• Title/Summary/Keyword: Social Interaction

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Factors Affecting the Nursing Intention of Nurses for AIDS Patients (AIDS 환자 간호의도에 영향을 미치는 요인)

  • Yang, Seung Ae
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.11 no.12
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    • pp.673-683
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    • 2013
  • Purpose : This study aimed to examine the causal relationships among knowledge, stigma prejudice, attitude, social interaction which are factors affecting the Nursing Intention for AIDS patients. Method : Data were collected from June 20 to August 10, 2012, 268 nurses in general hospital located in and outside of Seoul, who were selected using convenience sampling. For hypothesis testing, the collected data were analyzed using AMOS 19. Results : Analysis of the path coefficients in this study showed that 41% of the variation in Nursing Intention could be explained by variation in the model. Social Interaction and Attitude directly affected the Nursing Intention. Social Interaction was found to be the most important predictive factor to explain Nursing Intention. Conclusion : This study found that there are need to increase possibility of social interaction and make positive changes in attitude toward AIDS patient care in order to improve Nursing Intention.

A Study for Investigating Predictors of AIDS and Patients Care Intention Among Nursing Students (간호학생들의 에이즈 환자 간호의도에 영향을 미치는 요인)

  • 이종경
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.292-303
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of the study was to find out the level of knowledge, attitude, subjective norm, social interaction, and behavioral intention of nursing students regarding AIDS. It also identified factors that predict behavioral intentions and to provide care for patients with AIDS using Theory of Reasoned Action. The subjects consisted of 117 nursing students at three universities. Data was collected with self reporting in a questionnaire of with 67 items. Data was analyzed by an SPSS pc+ program. The results were as follows; 1. The mean age of the subjects was 20.98 years. The mean score for HIV/AIDS knowledge was 24.444 out of 32. Mostly Korean students were quite knowledgeable about the basic facts and symptoms of AIDS but confused about the made of transmission such as public toilets, prevention methods, and especially infection control. 2. This study found that social interaction, attitudes and subjective norms of Korean nursing students explained the intention to care for AIDS patients. The students who had a more positive attitude toward caring for AIDS patients and those who perceived more support from their significant others for caring the AIDS patients reported a more positive intention to care for AIDS patients. 3. In stepwise multiple regression analysis, 47.58% of the variance in AIDS patient care intention was accounted for by social interaction (33.41%), attitude (9.1%), and subjective norm (5.0 %). According to the finding of this study, and social interaction are the most significant predictors of intentions. Therefore it can be suggested that a HIV/AIDS prevention program should focus on transmission modes and prevention methods, especially in infection control. AIDS education efforts aimed at nursing students should place greater emphasis on correcting these kinds of misconceptions. Nursing intenvention for reducing fear of contagion, improving perception of social interaction, fostering positive attitudes and increasing intention to care for AIDS patients should be provided for nursing students. They also recommended that nursing students be adequately prepared to care for AIDS patients because of the increasing probability that they will encounter AIDS patients. Therefore it is important that education about HIV/AIDS should be incorporated within current undergraduate curriculum.

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Analysis of multi-dimensional interaction among SNS users (Analysis of multi-dimensional interaction among SNS users)

  • Lee, Kyung-Min;Namgoong, Hyun;Kim, Eung-Hee;Lee, Kang-Yong;Kim, Hong-Gee
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.113-122
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    • 2011
  • Social Network Service(SNS) has become a hot trend as a web service which helps users construct social relationships in the web and enables online communication. The information about user activities and behaviors obtained from the SNSs is expected to be an useful knowledge source for other services such as recommendation services. Most of previous researches on SNS rely on analyzing overall network topology and surveying the activities in a one-dimensional aspect. This paper propose a system for measuring multi-dimensional interaction through the activities in a SNS. The proposed system delivers an unified profile (consisting of profile and multi-dimension interaction) model from user-activities in Twitter.com. At the experimental section, some meaningful perspectives on a set of the unified profiles are described.

