chapter summarizes the historical background of empowerment practice and its methodological characteristics and meanings, the 2nd part reviews the existing critics on the conceptual and practical limitations of empowerment, and the last part reveals, based upon Foucault's theory of power, that the empowerment is a typical mode of ruling power in liberal societies. The author expects that this study may warn the moral and intellectual superiority complex of social work discourse and help stimulate the ethical sensibility and responsibility in social work practice.

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Relations between Conjugal Power and Violence according to Social Class (사회계층에 따른 부부의 권력과 폭력과의 관계)

  • 전춘애
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.133-146
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    • 1989
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the differences of conjugal power type and conjugal violence level according to social class. This study was also intended to examine the relations between conjugal power type and conjugal violence level. The subjects of this study were 492 high school students in Seoul. Conjugal power was measured with used to measure the conjugal violence level. For the statistical analysis of data, x2-test, Pearson's r, F-test, Duncan's Multiple Range Test and Cronbach's α for reliability were performed. The major results of this study were summarized as follows; 1. There were significant differences according to social class in conjugal power type: The higher social class of the family, the more Syncratic Type were found. And the lower social class of the family, the more Wife Dominant Type were found. 2. There were significant differences according to social class in conjugla violence level: Couples of the lowest class appeared to be more verbal aggression and physical violence. 3. The most severe Husband-to-Wife verbal aggression and physical violence were appeared when the conjugal power type is either Husband Dominant Type or Wife Dominant Type.

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A Study on Power Dressing in Socio-culture (파워드레싱(Power Dressing)에 대한 사회문화적 연구)

  • Chung, Mee-Hye
    • Journal of the Korea Fashion and Costume Design Association
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.31-45
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    • 2013
  • Fashion appears as a similar sense of form in a regularly cyclical way. The part highlighted in the female body also becomes that way. The social and cultural problem of fashion is also a matter about the selection of a wearer on how to wear in what environment. Power dressing means an attire that makes you feel dignity, intelligence or power and an attire that is needed to succeed in the business society. It is based on the fact that women started wearing tailored suits that were regarded as the exclusive item of men as the women's social activity was actively progressing. The purpose of the study is to analyze the problem of styles in the social and cultural perspectives. The power dressing was repeatedly appeared in 1930s, 1980s and 2000s. Therefore, this study collected photo data and literature documents to analyze and compare shoulders represented during these three periods, and to examine what social cultural environment was operated for each period and how the designers of each period expressed with clothes. Power dressing is characterized by the use of shoulder pad for the first time for 1930s, the extended shoulder for 1980s and the design the extended shoulder with the more decorative method for 2000s. Power dressing has been utilized as women's gain and improvement of social status, flaunting of economical status and a symbol of individuality and identity.

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Railway Governance and Power Structure in China

  • Lee, Jinjing
    • International Journal of Railway
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    • v.1 no.4
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    • pp.129-133
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    • 2008
  • Over the last $15{\sim}20$years, many countries have adopted policies of railway privatization to keep up with increasing competition from road and air transport. Although each country and case has its own history, market characteristics, political context as well as administrative process, railway privatizations (including railway restructure, concession etc.) in the west usually are accompanied with the establishment of new regulatory regimes. Therefore, railway governance has been innovating towards an interaction of government, regulator, industry bodies, user groups, trade unions and other interested groups within the regulatory framework. However, it is not the case in China. Although China had seen a partial privatization in some branch lines and is experiencing a much larger-scale privatization by establishing joint-ventures to build and operate high-speed passenger lines and implementing an asset-based securitization program, administrative control still occupies absolutely dominant position in the railway governance in China. Ministry of Railway (MOR) acts as the administrator, operator as well as regulator. There is no national policy that clearly positions railway in the transportation network and clarifies the role of government in railway development. There is also little participation from interested groups in the railway policy making, pricing, service standard or safety matter. Railway in China is solely governed by the mere executive agency. Efficiency-focused economic perspective explanation is far from satisfaction. A wider research perspective from political and social regime is of great potential to better explain and solve the problem. In the west, separation and constrains of power had long been established as a fundamental rule. In addition to internal separation of political power(legislation, execution and jurisdiction), rise of corporation in the 19th century and association revolution in the 20th century greatly fostered the growth of economic and social power. Therefore, political, social and economic organizations cooperate and compete with each other, which leads to a balanced and resonable power structure. While in China, political power, mainly party-controlled administrative power has been keeping a dominated position since the time of plan economy. Although the economic reform promoted the growth of economic power of enterprises, it is still not strong enough to compete with political power. Furthermore, under rigid political control, social organizations usually are affiliated to government, independent social power is still too weak to function. So, duo to the limited and slow reform in political and social regime in China, there is an unbalanced power structure within which political power is dominant, economic power expanding while social power still absent. Totally different power structure in China determines the fundamental institutional environment of her railway privatization and governance. It is expected that the exploration of who act behind railway governance and their acting strength (a power theory) will present us a better picture of railway governance as a relevant transportation mode. The paper first examines the railway governance in China and preliminarily establishes a linkage between railway governance and its fundamental institutional environment, i.e. power structure in a specific country. Secondly, the reason why there is no national policy in China is explored in the view of political power. In China, legislative power is more symbolic while party-controlled administrative power dominates political process and plays a fundamental role in Chinese railway governance. And then, in the part three railway finance reform is analyzed in the view of economic power, esp. the relationship of political power and economic power.

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Reducing Plan of Environmental and Social Conflicts for Tidal Power Plant through the Analysis of Environmental Impact (조력발전사업에서의 환경적 영향 분석을 통한 환경·사회적 갈등 저감방안)

  • Ahn, Se Woong;Lee, Hi Sun
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.789-799
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    • 2012
  • The major causes of environmental and social conflicts were analyzed through the samples of the construction and the management for tidal power plant abroad and inland. Based on the results, the eco-friendly and socially acceptable policy instruments for decreasing the scope and intensity of the conflicts were explored. Regarding environment issues, it was found that the tidal power project resulted in decreasing in tidal range and area of intertidal zone and in damaging to tidal flat and wetland conservation area. Also there are the characteristic change of tidal current and biological effect, etc. The major environmental and social conflicts were resulted from the distrust of environmental results to environmental impact assessment and prior environmental review and the distrust of project feasibility study, and insufficient activities of public participation. In this study, introduction to joint fact-finding(JFF) was reviewed as the measure of minimizing environmental and social conflicts.

Analyzing the Power Relationships in Mathematics Classroom

  • Zhang Xiaogui
    • Research in Mathematical Education
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    • v.9 no.2 s.22
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    • pp.115-124
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    • 2005
  • Traditional mathematics education research is based on mathematics and psychology, but its function is limited. In the end of the 1980's, the social research of mathematics education appeared. The research views are from sociology, anthropology, and cultural psychology, and then it is an exterior research. The social research considers the relations, power, situation, context, etc. This paper analyzes the power relationship in mathematics classroom. Firstly, the power is defined. The meaning of the power is the foundation of this paper. Secondly, the power relationships in mathematics classroom are analyzed. The traditional mathematics classroom and collaborative learning classroom are considered. Thirdly, the paper analyzes the power resources and finds the some important factors that affect the power distribution.

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