Attributes of Social Networking Services : A Classification and Comparison (소셜 네트워크 서비스의 속성 : 분류와 비교)

  • Sohn, Jeong Woong;Kim, Jin Ki
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.41 no.1
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    • pp.24-38
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    • 2018
  • Since a social networking service (SNS) isconsidered as an effective means to communicate and interact with customers, companies are trying to utilize SNS effectively. There is a lack of theory relating to the attributes of SNS. This study aims to investigate the attributes of SNS to classify SNS. Based on the social network theory, and previous studies on internet, blog, homepage, communication attributes, this study proposes the seven attributes to classify SNS: interaction, communication, entertainment, information, sharing, intimacy and connection. A pre-test, a pilot test and a main test are conducted. In the main test, 239 SNS users are participated. Through a factor analysis this study verifies the seven attributes of SNS. An analysis of variance with multiple comparisons of $Scheff{\acute{e}}$ method identifies that three attributes, interaction, communication and connection, are found to play significant roles to differentiate SNS. Looking at the overall mean values of the SNS by attribute, interaction, sharing, entertainment, intimacy and communication were relatively high in Facebook. Facebook showed higher values in attributes of interaction, sharing, entertainment, intimacy and communication. Twitter shows the relatively high scores for information and connection. Regarding interaction, Facebook shows higher scores than Twitter and Cyworld. For connection, Cyworld showed a significantly lower score than Twitter and Facebook. Cyworld was separated from the others in the light of communication. Cyworld is relatively weak in communication as it is limited to the message exchanges. The results will help in identifying major attributes for each SNS and classifying SNS.

Effects of Group Programs on Social Interaction and Satisfaction of Performance Activities in Chronic Stroke (그룹 활동 프로그램이 만성 뇌졸중 환자의 사회적 상호작용과 활동 수행 만족도에 미치는 영향)

  • Hyun, Choi-Ji;Bak, Ah-Ream
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.13 no.8
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    • pp.573-581
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    • 2019
  • This study was to investigate the effects of group program on interactions and activity performance and among chronic stroke patients living in the community. This study was performed on 8 chronic stroke patients living in the community for 40 weeks for group program once a week for 60 minutes. group programs consisted of gross motor, fine motor, and cognitive activities that led to interactions among group members. Results were assessed by using the Social Interaction Anxiety Scale(SIAS) and Canadian Occupational Performance Measure(COPM), and evaluation of the task performance and social interaction was conducted. There was statistically significant decrease in social interaction anxiety level of subjects after group program intervention and statistically significant improvement in task performance. In addition, all of the subjects showed positive satisfaction with the program after the intervention. group program provided by the to chronic stroke patients living in the community is a approach that enhances the interacts with the members, task performance of the subjects and helps them design a meaningful life.

The Roles of Social Competence and Outcome Expectancy in Predicting Communication Activities on Social Networking Sites

  • Jang, Kyungeun;Lee, Sang Yup
    • International Journal of Contents
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.21-33
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    • 2022
  • Previous research has provided inconsistent findings as to whether socially (in)competent individuals benefit from social networking sites (SNSs) use. Based on the rich-get-richer model, some studies have shown that socially competent individuals expand their existing networks even further via SNSs use. Based on the poor-get-richer model, other studies have shown that those with poor social skills can achieve beneficiary outcomes from SNSs use by overcoming their deficient social resources of offline environments. The present study is devised to add evidence regarding how and why social skills are related to SNSs use. To this end, we tested the relationships between social competence and three types of Facebook communication activities: interaction, self-presentation, and passive observation. Further, drawing on the social cognitive theory, the mediating role of outcome expectancy in the relationship between social competence and Facebook communication activities was examined. Using an online survey in South Korea (N = 708), it was found that individuals with higher social competence were more likely than those with lower social competence to engage in interaction, self-presentation, passive observation on Facebook. Moreover, these relationships were mediated by outcome expectancy that the desired social outcomes could be achieved as a result of Facebook use.

The Effects of Interactive Instrument Playing Program on Social Interaction of Adults With Autism Spectrum Disorder (상호적 악기 연주 프로그램이 자폐범주성장애 성인의 사회적 상호작용 기능 향상에 미치는 효과)

  • Cho, Soo Jin
    • Journal of Music and Human Behavior
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.89-110
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    • 2016
  • This study examined the effect of an interactive instrument playing program on the social interaction of adults with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). A single subject design with multiple baselines across participants was applied, and three adults with severe ASD in their late 20s living at a group home participated in this study. Participants received a total of 25 group sessions. During the intervention, participants engaged in structured instrument playing in which initiation and response to socially interactive behaviors were musically cued, and target behaviors were reinforced in the musical environment. At pre- and posttest, the frequency of initiation of and responding to social interaction behaviors were recorded and analyzed. The results of this study showed that the frequency of both initiation of, and response to, social interaction increased for all participants during the intervention phase, compared to the baseline phase. This result demonstrates that interactive instrument playing increased social behaviors of adults with ASD. It also shows that musically delivered social information can facilitate adults with ASD understanding the intention of social partners in social contexts and motivate this population to engage in social interaction.

Cognitive-Motor Interaction-Based Instrument Playing for Improving Early Social Skills of Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD 아동의 초기 사회기술 향상을 위한 인지-운동 통합 기반 악기연주 중재)

  • Yu, Hyun Kyung
    • Journal of Music and Human Behavior
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.75-97
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    • 2023
  • This study aimed to investigate the effect of cognitive-motor interaction-based instrument playing on the early social skills of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Nine children with ASD, averaging 5.6 years of age, participated in twelve individual sessions lasting 30 minutes each. The intervention comprised five stages: self-regulation, motivation to engage in social interaction, acceptance of a partner in co-playing activities, interpersonal coordination with a partner, and engagement in joint music playing. To evaluate changes in early social skills, joint attention and social interaction behaviors were observed, and the Social Responsiveness Scale (SRS-2) was administered pre- and post-intervention. Social synchronization was measured through a dyadic drum task, measuring synchronization accuracy, duration, and timing. Following the intervention, all nine children demonstrated increased early social behaviors, although there were no significant differences in SRS scores. Moreover, synchronized movement improved significantly in accuracy and maintained duration but not in reaction time. This study highlights the significance of recognizing the cognitive-motor interplay as crucial element in facilitating early social skills development in children with ASD.

A Study on the Meaning of 'Social Construction' in Mathematics Education (사회적 구성'의 수학교육적 의미에 관한 고찰)

  • 홍진곤
    • The Mathematical Education
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    • v.41 no.3
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    • pp.329-339
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    • 2002
  • This study analyzes the epistemological meaning of‘social construction’in mathematical instruction. The perspective that consider the cognition of mathematical concept as a social construction is explained by a cyclic scheme of an academic context and a school context. Both of the contexts require a public procedure, social conversation. However, there is a considerable difference that in the academic context it is Lakatos' ‘logic of mathematical discovery’In the school context, it is Vygotsky's‘instructional and learning interaction’. In the situation of mathematics education, the‘society’which has an influence on learner's cognition does not only mean‘collective members’, but‘form of life’which is constituted by the activity with purposes, language, discourse, etc. Teachers have to play a central role that guide and coordinate the educational process involving interactions with learners in this context. We can get useful suggestions to mathematics education through this consideration of the social contexts and levels to form didactical situations of mathematics.

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Determinants of the Knowledge Combinative Capability Based on Social Capital Theory (사회적 자본의 관점에서 본 결합능력의 형성요인 -특허청 사례를 중심으로-)

  • Park, Rhoyun
    • Knowledge Management Research
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.67-98
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    • 2004
  • New knowledge is created through the dynamic interaction of knowledge that depends largely on a social context within the organization. Social processes influence the nature of knowledge and learning. This paper is rooted in the concept of social capital. Social capital theory emphasizes the importance of social relationship. Using social capital theory, this paper suggests three factors that must be satisfied for the development of knowledge combinative capability. The first factor is that the opportunity exists to make the exchange or combination of knowledge. The second factor is that people is motivated for the creation of new knowledge. The third factor is that people must share the common knowledge. This paper examines the change case of KIPO (Korean Intellectual Property Office). This case provides evidence that the three factors can develop social relationship, and build knowledge combinative capability. The man finding from this research is that social factors play an important part in the creation of knowledge, and processes of knowledge exchange and combination heavily rely upon social patterns, practices and processes in ways which emphasize the value and importance of collective action and knowledge sharing. This research may have several implications for the development of the knowledge creation mechanisms.

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